~Part: 1~
Angel sat in the lobby of the old hotel. It was as empty as he had allowed his life to become. He had pushed the people who mattered the most away from him. His reasons had seemed very clear at the time, but now sitting in the dark, brooding. He had thought to protect them from the evil that stalked his life, both his and others. He should have known better. Wesley was in the hospital, felled by a gunshot of all things. Of course, the cop who had shot him was a zombie, but still. He had to face it. Those three would no more give up fighting evil, than he would take up sun bathing. The demon deep within him taunted him, "But you tried that once and it didn't work, did it Soulboy."
He thought back to the time that his despair was so deep that he walked out of his home and greeted the morning only to find a freak snowstorm. Snowing in Sunnydale of all places. He knew then that there was still a reason for his continued existance. He wondered what would happen if he tried it now. Somehow, he felt that the sun would shine down on him and he would burn for his sins. Maybe that would be for the best. He had driven away everyone who could ever care for him. Now, he truly was alone. Buffy hated him for helping Faith, Spike hated him for having a soul or hated him because he had no soul, whichever the case might be at the time. Dru and Darla hated him because he wasn't Angelus. He wasn't Darla's Darling boy, anymore.
He didn't know why the Scoobie Gang hated him, wait a minute, he did. A tiny quirk of a smile crossed his lips. Xander hated him because he had, had Buffy and the boy had not. Willow, he couldn't bring himself to consider the reasons that Willow had for hating him. Starting with trying to eat her at the school, then there were her fish. He had terrorized her even more than Buffy. His demon wanted Willow anyway he could get her and was determined to make her, one of his greatest sins was to try and make Willow like Dru. He leaned back on the sofa and pictured the redheaded hacker. He could see her emerald eyes, so full of life and intelligence. She had a joy that fighting the things that go bump in the night was never able to take away. He missed her so much.
Nearly, he admitted to himself, as much as he missed Cordy, Wesley and Gunn. He loved the little witch with all his soul and demon, but the other three. They were as bonded to him as his childer were. If the truth be known he thought of them as his childer, not that he could ever tell them that. They just wouldn't understand. He laughed at the look, Wesley's face would have on it if he ever told the ex-watcher that he thought of him as a childe. He could imagine the horror, and Cordelia would immediately ask him if he had gotten all groiny with someone and did she need to stake him now. His laughter became slightly hysterical as he realized that he couldn't push his family away. Now, he would have to get them back, and that wouldn't be easy. In fact it would be easier to get Spike and Willow to walk through his door, than to get the three people he had betrayed back.
His revery was broken as the door flew open with a bang. "Oh look, witch, it's daddy," came from the peroxide blonde standing in the entry to the Hyperion.
The redhead giggled as she smirked up at the snarky English vampire. "I don't think Angel's thrilled to see us." She looked at the dark vampire who sat, stunned expression on his face. "Hi, Angel." She waggled her fingers at him. "We were in L.A. and thought we would stop and say hi to you and the gang. Where is Cordy, anyway. I thought she'd be here." She looked around at the shabbily elegant lobby of the hotel. "Well, I guess you have the room to put us up, huh."
Angel wiped the stunned look from his features, deep inside his only thought was that it stilled snowed on demand. He stood slowly to greet his favored childe and the woman he loved. "So what brings the two of you to L.A.? Willow, you look," he ran his eyes down her beautiful form, "wonderful." He turned to the blond that he had known so long, and hurt so badly, stiffly he extended his hand to his childe. "Spike, why are you with Willow?" He played a dominance game common to all males. He tried to crush his childe's hand.
Spike crushed right back. He smirked at his Grand Sire. `Yeah, the big bad still had it.' "Peaches, how is the brooding business these days?"
Willow just shook her head as she watched the testosterone level rise. She giggled suddenly as she pictured the vampires swimming in a pool of hormone's, struggling to stay afloat. `Note to self; Ask Spike if vampires can float.' "Guys, as impressive as the male hormones are, I'm tired, can we come in Angel?"
"I'm sorry, Willow. Seeing the bleached one here seems to have made forget my manners. Of course, please come in." He smirked at Spike, "You can stay outside for all I care."
"Not bloody likely, Peaches. Where she goes, I go." He strode past Angel, leather duster flapping. He plopped down on the sofa next to Willow. He grimaced at her as he spoke in a low voice designed to get his grand sire's attention. "Bloody hell, Red, do we really have to stay here? I know of at least several really good abandoned warehouses that would make lovely temporary lairs."
