24 Hour Fitness



RATING: NC-17, of course.

SUMMARY: PWP, plain and simple. This particular image of Angel has been in my head for a while, and it needed to be written.

DISCLAIMER: Willow, Angel, and the rest of them are the sole property of Joss Whedon, and Fox. I wish I owned Angel.

DEDICATION: As always, for David. Because... wow. To Lore, my partner in crime. And to Jen, for giving me 'salty'.

NOTE: This is has not been beta-read. Sorry for any mistakes.


Willow had thought that sounded appropriate for the Slayer and Slayerettes as they had all decided to join the new health club that opened up in Sunnydale. Somehow, it had been decided that since they were all fighting demons, they should all be in tip-top shape. Even Giles bought a membership.

Now, a month after they all joined together, it seemed as though Willow was the only one actually using her membership. Buffy got a good enough workout all on her own, and Giles, through his training with Buffy, was usually too tired to join Willow on her nightly excursion to the gym. Xander had flaked almost immediately on the whole thing, as she knew he would.

In truth, though, she really didn't mind. She often found herself at the gym late at night, after the rest of Sunnydale was safely locked behind the doors of their houses. Willow suffered from insomnia, and the workouts seemed to help her sleep better.

She had the entire gym to herself, which she loved. She never had to wait in line for the stair climber, never had to share the locker room with the gorgeous blondes with perfect bodies. Never had to feel intimidated in the sauna where she went to unwind and relax after her exercising was over.

Tonight was no different. She had been particularly wound up… she wasn't sure why. Her workout had been more brutal than normal. She was restless and anxious about something and had spent the better part of two hours moving from machine to machine, until she could finally do no more.

She briefly stepped into a cool shower before wrapping a big, white fluffy towel around her naked body, and stepped through the door of the sauna.

Someone had obviously just poured water over the glowing coals because the room was almost entirely filled with steam. She carefully made her way to the benches and sat before pulling her legs up onto the bench and leaning back against the wall, stretched out. She assumed it was one of the employees… there were never any other members in the gym this late at night.

Her eyes fell closed, and she sighed, relaxing as the heat enveloped her body. A few minutes later, she reopened them

The steam had cleared, and Willow discovered that she wasn't alone.

"Hey, Willow."

Angel. Great God almighty, but he looked good. He was sitting diagonally across from her on the lower bench, wearing nothing but a tiny white towel draped around his salty hips. His legs were stretched out before him, crossed at the ankle and his arms were spread out behind him as he leaned on the redwood bench behind him.

Willow nearly jumped out of her skin, "Angel, you scared me to death!"

"Sorry…" he replied with a small smirk.

"I'll just… um… I'll just go." She began scrambling off the bench, forgetting briefly that she, too, was covered only in a towel. She felt the knot begin to slip and caught it just before she flashed Angel.

"Willow, calm down. Sit back down. It's just me."

Just you, Willow thought to herself. Just the man that I have naughty thoughts about day and night. She was glad that her skin was already reddened from the heat in the room so that Angel wouldn't see the blush that covered her body at the remembrance of all those naughty thoughts.

She carefully wrapped the towel back tightly around herself, clutching the front of it just in case as she sat back down on the bench.



"What are you doing here?"

"Keeping warm."


He leaned his head back on the bench and closed his eyes, allowing Willow a few moments to drink in the sight of his muscular chest. Sweat? No… condensation was dripping in small rivulets down his pectoral muscles, past his rippled stomach and into the waistband of the tiny towel.

Despite the heat in the sauna, Willow shuddered. She knew that the moisture she felt between her thighs wasn't just sweat.


Angel cocked open one eye to look at the redhead.

"Yes, Willow?"

"I don't get it."

With a small sigh, and a tiny smirk, Angel leaned forward, resting his lower arms on his knees, "The sauna makes me warm. I'm cold-blooded, remember? I come here often late at night and just sit and think."

"Brood," Willow corrected.

Angel rewarded her with a rare grin, "Brood, think… it's all the same. But I come here because this makes me feel a little more human. It doesn't warm me inside, but it at least makes my skin feel like normal skin."

And wouldn't I like to sample that, Willow mused, lowering her head to stare at the floor, ashamed to meet his eyes.

Angel settled back against the bench again, watching as Willow rolled her neck, trying to work out some of the kinks out of it.


"Just a little… guess I did too much tonight."



"Why'd you do such a hard workout?" While he was speaking to her, he had moved, climbing up on the bench behind Willow and moving her to sit between his legs.

His hands rested on her bare shoulders.

"I-I don't know… I was just wound up," She tensed at the feeling of his warm, wet hands on her skin.

"Relax, Willow. Why so edgy?"

Was she imagining the sensuous tone of his voice? Of course she was.

"Nothing… no reason." Her voice caught on the last word.

His hands went to work massaging her shoulders. It didn't take long for him to take her to a state of complete relaxation. So relaxed, in fact, that she completely failed to notice when his hands dipped into the back of her towel to caress her lower back. Failed to notice the towel coming loose and resting around her waist.

Only when Angel covered her breasts with his hands did she notice.

"Angel!" she gasped.

"Shhh… Willow… I know what you need…"

"Nnn…ggghhhhaaaa…" She feebly tried to protest but when he took her nipples between his index fingers and thumbs, rolling them gently back and forth, she lost all ability to protest, speak, or reason.

Angel continued his gentle assault on her breasts and began placing cool, wet kisses along her neck.

