Chapter one
Willow twisted the Oreo and licked the creamy center. Angel watched as her tiny pink tongue flicked out and scooped the white stuff off the cookie. He could feel himself harden, and tried to concentrate on something else. Looking away from the redhead over to where Cordelia was sitting he got a clear view down her top. Not helping.
Why did he ever agree to sit in on the girls bonding
time? It was called girls night out for a reason, and if he could stand
and walk out of Cordelias apartment with his dignity still intact he would.
Now he knew why Gunn and Wesley had made hasty excuses when invited to
come over for movies
and ice cream.
Would have Willow and Cordy dressed the way they were if the other two males had join them, or was it because they assumed that because he couldnt have sex he wouldnt be effected by them prancing around in nothing more then filmy scraps of material. On more than one occasion he had heard Cordy explain him as the next best thing to having a gay guy for a best friend. It was a huge blow to his manhood.
So this law firm wants Angelus to come back? Willow asked, tucking her legs under her on the kitchen chair. I don't mean to be rude but why? Have they read the files? He was one sick puppy.
Cordy shrugged and surveyed her nails for any flaws.
I dont know, they arent the smartest people Ive met. Take Lindsey for example,
he pissed
Angel off while our soulful friend was holding
a sharp object. Bet he doesn't do that again. Then theres Lilah. I think
she has the hots for Angel.
Angel glared at the brunette as she wiggled her
brows at him.
No she doesnt Cordelia.
Why wouldnt she? Willow asked grabbing yet another
cookie, making Angle shift uncomfortably in his seat. Youre not bad to
look at. But why
Angelus? Its not like a bunch of over dressed
humans could control him, no matter how evil they are. Plus from my last
encounter with him Id have to label Angelus as a tad unstable.
What I would do to see them pee on themselves when they did get a taste of the big bad. Cordelia chuckled.
Angel sat in shock as the two girls talked about the return of Angelus as though it would be a funny thing. You two understand that if Angelus were to come back your lives would be in danger?
Compared to what, the safety weve had for the last few years? Cordelia asked. Of course wed never want Mr. Evil Leather pants to come back. After tomorrow when Willow does her Bippadie-Boppadie-Boo thing on you we never need to worry about coming face to face with Angelus again. But its fun thinking about how hed make Wolfram and Hart pay. I bet hed make a slave out of Lindsey. She smirked.
Angel couldnt help the pull at the corners of his
mouth as he envisioned what would happen if his demon was let lose on the
law firm. Cordelia was
right; Angelus would probably make Lindsey suffer.
But at the same time the young group of people he had spent the last six
years with would be in danger again as well.
Maybe you should give them a taste of Angelus. Willow muttered standing up stretching her muscles, showing off her young trim stomach.
What do you mean? Angel asked, trying not to stare at the exposed flesh in front of him.
Nothing really, just thinking out loud. I just
think it would teach them all a lesson to have them see what it would be
like having Angelus around.
Cordelia sat forward intrigued.
So youre saying have Angel pretend that his Angelus. Willow nodded an evil little grin flashing across her face.
Have him dress in his tight leather pants... Both girls got a far away look in their eyes. Have him prance into the W&H building.
Prance? Angelus never pranced. Angel brow creased at her choice of words.
Fine stalked, is that better? Angel shrugged not really liking the way the conversation was heading. Hed have those pansies shaking in their boots in seconds. Oh the money I would pay to see that.
Willow smiled and jumped in glee. Forcing Angel to turn away to conjure up images of a chaos demon, or any sick and disgusting creature. Anything that could take his mind off her body.
Oh and we could have him pretend we were his Pets, so that way we could go with him and witness everything first hand. Angel nearly jumped out of his chair.
Never! I can't believe youd ever mention that. Willow looked hurt, and sat back down.
Why because were not Slutty the vampire slayer.
Are you saying that we wouldnt be good enough for dear old Angelus? Cordelia
asked in a huff,
sending a slicing glare in his direction.
Its not that. Angel gritted. I should have made an excuse like Gunn and Wes.
Angelus would love to have the two of you as Pets. The two of you have the most beautiful souls, which hed get off on corrupting. A pair of emerald green eyes and chocolate brown softened and he knew he was forgiven. Lets just drop the subject. Didnt you get any movies?
Yep. Cordy led the way out of the kitchen pulling Willow behind her. Angel watched their retreating forms and took an unneeded deep breath. Slowly he unclenched his fingers from the chair. At the mention of the girls becoming Angeluss Pets, Angel turned rock hard. Thoughts of what Angelus would have the two girls do with him, not to mention to each other put his body in hyper drive.
It was a good thing that Willow would be returning to Sunnydale soon. Not that he wouldnt miss the little witch; she had blossomed into an intriguing young woman. But having Cordy around was too much temptation. Having both would be pure hell.
Finally calm enough to stand Angel joined the two
girls in the living room.
Chapter Two
"Is this enough sand?" Cordy had constructed a large circle where Willow and Angel would sit in during the spell. Willow didnt answer not having heard her, and Cordy decided that it wouldnt hurt to retrace her steps and lay down more sand.
Her stomach was knotted in anticipation, that finally
her best friend would have one the things he wanted most in life. Besides
having his humanity back, hed have a permanent soul. I just hope he doesnt
waste it on Slutty. Cordy stole a glance in Angels direction feeling the
butterflies in her
stomach again just at his presence. Thank God
he was oblivious to her feelings for him, she really didnt want to sit
through the Im flattered but Buffy is my life speech.
Willow was prepping Angel on his part in the ceremony, occasionally hed nod or ask a question, but mostly he listened. It was amazing what college life and a new haircut could do for a girl. Willow hardily resembled the awkward girl she had been growing up. Though the redhead would probably always have a slight bounce in her step, she now walked with confidence and grace. Her witchy powers had advanced remarkably, making her a force to be reckoned with.
"So how will we know if this spell works?" Gunn
asked stepping up besides Cordy. "Id hate for him to take a test drive
and end up on the top most
wanted list."
Cordy shrugged. "I dont know. Willow said that he should be able to tell the difference."
"From what Ive heard happening with her spells can we trust her to do this right?" Gunn looked nervously at the redhead.
"Everything will be fine. Sure for awhile her spells
went a little awry, but lately shes had no problems. Plus dont forget shed
the witch that brought
his soul back. If anyone can do this Willow can."
Cordy gave an exaggerated nod to prove her trust in her words.
"Shes right. Giles said that Willows powers have exceeded his own, and he had the confidence that she can do this." Wesley came to stand with the two, overhearing the conversation. "She has to at least try."
Gunn studied Willow and Angel again. He had a bad feeling about this; he had been trying to shake. Angel flashed an unsteady smile at the three and followed Willow into the circle. Willow closed her eyes and started to chant. Dipping her fingers into a chalice she traced a pattern on Angels forehead. Angel repeated her words, dipping his own fingers into the bowl. Tracing a pattern on his bare chest.
Gunn and Wesley watched in fascination as the ritual proceeded. Cordy was holding her breath, knowing that it shouldnt be long.
Angel sat and concentrated on doing everything Willow had instructed. He felt a tightening in his chest, and began to worry. This was how he felt the last time Angelus was released. He almost called a halt to the ceremony, but something made him stop. The pain increased, and his muscles tensed for the ripping pain that was sure to come next. Doubling over panting for unneeded breath he was yelling out to his friends in his mind, but no words could pass his lips. Willow continued on, as though another force had taken over her body.
Gunn was ready to rush the circle to stop whatever was happening to Angel, only to be stopped by Wesley.
"Its fine. You cant interrupt or you could cause serious damage."
"What if I dont stop it and serious damage happens because I stood here and watched?" Gunn shot back ripping the Englishmans hands from his body.
Cordelia was ready to agree, when Angel sat up
again, seemingly under control. Willow finished by gracefully passing out.
