TITLE: Spring Break [3/?]
AUTHOR: Baby Willow
RATING: G to PG-13
SUMMARY: Willow goes to LA for Spring Break.
DISCLAIMER: Joss owns all these wonderful people.
FEEDBACK: Please?  Come on, you know you want to give me feedback....
DISTRIBUTION: My site. If you want it, you can have it, just let me know where it's going.
DEDICATION: To Rel, for sending me lots of feedback.  And, for Shae, 'cuz she's so good about reading my fic.


Cordelia sat at her desk, trying to concentrate on
the typing she needed to finish on one of their
recent cases.  But all she could think about what
Willow arriving.  Suddenly, she heard the office
door open.  She looked up expectantly.      “Hi, is Angel here,” Kate asked.
      “Oh, it’s just you,” Cordelia returned, her
shoulders dropping in disappointment.  “No, he’s not
here right now.  Did you need something?”  Cordelia
didn’t like the other woman.  It seemed like every
ten seconds she came running to Angel, wondering if
something was “supernatural.”      “Well, it’s important. Where is he?”
“He had to pick something up.”
“Well, do you know when he’ll be back? It really is important.”
“He should be back later.  Do you want me to have
him call you?” Cordelia asked. She knew it was a
very pointed comment, but she wanted the woman out
of the office before Willow got there.
“I really should speak to him in person about this,”
Kate replied.  <Well, okay, maybe it could be done
over the phone just as easily, but I want to see
him.  And I want to irritate this stupid girl who
keeps trying to get in my way. >
“He has a very busy schedule.  Why don’t you-”
Cordelia was cut off by Angel’s voice.
“Hey Cordy, I’m back.  And you’ll never guess what I
picked up on my way,” he grinned.  Cordelia
practically jumped out of her chair.
“Wills!  It’s so good to see you!” she said, pulling Willow into a hug.
“It’s good to see you too.  I didn’t realize how
much I missed you until right now.  I can’t believe
I spent so long away from you,” Willow replied.
“Hey!” Angel interrupted.  “What about me?” He pouted.
“You too, Angel,” Willow smiled, grabbing him. He pulled her into a close hug.
     <Well, look at this> Cordelia thought, <looks like
things are more than interesting.  I wonder if I can
help speed things up a little…>
Willow and Angel broke apart at the sound of a cough from near Angel’s office.
     “Oh right, you.  Angel, Kate apparently has
something very important to talk to you about.”
“What’s up, Kate?” Angel asked, making no move to
leave the red head at his side.
“Well, it’s a bit private, maybe we should go into
your office,” she suggested.  <Who is this red
haired girl who’s getting so much attention? > she wondered jealously.
“Oh, Will?  Don’t worry about it, nothing’ll surprise her.  So what’s up?”
Kate fumed inwardly at not getting to spend time
alone with Angel.  “Well, there’s a new case going
on.  It falls into the ‘really creepy’ category.
We’ve been looking into leads for the last few days,
and I’m starting to wonder about demon.”
“Okay, well, we’re in luck.  We have one of the
world’s leading experts on the ‘really creepy’
category right here,” Cordelia offered.  “Will’s
really good at finding out about demons.”
“Research girl, that’s me,” Willow affirmed.  “Plus,
I gotta call Buffy anyways, I’m sure Giles can give extra info if needed.”
     “So, why don’t you just leave those notes on the
demon here with us, and we’ll get back to you soon,” Cordelia suggested.
“Well, I only have the one copy of the notes….” Kate responded.
“Not a problem.  You and I can go photocopy them,
while Angel shows Willow around.  Come with me,”
Cordelia said brightly, grabbing Kate by the arm and
dragging her towards the photocopier.
“I guess it’s just you and me, then,” Willow smiled up at Angel.
“Sounds good Wills.  Let’s get you settled in.”  **********
Angel and Willow were sitting together on the couch,
talking, when Cordelia finally made it downstairs.
<They’re sitting pretty close, > Cordelia observed.
<I wonder if they’ve even noticed. >
“Done and done,” Cordelia announced, sitting on the armchair next to Willow.
     “You photocopied Kate’s notes?” Angel asked.
“Yup, she just left.”  Cordelia noticed the little
smile on Willow’s face at that announcement.
“I should probably take a look at them then,” Angel
said.  <He looks disappointed to have to leave
Willow, > Cordelia realized, excitedly.  He
reluctantly got up and went to his office.      “So, Wills, how have you been?”
     “Pretty good.  Buffy and I actually talked over the
last few days. Granted, that’s because she needed
help with her exams, and I helped.  But she looked
kinda disappointed that I was going to be away for
Spring Break.  Although, that’s probably because
Riley has other plans, and she just assumed I would
be back-up girl,” Willow replied, smiling ruefully.
“Well, you’re better off here, anyways.  We’re much
more fun,” Cordelia returned, trying to get a real
smile out of Willow.  It succeeded.      “Yes, you really are,” Willow said.
     “So, Willow, what did you and Angel talk about?”
Cordelia asked, with her eyebrows raised.  Willow blushed.
“Just, you know, my exams, your work…” Willow trailed off.
“You want him, don’t you?” Cordelia asked softly, so Angel wouldn’t hear.
“What? Come on, Cordy, we’re just friends,” Willow
answered, looking at the floor, blushing furiously.      “Will…”
“Okay, alright.  Yeah, I do.  I really, really do.
But he wouldn’t be interested in little ol’ me.
It’s okay.  But can I ask you something?”      “Of course.”
“Is he involved with that woman, Kate? I mean, she seemed pretty friendly…”
     “Ugh, her.  No, he’s not involved with her, but she
wants to be involved with him. I can’t stand that
woman. She’s always, ‘Oh, Angel, you’re so strong,
what would I do without you’ and batting her
eyelashes.  But Angel hasn’t shown any interest in
her.  Whereas, he’s shown a lot of interest in you.”
“Well, I’m glad he’s not involved with her, but I’m
sure the interest he’s shown in me has been purely friendly.”
“Stop that right now,” Cordelia ordered.  “Stop
acting like you’re some little nothing that no one
would want.  You were all Angel could talk about
from the time you agreed to come until the time you
got here.  Have you seen the smile on his face?
That’s all for you, Will.  If you want him, go for
it.  We’re going to make him admit how he feels
about you Will, one way or another.”
Willow laughed wholeheartedly. “Cordy, I love you.
You always know just what to say to make me feel
better.  Do you really think he’d be interested in me?”
“Only one way to find out,” Cordelia replied, with a
mischievous look in her eyes.