"Spike, hush. If Willow wants to stay with me, she is more than welcome. You on the other hand, your welcome to leave anytime that you want to. Are you hungry, Willow? I can order a pizza or Chinese if you'd like." He looked at his rebellious blonde childe, "Spike, if you hunt and kill anyone, I will be very unhappy. You might remember that you don't much like me when I'm unhappy. You still haven't answered my question. What are you doing with Willow."
Spike turned astonished eyes on the redhead, "You didn't tell the poof?"
"No, he didn't need to know, now he does, but it's not my place to tell him. I think that should come from you. Angel, could you direct me to the powder room, I need to wash my face." Angel gave his, wait a minute, when did he start thinking of her as his, redhead directions then turned back to Spike.
"What do you need to tell me?"
"Well this is bleedin awkward." He shifted in his seat, then unable to stand sitting still, jumped up and began pacing. "I had a little problem with these G.I. Joe type gits. They captured me and took to an underground lab and expiramented on me. Result, I can't harm human beings."
Angel growled, "What did they do to you?"
"They put this sodding chip in me brain, now I can't bite people anymore." Angel took in Spike's morose look. "If you want to know the truth, I'm fucking useless, well, except, I can still hurt demons. That's is the one bright side to this. And, since all the demons in Sunnyhell know that I help the slayer and her little gang of buddies, they provide me with plenty of violence to keep my own demon satisfied. I can still give the slayer and the whelp hell, so I'm not totally without entertainment."
Angel looked at his childe. He didn't know what to say so he fell back on an old standard, "Just what are you doing with Willow?"
"I'm the bint's bodyguard. I'm here to protect her from all the things that go bump in the night." He looked directly into his grandsire's eyes, "That includes you, Peaches." The look in his eye promised swift death to anyone who tried to harm Willow. Angel was glad to see that they had at least considered how important his witch was. "Now, like Red asked, where are the other members of your little pack? I expected to at least see the prom queen."
Angel thought about not answering the question, but he knew it would be easier to tell Spike what was going on than to admit his idiocy to Willow. "There's been a problem."
"What problem?"
"Dru and Darla are back. I pushed the others away to protect them, but it,"
"Backfired? Went totally berk on you? Fucked up. Am I getting close you bleedin tosser?"
"Yeah, I fucked up. I don't know if I can get them back again or not. But I've got to try." He looked at Spike, "You hungry?"
"Yeah, you got people food or do I need to take Willow out and find her something to eat?"
"There's an all night Chinese place, that some friends of mine run. I can order something for Willow from them. They'll deliver here." He looked up as his witch re-entered the lobby.
Spike spoke before he could say anything, "Red you want some Moo- Shu? The poof's treat, then we can sit down and he can tell us all about how he fucked up."
The redhead shot a concerned look at Angel before replying, "Yeah, but I would rather have General Chicken." She seated herself on the sofa next to Spike. "Is that a problem, Angel?"
"Not a problem at all." He stood and walked to the phone, dialing
a number and speaking in an unknown language to whoever answered.
He re-joined the pair, saying "It'll take about 45 minutes for them to
get it here? Are you guys staying with me, cause if you are I need
to make you aware of the little war I have going with Darla, Drusilla and
the lawyers at this lawfirm, Wolfram and Hart. It could be dangerous
for you to be here. They seem to be reluctant to kill me, but I don't
know what they would do to my friends or associates if they got their hands
on them. Willow, that's why Cordelia and Wesley aren't here.
I, I kinda drove them away for their own safety." He grimaced as
Willow turned a serious frown on him. "I know, it wasn't smart, I
had already decided to try and get them back, but I don't know if they
will trust me after I betrayed them so badly." The dark vampire was
pacing nervously as he talked. "I hurt them really badly and they
don't trust me anymore, not that I can blame them." He dropped his
head in shame as he admitted, "Wesley got shot. He nearly died.
If they had known what I was doing, I might have been
able to protect him. I failed them."
Spike looked at his grandsire, and scowled, "You forgot what make's
Slutty such a good slayer." He startled as Willow giggled at Spike's
derogatory nickname for Buffy. "She has friends and family to support
her. She never got the rule book that says she has to be alone.
That's why she's the oldest slayer ever. You need friends to support
you in your fight against the power of darkness. That's whats made
you such a good warrior, and if you ever tell anyone I told you that, I'll
deny it till my undying day. Now, why don't you show me and Red where
we'll be sleeping and I'll bring our things in before dinner gets here."
