Beth is Bored



SPOILERS: Dopplegangland

RATING: Duh… NC-17

DISTRIBUTION: The New Place, and anyone else that wants it… just tell me where you're putting it… like anyone would want this…

SUMMARY: Plan and simple PWP… No plot seen within a million miles of this puppy.

FEEDBACK: Give it to me, baby…

DISCLAIMER: Angel, Vamp Willow, Willow, Buffy and Xander all belong to Joss Whedon, and those fine folks at Mutant Enemy. I love them all.

AUTHORS NOTE: Ok, this took all of an hour to write…and kinda sucks… but it's W/A smut, so I figured you guys wouldn't mind. This is for my E-vil twin, Lore… for writing that beautiful, heart-felt, life-changing haiku for me. ::snicker::




"You're acting weird."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"No… I'm not."

"Yes… you a-Damn it, Angel, what's wrong?"

The vampire and the hacker were hidden in the broom closet. Yes, that broom closet.

"It's… you… You're wearing leather. You look like her."

"I wouldn't be wearing the leather if she hadn't gotten out of the cage. I knew we should have left someone to watch her. You're a vampire… you should have known she'd be strong enough to bust out of that thing," she said accusatorily.

"I thought that there was enough tranquilizer on that dart to keep her down for a while. Sorry."

"Ok, so, that still doesn't explain why you're acting so weird. I mean, this closet is barely big enough for the both of us, and you're cowering in the corner like I'm going to bite you or something."

"It's very disconcerting. You look just like her."

"But, I'm not her."

"You could be."

"If you bit me. Hey, if you bit me, I would be like her, wouldn't I?"

Angel chuckled, "Yeah, you would."


"All vampires are bisexual, Willow."



"So, how long do you think we're going to be stuck in here?"

"I don't know… until she's gone."

"Will Buffy kill her?"

"If she has to."

"She couldn't kill you when you were bad… think she'll have a problem killing the bad me?"

"She knows that the good you is still alive. I don't think it'll be a problem."


"Oh? You sound disappointed."

"Well… she's sorta cool… in a homicidal, maniacal, vampire kinda way."

"She… she is something… Did you see the look on Xander's face when she tried to seduce him?"

"That's where we're different."

"Who? What?"

"Me and her… If I had the power to seduce someone like that, it wouldn't be Xander."

"Not Xander? Oz?"

"No, not Oz, either."

"Then who?"

Her voice was barely above a whisper, "You."

"Me?" Angel squeaked before clearing his throat, "I mean, me?" he said, much more manly this time.

"Yeah… you would've… with her… wouldn't you've?"

"I would with you, Willow."


"Feel this," Angel took her hand.

"What? Oh… OH!"

Angel groaned loudly as Willow cupped his erection through his pants.

"I did that?" she asked in awe.

"Yes…" he hissed as she continued stroking him.

"Me? Or the leather…?"

"You… in the leather… God, Willow…" Angel grabbed her face in his hands, pulling her forward for a rough kiss.

His tongue pried her lips open and plunged inside, burrowing in her warm, wet mouth. The shock caused Willow to grasp tighter onto his erection.

"Not that hard, Willow," he moaned against her mouth.

"Sorry," she mumbled, gently caressing to make up for it.

Angel roughly pushed her back against the wall of the closet and popped open the button on her leather pants before unzipping them. His hand snaked its way inside and parted her wet slit with his fingers before quickly sinking his middle finger inside her tight sex.

"ANGEL!" she cried, her nails digging into his arms where she held onto him.

"Feel good, Willow? You like that?" he growled, plunging his finger deep inside her.

"Oh… God… Angel… we shouldn't."

"We're going to," he said softly before kissing her again.

Angel reluctantly pulled his hand out of her borrowed leather pants, licking his fingers clean. Willow slunk against the wall, wondering what was next. The sticky wetness seeping from her core was making the pants awfully uncomfortable.

Capturing her lips again, Angel slid the pants down her thighs, pausing to pull her boots off before removing the pants entirely.