Angel sat forward and
gathered her in his arms, pulling the redhead
into his lap. Cordelia rushed forward to help.
"Willow? Willow are you okay?" She brushed the red hair from Willows face and was relieved to see her coming to.
"Did it work?" Willow snuggled into Angels lap, loving the strong safe feeling from having him hold her.
Angel stayed silent for a moment then nodded his head. "You dont even know just how well." He smirked.
They had all finally left, to get ready for the big celebration that night. Cordy and Willow talking about needing to get a new outfit for the occasion. Gunn had to check in at the teen center to make sure all was well in his neighborhood. Wesley to get some rare book he had ordered from a magic shop.
He stood lazily gazing around the hotel. Remarkable how one moment he was caged, unable to break the bonds that lousy soul created. Then BANG he was back, larger than life. This time though hed do it right. There was no way some group of teenyboppers were going to take him down. Friends or not with the slayer.
Nope this time he was in control. And the wonderful
thing was that the little witch and cheerleader had handed him a game plan
to follow. It was perfect. It gave him the freedom to be himself, plus
keep that damn bitch slayer off his ass. With a powerful law firm like
Wolfram and Hart at his feet there was no limits to what he could do. Unlife
was great, and after a few adjustments it was only going to get better.
Just a few days trapped in the brood boy act, then watch out world cause
the Big Bad was back
Chapter Three
The Big Bad had been back for one week, one long horribly pathetic week. It all started with that joke of a celebration night out. They had gone out to eat, not that he could, then they proceeded to a nearby night club. Where he got the pleasure of table sitting while the rest went and danced the night away. Even that putz Wesley danced, which by all laws should have been prohibited.
One week of having to avoid leather, and sticking to the drab wardrobe that Angie seemed to be addicted to. Black was a great color, but so was red, purples and blues. The soul must have debilitated all his fashion scenes.
One week of having to play the hero, saving the damned innocents that he hungered to hunt and kill. Having them get all weepy, sobbing on his shoulder with gratitude. It was rather sickening. What was even worse was the Wesley was now in charge of Angel Investigations, and the idiot could barely tie his own shoes without debating for an hour whether he should put the laces right over left, or left over right?
He had had a few close calls. Like the night he went to "patrol" he had fed on two unsuspecting females and was stalking his third when he ran into Wes and Gunn. After a few uncomfortable moments wondering if the two had seen him feeding, he was relieved that they were still as clueless as ever. Then the other day Cordy had been cleaning out the fridge, like she *ever* did that before, and noticed that his bag blood supply hadn't been touched. It had taken some quick thinking and an outrageous lie to get him through that.
Now with Willow planning on leaving in the morning it was time to put the plan into motion. This time there was no way he was going to fail, it was all too easy.
"Do you really have to leave tomorrow?" Cordy was sitting on the guest bed watching Willow pack her bags. She really didn't want Willow to leave, it had been too nice having another female around. "Can't you stay a few more days?" <Or weeks, perhaps months.>
"I wish that I could, but school will be starting soon." Willow answered sadly. She was going to miss Cordy and Angel. Being in LA gave made her feel more grown up, and in control of her life. She was able to break out of her mold here and be the person she had grown into. Not the person she was expected to be by her friends in Sunnyhell.
"Well, at least we have tonight." Cordy scooted off the bed, soothing down her dress. "Angel should be here any minute." Willow nodded absently and shoved the last of her things into the over packed duffle bag.
"Where is he taking us?" Out of all the people she was going to miss the most Angel was number one on her list, followed closely by Cordelia.
"He wouldn't say. But he did say that he wanted to talk to us before we met Wesley and Gunn." <Maybe he can persuade Willow to stay. She could always transfer to UCLA.>
The sound of the front door opening and closing signaled Angel's presence, and both girls hurried from the guest room to greet the vampire. He was sitting on the couch, flipping through one of Codry's fashion magazines. Both girls stopped in their tracks, mouths wide open.
"What?" Angelus looked up to see the girls staring at him as though he had grown a third head. Looking down at the object in his hand he realized his slip. Angel would *never* read a fashion magazine. Tossing it to the coffee table he stood and took in the sight before him. The girls were dressed to kill, showing enough skin to make any hormonal male cum at the sight. Cordy had on a burgundy silk sheath hugging all the right spots, and making it quit obvious that she didn't have a bra on underneath. Her hair was piled on top of her head, fat ringlets brushing her shoulders.
Willow was a little more subtle, but on her it was a turn on. She had on a light green lose flowing top, with matching wrap skirt. She was the picture of youth and innocence, two things that Angelus fed off of. Yes, these two were perfect. He would shape and mold them into his best creations, and if they lived up to his expectations he might one day turn them, to have the two females at his side for eternity.
"You wanted to talk." Willow shifted unconsciously under Angel's gaze.
"Yes, I have been thinking." Angelus sat back down
on the couch, waiting for the two girls to follow his lead. After they
had seated themselves he
continued. "It's about what we were talking about
the other night."
"Giving me a raise?" Cordy smiled.
"No. About how it would be if Angelus gave Wolfram and Hart a little taste of what it would be like to have him around." Both girls sat speechless. Staring at him, not sure what to say. "Out of all the other plans we have come up with to rid ourselves of Wolfram and Hart it seems to be the easiest and the best."
"I don't get it I thought you hated the idea, not that its was an idea just talk." Willow words were spoken hesitantly, but the excitement in her eyes showed that she liked the plan, and wanted to be a part of it.
"No, I didn't like the idea of getting the two of you involved." Both girls were getting ready to protest, Angelus held back a smirk. This was too easy. Holding up his hands to stop them from speaking and continued on. "But after some thought it's not a bad idea. Having the two of you there may prove beneficial. While I have their attention the two of you can find out about some of the behind the scenes information."
Both girls had grins plastered on their faces,
excited about where the conversation was leading. For one it meant Willow
staying in LA a little
longer. Two, they would be important parts
in the plan. Not their usual behind the scenes involvement, but the in
your face kind.
"So you're going to let us be your pets?" Cordy sat impatiently waiting for Angel's answer.
<Let you? Little girl like you're going to have
a choice.> "Yes, on one condition. You do everything I tell you, no questions
asked, no debating.
It's all or nothing. I don't want you two in any
more danger then you have to be. And if any one for one-second questions
that either of you are truly my pets the game is over and it could get
us all killed. Do I make myself clear?" Angelus was having a hard time
containing the laughter bubbling inside his chest.
Both girls agreed seriously, vowing to be the best Pets that Angelus would ever dream of. He felt his cock harden at their innocence.
Trying to lighten the mood Angelus stood and offered
both girls a hand. "I promised a night out, so lets get going." One more
night of table patrol and it would be over. He would be free to be himself,
and oh the fun he was going to have.
Chapter four
"And where exactly do we fit into this little plan
of yours?" Wesely questioned, clearly against the idea of Angel pretending
to be Angelus not to
mention the protest the stupid street punk made
when he heard that Cordy was going to be his Pet.
"No where. It'd be too suspicious if Angelus had the two of you around as well. I thought that we'd make those idiotic lawyers think that I killed you, we can get Kate to pull some strings to make it look as though the two of you met an ugly end." <Which you will if you don't go along with this plan.> Angelus sat back barely controling the urge to rip Wesley's and Gunn's throat's out. He was too close to having Willow and Cordy as his own to let these two twits ruin it all.
"So what are we supposed to do while the three
of you are playing make believe with Wolfram and Hart? Hide here at the
hotel?" Gunn sat forward
glaring at Angel from across the table. "Plus
how do we know that they're going to be scaried of Angelus? The last time
Mr Scorge of Europe was around he had his butt beat by a bunch of teens."
Angelus blinked a few times at the dark youth. "So you're saying that Angelus wouldn't be able to scare a bunch of lawyers?"