~Part: 2~
Angel smirked as he heard his childe grumbling, not so under his breath,
while hauling his and Willow's luggage in from the car. Spike was wondering
if the witch ever intended to go home, because he was sure she had packed
everything she owned into the trunk of the Desoto. Angel laughed
as his hacker scolded Spike for not taking more care with her precious
laptop. They both looked at Angel as he laughed so hard tears rolled
down his cheeks. Looking at one another, they just grinned and went
right back to sparring. The dark vampire was amazed to feel absolutely
no need to brood at all, as he strolled over to relieve Spike of some of
his burden. "If you'll follow me, I'll take you up to your rooms,"
he did the perfect
bellhop imitation.
Spike smirked at him, "Well as long as you don't tell me to walk this way." He swished slightly to make his point. Willow doubled over as she giggled at the nonsense they were devising. Both of the vampires shot her offended looks, then went back to teasing each other and her.
Angel showed Willow to the room next to his, he led his child down the hall to the room in the corner. He was grinning on the inside as he watched Spike survey the one untouched room on the floor. It was a shambles. Spike growled low in his throat. He turned to face his grandsire in full gameface. His glaring eyes, gold, tinged with the icy blue of disdain. He shoved his way past the laughing vampire and knocked on Willow's door. "Hey Red. You mind if I bunk in with you? The poof wants to put me in a room that's worse then the crypt."
Giggles erupted from behind the door. "Aw, Spike, does Angel expect the big bad to sleep in a less than class A room?"
Angel was laughing himself silly as Spike cajoled the redheaded witch. He knew that he would relent and put Spike in a decent room before he'd ever let the snarky blonde share a room with his enchantress. He roared with laughter as Spike, in a smarmy voice, swore, "I'll lay off Buffy for a full month."
"Just how do you mean, lay off?" asked suspiciously.
"I won't call her Slutty the vampire layer to her face for one month." Angel thought the mouth full of fangs put the cap on that one.
"I don't know Spike. I think she's used to Slutty by now. I think you'll have to come up with something different."
"Bloody hell, Red, I can't think of anything else I can do for the slayer. Ooh, I won't call Chubs, Chubs."
"Not good enough, I know you. You'll call him moron or whelp instead."
"No I won't," sudden thought passes over his face, "oh, yes I would. Well I guess that's out. Well what do you want, you silly bint?" By now Angel was doubled over, he was laughing so hard. He heard something downstairs, and realized that time had passed quickly.
Time to put an end to the playful goings on. "Spike you can have the room on the far side of Willows. We need to get downstairs. Either dinner has arrived or I have an uninvited guest."
Spike threw back the door and gazed around the tidy room. A room with a real bed, and silk sheets. He raised his chin and in the oiliest voice he could come up with, said, "Well, it's clean. I suppose it will do." He sneered as Willow giggled at him. He threw his bags into the room and turned to the hacker "Race you downstairs, Pet." The dark broody vampire was reduced to giggling as the two people he loved most in the world took off down the hall toward the stairs at a breakneck pace. Spike obviously not using his vampiric speed. He heard screams from his hacker and a roar of laughter from his childe. If he had to guess, he'd say dinner had arrived.
The demon standing in the middle of the foyer green and blue and spikey all over. Doyle's cousin had a Chinese place that made the best spring rolls in L.A. Angel loved them, but he hoped Cordy never found out or there would be hell to pay. He stopped at the top of the stairs. "Hello, Ian, how you doing? Wife and kids okay?" He completely ignored his impatient, well, son for lack of a better word. "I have someone that I want you to meet." He grabbed Willow's hand and pulled her down the stairs to the Bracken demon. "Ian, this is Willow. Little One, this is Doyle's cousin, Ian." He took his wallet from his pocket and pulled out several bills, handing them to Ian and taking the bags from the Bracken.
Ian broke first, "And who's the vampire standing behind Willow."
"Oh that's just my pesky childe, Spike." *snarl, growl* "Just ignore him, I do." It sounded as if an enraged tiger was loose behind Angel. Ian looked less than convinced and Willow was the one doubled over in laughter this time.
"Peaches," came from behind Angel, "bite me."
"Later, if you're very good." Sullen silence, well that should work for five minutes. It would take the hyper vampire no more then that to move on to the next subject. "Ian, thank's for coming out so late, I appreciate it. I'll stop by later this week and see you and the family."
