"No bloody way witch! It's not my fault you can't keep a boyfriend.
Just because the slayer is a slut--which we already knew--and Chubs
is moron--which again we already knew—does not mean that you can drag
me to see the poofy ballerina, otherwise known as my sire." Spike
vented his feelings concerning their destination in a rather vocal
Throughout his tirade Willow had been becoming teary-eyed, she knew
he did not really intend what he said to hurt her, it did so anyway.
"Spike, just shut up! I don't need your shit right now.
I know I
can't keep a boyfriend, I do not need you to tell me. If you
do not
want to see Angel," stressing the souled-vampire's name, "then don't
come. No one asked you to come. I only asked you to help
me get out
of town. If you're going to complain, and be an all-around bastard,
don't come."
Spike was shocked at the language the delicate, innocent redhead was
spouting. "Fine, for you, I'll go see Peaches. Happy now?"
inquired, his sarcasm coming to the forefront.
"Yes. I'll call Angel when we're on our way. Right now we
have to
get to the shop, and then to my house. Let's go, I need to get
of this town."
At the Magic Shop:
As the bell rang announcing their entrance to the shop Willow's voice
floated in. "Hey Giles! You here?" called Willow, somewhat
but not as bright as she usually was.
"Oh, yes, well hello Willow, Spike." greeted the stuffy Brit from his
office door. "Buffy and Xander are in the back training.
If you
need anything I'll be in my office working," he said as he once again
ensconced himself in the small workspace.
Willow faltered at the mention of her best friends, but said nothing
about it. "Come on Spike, let's just put these books up and go.
don't want to see them right now, I don't think I can handle it."
Willow pleaded with the neutered vampire.
"Fine pet, but when I get the chip out I want you to know that they
are the first to go. Now hurry it up, I can't wait to see Peaches'
face when we tell him we're staying."
As the pair was coming back from the stacks, Willow spotted Buffy and
Xander making their way to the front of the store.
"So when are you going to break it off? I don't know what you
saw in
her anyway…she's just a mouse. Could her clothes scream fashion-
victim any louder? Please." whined the bottle blond.
"I know, I only went out with her because I thought that she would
put out. She said she wanted to wait until marriage, and I was
going to last that long. I think I'll ditch her tomorrow.
Get ready
for the cry-fest."
"Could you wait to do it when I'm out of the country? I don't
want to hear her cry. Oh, well…I'll get you. Of course
I'll keep
little Willow for my research—that's all she's good for anyway.
and homework. After you dump her everyone will know that you're
Throughout the entire conversation Willow became more and more weak-
kneed, while Spike became furious at the slayer and her moronic
"Ah shit," Spike swore, "come on Red, don't do this now. We have
get you out."
Receiving no response Spike knew he had to get the little witch, his
only friend, out of Sunnydale. **Hopefully the poof'll know what
do, `cause I certainly don't.**
It was like Willow was in shock; her two best friend thought of her
as nothing more than something that they could use for their own
gain. To a person with very few friends this revelation was
"Spike, take me to L.A., now." she whispered in a tiny, trembling
"Sure Red, let's go. You know pet, if you talk about it, it might…"
"What Spike? It might what, help? I saw them fucking on
my bed at
the dorm, then I hear them planning the end of my relationship with
Xander, I learn that Xander only wanted sex, and Buffy thinks that
I'm practically worthless. No Spike, I don't think talking is
fix this one."
The whole ride into the City of Angels was silent; Willow confronting
her friend feelings, and Spike planning the slow torturous death of
Willow's betrayers.