Dreams of Vampires Dance in Your Head

Author: Victoria Cubbins

E-mail: Celeste_immortal@yahoo.com

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Aus/W

Summery: This is a challenge from Ellie, #1

Spoilers: maybe bits of season two.

Distribution: Bite me.please? Willow's Lil' Secret, RedsSoulmates

Feedback: Crave it


~Part: 1~

Willow kissed Oz as he came in the door, a large grin plastered on his slightly drunken face. A leather glove came up and stroked her hair and the leather boots tried to untangle themselves from her lace curtains that adorned her balcony windows.

"Was that there yesterday?" she asked pointing to the eyebrow piercing he had just acquired.

"Uh no, you like it?"

"Of course I do Oz," she smiled and wrapped her arms around him, letting him carry her towards her full bed. Willow made no move to stop him, her parents were out of town again and how she loved making love to Oz.

Oz laid her bed, spreading her legs with his knees. Willow worked her nimble fingers on his shirt and pushed it from his shoulders. Her mouth attached to his as their hands memorized each other's bodies, finding every dip in the skin, every line that was on fingers.

Oz pulled off her nightgown and was pleased that she was wearing the lace green panties (yucky word) and bra. He grinned and clasped his mouth to her nipple through the scratchy green material. Willow smiled warmly at him while he sucked on her like a dying man. She moved her fingers through his hair and traced the metal of the new piercing. Oz moaned at the touch sending shivers through Willows body. Willow took a sharp gasp as the cold air hit her now moist skin. Oz gave her a droopy smile and then left a long trail of salvia traveling down her belly and then across her thighs. Teasing her with the prickly spikes on his head, tickling her fevered skin, near the core of her desire. Willow lifted her hips, allowing him to slip the garment from her. Oz kissed his way from her the enclave in her knee to the shell of her thigh, inching his way ever closer to her weeping entrance.

"Oh Oz!" Willow urged and pushed him towards her. Oz chuckled inwardly and planted his lips on her engorged rosebud.  He kissed her passionately and sucked her into his waiting tongue. Willow arched her back and hissed, clutching her pillows violently. Oz adored her like this, all glowing and at his mercy. Oz added his fingers to her, moving slowly in her, driving her to ecstasy. Willow clamped down on his wandering fingers and screamed out his name.

"Kiss me Willow," Oz begged as Willow sucked her juices from him. Willow parted her legs again for his lengthened shaft. Oz was happy to oblige. He pushed himself into her and was relieved to hear the soft moans escape her clenched throat. Oz pounded into her with a steady rhythm, grinding himself into her flesh. Willow felt him hit that spot inside of her that make her brain swirl. Willow yelped as he shifted his weight to hit her from an angle, causing Willow to rock with him. Slapping their flesh together with in desperation. Willow clung to Oz as she felt the climax approach, calling out his name again as he buried his face in her breasts. Willow milked him as she came, triggering a storm in arise in him, leaving him crashed into her.

Willow lay back with the man she loved in her arms. She yawned, knowing that the real passion for the night was just beginning. Her dreams were awaiting her.

~Part: 2~

“Willow,” A singsong voice hit her ears in a soothing rhythm.

Willow’s eyes fluttered open at the sound of Angelus calling her. He was standing before her, tight leather pants and all.

“Hello Angelus,” she smiled and beckoned him to her. Angelus floated to her bed and glided down next to her.

“Willow, my love what have you been doing?”

Willow blew him a kiss as she unbuttoned his red silk shirt.

“Whatever do you mean Angelus,” she made the words roll off her tongue and come up to air kiss him. Here, she was a seductress, no move she made was wrong, here with him she had no inhibitions. She was one of those temptresses who wore silk, laces and leather and got what ever they wanted. Who were cultured, never censored them selves, they didn’t stutter and get embarrassed. Here she was the perfect powerful woman, the woman who walked both sides of good and evil.

“I mean about fucking the wolf,” he growled and with a sudden show of force ripped open her dressing gown. Willow remained unfazed and inched open her legs.

