This Witch's Life

Author: Calie15

Parts: 1-3


Disclaimer: I don't own the characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They are owned by the WB and Joss Whendon. (And truthfully I wouldnt want them. They cause to much trouble.)

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Angel's back from being back from Hell. Willow's got a surprise for him. Wackiness ensues.


~Part: 1~

Buffy was getting really aggravated with these vampires. Couldnt they for once just take a day off. But nooooooo always had to bother the slayer. She staked another one. Uhhhhhhhhh still one more left. She moved in to stake him when she was grabbed from behind. "What the hell?"

"Your not going to get away this time slayer."

"I wasn't trying" she jabbed him in the stomach, "to get" she kicked the other vampire in front of her,"away." The one in front of her moved forward in on her. But the vampire that had her from behind refused to let her go. "Okay not good." Then she heard the vampire behind her stiffen and scream and then disappear. The first thing she did was grab a stake out of her jacket and stake the one in front of her. "Whew. That was close." She straitened out her clothes. "Now what happened to the other one?" She turned around slowly and when she finally saw what made the other vampire disappear she screamed.

"Hello Buffy." Angel said.


"Oh my god oh my god. You cant be here. Maybe IM dreaming. Did the vampire knock me out? Maybe IM dead. Anything would be more believable then this. I mean living on the hell mouth there is a lot of weird stuff but you cant be here. You just cant." She finally stopped babbling and looked around hoping to find anything that would prove to her that he wasn't really there and that all of this was some weird trick.

"I know it is hard for you to except Buffy. But I am here. But I am here for the reason." He said.

"Then why are you here?" She looked at him. She never thought he would've come back. Never in her wildest dreams. Well, she did dream he would come back but she never believed it would happen. All her old feeling started rushing back to her. But they where different now. It was more like old memories. Old feelings from the past. She had tried her best to put him behind her. And now here his is. What will the others say? They surely aren't going to be happy to see him. Especially one person inparticular.

"There is something going on. Something big. And no one knows about it. I only found out about it on mistake. It isn't in the prophecies or the books or anything. And as much as a lot of people would like me to stay away. You all need me write now." He replied in his usual cryptic way. Not telling her a damn thing that would make any sense to her.

"Do you want to talk to Giles?" she asked meekly knowing that Giles would not want to see Angel and Angel would probably not want to confront Giles. To much had went on after Angel lost his soul for everyone to just forgive and forget.

He flinched when she said Giles' name. He knew he would have to face Giles. He just didnt want to think about it. He wouldnt be surprised if Giles tried to stake him. But he couldnt worry about that now. They needed his help. "Yes, I think that would be the best thing."

"All right," she said, "but when we get there you better take cover."


Giles busied himself by looking through some of the watcher diaries. He was still waiting for Buffy to get back fro her rounds. He looked over at Xander who was crunching very loudly on some chips. Willow and Cordelia where supposed to be there soon. They had some research to do. There was talk of something big going on but nothing else. So he though it was best for them all to be prepared and research in the books for some prophecy. He heard the doors slammed open and looked up. It was Buffy she cam running up to the table he was sitting at and she started talking in a big hurry.

"Giles you are not going to believe this. I did at first. And you probably wont. But whatever you do remain calm." She took a deep breath. After that fight and her rush over here she was feeling a little tired. She told Angel to wait outside the door so she could prepare Giles.

"I don't have the pleasure of understanding what you are talking about," he responded.

"Of course you don't! I haven't told you yet!"

"Buffy calm down jeez." Xander spoke up. "You gonna burst a blood vessel or something."

"Yea well we'll see how you react when you see who I have brought here. Look both of you please don't do anything you will regret later. Just stay where you are and don't do anything. Okay?" They shook there head. "Okay?!?!?!"

"Okay." They both said.

"All right. You can come in now."

They all looked at the door. They weren't prepared for who walked in. Xander jumped up and grabbed a stake holding it up prepared if Angel attacked them. Giles just stood there staring.

"All right. You all promised me not to go nuts. So don't do it." Buffy said moving in front of Angel just in case one of them decided to get stake happy.

"But-but its Angel." Xander stuttered.

"Why did you bring him back here?" Giles said finally breaking his silence.

"Look we all know that he got his soul back and he had come back from hell a long time ago. So there is nothing to be worried about."

"Worried about!!! He killed people!" Xander yelled. After all Angel put them through he couldnt believe they where just going to stand there. Especially Giles.

"Why did you bring him here?" Giles asked again still now moving.

Angel finally spoke up. "I know my presence isnt appreciated. But I am hear to help you all."

"Help us?!?!?! You tried to kill us and now you are hear to help us?!?!?!?!" Xander laughed. "You have got to be joking. Why would we want or need your help."

"Because without it you all will most probably die. Someone is coming. IM sure you all have heard about it. It isn't in your books or anywhere. And you are not going to know who it is or what it is or when it is. It is going to hit you when you least expect it and kill every single one of you. And I have heard about it and am hear to help." Angel stopped talking and looked at every single one of them preparing for someone to attack. Buffy had moved away a little and was staring at him. Waiting for him to say more. Xander just glared at him still holding the stake but he didnt move. Giles just stood there.

Giles finally sat down. Slowly. He didnt know what to think or say. Angel was right he heard about something happening. But didnt know what. And if Angel was right and it wasn't in any books. They they would need his help. Giles took a moment to regain control of himself. Memories and feelings that he thought he had put behind him rushed back up and threatened to claim him. He pushed them out of his mind. He would have to deal with his personnel problems later. Right now he had to deal with this problem that was threatening the lives of everyone. "All right what do you know."

"Well,-" He stopped he felt someone coming.

"What's wrong?" Buffy asked getting back into slayer mode.'

"Someone's here." He said trying to listen.

Xander waked over to the door slowly. "Oh no." He said quietly.

"What?" they all said.

"Its Cordelia. And Willow." He said slowly.