Gunn crossed his arms over his chest and sat back. "No I don't. They protect evil, they've seen bigger and badder than Angelus, that's why they think its going to be so damn easy to control him. After what went down in Sunnyhell I doubt that Angelus would show his funky ass face again."
"I'll have you know I am one of the most feared Vampires with or without a soul. I spread death and fear across Europe. Mothers kept their children in after dark telling them stories of my gruesome murders to keep them in line." Standing and leaning across the table inches from Gunn's face, Angelus's eyes flickered gloden with his fury. "The *only* reason I lost last time was because one of my own turned on me. That and one lucky witch was able to find and recast the curse. If not for those two I would have sucked this earth into hell."
Willow and Cordy sat open mouthed staring at Angel, feelings of Deja vue coursing through their veins. Wes slowly stood reaching for a near by stake. Angelus looked to each of them a smirk on his handsome face. "Think that will scare them?"
Everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief. Gunn nodded trying to control his heavy breathing. "Okay, so you can play a mean vamp. What about these two? Are they going to be able to pull it off?"
"I'll take care of that. I thought that you and
Wes could take a little vacation down to Sunnydale. Keep Buff...y company."
Angelus sat back down
reminding himself to keep up the Angie act.
"Well the least we can do is try." Wesely answered
unenthusiastically still not sold on the plan. "But if something happens
the three of you need to
promise to call."
Cordy smiled and jumped up from her chair next to Angel and hugged her friend "Promise. Stop being such a worry wart, you're acting as though I'll be spending time with Angelus instead of Angel. Nothing is going to happen."
"It better not." Gunn glared over in Angel's direction.
"It's all set. I just called Giles. Though he thinks
it's risky he understands. He's going to fill the others in so they all
understand that Angel will be pretending to be Angelus." Wes sighed and
looked over to Angel and the two girls who were sitting together on the
couch. Angel had his arms
stretched out behind each girl. "Are you *sure*
you want to go through with this?"
"We'll be fine Wes. You should go pick Gunn up and get going." Willow yawned and laid her head on Angel's shoulder.
Wesley nodded and headed for the door. The Englishman
felt something was amiss but he ignored his gut feeling and left to pick
up Gunn.
Chapter Five
The door closed behind Wesley, and Angelus could barely contain the urge to jump up from his chair and do a dance of triumph. Now with Wesley and Gunn gone the road was wide open no one around to question the whys of his plan. The girls had so much faith in Angel that they would never think twice about what he was about to lay out for them. If by some chance they did catch on, he'd have them so wrapped around his finger that they were never going to miss that annoying soul of his.
Looking over the table at the two girls, Angelus
tried to put on the 'serious' face. The expression that usually meant that
Angie boy was facing a
dire situation. But on the inside Angelus was
already whooping in glee. Visions of Willow and Cordy submitting to him,
and only him, raced through
his head. The girls dressed in leather, their
tight little bodies on display for his enjoyment.
He was going to have to go slow if he wanted the plan he had mapped out for the two to succeed. Where he was going to be free to finally be himself, he was going to have to *try* and be patient as the girls learned their lessons.
"After tonight there's no going back. So if you want to change your minds now is the time." Both girls looked trustingly over the table back at him.
"Angel I want to do this." Willow's gentle smile backed up her conviction.
"Trust me when I say that I am *so* ready for Wolfram and Hart to get what they deserve." Cordy's eyes sparkled.
"Fine. Then there are a few things you need to know before we start. Then I'm going to lay down some ground rules. What we are planning to do is not only dangerous, but at times may make you both feel a little uncomfortable. Pets to a vampire are simply play things. Sometimes, not very often, a Pet will became a vampires mate but that is a very rare thing." Angelus paused making sure that the two understood what he was saying. He made eye contact with each locking his gaze on Willow. Standing he slowly made his way around the table, his eyes never leaving the deep depths of the emerald green orbs; he made his way to her side. "There are times I may...touch." His hand caressed the witch's cheek, trailing down to her neck. "With gentleness...other times a little more roughly." Snaking his hand into her auburn tresses he gripped her hair and leaned her head back.
Willow had been caught up in the sensations that Angel's hand on her face created in her body. Her heartbeat sped up as his butterfly soft touches made its way to her neck and collarbone. When he yanked on her hair she almost yelped in shock. But was instead staggered by the primitive response she had between her thighs. Where Angel's gentle treatment stired something within her, making her body respond in a quixotic sort of way. His rough treatment brought out a different side of her she never knew existed. Angel let go of her hair, and after Willow had a moment to collect herself she felt guilty of her reaction to her friend's touches.
Angelus smirked at the redhead's reaction to him. He knew the little witch had always been attracted to him on some level. But being the good little girl she had always demanded from herself to be, she'd never do anything with that attraction. Now he had given the chance to play out her urges, without the pending guilt of doing her best friend Buffy wrong.
Walking over to Cordy, who was wide eyed at the exchange that had taken place in front of her. Angelus could see how she was trying to control her obvious arousal. The passion that both the girls kept in check was overwhelming, and Angelus couldn't wait until he unleashed it.
"I may at times demand that you perform some serious displays of public attention to me. Because as Pets you are expected at all times to please me, but more importantly obey." Leaning over Cordy he slowly licked her lips before claiming her mouth. Cordy tensed, but after a little coaxing opened her mouth allowing Angel's tongue entrance.
Angelus pulled away quickly, leaving a dazed Cordy in his wake. "We have to make it believable that we are *All* lovers. Angelus would never keep a human Pet that wasn't satisfying him sexually; the other demons of the city know that." Sitting back down in his recently departed chair; he basked in the confused and aroused faces of Willow and Cordy.
"When I give a command in public you must obey. No acting like a blushing virgin." Angelus glanced at Willow. "Or argue about my discussions." Raising his brows at Cordy.
Willow licked her lips, and shifted slightly in her chair. "You s-said there were rules?"
Angelus nodded and leaned back. "Rule One; at all
times you will call me Angelus. I will act like Angelus no matter where
we are. I will dress like
him, and talk like him. I can not stress how important
it is that you call me Angelus, even here at the hotel. We may be spied
on and I do not want a little slip to give us away." Both girls nodded
thinking it sounded to be a reasonable request. Rule Two; you will do everything
and anything I say
without question. Though you may not understand
why I want you to do something, I am looking out for you well being. Rule
Three; Obey rule one and two and everything will be fine. One more thing,
and this is not something that I will enjoy or hope to ever have to do.
Angelus would never tolerate a rebellious Pet. If you mess up in public
I may have to discipline you. So please remember that as Angelus Pets his
commands and orders come first."
"What do you mean discipline us?" Willow's lip trembled as she recalled the things she had once read out of the Watcher's diaries. Vampires were never gentle with their Pets; in fact it was uncommon for a Pet to last a month after submitting to a vampire.
"We'll cross that road when we get there. We should have no problems if we follow the plan." Willow and Cordy shared a look, not liking the last part. But it was Angel, and he would never do anything to hurt them.
Reading their emotions like a book, Angelus let
out a long Angel like sigh. "I shouldn't have asked either one of you to
be a part of this. It's too
dangerous. I can do this alone, keep the two of
you safe. I'm going to try and catch Wes and Gunn so they can come back
for you two." Both girls
protested like he knew they would. Knowing
that the deal was sealed.
Chapter six
"He has to be joking." Willow blushed at the sight of the transparent crimson thong panties and bra set the smiling sales girl had claimed Mr. Angelus had picked out especially for her. There was no way she could wear something like this.
Angel had declared that the girls needed a new wardrobe, that Angelus
would dress his Pets... differently. Willow's clothing, though better
her High School years were still too modest. Cordelia's clothes were
stylish and very flattering, but just weren't what he had in mind. Plus
he pointed out that going out into public it would give them all practice
at their particular roles.
