The Daywalker Prophecy
By Bliss

Part 15

Angel pulled a particularly dusty volume of lore down form the top shelf and began thumbing through it.
<Of all the languages in the world, Romainian is the hardest to read,> he thought to himself with a sigh. <Where's Willow? She should be back by now. . .>
It was then that the doors of the library shnicked open and Willow walked in. . .
Laughing. . .
And holding onto a strange man's arm. . .
He put the book down and spyed on the unabashedly through the stacks.
He finally placed the man as the person who had met them at the airport. Angel replaced the volume on the shelf and moved stealthily through the stacks, in a move similar to his Angelus-stalker days.
"Smarmy bastard," Willow teased.
"If I had a nickel for every time a beautiful woman said that. . ." Jonathan smiled charmingly.
"I bet you'd be incredably wealthy," she agreed. "Giles!"
"I was just getting ready to look for you two."
"Sorry. I tried to go as fast as possible. . .jeez." Willow made a face at him and Jonathan laughed, an action that had an odd effect on her. She felt almost dizzy inside, flushed. She automatically found herself moving a little bit closer to him
Something tightened in Angel's stomach and he moved back into the shadows.
He hadn't drawn a breath in two hundred years, but his chest was contracting. He slid down the side of bookcase slowly and jerkily until he hit the floor. He sat there, tears sliding down his face and pain radiating through his whole body. He reached out, fumbling, for a copy of the prophecy trying to loose himself in meaningless reading. His head cleared as the puzzle pieces shifted into place and he shot to his feet as the alarms started to go off.
"It's another attack." Jonathan's head shot up like a six-point buck. "C'mon, Willow, we have to get you to a secured location." He gathered her up in his arms, a feeling that shot warmth throught her whole body. She felt so safe there, but. . .
"Giles? and Angel? What about them? I'm not leaving them!" The words were automatic; she was saying them because she should, not because she really felt them.
"They'll be taken care of. You are our main concern, Willow, not them." His face was inches from her, passionate. She felt her knees melt.
"Willow, get out of here!" Giles was yelling. There was another voice there, too, telling her not to go but she ignored it and allowed Jonathan to lead her away.
"Stop them!" Angel raged, snarling as Giles held him back.
"Get a hold of yourself," he said roughly.
"You're an idiot!" Angel raged. "We have to go after them!"
"Why?! He's taking her to a safehouse. We'll met them later, as soon as possible."
"How could you let her go with him? A complete stranger?"
"He happens to be my nephew," Giles said angriliy.
"Oh, really? Funny how you never mentioned him before."
His face darkened. "My personnal life is none of your business. I trust Jonathan implicitly-- with my life--"
"I hope so, because you're *not* trusting him with *yours*, you're trusting him with *Willow's*!"
"What are you trying to imply?!"
" 'Trust each other, only, for when the time comes, the sun will hide and trusted friends will show to be enemies.' " He raged the goddess's words back into Giles's face.
He blanched. "T-the eclipse isn't for days yet," he stammered.
Angel threw the volume against the wall. "Goddamnit, Giles, what calander does this book use?! What calander?!"
"Oh, God, it's tribal. . .they didn't use leap years."
"Very good, old boy, it's about freaking time we realized it."
"What have I done?" Giles swayed on his feet.
"Where would he have taken her?" Angel asked quietly, trying to calm down.
Giles looked up from his puddle of guilt, a slow realization sinking in. "C'mon, quickly. We have to beat them there."
