Deadboys DO Tell Tales

Part 10 of 'The Turning Series'

Author: claudia6913

Rating: R

Summary:  Willow has informed the AI team, by accident, that Angel is her Sire.  Singing ensues.

Disclaimer:  Joss and Co. own the characters.  Although, if he ever doesn't want Angel and Spike I'd be more then willing to take them off his hands! lol  The song 'Friends' is owned by Barry Manilow.  The song 'Good for Your Soul' is owned by Oingo Boingo.

Distribution:  NHA, SoG, Simple Majik, redsoulmates, Bewitching Angel, and anyone else I post to.  Others just ask and you shall receive.

Author's Notes: If you couldn't guess Angel sings the Manilow song and Willow sings the Oingo Boingo song.  I know this is supposed to be an Angsty fic, but somewhere along the line it fell off the wagon.  I need to get into a 12 step program for that.  Oh well, enjoy!  Thanks to G for the title of this part.

Feedback:  Would be most appreciated, and expected to be honest. lol.


Ok, what part of 'Let me tell them' didn't she understand?  Now, everyone is looking at me'm Angelus.  Shit.  I look to Willow.  Her hair has taken on a darker shade, more a dark red, then the vibrant shade of fire it usually is.  She meets my eyes and they too have darkened.  Is this what she meant when she told me about her magick.  How it changes her?  I look back to the other occupants in the hallway.  Wesley had slowly backed up closer to the stairs.  Cordelia, well she stands fuming, arms crossed.  Gunn has gone blank.  No emotions.  The better to kill me I bet.  Connor is still stationary, but the hatred in his eyes is deadly. Lorne has a knowing look.  That little green demon, he guessed it.  I shake my

"Willow, release Connor," I say.  He really doesn't need to be held still.  Although, he did come awfully close to staking me.  If Willow hadn't stopped him...  No.  I can't think like that.

"Liberatio," Willow whispers and Connor falls to the floor.  She chuckles and I give her a look.  Granted in another circumstance I might have even smiled at that, but right now isn't the time.  Ok, time for damage control.

"Guys I--" I start to say but Cordelia cuts me off.

"What the hell is going on Angel?  What haven't you told us?" Cordelia says in a huff.  I can't really blame her.

I sigh.  I'm not really sure how to explain it.  I don't even know my own reason for turning her.  What have I gotten myself into?  Connor is still just standing there staring between Willow and I.

"Look, can we go sit down somewhere and talk?" I ask.  They look at me skeptically.

"Why don't we have Lorne do a little reading first.  Just to be sure," Wesley says.  He is furthest back in the group.  I didn't know he was still that afraid of me.  He has a good idea though.  That at least might put them at ease.

"Let's throw Willow in too," Gunn says.

"No problem.  Ready Sweet Cheeks?" Lorne asks.  I don't want to sing.  I hate singing.

"Isn't there some other way?  I really don't--"

"Sorry, sing or be staked," Cordelia says.  She seems a little calmer.

"Sing?" Willow asks.  I smile at her.  Apparently she has some apprehension about singing.  She seems to be back to herself.  The hair's back to it's normal color along with her eyes.

"Well Pumpkin, when you sing I can read your aura.  You bare your soul so to speak, and I can tell you what path you are meant to take.  It's harmless.  I promise," Lorne says smiling at Willow.

"Oh," Willow says.  "Neat."

"So, ready Angel-face?" Lorne asks rubbing his hands together.  I don't know why, but it seems he gets a kick out of embarrassing me.

"Fine," I say.  I clear my throat and look at the ceiling.  I can't look them in the eyes and sing.

"now you got to have friends
you know the feelings all so strong
you got to have friends
to make that day last long
I have me some friends but now there gone
some think came and took them away
and from the dusk until the dawn
here is where I'm goin to stay "

I can't believe I had to sing.  I hear Willow snickering next to me. That's ok though, she's next.

"No worries folks.  It's our Angel.  Soul and all," Lorne says smiling.

"So, he didn't go all evil?" Gunn asks.

"No, I didn't go all evil.  Why does everyone always think I've gone evil?" I say.

"Then how are you Willow's Sire?" Connor asks.  I cringe slightly at the venom in his voice.

"It's a long story," I say on a sigh.  This is going to be a very, very long day.

"What's a long story?" Fred asks walking up the stairs behind Wesley.