Grabbing Willow's hand, Angel led them into the kitchen, he placed the bags on the table and got plates and silver down, handed them to Spike and told him to set the table. Spike growled at him but started to work. Angel pulled a soda out of the fridge for Willow and deciding that a celebration was in order, two bags of O-. He opened the bags, poured the contents into mugs, and stuck them in the microwave. He seated Willow in the center seat between Spike and himself and prepared to enjoy the meal.
Spike laughed as Angel so subtly manuevered Willow into sitting beside him. He wondered who the great poof thought he was fooling. Spike already knew he loved Willow, and he knew what the poof didn't, that Willow loved him back. Not that he was going tell the wanker that. Oh no, it was much more fun to sit back and watch `daddy' make an ass of himself.
He picked up his mug and drained it He shot a surprised look at Angel as he realized that it was human.. He took great pleasure in the warm hot blood. The only thing that could have made it better is if it had come fresh from it's original container. Unfortunately, he didn't think that was going to happen anytime in the near future. He missed being the big bad, nearly as much as he had missed the talent Angel had for making a fool out of himself for the woman he loved. The little hacker was smart and he had to wonder how long it would take her to figure it out.
Spike slapped Angel's hand hard, "Oi, get your own spring rolls, these are mine."
"But Spike," whined Angel, playfully, "I don't have any left." Willow could barely eat for laughing at the nonsense between the `funloving' vampires *and that was something she had never thought to say* "Spike, you know how I love spring rolls."
Finally after a long and drawn out dinner, Willow forced her resolve face on and looked at Angel. "It's time for you to tell me what's been going on. Let's sit in the lobby and you can tell me where Cordy and Wes are. I hope there is nothing wrong. Now talk, mister." Straight glare right into Angel's face. The vampire knew better than to ever defy Willow's resolve face, but how could he ever tell her about having sex with Darla. She would never understand. She'd be mad at him and, she'd leave. Maybe it wouldn't come up, and oh God, he was babbling, he never babbled.
Wolfram and Hart brought Darla back from hell as a human. She used something to enthrall me, and I started pushing people away. As time went on I became obsessed with her. I didn't know that she was real. I just thought that I was dreaming. I was wrong. Just after they cut her loose, I found out that she was dying. The same syphilitic heart condition that she was dying of when the Master turned her. I managed to convince her that she would not be alone, but Wolfram and Hart showed up with Dru. She turned Darla and I couldn't do anything about it. I tried to stake her but I just couldn't."
Spike interjected, "I recently saw Dru, she mentioned that you had set her and the Bitch on fire."
Angel looked at Spike sharply, "And you haven't tried to kill me because?"
"Because, I tried to stake the faithless bint myself."
Willow looked amused and alarmed at the reference to Dru. She knew sooner or later that she would have to explain what she was doing in L.A. and she didn't think it was gonna go over at all well. "Please finish telling me what's going on?"
"Well Darla and Dru went on a rampage and a lot of people died. Some of them people that I didn't lift a finger to help. In fact," he looked into Willow's emerald eyes then dropped his head in shame, "I may have locked them into a wine cellar with Darla and Dru and walked away."
The peroxide blonde snorted, "I hate to say this Peaches, but I know you well enough to know that there was something wrong with the people you locked up mom and, Oh Hells Below, if mum turned Darla then the bint is my sister. Dru, just what in the name of Satan do you think that you were doing." Spike's eyes were wide as he looked at Angel. "Sire, do I have to be nice to her? Please tell me that I don't."
A small half smile graced one corner of Angel's lips. "If it helps, I told her there was a stake on sight rule where she was concerned. At any rate, Wes, Cordy, and Gunn were giving me what for over what I had done and I fired them. All of them. They kept fighting for the Powers that be and I just went after the lawfirm. They fought the goodfight and I carried out a vendetta. In some ways I buried my soul so deeply that it was gone. Then Wesley got shot." Willow gasped. "He's going to be okay, but it was really bad. They pushed me away when I tried to see them after the shooting, I can't blame them. I betrayed them, but it hurt. Things just finally kept getting worse. I lost all hope." He looked at the redhead seated beside him, he didn't want to do this but he had to. "Darla came to my room to stake me. "Take me out of the world, just like she brought me into it" I think she said. I kissed her, and," his eyes begged Willow for forgiveness, "I had sex with her. Willow, please say something?"
She looked up at the vampire she had loved since she was fifteen. She had never told anyone and she wasn't going to start now. "You still have your soul." It was not a question.