"I mean why is he picking out my underwear?" Willow turned around to Cordelia in the spacious dressing room. "Whoa!"
Cordelia was gapping at her image in the mirror and for the first time
in her entire life she was speechless. The midnight blue halter-top was
two sizes too small, having the former Cheerleader spilling over the
top of it and the black leather skirt wouldn't have fit a four year old.
"Umm that outfit is umm. Well its." Willow searched for something good to say about her friends clothing.
"Something that not even a streetwalker would get caught in." Cordelia put her hands over her chest and glared at her reflection.
"Ms Chase?" The sales girl returned fake smile in place. "Mr. Angelus would like to see how the outfit looks."
Willow stepped in front of Cordelia, blocking the sales girl view. "I think you got the wrong size ." Cordelia challenged the girl over Willow's shoulder.
"It's what Mr. Angelus picked out." The girl defended.
"There is *no* way I am going out there looking like this. You can go and tell *Mr. Angelus* that." The sales girl's smile faltered for a moment as she left the dressing room.
"Did you see what he picked out for me?" Willow looked at the garments hanging on the wall. "Not even my evil Doppelganger would be caught in something like that."
"At least they're pants. You can bend over in pants. I'm scared that if I take two steps I'm going to spill out of this top." Willow looked at the top and looked away in embarrassment at the sight of Cordelia's nipples showing at the edge of the fabric. Angel had to have lost his mind.
Angelus lounged on the couch waiting for the fashion show the girls were going to be putting on. He had been dreaming of this for days now, it was one of the things that kept him from killing Wes and Gunn. Everything was going perfectly, the only way things could be any better was if he had the two beauties in his bed already. As it was he needed to wait for the right time? He couldn't push them too fast or they'd get suspicious.
Lynn the all too eager to please sales girl came back and with out Cordelia, Angelus noted none to pleased. "She doesn't seem to want to come out."
"Why?" Angelus could see the girl getting flustered.
"She doesn't seem to like the outfit." Lynn looked down at the ground, avoiding the anger that took life in Angelus's eyes.
"Where are they?" Angelus stood towering over the sales girl. She turned on her heel and headed back to the dressing room.
Both girls were surprised to see the sales girl return empty handed. "I sure hope you found this in a bigger size." Cordelia raised a brow at the girl.
"Funny. I told Lynn to have you come and show me the outfit Cordy, and imagine my surprise when she came back saying that you didn't want to." Angelus leaned against the doorframe, his facial expression blank, but no one would miss the anger that came off him in waves.
"Ah hello, even Brittany Spears has more material to her outfits. You don't really think that I'm going to be seen looking like this." Cordelia stepped out from behind Willow, arms out wide for Angel to see her to make her point.
Angelus felt his pants get tighter by the second as he stared at the vision in front of him. Cordelia's breasts where straining the material, and at that moment he would have given anything to be able to lick his way from her graceful neck to those breasts. His hands itched to grab her ass and pull her body up next to his.
"Lynn could you give us a moment?" Angelus didn't spare a look in the sale girl's direction. Lynn made a hasty retreat glad to get out of the company of the odd threesome in the dressing room.
As soon as the girl was gone Angelus forced himself to tear his eyes from the brunette. "I knew you wouldn't last an hour before you started to question me. What do you think Pet's would wear? Channel?"
Cordelia looked at her friend in shock. "Angel look at me, I can't go out in public like this. I'd be arrested for indecent exposure in seconds."
"If you want to do this you *will* wear clothes like these." Angelus told himself to calm down. They were new at this, and the clothes he had picked out would've made even Angel blush three ways till Tuesday. "I've already told you that Pets are considered as toys. I have other clothes picked out for everyday wear. These are more for when we go to certain clubs where all the Pets are dressed like this" Angelus commanded himself to look away from the sexual display that Cordelia made. Turning his attention to Willow he realized she hadn't changed her clothing at all.
"Willow?" Angelus cocked an eyebrow in her direction, saying more than any words could.
Willow looked nervously from the clothing on the wall, back to Angel. He had been acting oddly, which probably had a lot to with the fact that he was playing his role of Angelus to perfection. Well maybe a little less of the crazy homicide lunatic then the Angelus she had encountered in High School. The Angelus that Angel was playing seemed to be more like the Master Vampire she had read about in the Watchers Diaries.
"I umm." Looking down at the see through panties still in her hand, Willow blushed even more than she thought possible and put the clothing behind her back. "Was just about to..."
Angelus held back his grin at Willow's apparent discomfort of his choice of undergarments. He'd bet that the little redhead had never in her life worn anything but modest cotton panties, with sickeningly sweet little flowers. Biting the inside of his cheek, Angelus continued. "Is there a problem?"
"Problem? Nope no problem here. I um... was just." Willow mentally kicked herself. She sounded like an idiot, and with every stutter she was sure her face got redder and redder. Cordelia felt sorry for Willow, thinking that maybe the little witch was too shy to pull this off.
"She has a problem with these." Snatching the cloth from Willow's hand she swung them within an inch Angel's face.
"Cordelia!" Willow groaned and tried to take the clothing back, but Angelus was quicker than she was.
"She has a problem with these." Angelus fingered the panties, and chuckled when Willow couldn't even look him in the eye. "I know they aren't quiet what you are used to. I just thought that sexier panties would help you *feel* sexier."
"How do you know what kind of panties she wears now?" Cordelia asked. Willow felt horrified that they were standing around talking about her underwear.
<Because I was a major Peeping Tom back in Sunnydale. > "We do laundry together." Angelus shrugged.
"Oh." Both girls stopped to think about that. When they were throwing their things in with Angel's they never stopped to think of the intimate items that they were adding to his wash.
"Willow try them on, if you don't like them fine, I'll find something a little" He watched as Willow mulled it over, knowing that she'd see things his way.
"Why not. I mean it never hurts to try." Angelus smiled at her and turned
around. "Cordelia I'll have Lynn bring in the other stuff I picked out.
I'm sure you'll like it better." Angelus walked back to the couch. They
were too easily persuaded.
Chapter seven
Angelus bit back another groan of disgust as Willow teetered then nearly feel. For the last hour the little redhead had been trying to make it across the room in the four-inch heels without causing serious harm to herself. Angelus was amazed that she hadn't broken any bones yet.
"I can't do this." Willow complained straightening herself and glaring over at Angel. "I'm more the sneaker kind of gal, not the high-heeled kind."
"You can do it Willow, it just takes practice. You should've seen me the first time I tried walking in my Mom's heels. I broke one of her vases in a weak attempt to keep from falling." Cordelia said encouragingly, though she had to silently agree with the redhead that there wasn't a miracle big enough that could help her get across the room without incident.
"If you'd stop bouncing like a five-year-old while you walk you could do it." Angelus stood and strode over to Willow. His eyes were calculating and Willow took a step back. "You have to tell yourself that your sexy..." Reaching out Angelus wrapped a hand on each side of her hips pulling her toward him.
Willow panicked slightly at the intimate hold that Angel had on her and tried to step back but he wouldn't let her go. Looking questionably into Angel's dark eyes, Willow couldn't help but be swallowed by the intensity of his gaze. Without another thought in how wrong it was to be pulled so close to her vampire friend, the little redhead leaned into him.
Angel's mouth quirked at the witch's quick acceptance to be so close to him. "That with each sway of your hips you're turning on every guy in the room." Leaning his head forward he placed his mouth inches away from Willow's right ear. "Because you turn me on Willow. With your tight little body that I crave to bend in several positions. That delicious mouth of yours that was made for my passionate kisses. There's something about you that just makes me hot." Willow gulped as one of his hands made circular patrons on her stomach. "Willow, walk like your trying to turn me on ." Willow's mind was in a tailspin, the harder she tried to maintain the ability to think clearly, Angel's persistent touch made her brain go to mush.