She knew she should stop him… should, at the very least, question him and his motives. His actions reminded her of something that Angelus…

"ANGELUS?" she screamed, jumped off the bench causing the towel to fall to the floor in a puddle around her feet.

"Angelus? You think I've lost my soul?"

"Why? Why else would you be doing this?"

"Because you're beautiful, and you're tense, and I could smell your arousal the minute you realized that I was in the sauna with you."


"But nothing, Willow."

"Oh, fuck."

Angel graced her with a lethal grin as she bent over and scooped her towel off the floor, holding it in front of her naked body.

"Now that doesn't sound like the Willow I know, either," he said as he climbed off the benches, stalking towards her.

He tore his own towel from his body and tossed it aside. Willow took a sharp breath as she couldn't pull her eyes away from his erection. As he reached her, he ripped her towel away from her and threw it in the same direction his own had flown.

"I'm Angel, Willow, and I want you."

She stepped backwards away from him. He took a step forward. She took another step backwards, and again he followed. They continued the little dance until the backs of her knees hit the bench on the opposite wall.

He placed his hands on her shoulders, pushing her down. With a thud, she sat on the bench. Angel climbed on top of her, straddling her legs. He placed his hands on the bench behind her and lowered his lips to her mouth.

She accepted his kiss, unwilling to fight it anymore. Angel, Angelus… she didn't care. She was going to have some sex.

She curled one hand into his hair, holding his mouth tightly against hers, brushing her tongue against his.

His erection bobbed against her stomach, rubbing against her. Not even knowing what she was doing, she wrapped her other hand around it, squeezing none too gently.

"Willow…" Angel groaned, "Don't…"

"Why not?" she asked, fearing she was doing it wrong.

"I have other plans than just having you jerk me off."

He slid off her body, kneeling in the floor in front of her. He pried her legs apart, scooting her forward on the bench.

He planted a series of kisses on her inner thighs, moving towards her core. Holding her labia open with his fingers, he thrust his tongue into her slit, sliding it along and into her opening before capturing her clit between his lips. He rolled the hard nub against his tongue as she erupted in orgasm.

Letting her come down slightly, he released her clit and licked down to the crevice below her wet slit, brushing his tongue against her anus. She jumped, literally, a couple of inches into the air, but Angel placed his hands on her thighs, holding her down.

He gently pressed into the opening, feeling Willow try to press her thighs closed. Instinctively, he knew that he was being almost too intimate with her and returned his attentions to her vagina.

He was slower and gentler this time, building her up to an orgasm instead of sending her crashing straight into one. He licked one lip, then the other, slowly sliding his tongue between the two. His thumb hovered over her clitoris, placing only slight pressure against her as the pace quickened.

Willow was gasping and moaning, making the most delightful little sounds. She shuddered and trembled, her thighs quivering. He brought her closer and closer before finally placing the right amount of pressure against her, and she fell, a keening wail tumbling from her lips.

Angel slowly kissed his way up her body, pausing to lave her nipples, her pert breasts being exactly the right size for him to cover with his mouth.

He finally made his way to her mouth, kissing her deeply and thoroughly before mumbling into her lips, "On your knees, Willow."

He helped her turn over, resting her arms on the second bench, her ass thrust out in the air.

Angel had an ass fetish. He couldn't help it. He loved the feel of the round globes in his hands, loved prying the cheeks apart and finding the hidden treasure that so many men simply ignored. He understood the tender nerve endings there, and he knew how to bring pleasure by carefully manipulating those nerves.

Willow's ass was perfect.

He placed his hands over both cheeks, massaging them between his fingers, kneading them like dough. He slid one hand lower between her thighs, coating his fingers in the wetness that still leaked from her core.

He tickled her with his wet fingers, just barely grazing her puckered opening, relaxing her, before placing just the tip of his index finger inside her.

"Angel!" she gasped, clenching her muscles tight around the digit.

"Do you hate this, Willow? Hate the way it feels?" His voice was dark and dangerous.

"No… It's just… Angel, are you going to… you know… there?"

"No, Willow…," he sighed, "You're not ready for that. Yet."

He removed the single digit from her channel and with a final caress, released his hold on her cheeks.

Willow sighed, obviously relieved.

Angel gripped his cock in his hands. He was already fully erect. The taste of Willow, and the sight of her spread before him made him swell to his full length and girth. Angel knew he was large. He had been with enough partners, both male and female, to know that he was well above the average.

He positioned his cock at her entrance, nudging forward to coat himself in her juices for lubrication.

"Willow, are you a virgin?"

"No," she hissed, arching her hips back against him, "Oz… before we broke up."

Pleased that she would be expecting at least a little of what he was about to give her, Angel plunged forward, sheathing himself inside her.

His eyes nearly crossed as Willow clenched her muscles around him. He knew he wasn't going to last long, and he knew this was best for Willow. She had already had two orgasms and he knew her clitoris was over-sensitized. He began thrusting, relishing the sounds of his thighs slapping against her sweaty skin, and the moans escaping her throat. He felt his balls tightening and knew he was about to come. Reaching around, he pinched her clit, hard. A nearly primal scream flew from her lips as she burst into her final orgasm, and Angel let go, pumping furiously as he filled her with his cold semen.

Willow's knees couldn't support her anymore as she fell back onto her heels, causing Angel to slip out of her. He tumbled to the side, sitting next to her. He reached over, brushing a strand of damp hair out of her face as she rested her head on her arms, staring at him.

"I still don't understand why," she whispered.

"Sometimes there doesn't need to be a why."

The End