"Oh no. We cant let her see him this soon. Nonononono." Buffy said alarmed.

Angel looked at her confused what was she so worried about.

"We have to hide him." Giles said getting up and unlocking his office.

"Angel you have to go hide in Giles' office and don't come out till we tell you to. And don't make a sound." Buffy said pushing him towards the office.

"Buffy what is going on?" He asked getting worried. If they where in trouble he shouldn't be locked up in an office.

"Look unless you have a death wish you better get into that office and don't do a thing till I come an get you." she responded firmly.

He looked at her. She was serious. He walked in there and she pulled down the blinds and closed the door. He sat down and didnt move. He heard Giles, Xander, and Buffy whispering and chairs moving. Then there was nothing. Then a moment later he heard laughing and doors open.

"Hey guys!" Willow exclaimed. She walked over and put her purse on the table. "What's up?"

"Up? Nothing. Why would something be up?" Xander asked worriedly.

"Just a question retard." Cordelia answered.

"Oh okay." He said.

"So what do we have to research?" Willow asked taking a seat.

"Oh no-nothing. False alarm. You-you and Cordelia can go home." Giles said stuttering.

"Okay I guess. Don't like doing it anyway." Cordelia said. "Xander you coming?"

"Oh um no. I gotta um research something." They looked at him weirdly. "For extra credit you know. IM failing."

"Buffy how bout you?" Willow asked.

"Oh um I gotta train. Cant have the badies start getting ahead of me." she responded.

"Okay you all are acting beyond weird. But if yall want to hang out here that's find. Me and Willow are going to the Bronze." Cordelia turned around and walked out.

"Well, it sounds like IM going to. See yall later!" Willow smiled and walked out the doors.

They all let out deep breath that they didnt realize they had been holding in. Angel waited but none of them told him to come out yet. Then he heard footsteps and the office door opened.

"All right alls clear you can come out now." Buffy said holding the door open for him.

"Okay someone has to tell me what is going on. You tell me to hide and then the only thing that happens is Willow and Cordelia coming in. I though there was going to be some demon." He looked at all of them with a curious look on his face.

"Look deadboy by advice to you would be to stay away from Willow." Xander said. He had finally put the stake down.

Angel still didnt understand what was going on. "You want to tell me why?"

Buffy let out a deep breath. "Its sort of a long story. After you left a lot happened particularly to Willow. When you left town Willow came to us telling us that she had brought you back from hell. But that you left as soon as it happened before seeing any of us. And well our response to that wasn't as great as it should have been. All of us where upset with her. It took a little while before we where comfortable around her other again." Angel was surprised to say the least. HE never thought about the effect his leaving town would have on Willow. He just thought he would be helping everyone out by leaving town. "But that's not even the worst part" Buffy continued, "about a month after you left town a man came to town. We still don't know who he was or what he was. But he was powerful. To powerful for me. He was here after Willow. The spell she casted to bring you out of hell was so powerful and so strong that he felt it from wherever he was. And feeling a witch with that much power he came here to kill Willow." Buffy stopped. She was running out of breath and her mouth was dry.

Giles continued for her. "Before he came to kill Willow, she got a visit from some women who we think now was some kind of immortal witch. She cam to Willow and told her the only way for Willow to defeat him was for the women to help her. But something would come with the help she told her. The women wouldnt tell her what the thing would be but Willow would find out soon enough. But she did tell her that this man would kill everyone she knew to get to her. And when he did kill her if all of her friends weren't dead he would probably kill them then anyway. Willow decided right away she would accept. She told us the next day. We where all rather upset with her for making a decision on her own. But it was to late by then. All we could do was sit back and wait for him to come. And he did. Three days later." Giles paused.

Xander picked up where he left off. "They fought." It wasn't a physical fight. It was a fight. Of power. Willow died almost right off. Well, all thought that it was over. But Willow started to glow a yellowish color and she just woke up right off. Almost like she was just asleep. She fought him again. But this time she one. Then the ghost came back. The one that made the deal with Willow. This time we all saw her. She told Willow she did a great job. Then she told Willow what came along with her help. She would live forever. Willow was to take the women's place. As an immortal witch. She would fight other magical beings for centuries to come. And then she left."

Buffy took up right away."The months after that where terrible. Willow tried to commit suicide 3 times. Each time she came back. Willow couldnt control her powers. They where to much for her to handle. When she would bad she would lose it. Things would catch on fire break anything that she could let her anger out on. After that she would pass out. She couldn't handle all of the stress. As the months went by she got better though. But she still isn't perfect."

None of them said anything after that. Angel was to surprised to say anything. It was all still sinking in. He couldnt even comprehend his on feelings on the subject. "But why did you have to hide me?"

"She blames you." Xander said.

"What?" Angel was more surprised by that.

"At the time she needed something to blame and at the time you seemed like the best thing to blame. You where the reason hat man had dome here to kill her. Her brining you out of hell caused him to come here." Xander said. As much as he hated Angel he almost felt sorry for him. Because when Willow found out he was back she was going to be pissed.

"Is that all?" Angel asked.

"No." Giles said. "The women came back to her again a month after it happened. She told her the only way for Willow to die was for the other half of her bond to break. Willow asked what it was but she wouldnt tell her. She told Willow she would know what it was when she formed the bond. Willow told her when she did find out she would break it. But the ghost told her when she did find out what it was she wouldnt want to."

"Do you all know what it is?" Angel asked.

"No, we haven't found out yet." Giles replied.

Angel was to caught up in his own thoughts though to hear someone coming down the hall and open the doors.

"Hey Giles I left me pu-" Willow didnt get a chance to finish her sentence. She saw him.

"Uh oh" Xander said.

"Willow hurry up." Cordelia said coming down the hall and then opened the door."Oh no." She said. She hurriedly got away from Willows and got behind Xander.

"Uh Willow. I know you are upset and that's okay. But I think it would be better for us to talk about this. Angel is here to help us." Giles said hurriedly hoping she wouldnt get out of hand.