"You are keeping these," he informed her before dropping them in the corner.

Angel was kneeling on the floor in front of her, running his fingers along her dripping core.

"Put your leg over my shoulder, Willow," he instructed.

Willow did as she was told, unable to think logically or refuse Angel anything at this point. He buried his face between her legs, his tongue gently teasing her moist folds.

Her fingers tangled in his hair, holding him closer as the lapped at the fluids that dripped from her body. Angel's hands slithered up her body, grasping her leather-clad breasts in his hands, squeezing them harshly as he sucked her clit between his teeth, his tongue furiously worrying the hard little bundle of nerves until she screamed.

Angel's tongue cleaned the nectar the dripped down her legs as Willow struggled to catch her breath, regaining control of her body at the same time.

Angel would have none of that as he stood back up on his shaky legs, unfastening his own pants. His erection was painfully pressed against the straining denim demanding it's own release. Pushing his pants and boxers down around his ankles, Angel grabbed his own shaft, pumping it a few times before positioning himself against Willow.

She didn't fully know what to expect as Angel hurriedly lifted her off the floor. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, bringing herself into contact with his hard cock rubbing against her slit.

He worked his hand between their bodies, grasping his cock and placing it against her opening. Fear coursed through her body as she realized that Angel was about to take her virginity. She opened her mouth to protest, to talk some sense into him, but he quickly forced himself inside her, breaking her virgin barrier without a thought.

Willow cried out again, biting down on the collar of his leather jacket as the momentary pain seared through her body.

Angel pulled back out, then quickly thrust back in, stilling himself deep inside her core as she adjusted to his intrusion.

Angel knew she was ready as she began rocking her pubic bone against him. Pulling out, he began a steady rhythm, thrusting, increasing the pressure against her body with each stroke, not rushing. Willow groaned each time his cock rocked against her womb, her body spasming with pleasures that she didn't know she could feel.

Angel felt her body tensing underneath him, and knew she was close to coming again. He increased his rhythm, drawing closer himself as her walls clenched tightly around his hard cock. Her hands had dipped beneath his shirt, caressing his bare back when suddenly she reached down, grasping his cheeks firmly in her hands, trying to press him harder against her body. Inadvertently, her middle finger brushed against his anus, placing a gentle pressure on the opening that pushed Angel over the edge.

Ramming her small body into the wall, he released his cold semen deep inside her hot, wet walls. Keeping Willow propped against the wall with his body, he dipped his hand to her core, pinching and rubbing her swollen clit between his fingers until she came, shuddering and twitching around his now-softening cock.

After a moment, her weakened legs dropped from around his hips. Angel held her closely, feeling the unsteadiness of her body.

Brushing her hair out of her face, he planted small wet kisses across her eyelids, nose and cheeks before finally finding her lips. It was a soft, gentle kiss, full of emotion that conveyed both love and lust, but mostly friendship.

"Anytime, Willow," he sighed huskily, "Anytime you want me…"

"Gotta get dressed, Angel… somebody's gonna come in…"

Angel pulled his own pants back up before grabbing the leather pants that Willow had "borrowed" off the floor and handed them to her. Angel held her steady as she began pulling them back on.

Just then the door flew open. Willow and Angel froze, two deer caught in the very ugly, very pissed off headlights that were Buffy's eyes.

She quickly slammed the door shut again, unable and unwilling to believe what she had just seen.

"Oh, my God, Angel… what do we do now?" Willow said, quickly beginning to hyperventilate.

"Calm down, Willow… it's all right."

"How can you say that? We got caught. By Buffy!"

"I don't care."

"How can you not care? You love her!"

"Only because Joss makes me love her. Here, in this story, Beth let's my have my own free will… and my will chooses you."

"But…" Angel silenced her with a searing kiss.

"But nothing…" he said, pulling back from the kiss, "I want you. Just you. And now, I'm going to have you again. And again. Just like it should be."

The End