Angelus took advantage of her shock to spin her around and bring her backside up against him. The heels she was wearing almost giving her the right height to bring her bottom up against his hips. Cordelia watched in fascination as Angelus moved her friend's hips back and forth, imitating the way he wanted her hips to sway when she walked. Cordelia sucked in her breath as Angel lifted his heated gaze to hers and gave her a wink.
This was so not like the Angel she had come to know. He would never
be so forward with someone like this, not to mention he'd never talk about
turning guys on and how to sway your hips. Being able to have this
glimpse at Angel's darker side, even if it were just an act, just intensified
the lust she already had for her friend. By working so close with the soulful
vampire she had slowly fallen in love with him, and defiantly aroused by
just the sight of his beautiful body and expressive chocolate brown eyes.
But there had always been boundaries between them. One being a very blonde
very lethal slayer, who could inflict unthinkable pain when it came to
getting what she wanted. Second that stupid happiness clause. < One
down, only a blonde to go. >
"See little one you can do this. Now I'm going to let you go and I want
you to walk over to Cordelia." Willow lifted her confused gaze in Cordelia's
direction and locked eyes with the brunette. Both girls were visibly
effected by Angelus's performance.
With an unsteady step Willow concentrated on the way her body moved, wanting to impress Angel now for some reason. With every step in Cordelia's direction, Willow reminded herself to rid herself of that pesky bounce in her step, and to sway her hips. Cordelia watched amazed as the redhead got closer that she was actually doing it, she had made it eight steps without out one mistake.
Angelus nearly crowed as Willow made her way to Cordelia. All the little redhead needed was to know that she was indeed very sexy. Soon he'd be able to show her just how turned on she got him. But for now he'd have to settle for words.
Cordelia smiled encouragingly at her friend and nearly clapped as Willow took her final step. With a look of triumph Willow smiled at Cordelia and was thrown off balance when her concentration was ruined by her glee. Neither girl was quick enough and they ended up a tangled mess on the ground.
"That works too." Angelus licked his lips as both girls tried to straighten themselves.
"Angel what is wrong with you?" Cordelia swiped her hair from her eyes and feigned a glare up at him. "I think your taking this Angelus thing a little far. First the clothing, and now...what the hell was that you were doing with Willow?" Cordelia knew she wasn't mad at the dark vampire, but the confusion over his performance the last twenty-four hours was wreaking havoc on her nerves.
Angelus lifted his brows at her tirade. "Are you jealous Cordelia?" He gave a laugh at her glare and blush that crept up her neck. "I just want you both prepared for how Angelus will treat you when we are out. Plus I thought Willow needed a little... encouragement." Turning his back on the two females he went to grab his jacket. "That's enough for tonight. I'm going out, I need to have a talk with Kate and plant some information for our worthless friends at Wolfram and Hart to find. By tomorrow morning every lawyer in that firm will be fighting over who brings Angelus over to their side."
With that the vampire was gone, leaving behind two very puzzled girls behind.
Willow and Cordelia were settling into the room Angel had told them was theirs, both caught up in their own thoughts. They were thinking of the dark vampire, still unable to come to terms on Angel's new behavior and their reaction to it.
"Is it me or was Angel a little..." Willow stalled trying to think of the correct word to describe the vampire.
"Sexually charged? Oozing with naughtiness?" Cordelia offered not looking up from the manicure she was giving herself.
"Yeah that. I mean deep down I know he's Angel and all that. But *WOW*." Willow started to blush again as she recalled the heat that Angel had been able to create between her thighs when he had pulled her close and whispered in her ear.
Cordelia paused as a thought struck her. "You remember the last time Angelus was really around, when he went all the one who flew over the coo coo's nest on us?" Willow nodded trying to see where the brunette was going with this. "Well do you think that was the real Angelus, or do you think the person Angel is pretending to be now is the real deal. I mean I always wondered if his having been cursed by the gypsies, then losing his soul eighty years later by having sex with a slayer had anything to do with his unhinged behavior."
"Like being an evil Master vampire had nothing to do with that? I don't know. I see what you're saying. That back in Sunnydale Angelus had a lot of...issues to deal with. But everything that I've read about him stated that he was an evil SOB. All I can say is who knows and who cares. Angelus is gone forever, and Angel is just playing well at being him again. Once this is all over he'll go back being the same broody vampire we know."
"Yeah I guess." Cordelia shrugged. Willow noted the way Cordelia sighed at her last words and smiled to herself. Her friend found Angel just as attractive as she did. Grabbing a new silk nightie that Angel had just purchased her that day, the redhead headed off for the shower.
Angelus strode into the hotel lobby just as the sun was rising. It had been a productive night. First he fed, not having the time to play with his food like he wanted, but the screams from his victims more then made up for it. Then he made a visit to the dim-witted Kate Lockely. She had been eager to assist him with his little 'plan', and had quickly placed a call to a friend at the paper to print a short piece in the obituary about Gunn and Wesley. After fighting off her stomach turning advances, he located one of Wolfram and Harts informants he knew hung out at a little seedy bar blocks from the hotel. With a little persuasion and a couple broken bones he had the rambling idiot convinced that Angelus was back, and out for blood.
By noon the next day he expected Lindsey or Lilah to come waltzing through the front doors, offering him unthinkable power if he joined forces with them at the firm. That was when the real fun would begin. He already knew what he wanted, and how he was going to get it. Wolfram and Hart would find themselves at his mercy when all was said and done.
Making his way up the stairs Angelus stopped in front of the closed
door that was directly across from his room and listened to the steady
heartbeats of the two beauties tucked in their beds. His hands itched to
open their door and enter their room and their beds. Soon, he had to time
this just right, gain their trust, and introduce them to their darker sides.
Soon they would be a family and LA would be his.
Chapter eight
Willow looked out the passenger window at the passing scenery of LA. It had been a long day, and it was hardly over. Angel had awoken them early, even early by his standards, saying that they needed more practice. The practice was fine; it was the sexual innuendos and teasing touches that had played hell with her body.
That and the serious lip locks he would surprise them with. Sure she had always been attracted to Angel, what female wouldn't be? But the attraction was growing at an alarming rate. It was getting to the point that she had to keep herself in check not to reach out and touch him when he was near. Her body naturally gravitated towards his, dying for just a touch. She couldn't explain it. And those kisses, it heated her body from head to toe. He didn't just stop with kisses. He'd press his full body against her aching one, his hands traveling down her back to her rear, pulling her closer.
Willow squeezed her eyes shut telling herself to stop it. Angel had explained what he was doing. He just wanted them familiar with his touch. So they wouldn't be so tense around him. Plus there was the last step, his marking them, he wanted to make sure that they were ready. Willow had been confused by what he meant until the time came.
He had taken them to his bedroom, telling them how sorry he was that he had to do this to them. Taking Cordelia's hand first he led her to the bed, laying her down on her back. Then he turned to her, reaching out his hand until she was able to command her feet to move. Willow remembered that her heart was beating so hard she truly believed it was going to break one of her ribs. He placed her next to Cordelia then just stood back looking down at them.
Whether it was out of fear or nervousness, Willow reached for Cordelia's hand gripping onto it for dear life. Her friend squeezed back just as furiously. Angel took his shirt off. It wasn't like she hadn't ever seen Angel with his shirt off before, but at the same time she had never had his body pressed up against hers all day then see him without his shirt.
To Willow's embarrassment she could feel herself getting wet between her thighs. Angel made his way to the bed slowly, eyeing them both. One minute he was standing there, the next Willow felt his body on top of hers, pressing her down into the soft mattress.
"Are you sure Willow?" Angel's voice was low and hypnotic.
