So Wrong

Author: Claudia6913

Pairing: Willow/Angelus

Warnings: implied non-con

Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: I own nothing, just borrowing from Joss.


Was it wrong to feel this way? Probably. Was there anything she could do about it? Not really. And, in all honesty, she didn't want to. For some reason, she just couldn't resist. Sure, she'd put up a fight at first. Screamed, kicked, did all the things her mother had once taught her to do when he had kidnapped her. But now, laying naked and chained to his bed, with him doing those oh so wonderful things to her body, she just couldn't care.

Her back arched once more as he hit that spot with his tongue, swirling around it, driving her mad. He always backed off when he knew she was close to coming, close to screaming his name in release, and she knew he loved every minute of it.

“Angelus, please,” Willow begged, knowing it would do no good. He'd kept her, made her a prisoner to his lust, his desires. She'd been helpless to stop it and he'd helped her to realize that. Showing her through pain and then later comfort that he would and could make her feel like this always.

“Soon,” Angelus said, practically purring the word. He was rock hard and in desperate need to be buried within her heat, but he could wait. He knew the more he made her want it, the better it would be, the sweeter the victory. That's all this was, a series of victories. He conquered her every night, over and over again. Built her up and broke her down.

At first, it had been done in revenge of the Slayer. Nevertheless, after just a few short nights, he saw the potential within the small, innocent redhead. So, he'd kept her, made her his toy. And what a wonderful toy she'd turned out to be too.

Finally, Angelus released himself from the confines of his pants and shoved himself roughly into Willow . Her cry of pain was quickly reduced to whimpers and moans of pleasure as he pumped into her repeatedly.

He was close, he could feel it. His balls gathered and he morphed into his demon visage, bent down to her chest, and roughly bit into her breast. The combined sensations of her blood and tight hot channel served to push him over the edge and he came in hard cool spurts.

“Lovely as always,” Angelus said, lapping at the blood still seeping from his bite. Taking one last lick, he pulled quickly out of her and chuckled at the disappointed moan that followed before walking out of the room and locking the door behind him.

And so another night had ended with Willow still in need of release, but she assured herself that he would come back, give her that satisfaction that she's been waiting months for. So long as she kept him happy.

The End