Willow stood there staring at Angel. Angel didnt move. He didnt want to make her anymore upset then she probably was. But she didnt say anything. And that was worrying all of them more if she would have. Her lips turned up into a thin smile and she spoke.

"IM not upset" she said calmly. She made fists with her hands and unclenched them and clenched them repetitively. She looked down as if she was trying to control herself. He was beginning to think she would actually be okay about this.

Willow just stared at the ground. She couldnt believe this. She thought she was through with this. It was safe to be mad at him. She though he would never come back. But nope. Here he was standing in the same room as her. She was fighting to control her temper. She had made to much progress in the past couple of months to just blow up. But jeez why did he have to come back! But she wasn't going to think about that now. She looked up at him. Then looked back down. Note-Dont look at him. It makes her more mad. But she should be mad! It was his fault she was in this mess! Maybe if he would've stayed around and not left her to deal with all this she wouldnt have been mad. But nooooooo he had to leave. She had to deal with the pain of having her friends mad at her. Her thoughts where taking a turn for the worst but she didnt care. Don't people say sometimes it is better to express your anger. Well, no more bottling it up. And don't people say that it is better to tell a person when you are mad at them! Well, shell just have to do that wont she.

Angel watched her closely. Prepared for any change in her attitude. She kept looking down. At one point she looked back up at him then looked back down. In the mean time he also noticed none of the others where doing anything. They where just waiting. He find it a little weird. She couldnt be that bad. Not Willow. She had always been quite and sweet. They had said she had gotten a little violent when she was upset. In his opinion he thought they where exaggerating a little. He heard her take a big sigh. And went back to watching her and waiting.

"You know what? I am upset. Very upset. Why shouldn't I be?" she asked. She looked up and them at no one in particular considering her eyes where black.

"Ohhhh I hate it when she does that." Cordelia whined.

"Will maybe we should go outside and talk about this." Buffy said walking slowly towards her trying not to get her mad she took a hold of her arm and tried to pull her out of the library.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Willow yelled. She pushed Buffy back throwing her across the room. "I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE! He ruined all of our lives when he lost his soul!!!! I could forgive him for that as hard as it was. I gave him back his should and his as send to hell. I brought him back!!! But he left. He just left. And it is his fault that I am like this!!!"

She looked at him. He couldnt tell considering her eyes where still black but he could feel her staring at him. He didnt know what to say. He couldnt believe this. It was to much. Willow almost seemed evil. He couldn't find anything to say.

"Say something dammit!!!" She continued yelling.

"There is nothing to say." He said.

Willow walked closer to him."I hate you you know that?" She reached out her hand a stake flew from across the room into her hand. She rested the point on his chest. "You have made my life hell. I should kill your right now."

"Then do it." He said. He didnt care. He'd be grateful she could release him from all of the guilt and the pain he had been living with for years. She flinched when he said that. She took a step back from him.

Willow didnt know what to say. She wanted him to fight her. Give her a reason to kill him. This was to frustrating. She couldnt stand it anymore.

They all watched her not sure what she was going to do. At first it looked like she was going to stake him. But then she back up. She didnt do anything. She was fighting her own inner battle.

Finally she couldnt stand it anymore. There was so much pain and anger and sadness built up in her she had to let it all out.

Buffy watched her closely from where she still was when Willow pushed her. She heard Willow let out a whimper then drop the stake. Buffy got up and went to her. But even before Buffy took two step. Willow screamed. It was different then the other out bursts Willow had. This one was a release for Willow. But it didnt stop. Willow fell to her knees. All of a sudden a strong wind picked up out of no where and flung all of them back a couple of bookcases fell over. Glass broke. Books where flung across the room then there was silence. Everyone got him from the place they took cover. Buffy was the first to reach Willows side. She had collapsed but was still awake. "Are you okay?" Buffy asked.

Willow smiled. "I feel better." she made a face like she was thinking about something. "Buffy?"

"Yea?" Buffy said looking down at her.

"I think I'm dying."

Buffy widened her eyes.

"Not like that. Like regular people dying."

Xander walked up. "Is everything okay?"

Buffy was about to tell him what Willow said but Willow spoke up first.

"See ya in a bit Xander." Then her eyes slowly shut.

Buffy started crying a little. She didnt know why. She knew Willow was going to come back. But it was just so much that they had been through. She looked up and saw Giles and Cordelia standing over them. Over to the side she saw Angel. She knew it wasn't his fault. He would never have known none of this would happen. The look on his face thought she would never forget. It was of total shock. She felt sorry for him. She looked back down at Willow. She gathered her friend in her arms and walked over to a table and laid her down. It was only a matter of time before she woke up.

~Part: 2~

Angel shifted slightly from the position he had been holding it seemed for the past hour. He felt terrible. So he automatically went into brooding mode. No one else said anything. There really wasn't anything to be said.

He was relieved though. He didnt want to talk. He just wanted to brood. He observed what the rest of them where doing. Giles had went into his office and shut the door a few minutes after it happened. Xander was upset. He sat next to the table holding Willows hand. Sometimes whispering urges for her to wake up. Cordelia stood behind him offering words of comfort to him but was relatively quite herself. Buffy was different. She didnt do anything. Just sat there. Waiting. It was a usual thing for Buffy. To bottle up her emotions and take care of everyone else first.

Angel wasn't doing anything either though. An distant observer might think he was in a trance. But he wasn't. He was thinking. And over analyzing everything over and over again. He was still surprised. He felt guilty enough when he came back, now he felt even worse. He almost wished Willow had staked him. He thought she was going to to. He didnt really know what stopped her. Maybe he surprised her by telling her to. Or maybe she felt sorry for him when he did say it. Or maybe she felt he would be more punished by having to live with the guilt. He didnt know. He knew he was just an outlet for Willows anger for when she changed. But he had hurt her in other ways he didnt think about till now. He left as soon as Willow had brought him back from hell. He couldn't stand being around any of them. The guilt was overwhelming him.