"Yes, I woke up and felt like my soul was being ripped out, but all that was happening was that it was being ripped out of hidding. I woke up myself again."
"No happy?"
"Oh there was happy, but it just brought me back into focus. I apologised to everyone and helped them fight off a demon attack. I told them that I didn't want them to come back to work for me, that I wanted to work for them. They said yes. That's where things stand now. We still don't hang out all that much, but we're getting better. Now, just what are you two doing here?"
Willow gulped, "It's a long story."
~Part: 3~
Willow gulped, "It's a long story. It started when Spike," shot an apologetic look at the blonde vampire, "fell in love with Buffy." Angel looked at Spike with shock. Spike slowly nodded his head. "Buffy was not pleased to say the least. She told Spike if he got anywhere near her, she would stake him out to greet the sunrise. That's just wrong. Spike can't hurt anyone, so I brought him here. I thought maybe if we stayed for a little while, it might be safe for Spike to go home."
"Tell him the rest, Red. Tell him that the blonde bitch that you've been shagging, told you that if you helped me that you needn't come home. Tell him what you sacrificed to save my sorry, useless ass."
Willow dropped her head and nodded. "If I can't help a friend then I don't guess it's as real as I thought it was. I moved all my things back to my parents, before I came to get you, Spike. It's over betweeen Tara and I. I won't be going home to the apartment. I'll be going back to my folks. I mean, it's not like I'll ever see them."
"Willow, little one, can you go back safely after you've helped Spike? Will Buffy let you?"
"I don't know, but I have classes that I have to go to, so I'll have to go back eventually. I just don't know what's going to happen." Spike mouthed over the hacker's head talk later. Angel nodded.
"Little one, you've had to deal with a lot, you must be tired by now, why don't you go upstairs and take a nap. I'll be right here or next door when you wake and so will Spike." A peroxide blonde head bobbed in agreement. Angel leaned over and kissed Willow softly on the forehead, "Thank you for helping to save my worthless childe's hide. I hate to admit it, but I would miss him."
Spike walked the redhead to her room and kissed the top of her head as he told her good night. "I'll be downstairs or right next door if you need me. I'll talk to you tomorrow."
Angel looked up as his childe rejoined him. "Just how bad is it Spike. Is it safe for me to let Willow go home? For that matter is it safe for me to let you go back there?"
Spike shook his head, "I don't think that either of us should go back. I think that witchypoo would try to make up to everyone for everything that's ever gone wrong, and that they would let her blame herself for all that's gone on. I think that if I go back, I'll die, sooner than later. Buffy has changed and not for the better since that Riley bloke flew off into the wild blue yonder. I love her sire, but I don't like her. She is getting very cruel. She plays with her prey before she stacks it these days. And I don't mean the playful banter. She torments the things she fights, until she has had enough and finally kills them. I think she's losing it. I think she has a death wish, and she's to good a slayer to give into it, so she's hoping that she can taunt something into killing her, either because of her cruelty or because her mouth drives them to it."
"Hell, sire, she has had so much to deal with. The powers sent her a little sister." He glanced up at Angel's face. "You do remember Dawn, don't you?"
"Yeah, brunette, cute, mouth on her that Buffy should respect. That Dawn?"
"Yeah, that Dawn. Well she's not really Buffy's sister. She's some kind of mystical key that they sent to the slayer. The slayer is supposed to protect her. There's a lot of responsibility comes along with the kid. Then there's joyce, she got really sick, tumor. Last I heard she should be fine, but more pressure on the slayer. Angel, I don't know how much more pressure she can take and I really don't want Red or I to be there when she breaks, cause if we are, we may end up dead. I hate to ask but can we stay here. I'll talk her into going to UCLA and working with you and me. I think that might get her to stay."
Angel clasped his hands between his knees, looked at his childe with chocolate brown eyes. "Of course, you're both staying here with me." He looked around the huge lobby, "It's not like I don't have the room for you. Why were so emphatic about telling Willow where you and I would be?"
"She fell asleep in the car and talked in her sleep. She's been having nightmares about Tara and Buffy coming after us. I want her to know that I'll be there like she was for me." He looked his Sire in the eye. "If you had to fall in love with a mortal, at least you picked the best of the lot. I approve. You shagged Darla and you kept your soul, does that mean you can shagg anyone and stay all soulfull. Although you seem more like the Angelus that I remember than the soulfull puss. You seemed almost happy tonight."
