Threat or Promise II




SUMMARY: This is a continuation of a beautiful story written by Ciderbreak. Where she ended, I picked up. Read the original first, please.

DISCLAIMER: The characters of Willow and Angel, along with all other characters mentioned in this story, are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and FOX.

DISTRIBUTION: Only the places that already have my stories, please.

DEDICATION: I need to give a very special thank you to Ciderbreak, without whom this story wouldn't be possible. Not only did she inspire it with her original story, she encouraged this, beta read this, gave this her blessing, and added a few special touches that make this the beautiful story that it is. She's a magical writer, and I adore her. And, because I wouldn't be writing BTVS fanfic at all if it wasn't for him, this is for David.


Willow and Angel pulled apart after their electric kiss.

"Your hotel or mine?" Angel asked with a devastating grin, leaning his forehead against hers. She tasted like chocolate cheesecake and a smidgen of lipstick and he wondered how many other flavors she had.

"Jason knows where I'm staying."

"Mine." Angel took her hand and started pulling her along the crowded Las Vegas strip, dodging the tourists with their camcorders and smut peddlers doling out their catalogs to giggly frat boys, businessmen and soccer moms alike. It took Willow a moment to realize that "mine" meant his hotel room, not her relationship to him. Distracted? Heck no, not her.

"Angel." Willow jerked on his hand trying to get his attention.


"Mere mortal, here. Can't quite keep up with the whole speedy vampire thing."

Angel smiled an apology and slowed his pace, putting his hand on the small of Willow's back and guiding her towards the Bellagio.

"Anxious much?" Willow teased as they finally reached their destination twenty minutes later.

"We should have caught a cab," Angel muttered.

Funny thing about Las Vegas, Willow noted. The mega-resorts and casinos all seemed to be right next to each other, but once you started walking, you realized how truly far apart they really were. The colossal structures made her feel small, insignificant, ordinary. Just the touch of Angel's hand on her back erased that "lost" feeling and replaced it with something hard to define. She felt special. He wasn't passionately in love with her; that was fine. She didn't want that from him. Yet in just a few minutes he'd made her feel cherished, which was a longing she didn't even know she had.

"Angel, the water show is starting!"

Her eyes lit up as the familiar strains of "Singing in the Rain" began pouring from the elaborate street-side sound system, and she pushed her way to the front of the gathering crowd to see the show, momentarily forgetting that she was about to bed Angel.

Angel snuck in behind her, sliding his arms around her waist to hold her close. His chin rested on the top of her head, and he, too, became entranced with the show, watching the brilliant fountains shooting their giant plumes of water ten stories in the air, dancing to sounds of Gene Kelly's lilting voice.

As the show ended, the crowd burst into applause. Angel noticed Willow hastily wiping a tear off her cheek as the crowd around them dispersed.

"You okay?" A very concerned Angel asked, turning her to face him.

"It's so silly. It's nothing."

"What? Willow? " Angel's voice trailed off and he caressed her just below her ear where the skin was soft and translucent. He saw his thumb tremble and tried to go back into "concerned listener" mode. Damn, she was distracting.

"The show, I'm nothing but a big sap. It was just so beautiful."

Angel was instantly reminded of everything about the redhead that made her extraordinarily special. Her beauty, her intelligence, and her big heart, just to name a few.

He bent down and captured her lips again, tasting the salty tears that had managed to escape down her cheek.

He meant to only comfort her for a moment, but the kiss quickly deepened. Willow wrapped her arms around Angel's waist, sliding her hands underneath his leather coat. Angel groaned into her mouth when her nails scraped his back through the fabric of his thin sweater.

He had nearly forgotten how good it felt to have a woman in his arms. A woman filled with want and passion. Warmth. Acceptance. Desire. It was an intoxicating mixture.

He pulled away and grabbed her hand again, leading her to an escalator from the street that would take them into the casino.

"They don't make this easy, do they?" Willow commented as he lead her around dozens of blackjack tables, craps tables, roulette tables, and seemingly endless banks of slot machines, successfully avoiding the blue-haired ladies clutching their cups of quarters, the families with small children trying to keep them all herded together, and the never-ending roadblocks of people pausing in the middle of every aisle to catch that one perfect photo opportunity.