He didn't realize then the consequences of leaving would be greater then he imagined. But his thoughts where cut short when he he felt something. It was like another heartbeat. He hurriedly walked over to the table that Willow was laying on.

Angels sudden movement caused everyone to look at him. When he walked over to where Willow was they turned there gazes to Willow. All of a sudden her eyes popped open and she drew in a deep breath and started coughing.

"Willow!" Xander hugged her. "Are you okay?"

She stopped coughing and took another deep breath and looked at him and smiled. "Yea a little woozy but besides that I feel like new."

At the sound of voices Giles rushed out of his office and when he saw Willow he rushed to her side. "Willow we where so worried."

"There was nothing to worry about Giles. We've been though this before."

When Angel heard her comment on them going through that before the guilt rushed back again even harder. They had told him that she had tried committing suicide. But the thought that they all had to go through this more then once was more then he could bare. He slowly walked out of the library unnoticed by everyone except Buffy. She followed him out of the library after talking with Willow for a bit.

Once she was out the doors she spotted him a little ways down the hall way and caught up with him. She just walked down the hall with him not knowing what to say.

"Angel I don't know what to say to make the guilt go away. But it isn't your fault. None of this is. Someone else did this to Willow. And Willow isn't normally like that either. In the beginning it was kind of bad but it never got this bad. I think seeing you surprised Willow and brought a lot of thing back up that she tried to forget. "

"Yea. I guess." He said he though a little more then soke up again. "What am I supposed do? Stay away from her? Because if she has another outburst like that she could kill me."

"I don't think it will happen again. She was just surprised. I mean after all this is Willow. I don't think she could stay mad for to long if she tried. But you are going to have to talk to her. After all if there is this big badie coming like you are talking of chances are Willow can help. She has helped us out a lot in the past few months. I think for the time being though you should keep your distance. Willow needs time to let everything sink in. And then after that I guess we can try talking to her about it get her used to the idea you know. Then she will see you." Buffy looked up at Angel. She was worried that he would change his mind and go back from the place he had come from. What was stopping him. All that was here was a bunch of bad memories. And to top it off he had a really powerful pissed off witch to deal with. When you think about it. She wouldn't want to be here either.

"All right. Im going to disappear for the next few days. Then I am going to come back and see how everything is. If I here anything though I will let Giles know." he said.

"Okay." she couldnt think of anything else to say. She stopped at the doors and he walked out without even turning around. Buffy made her way back to the library. Willow had broken down again. But instead she was crying. Well at least she isn't resorting to violent outbursts she thought. She opened the doors to help them all comfort her. The next few days where going to be a tough for all of them.


The next couple of days where spent comforting Willow and protecting her form her own anger. Willow hadn't been to school since that day. She still needed time to recuperate from the night of her outburst. It hurt her physically and mentally. But Willow was getting better fast everyday. But Willow still hadn't mentioned Angel. And that was starting to worry Buffy. Willow had to remember. Either she didnt or was blocking it out or refused to talk about it. But none of them would bring it up with before she was ready to talk about it. Buffy had been checking on Willow every night after her rounds. But one night Willow finally did speak up about it.

"Gosh Willow you should have been there tonight Im telling you. I had gotten used to having a witch back me up whenever my ass got in trouble." Buffy said trying to cheer Willow up a little. Willow looked over to her form her place on the bed and smiled sadly. It made Buffys heart break to know that over the past six months Willow had made so much progress only to be pulled back down again.

"Buffy?" Willow asked unsurely.


"What-what is Angel doing back?"

Willows question caught Buffy off guard. Buffy just didnt expect it. At least she didnt expect to have to deal with this on her own with Willow.

"Uhhhhhh. I don't know how to talk about him with you Willow." She walked over to Willows bed and laid down on it next to Willow who was already laying down.

"Don't worry Im not going to go crazy and blow up the house." Willow said looking at Buffy with a playful smile.

"Now you know that isn't what I mean." She sighed. "I just don't want you to hurt anymore then you already do. After he left I know it was hard on you. We where especially hard on you. I look back on it now and feel terrible. I was just so upset that you had brought him back without us knowing and now he was gone. But Im over that. But we all where hard on you after that. And you where right. It was his fault that SOME of this happened. It WAS his fault that he left you to deal with this. I know this is going to hurt you Willow but I gotta say it." she looked at her friend.Willow sat there with a blank expression on her face. Buffy couldn't tell if that was a good sign or bad but she continued.

"But it WASNT him that turned you into what you are." Willow flinched but didnt say a word. So Buffy kept going.

"I know it was the spell that you did to bring him out of hell that brought that man here to kill you. But you know deep down that the real Angel, would he had known, would never have put you or any of us in harms way. You have to know that. And as much as I have hated to admit it I am the slayer. It wasn't by choice. It was fate. Have you thought that maybe your gift maybe not by choice but also was fate?" Buffy sighed. She stood up.

She still hadn't answered Willows question. And she knew Willow wanted to know. "Angel came back to help us. He heard of someone or something or whatever is going to come here. And well he heard it was going to be pretty bad and that a lot of people could die. Who knows what it is. He's always gotta play cryptic guy."

She walked over to Willow who was still laying on the bed and knelt down next to her. "Willow say something."

Willow blinked a couple of times as if just registering that Buffy was still there. Something inside her just felt different. When it happened she didnt know. Maybe it was Buffys speech. But Willow felt better. She felt a little whole for once in a very long time. Buffy was right maybe it was fate that this happened and nothing that Angel could have done would have prevented it. Willow didnt know what to say. So she cried. Buffy took Willow in her arms and whispered words of comfort to her.



"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Being there for me and understanding and making me understand."

"I only did what you would have done for me."

Willow smiled. She felt so good right now that she didnt know where to laugh or cry. She heard Buffy start to cry with her. So she laughed. "We both sound like a bunch of babies." Willow said jokingly.