"I was happy, happier than I can remember being. It's good to have both you and Willow here with me. I don't know about the soul. I just know that it was there when Darla and I were done. I need to check on that, because if Willow's going to be here, I need to know. Listen, let's move this up to my room. If Willow needs me, I want to be close enough to get to her in a hurry."
"Yeah, don't like the idea of Red having nightmares, unless I cause em. Then it's alright."
As they walked past the witches room, their sensitive ears picked up the sound of whimpering. "Oh bloody hell, she's doing it again. Do you want to comfort her or me?"
"Until I can find out some answers about my soul that pretty much means
you. Take care of her my boy. I'm going to run out for a bit.
I need to see the Oracles or whoever the Powers put there to replace them."
He ran into his room and snatched up a box of Godiva that he kept for just
that reason. "I'll be back just as soon as I can, keep her safe for
me." Angel flew down the stairs as he heard Spike entering his love's
room. He had to find out, he didn't dare be around Willow on a
permanent basis, if he could lose his soul. He knew that he couldn't resist
her. He reached the brazier under the post office in record time.
He tossed the correct herbs on the glowing brazier and braced himself as
he was admitted to the
prescence if the oracle. He looked around, yeah there was only
the one. He turned to face it and asked, "I have need to know if
my soul is permanently anchored or am I still subject to the curse.?"
"And what have ye brought me boyo? This is the part of the job
that I like." Doyle held out his hand and the box of chocolates floated
to him. "Next time, boyo, you might think about a drop of the Irish.
It'll make me a much happier oracle. Now I have three things to tell
you. The first is thank you for keeping Cordy alive. The second
is that you must keep the redhead and the blonde with you. The third is,
yes your soul is safe. You can't lose it the witch, but I imagine
that if you go near Darla again, you'll wish you could. The redhead
will kill you and Darla. Now, one last thing
before you go." A fist struck Angel's check knocking him from
the chamber, "that was for abandoning Cordy to begin with."
Angel shook his head, realizing he was back underneath the post office. His soul leapt as he began to accept that he could have his witch with him. That he would never turn to Angelus and hurt her. He could tell her he loved her. He hurried back to the Hyperion, quietly letting himself into Willow's room. He smiled at the picture his witch made laying in the arms of his child. Spike looked up at him and Angel signaled him to leave Willow and come with him. Spike carefully laid the redhead down and traipsed after Angel. Once they were in Angel's room, he spoke. "You and Willow live here now. I have been told that I must keep the to of you here with me. We can sneak back into Sunnydale and pick up anything that you want. We can buy whatever you need in the meantime. We will fix you up your own floor eventually, but for now I want both of you on the same floor with me. We'll talk more later. Now go to bed, I'm going to go get Willow and bring her in here. I want her with me in case she needs me. I'll talk to you tomorrow."
Spike watched with a great deal of amusement as his sire lifted the witch from the bed and carried her into his bedroom. He would love to be there in the morning when Willow woke up. He imagined the fireworks should be stupendous. Better then the Forth of July. He yawned, time to call it a night. He wove his way into his own room and fell onto the bed in a deep sleep.
Angel gathered the witch in his arms and carefully made his way back to his own room. He laid her upon his bed as if she was make of precious crystal. Quickly he stripped to his black, silk boxers and slid into the bed beside her. He eased her into his embrace and fell asleep clutching her to his chest.
The redhead stirred as she tried to untangle herself from the covers, they were very cool to be wrapped so tightly around her body. It was almost as if they had arms. One hand brushed at the hand splayed across her stomach. Wait a minute, hand? She turned her head slightly and realized that she had company. Tall, dark, and rumpled company. What was Angel doing in her bed. She didn't remember him joining her. She looked around the room. Well she didn't remember getting up and coming to his bed either, so just how did she get here, in Angel's room, in Angel's bed? More importantly how was she going to get out without getting caught? She tried to roll away from the vampire and discovered that wouldn't work. Hmm, how about, she scooted down in the bed to slip out of his arms and discovered first hand just what Angel felt for her. Goddess, she had never seen one that big. Oz was nice, but... Bad Willow. Stop thinking about how big Angel is and think about getting the rest of the way out of the bed without getting caught.
Hands grasped her shoulders and she was pulled up nose to nose with
a grinning Angel. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips.
"Good Morning, Sunshine. Sleep well?"