Nodding slightly and squeezing Cordelia's hand with all her might, she turned her head so Angel had better access to her neck. Angel chuckled softly. "I'm not going to attack you Willow." Lowering his head to her neck, Willow braced herself for the pain only to feel the coolness of his tongue tracing her collarbone. "You've read the Diaries, you know that this doesn't have to hurt. It can feel quiet... good."
Willow moaned as he whispered these words into her ear, running his tongue along her lobe. She was getting light headed, and that was probably why she did what she did. One minute she was lying there waiting for some serious pain. The next thing she knew she was grinding her hips against his as he teased her with his tongue and lips. What even shocked her more still was the Angel was responding back the same way.
Then he was off her body, and onto Cordelia's. Willow tried not to stare as he paid her friend the same attention he had just shown her. Angel and Cordelia were beautiful to watch. They seemed to fit together perfectly. She started to feel like a peeping Willow and was about to turn her head when she felt herself being pulled closer.
Angel laid half on top of Cordelia and the other half on top off Willow. Switching his attentions back and forth. It wasn't until both girls were withering in pleasure under him that his human mask fell, and it was time to place his mark on them, showing everyone that they were his.
Angelus swirled his tongue over Willow's jugular then bit down, making her buck her hip up into his. He tasted her sweet untainted blood seep over his lips, his taste buds exploding at the rich taste.
Willow felt the pain, and winced. This was supposed to be the milder, less painful way? What a crock, this hurt like hell. Then as fast as the pain came it started to fade and an overwhelming pressure replaced it, bringing her back to the aroused state she had been before, only it just kept building. Bringing her higher until she felt she was going to shatter in a million pieces. She was almost there, she could feel it in her entire being and Angel got off her, licking around the mark for any last drops.
Angel then went to Cordelia, repeating the same attention to her. Willow could see when Cordelia reached the breaking point. Where with just one little push she'd reach that pleasure that was sure to be waiting on the other side, and again Angel pulled away, leaving Cordelia panting and withering underneath his body.
"You two should go take a nap. We're going out tonight." Getting up from the bed both girls watched as Angel walked into the bathroom and closed the door.
The sound of a honking horn brought Willow back to the present. She had been unknowingly tracing around the bit mark on her neck. They were on their way to some Club that Angel said some of the more powerful vampires in LA brought their Pets. On occasion the current Master vampire, Damien would make an appearance. Angel wanted them to be seen, having the demon population know that he was back, and that he had Angel's two little friends as his personal Pets.
"Do you two remember everything?" Angelus put the car in park and turned to the engine off. Turning to the two girls sitting in the front seat with him.
"Angel how many times do we need to go over this?" Cordelia rolled her eyes, missing the way Angel's eyes flashed golden for a moment. "You must be getting off on this."
"Cordelia..." Angelus held his temper back.
"We obey, follow meekly, and don't make eye contact with another vampire unless given permission to do so. Play the whole Betty Rubble role. You caveman, me pathetic girl." Cordelia rolled her eyes, having had Angel repeat to them all day the importance of being on their best possible behavior.
"Willow?" Angelus turned to Willow.
"We don't sit with you unless invited to, standing either behind you, or to your right. Other Pets are beneath us, because we belong to you. We do not speak to another Pet or to another vampire unless you are present." Willow had to look away from the intensity of Angel's stare.
"This isn't a test." Angelus knew that if either messed up he would have to discipline them publicly.
"Angel we got it. We follow you around like perfect little drones. I
think that we can manage it." Cordelia was anxious to get out of the car,
and put
some distance between herself and the dark vampire. The leather pants
and silk shirt was driving her to distraction, plus just the scent of him
pushed all her buttons.
Angelus was annoyed that he cared this much what happened to two humans. They were meals, or that was all they were supposed to be. But he was tense that the two impulsive girls would do something that would get them hurt and most likely by his hand.
Once the girls were out of the car Angelus took the lead and walked a few blocks from the car. Willow and Cordelia followed behind blushing at the comments and catcalls they were receiving . Angel had picked out the most obscene outfits for them to wear that night. Matching tight black leather skirts that barely covered their butts, and black leather bras. They had fought his choice for a good thirty minutes, stopping only when he suggested they call the whole thing off.
So now here they were following behind Angel, looking like two pathetic hookers trailing behind their pimp. "Hey honey." A short greasy male reached out and grabbed Cordelia's arm. "I've got fifty bucks, how much will that get me?"
Cordelia wrenched her arm away from the disgusting pig and tried to ignore his words. "Hey bitch! I asked you a question."
Angelus heard the comment and felt the unquenchable need of the male's blood. Trying to get a grip on his anger he lost it when the man called his Cordelia a bitch. "Cordelia...Willow go one more block up and wait for me at the alley on the left." Angelus's tone was dangerously low, leaving no room for argument.
Willow and Cordelia clasped hands and did as they were told, not looking back. "What gives you the right to touch what is mine you dirty pathetic little human?" The man stood his ground, glaring back at Angel.
"The bitch didn't answer me." The words were barely out of the man's mouth before Angelus picked him up by his neck.
"Her name is Cordelia. Why would she speak to something as disgusting as you would? She belongs to me you fool." The smaller man tried kicking out at Angelus as he gasped for breath. Angelus looked in the direction he instructed the two girls to go, making sure that no one or thing was bothering them. The girls had reached the mouth of the alley, and were presently sneaking glances in his direction.
"You're lucky tonight; I'm going to let you live...for now." Dropping the human to the ground, Angelus turned his back on the man and headed toward the girls.
"Screw you man. You should be happy that someone was offering money for that stupid bitch!" The guy spat out getting off the ground rubbing his throat. Angelus whipped around and kicked the man in the face. Satisfied to hear crushing bone. It was truly a waste. All that blood, pooling around the dying human's head on the ground, it would've made a great snack. But with Cordelia and Willow watching from a block away he really couldn't' take the chance and start dinning.
"What a sin to let all that blood go to waste." Turning around Angelus stalked off, not wanting to leave the two girls alone any longer.
When he joined back up with the girls he saw their wary expressions. "Don't worry, he'll be fine. When he wakes up I doubt that he'll ever call another female a bitch again." Taking them by the elbows he led them into the alley and up to a paint chipped green door. Knocking twice the door opened a crack, then was swung wide open.
"Angel." A large blonde vampire snarled. "You know you aren't welcomed here, you have killed too many of our kind."
"Yes well we all have our bad days now don't we?" Shrugging his shoulders without a care in the world, Angelus smirked.
"What is your game?" The bouncer looked past Angelus's shoulder to Willow and Cordelia.
"No game. Just wanted to drop in and say hi to a few old pals. Maybe have a drink; perhaps reminisce about the good old days. Hell who knows, maybe I've come to challenge Damien for the Master gig around here." Angelus slapped the shocked bouncer on the shoulder and proceeded inside.
Willow and Cordelia looked on in shock, neither wanting to follow Angel into the dark hallway beyond the door. Just the smell of death and decay that wafted out from inside the club was enough to stop them in their tracks. Angel didn't even turn around, but snapped his fingers.
"Great now he's treating us like dogs." Cordelia muttered. Willow took a deep breath and took a step forward. The blonde vampire put his arm out stopping them.
"Angel or Angelus, who ever you are today. I'm telling you this. You pull anything in there your Pets will die." Willow cried out as the bouncer grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her to him.
Angelus felt his borrowed blood run cold for the second time that night.
Turning around slowly he locked gazes with the vampire that held his witch.
"Whatever." His tone low and deadly. "I can get more." Turning around
again he walked down the hall way at the amazement of the other three.
"I'll be damned; the old bastard is back." The vampire let go of Willow pushing her away from him.
Cordelia put her arm around Willow's shoulder and went in the direction Angel had just disappeared in. "I swear when I get my hands on that jerk I'm going to tear his un-beating heart out of his dead cold chest."
