Author: Angel Marie
Email: Soulful Vamped
Title: Protector's Touch
Rated: NC-17
Disclaimer: Joss, not I

Chapter 6

Willow and Angel were down in 'the bat cave'. Buffy had left over an hour ago
and sense then Angel had taken Willow down there to show her the place and
where she would sleep.

Willow was on the couch, uncomfortable being alone with him in a place so
unfamiliar to her. The last time they had been alone together was during the
graduation ordeal while he was poisoned. He had thought she was Buffy.
Kissing her hand, moving up...

<<Bad Willow.>> she thought. <<Angel's just your friend, nothing else. He's
not interested in you. He's probably still hung up over Buffy. You saw his
eyes. The sound in his voice when he saw her. How could Angel be interested
in me?>>

Angel was sitting on the leather chair next to her and stood. He walked over
to the 'reading room' and took out a book, bringing it back in and sitting
down. He laid back, put his feet up and started to read. Willow looked up for
a moment surprised that he didn't say anything, just started to read. Then
looked down again.

Angel noticed her look up and back down and looked over, setting the book
that was in his hand onto his leg and sitting up. He looked down for a minute
then back to her. "Can I get you something?" She looked up for a moment to
meet his eyes.

"Oh, no. No, I'm fine." She looked away. She didn't hear him move, nor did
she know that he had till his arm wrapped around her. She turned in her seat,
surprising herself as she embraced him and fought back tears she'd been
holding in for the longest time sense the discovery of Soldier Riley Finn's

He rubbed her back as she held on to him tightly. She was about to say
something when they were interrupted.

"Willow?" she pulled apart from Angel and looked over. "Oh, my, God. Willow!"
She walked over and gave her a hug. "Finally, someone from Sunnydale that's
normal." Angel just scuffled a laugh and looked down as Wesley made his
presents known.

"Why are you here, Willow?"

"I um. I was being attacked and it wasn't safe for me there anymore. So Buffy
had me come here." She looked over at Angel and smiled. "I don't know how
long, but I'm sure it'll be for a while." She continued, not talking to him
directly but still looking at him as she talked. He smiled slightly and got

"Yes, well. Perhaps we could talk about it after work."


"Unfortunately, yes." He got up and headed for the weapon case.

"You stay here. We'll be back after a while." He turned to her. "Keep the
doors locked. We shouldn't be that long." With that Cordelia, Angel and
Wesley left.


Chapter 7

They were gone quite a while before they got back. Willow kept herself busy,
wandering through the rooms or Angel's apartment, looking at everything. She
felt strange. Not a bad strange though. This place felt naturally like her
home. Like she belonged there. Not even in her parent's house had she felt so
welcomed and free.

But was she free? Did she have the free spirit she wanted? Was she able to
walk outside the doors of Angel Investigations and saw she was safe? The
likelihood of that was slim. She really wasn't free. Always having to watch
her back, a new form of having to tell Angel where she was going before she
went. It seemed like an unfair way of life, yet she still felt as free as
possible here, in Angel's home. Strange how you live your life a certain way,
then it changes and you learn that the worst makes everything better.

She laid down on the couch, tired from all the excitement of the week. Well,
if what you call happening excitement. Her cheek rested on a plush pillow and
her arm snaked underneath it, propping it to her more. She took a deep,
easing breath and parted her lips just slightly to let it out.

Her mind tumbled through thousands of thoughts as she started to loose
herself in her sleep. Something that always happened before she fell into the
usually peaceful oblivion.

She smiled slightly at the feel of comfort she felt. She hadn't felt this
comfortable in ... well, ever. It felt nice, and it took her into her dreams.


Chapter 8

Willow was on the sofa, sleeping her peace-filled dreams. Her expression
priceless as she slept. She was in a formed comfort zone and it was quite
possible that no one could break it.

She turned lightly on her back, her head falling to the pillow a bit till she
moved it. It fell so she was looking up and yet she still slept. Angel knelt
down next to her, on one knee as she glided a finger over her cheek, starting
to caress it lightly. She moved into the though, moving her face with every
stroke he made.

He continued until he moved it to her neck and over her shoulder, adding
fingers as he went along. Once he hit her shoulders, he rose back up, giving
more touch to her as he went. He reached her cheek and chin again and placed
two finger under her chin, resting the thumb by her lips. Slowly he leaned
down, slowly and lightly kissing her lips, caressing then with the same
loving touch as he had moments before on her cheek and neck.

She reacted into the kiss, moving forward into it. Soon she felt his lips
pressing into her bottom one, urging it open. She complied, opening her mouth
little by little, letting him continue his ministrations. Soon the kiss
deepened to it's fullest extent of passion, their tongues tangling together
as they kissed.

Angel was the one to break the kiss, moving her mouth from hers around her
chin for a moment, moving to her neck and down. Willow was breathless, lost
in her dream, and awoken to this -- this heaven. So many times she had dreamt
of this and here it was. Everything tangled through her mind and her breath
sped up. Her eyes opened slowly to look at him.

// Listen as the wind blows from across the great divide,
  Voices trapped in yearning,
  Memories trapped in time,
  The night is my companion and solitude my guide,
  Would I spend forever here and not be satisfied?  //

Angel continued down her, her heart beating in his ears as he went, showing
him what he was doing to her. He continued, mesmerized by the softness of her
skin, the warmth radiating from her. Everything bundled into his mind as he
continued and then rose back to her lips, continuing his assault.