"Yea well know one said a good cry didnt do any good." Buffy replied smiling.

"So now what?" Willow asked

"I don't know I got a lot of energy. Whatya say we go dust some vamps. You look a little better and Im sure your in the mood to chant a little magic and make some vamps combust."

"Maybe tomorrow night. All this crying I have been doing has been wearing me out. I think I am going to try to get some sleep." Willow said yawning.

"All right. I guess Ill head home to. Maybe Ill catch a couple on the way home to burn the energy off. Later Will." Buffy said waving over her shoulder and made her way over to Willows balcony.

"Bye Buffy." Willow yawned again leaned over and turned out her light.


After sleeping for a couple of hours after Buffy left Willow woke up. She didnt know why. She didnt have any nightmares like she had had before. She looked over at her clock which read 1:38. She laid back down again. After about 20 minutes of not seeing any hope of getting back to sleep she got up and got dressed. She was going to take a walk. A while back she wouldnt have even dreamed of it. But Willow could protect herself now. And even if she couldnt shed wake right back up. So it really didnt matter. She slipped on her shoes and opened her door quietly to see if her parents where still up. But they weren't. She walked over to her balcony and climbed down the ladder she had put there.

No one was out on the streets. Which was good. With the vampires out no person should be out this late at night. Well except her. She buried her hands deep in her pockets of her jacket. It was getting cold out.

<Oh well no more warm weather,> she thought. She often took walks late at night. Her room didn't offer the same kind of sanctuary it did before. She felt better just walking around late at night when no one was around. But that's how it always was even before all this. She didn't like big crowds and she found she could think and work better on her own.

She started thinking. She thought about everything. The past six months. Buffy, Xander, Cordelia, Giles. She was so glad that they where with her through this whole thing or she probably would have went mad. But other thoughts plagued her mind ones that she always tried to push her way. She hadn't really discussed this with any of the others even though they knew about it. It was just a topic that everyone chose not to talk about or even acknowledge. It was better that way. The thought of her not dying and having to be the same age the rest of her life and watch her friends die was one of the worst things that Willow had to deal with. Most of the time she chose to pretend like it wasn't a problem. But in about 10 years it would be an obvious problem. Her friends would be in there late twenties and here she would be stuck in a 16 year olds body.

She didn't want to have to deal with that pressure. Also the thought that she couldn't live in Sunnydale for to long upset her to. People would start to notice when she didn't age. Then there was that other thing that was bothering her.


She didn't now what to think anymore. For the past 6 months she had been set on hating him. Probably because she thought she would never see him again. But here he was. And now her hate had hurt her more then anyone. But a usual thing for Willow was that she couldn't stay mad for long. Her hate was already starting to recede. And some of it being replaced for guilt. Buffy was so right. It wasn't Angels fault she was turned into what she was.

He would've stopped it if he could have. But who's to say that he could have. It may have been fate and nothing anybody could have said or done would change it.

She stopped to take a look around at where she walked to. The cemetery. She smiled. Besides the library it seemed they spent a lot of there time there. She opened the gate and walked in. Maybe she could find a vamp to kill to get her thoughts away from the place they where. She slowly walked in between graves looking.

"Now you know. Any other day you all would be happy to bother me. But when I come looking for you you don't want to play." She heard a growl behind her and turned around. "Ah. So you want to play?" She mumbled a few words then he burst into flame. "Uhhhh. People! Well vampires! I am trying to use up some of this energy I got here! So come out come out wherever you are!!! You damn ninnies. I guess Ill have to find you all."

She continued walking through the cemetery. She had to admit it still did scare her when a vampire came up to her. But she never find one she couldnt fight. Some people would think she might be cocky thinking that. But oh well its her problem. "Uhhhhhhh this is so boring!" She sat down on one of the benches that where placed out there. Maybe she should've went to get Buffy. They always seemed to come to her. Stupid vampires. Like Buffy wouldnt kill them either. Or at least if Buffy was here she would have someone to talk to. Her thoughts where interrupted by someone walking. "Ah! Fun!" She turned around prepared to kill another one but it wasn't the kind of vampire she expected.

"Angel." She whispered lowly.

His surprise was evident. It was obvious that she was the last person he would expect to see out this late at night. Especially in the cemetery. He just stood there. Not sure if she was going to have another outburst like before. But she didnt. She just stood there staring at him a little unsure of what to say. She seemed like the old Willow he had known before and that made him a little more comfortable.

"Willow. Um wh-what are you doing out here?" he said slowly.

She looked at him for a moment like she didnt understand the question.

"Oh um I was um looking for some vamps." She said meekly.

He raised his eyebrows. "You where looking for vampires?"

She right away for defensive. "Yea so? I can take care of myself."

He saw this change in attitude Reminded himself not to challenge her ability to take care of herself.

"Yea your probably could." He said.

Willow looked at him not knowing quite what to say. It had been easier to be mad at him. Then she could just yell. But she couldnt stay mad at anyone for long. And right now Angel looked so sad she couldnt help but do away with some of that anger. She felt sorry for him. He had went through so much and the last thing he needed was some crazy witch harassing him. She smiled at the thought. Then returned her attention back to Angel when she realized he was still watching her.

He saw her smile. He wasn't sure why. He wasn't sure if he should be relieved or scared. It looked sincere but who knows.

"I um better go." She said.

"Okay." was all he said and watched her as she turned around and walked slowly out of the cemetery.

~Part: 3~

Angel opened his door to his apartment and walked in. He took off his leather jacket and threw it on the chair and fell down on to the sofa. Since being back it had all been crazy. Especially the first night. But the way Willow was tonight and the first night he saw her was totally different. He was surprised. Maybe she wouldnt stay mad at him. Normally it wouldnt bother him to much but it was now. Now it was different. He just wished he could figure out what made it so different. Tonight she seemed her quite and distant self. It was a little comforting. But not a lot. The past couple of days had been pretty slow. He had had a couple of talks with Buffy. They where still trying to work out there current relationship dilemma. They both knew it could never be. And that they couldnt pick up form where they left off. A lot had happened since then. He was even surprised she would talk to him. But a lot of things had been surprising him lately. Which automatically reminded him of Willow. Right when he got her off his mind he was thinking of her again. He needed to take his mind off of her.