"Well, see our boss over there has kept a little secret," Gunn pipes up.  "See that little red-head next to him?  That's Willow.  Apparently, Angel sired her.  She's also got some magickal punch to her.  We are trying to find out if they are evil.  Angel just passed Lorne's test.  Now it's her turn."

"I guess it's not that long," I murmur.  Gunn always has a way of simplifying things.

"Oh," Fred says.  She looks around again and sees Connor and her eyes widen.  "C-Connor, uh, hi."

Connor just nods.  "Whatever.  I'm outta here.  This place is crazy," he says throwing me a look that says he'll be back to finish what he started.  I groan inwardly.  Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he left.  I just don't like how he left.  He's my son dammit!  If Holtz hadn't taken him...but he did.  There's no changing the past now.

"So, Sweetie, ready for your reading?" Lorne asks Willow.  She pales slightly.  I give her a reassuring pat on the shoulder.  I wonder what she will sing.

"Do I have to sing the whole song?  Or can I just sing a part like Angel?" Willow asks nervously.  When she's like this it reminds me too much of the old her.  The old ALIVE her.  It still hurts.

"The whole thing, Sugar.  I haven't read you before.  It will take me a chorus to get the feel of you," he says.

Fred just stands there slightly gaping.  I don't think she's grasped everything quite yet.  Gunn has loosened up some.  I guess he's not going to kill me after all.  Wesley has moved behind Cordelia.  While Cordelia still looks mad.  Maybe it's the whole siring issue, since she knows I'm not all evil now.

Willow takes a few deep breaths to calm herself.  At least she only has to do this in front of a few people.  I had to do it at Caritas, in front of lots of people, and demons.  Not my idea of a good time.  She starts to sing.

"Have you ever felt that somehow
You were not yourself
That your body was the same
But everything around you wasn't right
And images so strange and foreign
Flooded in like raging water

Have you ever been in love
With someone you hardly knew
Whereas every time you closed your eyes,
You saw this person come alive
It kept you wide awake at night
You felt like you were burning up
In pain, you want to scream
Then you passed out in a dream

Just once or twice is good for your soul
Just once or twice is good for your soul
If you don't stop, you'll lose control
Just once or twice is good for your soul

Every lay there half asleep all hours of the night
With some nagging demon tugging at that tiny bell
Inside your mind
When suddenly that strange idea
Bursts into an inspiration
You grab for it and then
The whole thing slips right through your fingers

Just once or twice is good for your soul
Just once or twice is good for your soul
Just once or twice is good for your soul
Just once or twice is good for your soul
It's good for your soul
It's good for your soul
It's good for your soul
It's good for your soul"

Lorne just stood there for a few minutes.  Why doesn't he just say what he's thinking?  Oh God.  Willow. Something's wrong.  I fight hard not to cry again.  I've cried so much these past few days.  Almost seems like I'll never stop.

"Why'd you pick that song, Cupcake?" Lorne asks Willow.

"I don't know.  I heard it shortly after I re-ensouled Angel.  It reminds me of him now.  Why?" Willow asks.  What does the choice in song have to do with anything?

"Well, I'm not sure how to put this.  You're special, and a lot more powerful then you let on.  Sweetie, you have a...well, a pseudo-soul," Lorne says.  He looks like he's trying to grasp for the right words.  A pseudo-soul?  What?

"What do you mean?" I ask.  She's not evil?  Well, no, she's not.  She said herself she was broken.  Is this what she was feeling?

"It's hard to explain.  Between the mix of her magick, and your soul, it makes for a unique combo.  I've never seen anything like this before.  All the magick that went into making her ended up making an aura that acts like a soul.  Not as strong as your's Angel-face, but a soul none the less.  You said you ensouled our Angel over there?"

Willow just nodded.  She looked like she was in shock.  Hell, so was I.  So, she's not evil.  Or, well, not entirely.  What does this mean for her?  I put my arm around her, and she cries into my chest.  Lorne looks at her sympathetically and pats her on the shoulder.  Everyone else has relaxed.  Good.  At least they aren't acting like they are going to stake her.  Progress.  Willow pulls away from me, tears streaming down her face.  I reach up and wipe the trails from her cheeks.  She really is beautiful, even when she's in tears.

"I told you I was broken," she cries and runs into my room slamming the door shut.  I stand there helpless.  I thought this news would make her happy.  What do I do now?  I look around the room for help and they all either look away or shrug their shoulders.  Great.  Well, here goes nothing.  I take a deep breath and walk into my room.