// And I will be the one to hold you down,
  Kiss you so hard,
  I'll take your breath away and after I'll wipe away the tears,
  Just close your eyes dear.  //

Neither stayed on the couch for very long. Willow sat up along the way and as
they continued the assault on one another, Willow got Angel to the floor,
kissing her own way down his neck, focusing on where the pulse point should
have been.

She moved farther down, working her way to the shirt and after every button
she undid, she wet kissed the area she had just freed. She continued till
every button was done and she separated the cloth around his chest, pushing
it out of her way. Her hands traveled over his chest, marveling at the hard
muscles that adorn it. She pushed his arms up above his head, looking up into
his eyes and then back as she moved, pulling the shirt from his arms and out
of her way. Her hands explored his muscles of his arms and back down till she
reached her sides, then back up his pecks to his abs where she lingered for
several moments, dipping her fingers into the molded folds of his defined
body. She then continued her exploration, moving her mouth back down to his
chest as she moved her hands and lips over him.

//  Through this world I stumble so many times betrayed,
  Trying to find an honest word,
  To find the truth enslaved,
  Oh you speak to me in riddles and you speak to me in rhymes,
  My body aches to breathe your breath,
  Your words keep me alive.  //

Before she knew it, they flipped. His lips came down quickly on hers, kissing
a path through her mouth not even she knew she had. He was doing things she
never thought any man could to her. Oz had been her first, only, and best
lover, but she had never thought it could ever be this good. Angel was making
her feel a way she never had, and she liked it. He knew buttons to push on
her that Oz never knew, and it was driving Willow to the brink of insanity as
he continued pressing different buttons in different orders, driving her
insane from one to the next till her body ached for something more.

He began to mimic when she had done to him, moving over her neck to her
shoulder and chest and undoing her shirt, button by button; giving each bit
of exposed flesh a feel of what the upper part of her face already had felt.
Soon her shirt was completely open, and he moved his hands over her chest to
her arms, pushing the material over her shoulders and off her arms. He
reached behind her and she automatically arched her back up for him and he
unclasped her bra, pulling the cloth behind her out and letting her back rest
back down on the floor. He pulled by the back straps up her arms, pulling the
material off her breasts, and over her so it the bra came off her arms. He
then threw it down to where her shirt lay and lightly encircled her arms,
gilding down, back to her body. His hands lightly grazed her collar bone and
he looked up at her face to see her breath heaving and her eyes glazed over
with a gaze directly on him. His eyes traveled back down to her body and
slowly his hands made their way to her breasts. He took them in his hands and
massaged them, massaging the hard nipples with his thumbs. He hen quickly
moved back closer to her, capturing her mouth in another kiss.

//  And I would be the one to hold you down,
  kiss you so hard,
  I'll take your breath away and after I'll wipe away the tears,
  Just close your eyes.  //

Willow broke the kiss, continuing her own down his chest as he hovered over
her, caressing her breasts. She felt his hands move farther down her till
they were at her jeans. She stopped her kisses and threw her head back to the
floor, washing herself in the sensation as his hands moved over her body to
her waist. He began to unbutton her jeans and she couldn't even hear the
zipper, her heart beating so loud. She gazed down to his eyes, seeing them
fixed on her and swallowed. Before she could even think of what to say, he
continued, pulling her pants down her legs, and over her bare feet, pulling
them off. She felt the soft kisses on her legs and thighs and was just about
to loose all control she may have left.

//  Into this night I wander,
  It's morning that I dread,
  Another day of knowing of the path I fear to tread.  //

His lips placed a light kiss on her sex and she practically jumped. That kiss
was followed by another and another till his lips parted and deepened into
her. His hands spread her legs a little wider and he moved his hand to her
opening, sliding first one, then two fingers into her, moving at a slow paced
rhythm in tone with the kisses he was starting to make on her clitoris.

She was in ecstasy. Pure and simple. She was getting so close to her release.
Ever thrust his fingers made she thought she was going to fall over the edge.
Until after one long, hard, and fast thrust; she did.

And that's when she jumped up from her sleep.

//  Oh into a sea of waking dreams,
  I follow without pride,
  Nothing stands between us here and I won't be denied.
  And be the one to hold you down,
  Kiss you so hard,
  I'll take your breath away and after I'll wipe away the tears,
  Just close your eyes dear...  //

Willow look around. She was still on the couch, where she'd fallen asleep ...
and dreamed the most erotic dream she had ever had ... about Angel. Oh how
was she going to live with *him*. She had just had a dream she *knew* she
would never forget about the guy she was going to be living with for a *long
time*. How was she going to ever look at him again with out thinking about it.

"Willow, we're back!" She heard Angel yell as he and walked down the stairs
from the office.

She was about to find out how.

She was still shaking from the intensity of the dream, the feel of her orgasm
still quite real to her body. She ran and hand through her hair and sat on
the edge of the seat. Angel swung into the room and looked at her.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I just fell asleep." She shook her head, trying to believe that that
was all it was herself. She stood up quickly and headed the roundabout way to
his room ... the room he had told her to take while she was there. "I'm still
a little tired. I'm gonna go lay on the bed for a while." She hurried out of
there, trying to my get too close to Angel if she could.

Before he could say anything he heard the doors to the room close and
couldn't help but let his mouth drop open at what just happened. He could
hear her heart beating wildly, he could tell she was trying to hide how her
body was shaking, and she was sweating. He turned to the couch and walk
towards it, stopping as he smelled in. Turning back to the door, he couldn't
help but smile. He shook his head and sat down, taking the book he had been
reading and continuing as she listened for any noise coming from the
apartment. She was a bigger surprise than he thought she was.