He got up and went to the fridge and took at a bottle and popped off the cap and took a quick drink. He walked slowly back over to his couch to continue his brooding. He sat down with his bottle of blood and continued thinking. Lately the only things he had been thinking about was Willow, sometimes Buffy, and the reason he was there. He still didnt know what was going on really. And it was starting to discourage him. He didnt know what to do about it. He didnt have to much of an idea of who it was or what they could do. But whatever it was it would be bad.


Willow walked into the library and found everyone gathered around the table. Early that morning Willow had called Giles telling him that she was feeling better and was ready to join the research party anytime. So here she was.

Xander was the first to speak up "Hey Wills!

"Hey Xander. Long time no see." Willow said and walked over to where he stood and gave him a hug. He held her in his embrace for a few seconds. Even though Willow knew she would never have Xander she was glad she at least had him for a friend. She pulled away and surveyed the library.

"Well I see my mess had been cleaned up." She said referring to her powerful outburst those few nights ago.

"Yes well the day after that we cleaned up because it would have been a little hard to explain." Giles said.

"I would imagine." Willow said trying to lighten the mood. But everyone was still a little awkward so she went over to a seat in front of the computer and sat down. "So what am I to do today?"

"Well," Giles said grateful for the change of subject. "we need you to look on the computer about an abnormal activity lately and see if there are any prophesies for the next couple of weeks."

"Will do." She turned her attention to the computer relieved that she wouldnt have to join in with anymore conversation.

"Uhhhhh I cant do this anymore." Cordelia said throwing down one of the books. She opened up her purse and took a mirror out. "Look look at me! My make up is just about gone. And this is goo make up. It takes a while to wear away. So you see how long you have kept me here. I was planning to go out but instead I am here reading books that make the don't make the least bit of sense."

Willow smiled. Listening to Cordy complain was almost kind of comforting. No matter what changed she would always complain.

For the next couple of hours Willow spent her time pointing and clicking pointing and clicking. As much as she liked computer she was sure getting sick of this one. She was about to yell when luckily Buffy spoke up saving them all.

Buffy threw her book down and yawned. "Well as inspiring as this all his been why don't you let us go, Giles. Your gonna send us all to an early grave."

"Well I suppose you all could leave. But I need you all back here tomorrow early." Giles said. He walked around the table picking up books and putting them with the ever-growing stack of books that didnt have anything in them to help.

"Come on G man." Xander said. "Tomorrow is a Sunday. We need out sleep. When this bad thing does come how are we going to fight him if we are tired."

Giles opened his mouth to oppose him but Buffy started speaking before him.

"Im glad you agree Giles. Cant have a cranky slayer on your hands. See ya after 12. She followed the others out the door before he could complain.


Buffy followed the rest of them out the doors of the school. "So what is on the plans for tonight?"

"Well," Xander said. "First we could go to the Bronze. Or we could go to the Bronze. But then there is always the Bronze. So you pick." He looked at her giving her a half-smile.

"Hmmmmm well in my opinion I think we should go to the Bronze." she replied after giving it some thought.

"What a wonderful choice!" He exclaimed.

Willow couldnt help but laugh. Cordelia had already made her way to her car and was starting to apply make-up. Willow opened the door and climbed in the back with Buffy while Xander took the front next to Cordelia.

"Well Cordy me and Buffy decided we want to go to the Bronze where do you want to go?" Xander inquired.

"Don't be stupid Xander. You know that is the only place to go to around here." She scolded him.

"I love it when you talk dirty to me." He replied intended on irritating her more.

Buffy leaned over to whisper something in Willows ear. "I hope we don't have to listen to this the whole way there."

Willow smiled. This was what she loved. The everyday things. Not having to think about think about slayers or vampires or that the world could end at anytime or witches that where going to live forever. She frowned well that was a nice turn of thought. She laid her head back on the seat and closed her eyes doing her best not to think about anything the whole way there.


Willows looked around at the people dancing. She was getting bored fast. Xander and Cordelia where out there dancing. Again. And Buffy was dancing . Again. And where was she? Sitting this dance out. Again. She hated this. Why did she always come back here? She could always just make all the guys come up to her. Or whatever. But she preferred not to. She felt fake. So instead she just sat there and watched. It wasn't there fault that people wanted to dance with them. She couldnt expect people to say no just to keep her company because no one wanted to dance with her.


He watched from a corner way in the back. No one could see him there even if they where only a couple of feet away. And that was the way he liked it. He had been watching all of them as soon as they came in. It was almost the same as it was in the beginning. Before anything had changed. It may look the same but a lot had changed. He had had a relationship with Buffy that had coasted him his sole. And in the mean time cause pain for others. Some where in the middle of all that Cordelia and Xander has started a relationship. The only conclusion he could have for that was the hell mouth. aNd then there was Willows change. A big one at that. She was the only one sitting at the table. She was always the one sitting it out. She didnt look bothered. But she had to be. It made him smile a little at the fact that none of these boys knew in just a second this girl could snap her fingers and turn them all into dust. The dance finally ended and he saw Buffy, Xander, and Cordelia make there way back to there table. He moved back some more to make sure he wasn't seen and then watched.


Willow was glad when the dance was over. She would finally have someone to talk to.

"Hey Wills. What's up?" Buffy asked.

"Oh nothing much. Just trying to keep all these boys away from me." She said with a little hint of sarcasm. But Buffy didnt hear her. She was looking around. "Buffy what are you doing?"

Buffy stopped and stared a little corner in the back. She stared for a moment and then realized what it was. Or actually who it was.

"Oh nothing just though I saw a vampire." She replied a little absent mindedly.