Through all the maneuvering, she was aware of people watching them. Angel was dressed in his typical black attire and the determination and focus on his face gave him a mysterious air. Willow was just dressed, well, sort of slutty. It was a leather thing-not entirely, but the upscale hotel wasn't used to her kind. More than one woman noticed Angel and then shot her a jealous look. Then an older woman gave her a thumbs-up sign very discreetly from behind a menu in one of the cafes they passed. It renewed her courage tenfold.

They finally came to a halt in front of an enormous bank of elevators and Angel flashed his keycard at the guard standing at the front.

The elevator arrived mercifully quick, but it was filled with another seven or eight people each pushing different buttons. Angel grew more anxious by the second. Of course, their floor was the top floor.

Willow stood beside Angel and tried to hide a smirk. Watching the gorgeous dark vampire trying not to growl with impatience, she loosened her grip on his hand and used a few fingers to tickle the palm of his hand.

At last, the elevator was empty and the door opened to their floor. Stepping into the small lobby, Willow saw three endless hallways stretched before her.

"Which one?" she asked.

"The right," Angel growled, "Last door."

"You're kidding." Willow replied, looking down the corridor that seemed to stretch for miles.

The exasperated look on his face told Willow that he wasn't.

"Race you?" she said, taking off down the hallway.

They arrived at the same moment, Willow flushed and out of breath as Angel fumbled with the keycard in the door.

"Dammit! What ever happened to keys?" Angel complained as Willow snatched the small card away from him and easily opened the door.

She chuckled as he pushed her effortlessly through the door and slammed it closed behind them. He backed her against the wall, pinning her arms above her head as he attacked, greedily devouring her mouth with his wet kisses before nipping and sucking his way down and across her jaw before settling happily against her neck.

"Geez… what happened to making me beg?" Willow quipped.

The delicious smacking noises he was making against her neck immediately stopped as he pondered her question.

He realized that he was acting like a fumbly, bumbly post-pubescent schoolboy instead of a two hundred and forty-three year old vampire that was supposed to be the seducer. With a sigh, he rested his forehead on her shoulder.


"Angel, I was teasing!" she assured him.

"You deserve better than this." To make his point, Angel released her hands. They came to rest on his shoulders.

"We have all night, what's wrong with a little "this" now? Then later there can be begging. Or cajoling, even."

"Because this is Cordelia and Doyle's room," Angel told her, even as he smiled at her breathy eagerness. "They could walk in any minute and I don't think we want that." He led her through the adjoining door into the master bedroom. "This is my room."

"Wow." Willow bit her tongue so she didn't say "big bed." It was the largest bed she would ever sleep in, covered with a dark blue comforter and a dozen matching pillows.

"Gift from a client. Why don't you go take a shower? No offense, but you smell like Jason and cigarettes."

Willow scrunched her nose up in the most adorable way, so Angel had to kiss it.

She pulled out of his embrace and went into the bathroom. Twenty minutes later she emerged, wearing a huge white Turkish bathrobe that swallowed her tiny body. She was about to sing the praises of the spacious bathing facility, but then she saw him and her heart leapt into her throat.

Angel reclined on the bed against the pillows with his legs crossed at the ankles. Wearing nothing but a pair of black silk pajama bottoms and sipping a scotch, he looked gorgeous, dark and dangerous, except for the teasing smile crossing his normally stoic features.

Willow made her way to the bed and straddled Angel's stomach. He reached up and caressed her breast through the material of the robe with the back of his hand, not grasping, not kneading… just a feather-light touch that made Willow shiver. It was not the preamble she expected and it caught her off-guard. Their eyes locked, and for a few moments neither said anything, and neither made another move.

Angel finally sat the scotch on the table beside the bed and ran his fingers through Willow's wet hair before cradling the back of her head in his hands. She allowed him to pull her forward, meeting his mouth in a slow, but utterly erotic kiss. She inched herself back lower on his body to make it easier to meet his mouth, and felt his erection bumping against her backside.

She carefully slid further back, so that his erection was in front of her, and began tormenting him with her movements, slowly dragging her dripping core up and down his cock through the silk pajamas.

It was torture for him. He wanted... needed to be inside her.

"I'm supposed to be making you beg, not the other way around," he told her through clenched teeth.

When Willow didn't answer him, he realized that she wasn't intentionally driving him to the brink of insanity. She was masturbating. Her breathing was labored, coming in quick, shallow breaths as she ground herself harder against him.

Angel became enthralled watching her face, her eyes closed, and her mouth forming a delicate "O". Rapture. He was so pleased she was taking the initiative for her own pleasure and he wanted to help.

