Summary: Angelus tries to escape, but Willow is one step ahead of him. Can Willow withstand his mind games?
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, Joss and Co. does.
Distribution: NHA, SoG, redsoulmates, willvamps, and anyone else I post to, all others just ask.
Author's Notes: This is a bridge piece. So, please excuse the lack of some things.
Feedback: But of course!
What the hell was that? I'm finally coming too. I'm chained to a god dammed chair. Voices are arguing. Shit. The little witch packs more of a punch then I thought. I won't make the same mistake twice. She will pay for that. I hear her yelling about not staking me. What the hell is going on? I don't have time to gather my senses as the big black guy Gunn comes rushing at me stake in hand. I brace myself and move a little to the left as the stake pierces me through my right shoulder, inches from my heart. The force of the impact topples the chair and we go down.
My head hits the floor hard and dazes me for a second. I open my eyes and his neck is inches from my face. Waste not, want not. I change and sink fangs into his neck. His blood is sweet and tinged with fear, just how I like it. Before I get two mouthfuls he is dragged from on top of me and flung away. I hear him hit a wall.
"I wasn't finished yet," I say licking the blood from my lips.
"Shut up," Willow says. "Gunn, leave. We'll call when he's gone."
"Who says I'm going anywhere Childe?"
"I say," she says and rights the chair.
Gunn got up and walked out of the room giving me a dirty look and holding his neck. I lick my lips and smile. What I really want to do is drain him, but that will have to wait. My little red-head comes up to me hands on hip. I smile at her. She sighs and grabs for the stake pulling it out in one swift motion. I cry out, dammit I can't help it.
"I knew you liked torture," I say trying to keep the pain out of my voice.
"Whatever," Willow says and walks out of the room with the others.
They've left me alone. I pull on the chains. No give. That's ok, my little girl made a mistake. The chair moves. The chair is breakable. I really will have to teach her how to chain someone up properly. I will enjoy showing her. Having her scream.
I stand up, the chair chained to my back. She really needs to learn. This is just ridiculous. I take my chained chair over to the wall. Standing sideways I turn swiftly and crack not only the wall but the chair as well. I move to another part of the wall and repeat the action. I get the chair broken enough to push and release it from the chains. It falls to the floor in a heap. Before I have a chance to claim victory the chains tighten around my arms. Damn witch.
I really don't like witches. I've had a few bad experiences with them, namely getting a soul shoved down my throat. Not exactly my crowning moment. Maybe I should just kill her. Torture her to death for chaining me up. I need to get out of here. Get these chains off and gather myself. It's still light out, but there is a sewer access in the basement. Getting to the basement will take finesse.
I listen to find where everyone is. Down stairs in the lobby. Shit. If Angel's memory is correct I have to go down the stairs and to the left, around a corner to get to the basement door. Not an easy task, but I can manage. I haven't lived this long without being able to get out of a few sticky situations.
I walk to the door and look around the door jam. Hallway's clear. I walk down to the stairs, listening for everyone. They are gathered in Angel's office talking. You would think they would have someone watching me. At least Willow and Cordelia have seen me in action before, they know what I can do. But, my Childe is a little too confident in herself. I'm on the landing of the stairs crouched down. No one is even facing the stairs. Their head are all stuck in a book. What is it with Angel's friends and books? Gunn is no where in sight. He's first on my list. No one stakes me and lives.
I walk quietly and quickly around the corner and am stopped in front of the door to the basement. I'm frozen solid in place. I groan mentally.
"Look Witch, these little games are getting old," I say to Willow.
"Just where do you think you're going Angelus?"
"Thought I'd see the city, you know. Recommend anyone to eat?" She just rolls her eyes at me.
Turning back to the others she says, "Go on guys, I'll get the asshole upstairs and settled in."
"That wasn't very nice. And here I thought you liked me," I say grinning at her. She stares at me with those huge green eyes. They're a little darker then I remember, now that I think about it her hair is now an auburn color instead of its fire red.
"Been playing with magick you shouldn't have been?" I ask. She flinches. Hmm, a soft spot. Nice to know.
"Come on, back up stairs you go," Willow says pulling on a chain that wasn't loose before. What the hell did she do to this? How powerful is she? Oh, this will be fun. I always like breaking those with such power. Makes the blood taste better.
We walk back upstairs in silence. I'm randomly going through all the things that she told Angel. Such heartache, pain, and sadness. I smile as she leads me to Angel's room. Does she know what's in store for her? Probably not, but she will find out in due time.