~Part: 4~
Willow froze, she felt his lips on hers. Surreptitiously, she pinched her self. Angel grinned as he heard a muffled ouch, under his lips. He deepened the kiss, stroking her lips with his tongue, seeking entry into the warmth of her mouth. Without thinking twice, Willow parted her lips, admitting his tongue and thrusting her own tongue into his cool mouth. The dark vampire pulled the tiny redhead closer to his bare chest, groaning as he heard her `eep' as she realized just what he wasn't wearing. Her hands flattened on his muscled chest, smoothing over his nipples. She paused to tweak one of his nipples, with her nails until it was rock hard. One hand curved around his jaw, cupping his face as the other wandered south. He arched into her exploring hand, encouraging her to stroke his manhood through the smooth silk of his boxers.
He started to slide his hand down her back as she engaged her brain, "We can't do this." she exclaimed, pulling away from the enticing body, plastered to her own.
"Yes, we can." He pulled her tight against his wanting body.
"No, we can't. What about your soul. You just got it back, I won't be the reason that you lose it again."
"Not going to happen." He nipped at her lips, trying to get her to open her mouth for him. He had already decided that kissing his witch was going to be addictive. An addiction that he would be more than happy to surrender to. "Talked to the Oracle. Souls not going anywhere." He reached her tight butt with his hands, flexing his fingers against her softness.
"Permanent, you're sure?"
"Yeah, I would trust the Oracle, at least this one with my life." Taking advantage of her open mouth he thrust his tongue between her lips and tried to count her molars. She arched into him, writhing against his hard body. Her hand curved around his hard cock, stroking him through the silk. He moaned as he felt the delicious pressure of her hand cased in silk. He got even harder if that was possible. He was reduced to whimpering as she sucked on his tongue in the same rhythm with which she was stroking his erection.
He slipped his hands beneath her Hello Kitty™ boxers, kneading her soft skin and dipping his fingers into the crevice between her legs. He could smell her arousal, but it was wonderful to feel the hot wetness that confirmed it. She threw her leg over his thigh, opening herself up to him, and his questing fingers. Her body thrust back against his hand as he slowly inserted one then two fingers into her tight, slick channel. He slid his fingers into her body, testing her responses and preparing her for him. He shuddered as he thought of sinking deep into her willing body. She was so responsive to his ever movement. He clenched as she increased the pressure on his manhood. If he wasn't careful this could be over before it began, and he couldn't bear that thought.
Removing his fingers from her hot core, he grasped the bottom of her tee shirt, pulling it off over her head with one smooth motion. He took an unnecessary breath as he felt her soft, full breasts against his chest. He smoothed his rough hands gently down her smooth back, grasped the elastic of her boxers and pulled them down to her knees. He slipped one knee between her shapely thighs, pressing his hairy thigh against her soft womanhood. He guided her as she stroked herself, riding his thigh. Her small hand gripped his erection firmly, slowly stroking up and down, driving the dark vampire crazy.
She released his prick, and grasping the sides of his boxers, she eased them and herself down his body. (I'm not sure I can do this, but I'm sure gonna give it my best shot.) Her eyes opened wide as she took in the size of Angel's uncircumcised penis. It was huge. Her tiny hand grasped the base of his manhood, as she traced the sensitive ridges with the tip of her tongue. She jerked in surprise as a deep purr rumbled from the vampire writhing under her touch. She slowly engulfed the head of his cock as she licked it like she would an icecream in the heat of the summer. (as if it would melt and she would lose it if she didn't hurry.)
Angel's hands tangled in her red hair as he fought the urge to thrust deep within her suctioning mouth. He had to remember that she was not used to doing this, although she was doing it very well. His entire being centered on the young woman, who was now, Oh God, she was humming. He couldn't tell what, he just knew that if he didn't stop her soon, he wouldn't be able to. He groaned her name as she bobbed her head up and down, taking more of his cock with each plunge. He could feel the head of his cock banging against the back of her tight throat. With a deep groan he surrendered and crying her name, he came. He was amazed as his witch took everything he had to offer and milked him for more.
He gently pulled her up to him, fascinated with her shiny lips that
were pearly with his emissions. The tip of her tongue darted out
and licked at them, just like a kitten would lap at cream. He kissed
her with all the passion, he had pent up, in the years that he had loved
her. Slowly he moved his lips down her jaw to her tender throat,
paying close attention to the spot directly over her jugular, where he
would put his mark in just a short while. He stroked her throat with
his tongue, inching down to her pert breasts. He laved first one,
then the other breast, sucking and nipping at the sensitive peaks until
she whimpered. It felt like he was drawing the core of her being
from her breasts, she had never felt that with anyone.
