Title: All I Can Think Of
Author: Angel Marie
Rated: NC-17
Email: SoulfulVamped@aol.com or AngelMac16@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them... but not the story, I do! ::smile::
Author's Note: yes, I still have this name, but as I'm visiting family I have
been given an AOL s/n fro this place. So, I'll be checking AngelMac16 and
sending from that more. this is probably the last chapter I send through this
email for a while but I will be back to this after a while.
Part: 11

The sun was starting to rise and Angel had just checked into a motel for the
two of them. Willow had gotten mad after walking out of the office door
because of the manager's "look" and Angel was trying to calm her down.

"I can't believe that guy! A young looking guy taking a young looking girl
into a hotel room and automatically they think sex."

"I'm sorry that they didn't have any more two bed suits. I'll take the
couch," he commented, trying to change the subject."

"No. No, you won't. You and I are going to sleep together."

"Excuse me?" he asked in bewilderment.

"We are going to prove a woman and a man can sleep together and not have sex."

"Oh! You meant," he looked at her then to the room door they just had
approached. "Look at that. Our room." He started to open the door.

"What did you think I meant?" she grabbed the door and had her arm in the way
so he couldn't get in.

"Sun's rising." She moved her arm. Tossing the door closed, she asked the
question again.

"I misunderstood you, Willow. Lets just leave it at that." He set his bag on
the chair and took off his jacket. Willow pulled the blinds and set her bag
on the other chair. "Lets just get some sleep before we have to leave to find
this inscription key."

"Angel?" Willow asked, plopping down on the bed end.

"Hmm?" he asked, unbuttoning his shirt and turning towards her.

"Nothing," she turned away, starting to her bag. "I'm gonna get into
something more comfortable. I'll be right back." She pulled some cloths out
from her bag and headed for the bathroom.

Angel pulled down the covers and laid down on the bed, looking up at the
ceiling, his arms under his head. He smiled and lightly shook his head and
closed his eyes till he heard the door to the bathroom open.

Angel looked up and saw Willow with a tank top and pajama bottoms on walk out
the door. "Don't you need to?" he pointed at her and wiggle his finger.



"Oh! No, I can sleep with them in sometimes. They just bugged me the other
night." She walked over and sat on the other side of the bed, her back to
him. She turned her head over her shoulder and looked at him. "Are we
sleeping till we go to this place or just a nap?"

"I guess sleep till whenever and hang out here till we go, why?" He turned on
his side and laid on his arm.

"Well, with these dreams." She paused. "I just don't want to dream then more
than I have to."

"I understand. If you want you can go somewhere later?"

"Nah, I'll just stay here." She crawled into the bed and pulled the covers
over her while Angel rolled back onto his back. "Angel?" Willow asked.


"Do you snore?" She asked. Angel almost snorted a laugh.

"I don't know. You'd have to ask Buffy." He almost laughed out.

"That's okay. I'll find out," she half laughed, half answered. "Angel?" Angel

"Yes, Willow."

"Good morning." She smiled. Angel shook his head.

"See you tonight," he answered back. He looked up at the ceiling and stared
at the swirls on the pattern on it.

Minutes passed and he still hadn't fallen asleep. "Willow?" he asked. No
answer. "Willow?" still no answer. he turned to look at her and saw her
peaceful expression. He turned back to the ceiling and closed his eyes to

* * *

Angel woke up in a... compromising position, if you will. Willow had her arms
wrapped around his neck and head on his chest, laying to the side of him. But
that wasn't the only bit of it. She also had her leg thrown over his waist
and he was turned towards her.

Wiggling out of her embrace, Angel moved off the bed and grabbed his shirt,
starting to button it up. While he was putting it on, Willow started to stir.

"Mhh." she stretched and looked over at Angel. "What time is it?" Angel
looked at the clock beside the bed facing his way.

"6:45." He tucked his shirt in. "How'd you sleep."

"Peacefully. Perfect blank dreams roam through my head." She sat up. "How
'bout you?"