He pushed open the front of her robe, exposing her breasts to his thirsty gaze. Cupping the curved flesh in his palms, he gently traced the outline of her nipples with his thumbs, watching the puckered flesh tighten under his attention.

Willow moved faster, almost to the brink of her orgasm. She just needed a little more… a little something else.

She got it when Angel gripped her breasts tightly in his hands, pinching her swollen nipples between his thumb and middle fingers.

She did scream, a deep, guttural animalistic roar that almost sent Angel spiraling into his own orgasm, holding back only because he wanted to be inside her when he came.

"You're good," she murmured as she came down from her climax, resting her head on his strong chest. It didn't occur to her to be embarrassed because she instinctively knew that watching her turned him on. She knew it and she felt it.

"I didn't do anything…" he pointed out, wrapping his arms around her, planting a kiss on the top of her head.

"I know. Amazing control you've got there," she giggled softly.

"It gets better."

Placing his hands on her hips, he gently threw her off his body. She landed with a soft 'thump', sinking into the luxurious comforter beside him.

Before she had time to enjoy the incredible squishy bed he was immediately on top of her, his knee pushing away the robe to press his leg against the juncture of her thighs.

Willow untied the robe herself, spreading it completely open to give Angel total access to her body before pushing Angel's pajama bottoms down around his knees, running her hands across his smooth buttocks. He kicked the pants off awkwardly, sending them slithering to the floor.

Angel slid down her body, his hands and mouth blazing a trail across her lips, her breasts, and, finally her stomach and lower. Maybe later he would have time to kiss every inch of her sweet skin but he knew that wasn't necessary to make her beg.

"Angel!" Willow gasped as he swiped his tongue across her clitoris.

With a feral grin, he quickly snaked one finger deep inside her core, curling it upwards to caress the magical spot that all women hoped their partners could find. He found it immediately. Her hips lifted off the bed in response.

"Oh, God...yes...Angel...more...harder!"

In reply, Angel added another finger, vigorously stroking her slick walls as he rolled his tongue across her clitoris, the tiny bud swelling with her blood.

"Angel, please!"

"Not until I'm inside you, Willow," he muttered.

"Bastard! Angel... I need..."

"I know what you need." He climbed back up, his lips finding hers as he positioned himself between her legs. She opened a little wider, obeying the hands that pressed her open for his touch.

His erection was almost painful. It had been so long since he'd allowed himself this pleasure, this gift that Willow was giving him. No, that gift they were sharing. Nothing due, nothing owed.

Reaching between their bodies, she grasped his cock in her small hand and guided him to her entrance, gently pushing the head just between her folds. With a quick, smooth thrust, he sheathed himself inside her.

"Willow." he groaned as her walls stretched to accommodate his girth. Watching the little surprise on her face sent his pride soaring. Purely male, purely egotistical. Her hips rose involuntarily off the bed trying to rub herself against his pubic bone, but Angel caught her with his hands and pushed her back down.

He held still for a few moments, desperately trying to gain some measure of control so that this encounter wouldn't be over before it even began.

Gradually, he felt himself calm and set a rhythm; long, hard thrusts, pulling nearly all the way out, feeling the cool air of the room surround his cock before plunging back in to Willow's welcoming heat.

He watched her face as she writhed beneath him, meeting him stroke for delectable stroke. She was mumbling, nearly incoherent.

"Oh, God! Angel... yes," she hissed, "Harder...Angel...ohhh!"

Her hands were grasping and releasing the bedclothes, clumping them in her tight little fists.

"Me, Willow, put your hands on me." he panted.

She grabbed his biceps, her nails biting into the skin before leaving long, red welts down to his forearms where they grasped for purchase.

That small action broke Angel out of his languid pace. His strokes sped up, hammering Willow into the mattress with each thrust. He felt his balls tighten, a sure sign that he was about to come.

He snaked his hand between their bodies and brushed Willow's clit with his thumb, placing just enough pressure on it to send her spinning into her orgasm, a shriek dying in her throat as the blissful vibrations coursed through her body.

Angel followed with his own powerful release, giving one last violent thrust before spilling his glistening seed inside her.

He fell on top of her, kissing her damp hair and pushing the sweaty strands off her glowing face.

"Told you I'd make you beg."

"And scream," she added, laughing and hugging him tightly to her body.

The End