Slowly, oh so slowly, he began to kiss his way down her stomach, paying
a brief visit to her navel, surprising a giggle out the moaning witch.
One large hand parted the soft red hair curled between her thighs exposing
her swollen clit to his hot eyes. Eyes that flickered between gold
and brown as he took in the beauty exposed to him. Carefully he spread
her labia, exposing the very core of her womanhood to him. Two fingers
carefully sank inside her grasping cunt, as he flicked her swollen nubbin
with the tip of his tongue. His redhead was bucking up against him, so
he carefully placed one large hand on her stomach to hold her in place.
He had never tasted anything sweeter then the nectar that poured from her
core. He lashed her with his tongue, as he thrust his fingers into
her hot core. Her cries of ecstasy were sweet music to her ears.
Her thighs
clenched around his head drawing him deeper into her core and making
him grateful that he didn't need to breath. Her body convulsed as
she was overcome by her orgasm. Her moans and whimpers faded
as she slowly relaxed her thighs, allowing him to move up her body.
He replaced his fingers with his manhood, slowly and carefully entering
her tight passage. It was so arousing to know that no one had ever
filled his lovers body like he was. No one had ever stretched her
slick channel as fully as he was. He groaned and froze as she arched
the cradle of her femininity up to meet his raging erection. He could
feel her clitoris grind against his rough pubic hair, as she took him to
the very depths of her body. He held her body still, to allow her
to adjust to his girth. Slowly, he began to move, in and out
of her tight passage, touching her cervix with each stroke.
As the redhead bowed up to meet him, he increased the speed of his thrusts.
His red haired witch cried out as she clenched
her channel around his driving cock. He groaned her name as her
convulsions, threatened to overcome his control. He drew her slender
calves up, draping her legs over his shoulders. He took advantage
of the change of angle, to drive even further into Willow's warm body.
She cried out as he dropped one hand to her swollen nubbin, massaging the
engorged button and sending tremors through his lover's body. He
knew that he couldn't hold out much longer. He had wanted, needed
the redhead writhing beneath him for to long. With one last thrust,
he sank his fangs into her tender skin, just above her jugular. As
he slowly lapped at the warm elixir that flowed from her vein, he emptied
himself into her warm, receptive body and was rewarded as she orgasmed
once again. He rolled his weight off her, taking her slight body
onto his. He lazily ran his tongue through the pool of blood at the
base of her throat, purring in contentment. He had marked her and
now she was his. They lay together in perfect contentment.
Willow stroked his chest as he nuzzled her throat.
He doubted that he could force himself to rise from the bed and would probably, forcibly restrain the redhead from going anywhere as well. He looked at the face of the woman he adored and said simply, "I love you."
Willow's eyes flew open and she replied, "That's good, since I love you to distraction."
Their lips met in a fiery clash, and they murmured their love for one another as...someone banged on the bedroom door. Angel growled loudly, eliciting a giggle from the woman on his chest. "What do you want Spike. I should warn you that if it isn't life or death, it's gonna be."
"Sorry, Peaches, but the prom queen is in the lobby, screamin her bleedin head off about what have I done with Angel, and all, I'm going to stake you where the sun don't shine. Would you please stop shagging Red long enough to convince the bint that I haven't done anything to you, well at least not lately."
Angel groaned as Willow removed herself from his chest, and with a smirk started hunting her boxers and tee shirt. "You'd better get up lover. Otherwise, Cordelia might just come through the door, to make sure Spike hasn't hurt you. I can just see it now. `Angel , what did Spike do to you? Angel, what did you do to Willow?'"
He realized that his love was absolutely right. He looked with pride at his mark on her throat, Cordelia would take one look and go ballistic. He called to the blonde moron at the door, get Willow's robe for her."
"Yeah, sure. Now I'm a bleedin valet. Silly bint causes more trouble just breathing then any other happy meal I've ever known." Seconds later the door opened and one arm extended in holding a pair of jeans and a high necked blouse. "I figure that you don't want Mum showing off your mark, right off the bleedin bat. I'll tell the silly bint that you'll be down in a few minutes, with a prezzie."
The new couple quickly dressed between stolen kisses and questions. Questions like, "Did Spike just call me Mum? Why did Spike just call me Mum?" followed by "I'm to young to be Spike's mum." Hand in hand the vampire and the hacker walked out the door and into the future, together.
The End