Somthing in Common

Author: Bad Girl of Buffonia

Rated: G

Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy: The Vampire Slayer belong exclusively to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and Warner Brothers. I'm just borrowing.


Fortunately you have got someone who relies on you We started out as friends but the thought of you just caves me in The symptoms are so deep it is much too late to turn away We started out as friends...

Willow watched Angel closely as he danced, his body pressed close to Buffy's, to the melodic tune swimming romantically around the Bronze. He smiled lovingly down at the pretty slayer, who bat her eyelids eagerly, savoring every moment of attention from the gorgeous vampire.

Clamping her eyes tightly shut, Willow pushed the image from her mind, unable to bear another night sitting depressed by Xander's side as he sulked unconditionally over Buffy with the man he despised so passionately. She focused on the soft sounds swarming through the building, watched herself as she walked slowly out onto the dance floor, gracefully sidestepping the less co-ordinated dancers, her eyes fixed firmly on her target.

Angel looked up suddenly, as though he sensed her very presence, pulling away from the insignificant blonde he was dancing with and reaching out for the beautiful red head walking his way. A small surge of electricity passed between them as their fingers touched, intertwining lovingly. Angel pulled the girl swiftly toward him, pressing her tightly against his body. For minutes, they did not move, held together by the love in each other's eyes.

Willow stretched slightly, tip toeing closer to Angel's face, kissing his lips lightly, "Dance with me?" He nodded, spreading his feet slightly. Willow, without breaking the intense gaze they shared, ran one leg softly across the front of Angel's so she half stradled his leg. She slide down his leg playfully, then moved back up, grinding her body elegantly against his.

His arms wrapped around her waist, Angel bent his knees slightly, gently guiding Willow against his body as they began to move together, feeling the beat of the music filling them, their hearts pounding...

"One cup of Tea, as requested." Willow's eyes snapped open as Xander placed a cup down in front of her. "Hey Will, you nodding off on me?"

Her cheeks flushed, embarrased. "Just resting my eyes."

Xander winked cheekily at her, "I'm sure." He plonked down onto the chair beside her, sipping at his own tea and looking across the dance floor to where Buffy and Angel danced. He couldn't keep the jealousy from his face.

Willow looked up at him and sighed. She wondered if he'd ever stop wanting Buffy. She caught herself, sighing again. She wondered if she'd ever stop wanting Angel...


Time I'm sure will bring disappointments in so many things It seems to be the way when your gambling cards on you love you play I'd rather be in hell with you baby than in cool heaven It seems to be the way

Xander cringed inwardly as Buffy and Angel danced, occasionally pausing to kiss each other tenderly. He hated this. Almost every night they came to the Bronze. He, Willow and Buffy would hang out, but all Buffy was really doing was waiting. For him. And then he'd be there. They'd exchange a long, loving look, and she'd drag him onto the dance floor, somewhat reluctantly at first, but then he'd relax, holding her close and smiling as they moved together.

Clamping his eyes tightly shut, Xander pushed the image from his mind, unable to bear another night sitting depressed by Willow's side as she yawned her way, bored senseless, through the evening. He focused on the soft sounds swarming through the building, watched himself as he walked slowly out onto the dance floor, proudly sidestepping the less co-ordinated dancers, his eyes fixed firmly on his target.

Angel looked up suddenly, as though he sensed his very presence, pulling away from the insignificant blonde he was dancing with and reaching out for the tall, dark and handsome guy walking his way. A small surge of electricity passed between them as their fingers touched, intertwining lovingly. Angel pulled the guy swiftly toward him, pressing him tightly against his body. For minutes, they did not move, held together by the love in each other's eyes.

Xander leaned closer to Angel's face, kissing him passionately, breaking away and smirking playfully, "Dance with me, Dead boy?" Angel nodded, spreading his feet slightly. Xander, without breaking the intense gaze they shared, ran one leg softly across the front of Angel's so he half stradled his leg. He slid down his leg playfully, then moved back up, letting the vampire feel his ever stiffening joy at being so close to him.

Burying their heads in each others shoulders, they moved gently together, enjoying the heat passing between them. For the briefest moment, Xander glanced over at the table he'd come from. He paused, a pleased smile touching his face. Spotting it, Angel followed his gaze, grinning when he saw Buffy and Willow seated together, arms around each other, kissing each other wildly. At least Buffy wasn't mad...

"Hey, now who's falling asleep?" Xander's eyes snapped open as Willow nudged him sharply in the ribs with her elbow. "You're not getting bored are you, Xan?"

His cheeks flushed, embarrased. "I was just..."

Willow laughed, "Fantasizing?" She continued to laugh when the red on his face deepened. He couldn't help but laugh along with her, until eventually, the laughter faded away into nothingness.

He glanced back up at the couple on the dance floor and sighed. He wondered if Willow would ever stop wanting Buffy. Well, he could wish she wanted Buffy. He caught himself before the tiny laugh inside him erupted. He wondered if he'd ever stop wanting Angel...

The End