"Okay." Willow said not believing a word she said.

"Well I've had enough of this rat infested place. Lets jet." Cordelia said standing up and grabbing her purse. They all stood up to follow when the the table started to vibrate a little.

"Buffy you see that?" Willow said referring to the table that was starting to shake harder.

"Yea." She looked around and saw that it wasn't just the table everything was shaking. And much faster by that time. She went to say something else then suddenly a violent tremor shook them sending people to the ground. People where screaming and grabbing on to things trying to keep themselves up. It stooped then another violent tremor shook them.

"Buffy what is going on?!?!?!?!?!" Xander yelled form his position on the ground.

"I don't know Im just the slayer. Willow?!?!?!?!?!?!" Buffy asked grabbing on to a pole as the ground shook again more violently.

"I don't know! Yall expect me to know everything Im just a witch who is still in high school." She look around trying to find something to grab. But people where all around her and there wasn't anything free to grab ahold of. The ground was still shaking but more violently. Tables and chairs ahd overturned. Glasses fell on the floor and people where all over screaming and trying to find a safe place to hide.

As the earthquake got worse Willow finally lost her hold on the table and flew to the floor. She tried to push herself up when a table fell down across her legs. She let out a yell. She tried her best to use her powers to move the table but with the quake and everything falling and she screaming she couldnt concentrate. She look up just in time to see a metal beam coming loose and on it way down for her. She tried to scream and pull herself out but no one heard her.

Buffy looked around trying to find her friends. She saw Xander and Cordy on the floor. But still didnt see Willow. She looked all round and finally say her. She was sprawled on the ground with a table across her legs. Buffy was relieved to see Willow but notice that Willow was stuck under the table tried to crawl her way over there. But then she realized she wouldnt make it in time. She right away say the metal beam coming down towards her friend. She tried her best and screamed of someone to help Willow but know one heard or saw her. She watched painfully knowing she wouldnt be able to get there in time to help her friend.


When Angel first felt things start to vibrate he knew right away it was trouble. He hurriedly made his way over to Buffy and them but was knocked over when a violent shake knocked him over. He slowly mad his way over there doing his best not to knock over anyone. He look around for all of them to make sure they where okay. He saw Cordelia and Xander together and then saw Buffy. She was trying her best to get somewhere but was being stopped by all the people in her way. Her face looked worried and desperate. She yelled something but he couldnt quite understand what she was saying. He followed the direction Buffy was looking in. He eyes finally fell on Willow who was laying on the floor with a table holding her down. She was yelling and screaming and trying to pull herself our form under the table. He looked up and saw one of the beams at the rough breaking off and on it way down to her. He pushed his way past people doing his best to keep steady and not fall over form the quakes shaking the Bronze still. He finally got over to her and moved the table off of her and dragged her out of the way of the falling beam. He fell back towards the counter with Willow in her arms and her still screaming. Then came the worst shake of all. Pieces of the ceiling started falling off. She ground cracked. Peoples where thrown across the room. He noticed a shelf with glasses on it start to fall over towards them and he threw himself over Willow.


Willow didnt even notice herself get pulled out form under the table. She felt a really bad tremor and then a body went on top of her. She let out a loud gasp as the weight of the person crushed her hurt legs. She looked up into the face of Angel. She was surprised to say the least but relieved at the same time. Then the quake stopped and everything stood still. People where yelling all over. Some calling for friends, some crying, some yelling out in pain. She tried to yell for her friends but she dint have the energy to. Angel looked down at her and there eyes finally connected but not for long. He stood up and put his hand out to hep Willow up. She took his hand and attempted to pull herself up but shots of pain ran through her legs and she automatically let go of his hand.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"My legs. They hurt. I cant walk." She looked up at him. He knelt down and put an arm under her knees and the other under her back and lifted her up. She winced from the pain as he lifted her up but didnt say anything. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he maneuvered his way out of the Bronze. She buried her head in the crook of his neck doing her best to ignore the pain in her legs and everything going on around her.

When Angel finally got out of the Bronze he still didnt put Willow down knowing that she probably wouldnt be able to hold herself up. He looked around for everyone else. He spotted Buffy with Xander and Cordelia with her. When Buffy caught sight of Angel with Willow in is arms she rushed over to him with Xander and Cordelia close behind. He looked down at Willow and she still had her head buried in his neck.

"Angel! Willow!" Buffy yelled running over to them. "I was so worried." She said when she finally reached them. "Is she okay?" Buffy asked quietly.

"I don't know I found her when that beam was about to fall on top of her. I didnt really get a chance to look at her after that cause then a she'll fell on top of us." There eyes widened. "Well actually me. She was under me."

"What's wrong with her?" Xander asked worriedly. He hated how Willow was always getting hurt lately. She was getting hurt more often then Buffy. And she was the slayer.

"A table fell on top of her legs. I don't know if there broken or what." Angel said taking another glance at Willows still figure.

Buffy walked closer to Willow and Angel and leaned over near Willow. "Willow?"

"Hmmmmm?" Willow asked.

"What's wrong?" Buffy asked concerned.

"My legs are broke." She said tiredly.

"Should we take her to a hospital?" Angel asked quickly.

"No." Willow said hurriedly.

"What????" They all said in unison.

"I said no. Im healing myself." she responded.

"But maybe we should bring you to the hospital to get checked out." Buffy said hoping WIllow would listen to reasoning.

"I cant do that. You should know how it is Buffy. Last time you where in the hospital the doctors wondered why you healed so fast. By tomorrow morning I should be fine. I just cant get home by myself." Willow said and laid her head back down on Angels shoulder. Then it finally occurred to her. Angel was holding her. Her eyes shot open and her head popped up and she stared at Angel. It took him a little while to notice her staring at him then he looked at her. What would she say? Thank you? She should but she couldnt. She just put her head back down on his shoulder.

"All right you got a point. Lets get you in Cordys car and drive you home. Then after we have got to find out what is up with this quake we had." Buffy said leading them to the car.