"I don't get it. Why did he do that? I could have been killed." Willow felt tears form in her eyes. Never in her life did she think she'd see a day that Angel wouldn't be there to protect her.
"Is it me, or does it seem that ever since Angel started his little role of Angelus he's been acting a" Cordelia saw light coming from the end of the hall, and was torn. She knew that Angel was on the end of the hallway somewhere, expecting them to come. But then there was the exit just behind them. So far the night hadn't gone very well, and what would Angel really do if they turned around and went back to the hotel without him? After his little performance with not giving a rat's ass about their lives, he deserved to get ditched here.
"You mean off like he's being a little more... pelvic like with us?"
"Uh yeah. He didn't need to get so... frisky when he bit us." Cordelia was aggravated all over again; remembering the way he just left them lying there.
"Yeah that was... different. But he pretty much let that vamp know that we aren't anything to him. What if that jerk decided to test Angel and snap my neck?" A hand shot out of the shadows, wrapping around both their waists and pulling them to the side.
"Are you okay?" Angel's voice was filled with concern as he cupped Willow's chin and tilted her head back.
"No thanks to you, Mr. I Can Get More Pets.." Cordelia snapped, wishing that she could see his face clearly in the dark.
"Do you two really think I'd let something happen to you?" Angelus tried to keep the concerned tone that Angie Boy would use, but found it taxing. What he wanted to do was yell and scream. The bouncer was a pathetic piece of shit. Willow could've easily used her power's to dust the idiot where he stood.
"Angel you did nothing!" Cordelia's cry of displeasure was cut short with Angelus's hand at her mouth.
"Darling I really don't think you want to take that tone with me here inside the club...*Do You*? There are ears everywhere." Shaking her head Angelus relaxed his grip. Stepping back he observed their eyes, seeing their hurt feelings. He didn't have time for their little girl tantrums now, not here where another vampire could come across them.
"Willow come here." Angelus reached out and snuck two fingers into the front of Willow's skirt tugging the redhead to him. "Nothing is going to happen to you, I won't let it." Leaning forward he crushed his lips against her, nipping at her lower lip before drawing away. Looking over at Cordelia he placed his hand behind her head and brought his face level with hers. "Same goes for you Cordy." Paying her lips the same attention he let the girls go and stood up straight. "Ready?"
Both girls touched their lips and nodded dumbly.
Chapter Nine
They followed Angel down two flights of stairs, the lower they went the more noticeable the bass from the club below became. Willow reached out for Cordelia's hand, needing a way to express her fear other than running the opposite direction screaming her head off. She wasn't ready for this, she thought she had been, even told herself to buckle down and get a grip. But things got complicated too fast, lines were getting all blurry and she hadn't had the time to sit down and think about any of it.
Cordelia was terrified as well. She trusted Angel with her life and knew that he would never bring her into a situation that would get her killed. But the second they stepped into the club there was no going back. It was just the three of them, no Gunn or Wesley to back them up this time.
Angelus stopped in front of a heavy steal door and waited for the girls. What they didn't know was that just getting them inside the club was their first test. He knew what a leap of faith this was for them and in a way it angered the heck out of him that they weren't doing this for him... Angelus, they were doing it for that weak pathetic Angie boy. Cordelia and Willow belonged to him now and by all rights he should be the one that they were putting their faith into.
"Ready?" Angelus smirked at what an erotic image the two girls portrayed as they stood feet from him, clasping one another's hand as though it were a lifeline. So innocent, though neither were virgins. The goodness radiated from them was almost like a beacon. What fun it was going to be to watch as he extinguished that flame.
"Yes." Willow whispered.
"Yes what Little One?" Angelus cocked his head to the side slightly annoyed.
"Yes Master."
"Cora?" Turning his heated glance in her direction he saw the brief hesitation in her eyes. She was going to prove a challenge. Where Willow generally wanted to please, his Cora was stubborn to a fault.
"Yes...Master." She chocked out.
"Now was that so hard?" Placing a hand on the door he paused and looked back over his shoulder at his girls. "Remember attitude is everything. A first impression lasts a lifetime and for vampires that is a very long time."
Swinging the door wide open, Angelus strutted in twenty paces then stopped. Willow and Cordelia dropped hands and followed as he had drilled them to, stopping feet behind. At first it was just the tables near the entrance that noticed their arrival, but soon the entire club's attention was locked on the vampire. The stares were filled with anger but no one moved.
Angelus took a calculating look around the club, finally resting on what he was on search of. Heading off to the right, Angelus halted before a moon shaped booth.
"Fritz." Angelus's voice sounded slightly amused as he cocked his head to the side.
"Well look who's here. If word on the street is right you're Angelus.
If it's not you're dead." The vampire positioned at the center of the booth
nonchalantly as he picked up his silver goblet and took a drink. "So
prey tell which are you?"
"Well either way I'm dead... The little rumor would be correct. It so happens that a little witch made a teensy little mistake while trying to anchor that useless soul." Angelus pulled a chair up to the table and straddled it. "Lucky for me I didn't have to screw a slayer this time. Prying her legs apart was a real bitch." Fritz's laughter broke the tension. Tables nearest the scene heard the laughter and relaxed. Soon the entire club heard the news...Angelus was back.
"So what little treats did you bring?" Fritz snapped his fingers to signal another round of drinks for the table, all the while his eyes glued on the girls.
Smirking Angelus thought that it was just like Fritz to get distracted by a pretty piece of flesh. There was no mistaking that the other vampire could be one mean bastard, but get a pretty face around him and he'd lose his concentration.
"These beauties are my welcome back present to myself." Angelus leered. "The redhead *used* to be one of the slayers groupies, actually more than that. She was her best friend. The brunette there was Angel's little seer, guess she didn't see this happening huh?" Fritz barked out in laughter and saluted to Angelus.
"I'm impressed. The slayers friend and Angel's link to the Powers, you were always one sick bastard. But tell me, what are you going to do when the slayer realizes that you're back and have taken her friend as hostage?" Swirling his drink Fritz studied Willow and Cordelia. "Won't she just have you cursed again?"
Angelus chuckled. "That's the beautiful part. Red there was the witch that cursed me the last time. She's the only one that has the damn spell."
"So tell me friend. Now that you're back...again, what are your plans? Another fun filled game of lets end the world?"
"Not this time, though you have to admit it would have been a blast to watch. I'm going to take Damien out." Angelus looked Fritz in the eye as he stated his intent.
"Damn glad to hear it. When I heard that you were back I was hoping that you would stay around and take over here. But I really thought you were going to return to the Hellmouth and even the score with the slayer." Angelus's eyes darkened. "Now-now, save that look for the minions. It doesn't scare me. Like I was saying I was hoping you'd stay. There's a group of us that are sick of Damien's sloppy ways. If I wanted the headache I would've taken the position from him myself, but well you know me..."
"You're more concerned with the pleasures of life." Angelus finished for him. "But my plans are bigger than just becoming the Master around here. Have you ever heard of a law firm by the name Wolfram and Hart?"
"Have I? Are you kidding, those guys make us look like a bunch of Girl Scouts."
"Can you imagine ruling that place?" Angelus leaned forward, his voice lowering.
"You're joking right?" Fritz waved one of his pets off him as he concentrated on Angelus's words.
"No. They've been foaming at the mouth to have Angelus return. Thought I'd give them what they want, then I'll take what I want." Fritz smile grew.
"What about your childer?"
"They're of no use to me." Angelus shrugged. He wasn't ready to let Fritz know everything yet. Cordelia and Willow were just feet away, over hearing the entire conversation. Later, when he got Fritz alone he'd let the other vampire in on his secrets.
Sitting back and drinking it all in Fritz looked thoughtful for a moment. "You're going to need minions."
"That's were you come in. I don't have time to create my own and train them properly. I know that yours are faithful and well trained."