"The stuff I usually dream of. The days of Angelus." He looked up at her.
"We're gonna need to get going."

"Yeah, I'm getting changed now." She jumped up and went to the bathroom.

* * *

Angel pulled up to the address Welsey had written down. Willow looked up at
the place.

"Wow." She looked at Angel. "This it?"

"This it is." He and Willow got out of the car and walked up the steps to the
manor. Knocking on the door, they waited. The door opened and a young mid
twenties woman was standing there.

"Oww. Please say you're hear for me." She commented.

"I'm looking for Prue Halliwell and her sisters."

"Then that would be somewhat me. Come on in." She welcomed Willow and Angel
into the house "I'm Phoebe, and I'll get Prue." She jogged off for her eldest
sister, leaving Willow and Angel in the entrance.

When she returned, she came back with a woman that look just a tad older than
her but not by much with similar black hair and a tad similar facial features.

"I'm Prue Halliwell. My sister tells me you're here to see us?"

"I'm here because a friend told me you might have something I need." She
looked at him a minute.

"Um, yeah. Why don't we go sit in the living room." Phoebe stepped forward.

"I'll show you." She touched his arms and a flash of Angel going -- as
Cordelia said it -- "grr" flashed before her then back to the present.

"You okay?" Prue asked her sister.

"Um, vampire." She pointed to Angel, stepping back.

"What?!" Prue asked, stepping back with her. "What do you mean, 'vampire'?"

"I mean he's a vampire!" Prue threw her arm out and Willow and Angel slid
across the floor through the living room.

"Great! Just great, Phoebe! We're one sister short and you invite a vampire
into the manor!"

"Hey! How was I supposed to know the tall dark and handsome was a
bloodsucking fend?!"

"Try you're second word, Phoebe!" Prue looked to Willow and Angel who were
just standing.

"And they did that, why?" Willow asked.

"What would you do if you just found out someone was a vampire?" he asked,
turning to the sisters.

"You mean after scream?" Willow flew into the wall as Angel fell back as
well, falling over the couch.

"How are we gonna get rid of him?" Prue asked Phoebe.

"Move a piece of wood at him."

"And that'll do what?" Angel stood in the door way.

"Stake, heart, pouf! Remember!?" Prue went to throw out her hand when Willow
stood in the doorway and lowered her head, concentrating and moving the
sisters quickly to the side.

"And a witch, Phoebe?!" Prue yelled at her as they stood.

"I didn't know!" She yelled back in defense.

"Will you two hold on!?" Willow yelled. Prue and Phoebe stood their ground
and stopped as Willow and Angel did the same. "Thank you." She sighed. "we're
not here to hurt you. Angel's a good vampire with a soul. We just need some
information and then we're gone."

"What information?" Prue asked.

"A friend of mine said you were powerful witches. You'd have resource to some
inscriptions for spell casting."

"What do you need it for?" Prue questioned again.

"A group of bad guys used the inscriptions to bring something forth in LA. We
need to know what to fight it. The ones we have are in a book and the pages
are torn. The complete key should be in you're Book of Shadows," Angel
answered. Prue looked to Phoebe.

"You've read that book from beginning to end. Is there?" She looked at Prue.

"I think so. I'll go get it." Phoebe raced up the stairs.

"So where's your other sister?" Angel asked.

"Away on business." Angel nodded his head. "How do you have your soul?"

"Gypsies." He looked at Willow. "And some help from a teen witch." Phoebe
came running down the stairs.

"Got it!" She set it out on the coffee table. "Pages did that weird turn
thing again and it was right to the inscription key."

"Hasn't done that in a while." They all sat on the couch and looked it over.

"That's them." He looked at Willow, then back at the group. "Can we get a
copy of this?"

"I'll run down to the library and make a copy." Phoebe grabbed her coat.
Angel searched his pockets and grabbed a pen and small note pad out and
scribbled something on it, handing it to Phoebe.

"Here's where we're staying. You can drop it off there when you get it." He
helped Willow up. "Thanks for your help." And the three of them left through
the doors.