"Your right," Xander said. "We've never had them before. Could this have something to do with that thing coming?" He asked.

"Maybe." Angel said in deep thought. And he wasn't even thinking about what Xander was talking about. He was concentrating on Willow. Her movements and every breath she took. When she looked at him a little while ago he thought she was going to say something to him but she didnt. If he had breath he would have let out a breath of relief.

"Oh shit!" Cordy said.

"What?" Buffy and Xander asked.

"Look!" She said pointing to her car.

There was a big crack right under the back of Cordys car and the back tires had fallen in-between the crack.

"I am never going to get that out!" She yelled and walked over to her car and observed it.

"Your right. Then I guess well be walking." Buffy said. She turned to Angel. "Look I am going to go walk Xander and Cordy home then go by Giles. You bring Willow home." She realized what she was asking and was scared that Angel wouldnt do it. Or that Willow wouldnt allow it. But neither said a word. "Then you meet me back at Giles so we can figure out what the hell is going on."

"All right. I wont be to long. And be careful." He said and took off down the street with Willow in his arms.


Willow quietly thought about the nights events. Everything was a little to weird to believe. One minute she was sitting there watching her friends dance and than a spilt second later the earth shook, a table landed on her and broke her legs, Angel saved her from a falling beam, and now here he was carrying her home. Almost all of her hate towards him was gone by now. Him saving her life showed how much he didnt want her hurt. But she couldnt thank him. She was to stubborn for that. He walked slowly down the streets. What amazed her was that he knew where her house was. After all this time. He must have been quite a lurker back in the day. She decided to stop worrying about it all and closed her eyes. The healing process was taking a lot out of her. She quickly fell asleep.


Angel looked down at the girl in his arms. If you wanted to call her that. She was hardly a girl anymore. She was a witch with a big temper. He had seen it a couple of times before he lost his soul. He would have rather bring her to the hospital but she refused to go. So here he was on his way to her house. And she was willingly letting him carry her. But she didnt really have much of a choice now did she. he caught sight of her house up ahead. He heard sirens in the distance and saw people running up and own the street still in hysterics after the quake but none of them seemed to notice him. When he made his way up to Willows house it was surprisingly untouched. Every other house around it was ruined. But her house stool strait up not a crack in the ground around it. He didnt see any lights or any cars in front of her house so he figured her parents weren't home. He walked up to her front door and turned the door handle which didnt open.

"Willow?" he asked quietly.

"Hmmmmm?" she responded.

"You have a key?" he asked.

She dug her hand into her jacket pocket and pulled out a key and handed it to him. He took it from her and unlocked the door. As soon as he got in he looked around. Just as he thought. No one was home. He made his was slowly up to her room careful not to trip on anything. When he got to her room he opened her door and walked into her room. He look around for the switch for the lights.

"Keep your eyes closed." he demanded.

He flipped it on and she squeezed her eyes shut. He made his way over to her bed and laid her down in it. She gasped as her legs changed position when he laid her down and he did his best not to move her around to much. He went to the end of the bed and took off her shoes and covered her up. When he looked back at her face her eyes weren't shut anymore. He stood up and they stared at each other for the next couple of seconds not knowing quite what to say. She finally closed her eyes and turned her head away from him. He started to walk towards her door when she spoke up.


He turned around but didnt say anything.

"I-I." Why couldnt she just say it? She knew why. She hated him for so long now it almost felt impossible to tell Angel thank you for saving her life. She look strait at him for a moment without saying anything. He just stared back. His face was so sad. He never laughed never smiled. He always carried around enough guilt then more then one person could handle. It was at that moment that she truly forgave him. She sighed. "Thank you. For saving my life you know."

He just stared at her. He was to surprised to even say anything. He truly didnt think she would thank him. He wasn't expecting it. But that wasn't all she had to say. She sat up, again wincing at the pain in her legs and continued.

"A-And Im sorry for what I did the night you came back. I was so angry with you I couldnt control my actions. I know it isn't a good excuse but it is true. I never thought you where going to come back so I thought it was safe to hate you. But then you just showed up without me expecting. I mean it isn't your fault that you came back. Im not saying that. I just wanted to get all of this off my chest because it has been bothering me for the past couple of days. Even though I should be made to live with it. I know you don't have any right to forgive me after what I said and did that day but I decided I should at least apologize and thank you for saving my life. Because after all you don't owe me anything. I owe you everything." She finished her babbling and looked back up at him. He was till standing there in the same position as if he was still absorbing all of the words.

After a moment of considering her words he made his way over to her bed and sat down close to where she was. "Willow, none of this is your fault. I owe you in more ways then one. You gave me my soul back and brought me out of hell. And how do I repay you? I leave right after you brought me back leaving you here to face everyone else by yourself. I could never repay you for what you did for me or all the pain I cause you."

She gazed at the other side of the room trying to to meet eye contact with him. She felt tears welling up in her eyes and she was trying her best to control them but it wasn't working. She finally shut her eyes and let a tear roll down her cheek.

He looked at her unsure of what to do. He didnt know if he should take her in his arms or just wait for her to calm down. To hell with it he thought. The most she could do was kill him. He scooted closer and slowly put his arms around her making sure she wouldnt get mad. But she didnt. Instead she scooted as close to him as she could and cried. He held her till her sobs finally subsided then she pulled away wiping the tears away from her face. Willow was the first to speak up.

"I think I should go to bed if I want to be healed by tomorrow morning." she said quietly.

"Yea." He stood up from her bed and made his way over to her door.

"Angel? Are we okay now?" she asked hopefully.

He took a little while to answer which worried her. But he was just thinking about her question.

"Yea. Were okay." he said finally.

Willow gave a small smile and she could've sworn he did to. He finally turned to leave. She laid back on her bed and let out a loud sigh. She finally closed her eyes and put all her energy into healing her. A few minutes later she was happily asleep.