Fritz nodded as though he expected this. "What do I get out of this bargain?"
"A major part of the law firm. As you just said you don't want the job of ruling this town. The law firm would fit you perfectly. A big corner office, lots of stupid humans to order around" Angelus could read Fritz like an open book. This deal was perfect for them both.
"Deal. Damien is out of town right now, so that'll give us time to get
things ready for his return." Lifting his wrist to his mouth, Fritz let
his human
mask drop as he bit into his wrist. Angelus mimicked the other vampire,
biting into his own flesh. Each vampire offered one another their limb,
drinking in the offered blood, sealing the deal.
Chapter ten
Willow watched with foreboding as Angel sucked at the other vampire's wrist. She had overheard everything the two vampires were talking about, and wondered what Angel was up to. For the life of her she couldn't fathom how taking out LA's top vampire was going to help Angel get Wolfram and Hart to back off. More importantly why he hadn't said anything to them before coming to the club.
Looking out the corner of her eye she could see Cordy's uncertainty.
Willow felt a little less guilty in doubting Angel if Cordy also felt there
something off with the situation. Maybe it hadn't been such a great
idea to have Angel play at being Angelus. It couldn't be easy having to
fight your demon all the time, then start play acting to be him again.
But it had only been a couple of days, surly Angel could withstand a few
"Willow." Angel's angry voice brought her attention back to her surroundings. "Come here."
Taking one look into his eyes, Willow knew she had to have done something horribly wrong. Panicking Willow made an unintentional step back, instead of forward. With a low growl Angel's hand whipped out grabbing the front of Willow's skirt and dragging her to his side. "Fritz will you excuse me? It seems my little Pet needs a talking to."
Letting go of her skirt, Angelus clasped onto her upper arm and pulled her along with him. Passing Cordelia he placed a hand beneath her chin to bring her gaze level with his. "You are to stay here. Do not talk, do not move. Do you understand me?"
"Yes Master." Cordelia whispered.
"Good." Angelus growled as he placed a bruising kiss on Cordelia's mouth before stalking off with Willow in tow. He found a dark corner and tossed Willow up against the wall, pinning her in place with the lower part of his body.
"What in the HELL did you think you were doing?" He hissed into Willow's ear. "Do you know that I could practically smell your suspicion?...Well?"
"No what? Come on kitten you're supposed to be the smart one. So why are you being so stupid?"
"No...Master." Willow answered. Angel was scaring her and all she wanted to do was go home and hide under the covers.
"Better. Now you listen carefully. If any vampire in this club even thinks for a second that I'm not Angelus they will tear us apart. I may be strong, but not even I can take on over a hundred vampires...are you following me here or should I explain this as though you were three years old?"
"I-I understand...Master." Willow squeezed her eyes shut and nodded.
"Now we're going to back to the table. You will sit on my lap and wont say a word." He felt Willow nod again. Pushing away from her he tried to contain the furry at her inexcusable behavior. He had been able to pick up on her increased heartbeat and scent the second she started to get suspicious. It was his fault really, he knew sooner or later either Willow or Cordelia would catch on. He just thought it would be a little later into the game. "Willow look at me." Softening his voice, he hoped he sounded enough like Angie to gain her trust, or just get them through this night.
Willow looked up slowly, looking right into his eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm
just worried about yours and Cordelia's safety. This isn't a game, if we
make one
wrong move we can all get killed." Stroking the side of her face in
a calming manner, he watched intently as her eyes softened from guarded
to trusting again. "I care about the two of you so much that it'd kill
me if anything were to happen."
"I know...I'm so sorry."
"Shh. Everything will be okay as long as we play our roles right." Satisfied that Willow had dropped most of her suspicions he took a step back. "And I'm sorry about what I'm about to do, but Fritz will be suspicious otherwise." Balling up his first, Angelus pulled back his arm and punched Willow in the face. She immediately cried out in alarm and covered her injury with her hands.
Pulling her hands away Angelus studied the damage. Her pert little nose was already swollen and bleeding, and a bruise was already forming along her cheekbone. "I'm sorry Willow. But I warned the both of you that I'd have to discipline you." His voice soothing, Angel hugged Willow to him rubbing small circles on her back. "We need to get back to the table."
Dropping his hands and turning around for her to follow, Willow felt sick inside. Never in her life did she really think that Angel would cause her any harm. He had warned them time and again about not messing up, that he'd have to discipline them if they did.
Following him back to the table she took a seat on his lap as she was instructed. "I see your Pets still need a little training Angelus." Fritz laughed.
"It's too be expected, they're still new to this. Plus having been a friend to the Slayer my little Red here can get a little uppity sometimes." Grabbing the silver goblet from the table Angelus quickly drained the contents. Signaling to the waiter over to the table Angelus ordered another round and a dozen shots of tequila.
"Cora, please come and join us." Angelus patted the chair next to him. Cordelia moved quickly to the seat, but her dark eyes showed that she was fuming. Placing a hand on her upper thigh when she sat down only aggravated her more.
"So Angelus tell me. How do you plan on taking Damien out? Do you plan to issue challenge, or perhaps you plan a sneak attack." Fritz leaned back as he waited for Angelus's response.
"I don't want there to be any doubt as to who the Master is. I plan
to issue a formal challenge." Inching his hand up Cordelia's thigh, he
laughed out loud when she snapped her lags together. The drinks arrived
stopping any talk of challenges. Waiting until the waiter was out of hearing
Fritz nodded.
"Wise choice. Damien's followers would never submit to another Master if there weren't a challenge made, it might complicate things if you didn't."
Leaning forward Angelus picked up the salt shaker and tequila shot. Licking Willow's creamy shoulder blade he sprinkled some salt over the moistened spot. Placing the salt shaker back on the table he grabbed a lemon wedge. He felt Willow stiffen as he leaned forward again, sucking at the salty spot. Tossing back the shot he quickly bit into the lemon.
He could see Cordelia watching from the corner of her eye, and the blush that crept up her throat to her cheeks. Leaning over to lick at Willow's other shoulder he kept eye contact with the brunette. He shook salt over the spot, but this time he held the shot and lemon out to Cordelia. She looked at him undecidedly, knowing what he wanted her to do, just not sure if she could.
With shaky hands she took the offered items, and turned her gaze to Willow's. Both girl eyed the other wearily. Taking a deep breath, Cordelia leaned forward and tentatively licked the area Angel had prepared for her. She could feel Willow's muscles tighten as her tongue swept over the skin. Sitting back quickly she drank down the harsh tasting alcohol and followed it with the lemon.
Angelus watched through hooded eyes, the corner of his mouth twitch in appreciation. They had no idea how erotic they looked together. Willow luscious ass squirmed on his lap the moment Cordelia's tiny pink tongue touched her skin, almost making him groan. As soon as Cordelia had downed her shot, Angelus pulled her closer. Instead of licking her shoulder he ran his tongue on the upper swell of her breast.
Smirking at her boggled expression, he took the shaker and added salt. Placing a hand behind Willow's head he directed her over, knowing he needn't put into words what he desired for her to do. The little redhead quickly lapped the salt up with her tongue, pulling back as fast as she could. Placing a shot into her hand, she swallowed the contents swiftly, choking as the liquid burned her throat.
Willow's eyes watered as she searched for the wedge of fruit to take away some of the horrid after taste the tequila left in her mouth. Looking over her shoulder at Angel she blushed to see the lemon in between his teeth. She wavered for a second before she brought her mouth up to the fruit. She could feel her heart beating against her rib cage as she bit into the lemon.
"Angelus I am green with envy." Fritz leered. "Are you sure you don't need any help in training them properly?"
"You know I usually don't mind sharing my toys..." Angelus's smile faded. "But these two are off limits. I want your minions and childer aware of this."
Fritz shrugged. "Can't blame me for asking."