“You can’t hurt me Angelus,” Willow smirked and pulled him to her.

“Why would you ever believe that little one?” Angelus growled and clasped firmly on her breast armored in the green lace.

“Wear them just for me kitten?”

“Of course Angelus,” Willow purred.

“Good kitten, good,” he pawed at her, watching in awe as she moaned and gasped.

“Take what’s yours Angelus, I’m at your mercy.” Willow smiled alluringly and brought his hand from her breast and coaxing it down her supply form. Willow didn’t whimper like she did with Oz, or mew softly and draw blood from her lip to keep from screaming. Here with him she shouted her head off, she serenaded him with her cries of pleasure and pants of satisfaction. Not only that but in her dreams with him she was never shy about what she wanted, if she wanted him between her thighs then goddess in heaven that’s where he should be!

Angelus needed no further instruction as he glided his large hand into her youthful center. Teasing his fingers over the flesh that barred his entrance and then slowly permitted him to wander into her. Willow bucked her hips and growled impatiently. She need to be filled and now, this was not a time for the demon to window shop, he should be driving home the purchase.

“Angelus!” Willow snapped and roughly seized at him.

Angelus glinted with delight at the feral glow of her eyes, but her actions did not amuse him. He intended to prove once and for all that he was her master and she merely a toy. Willow was beautiful but he could drop her as easily as he picked her up. Angelus sliced himself up her lean body until he was a hairs breath away from her face.

“Listen to me my little witch,” he growled and forced his true face forward. Willow did not shrivel and pale, as she would have in waking hours, here she controlled everything.

“What are you going to do master vampire?” She smiled coyly and stroked the ridges of his face. Dipping her wiry fingers in the edges of his demon nature. Willow became wet just looking at him. Angelus purred deeply in his throat at the smell of her.

“I’m going to put you in a little room,” Angelus whispered against her throat, rubbing his soft mouth against her jugular.

“A little room?” Willow questioned.

“Yes,” he propped himself up and watched the questioning emotions that flickered across her face.

“I’ll lock you in a stone tower.”

Willow smirked at his threat and entangled herself further with him.

“Would you really my Angel?”

Angelus’ grip tightened on her soft skin and flattened her into the mattress.

“You play with fire my witch. Do you like to play with fire? Shall we find out?”

“Angelus,” Willow firmly sputtered out his name and kissed him softly. Doing her best to calm the demons raging anger. His body was humming with power and radical malice and she could feel it penetrating her. Willows mind was in chaos, this was her dream she was never afraid in her dreams. In her dreams she was in control, she was never afraid. He was never like this.

Angelus traced his finger down between her breasts and licked her cheek.

“What’s wrong kitten?”

Willow shuddered at his ravenous stare and inched her way back into the mattress.

“N-n-nothing,” she tensed herself up and tried to slow her breathing.

“Good, better,” he kissed her lightly and nipped the end of her nose, “Get on with it.”

Willow squirmed as Angelus without any preparation forced himself deep inside of her, she swore she could feel him in her throat.

“You alright kitten?” Angelus asked with patronizing concern, a leer piercing her eyes.

Willow closed her eyes and braced herself harder. This night was not turning out as she had expected. She should not be afraid! This was just a dream, yet something told her in the pit of her stomach that it wasn’t. That the bruises she had received from his callused hands would be there in the morning. Being on the hell mouth had just transformed her guilty dreams of pleasure into reality. A terrifying truth from lust to violence. The Angelus in her dreams was not like this, she had smartened him up to fit her image of him. This was the true him above her now, thrusting painfully into her. The idea that she was being raped entered her mind. She was being raped, hell this was breaking and entering, and all she had to do for him to stop was to say no. The hell mouth my have screwed up her dream but it was still her fucking dream! Angelus picked up speed as his climax approached, making Willow bleed and her mind go numb. She tried to force the word out of her mouth but it had screwed itself tight in her throat and some force had barred her teeth against uttering it. Wake up Willow, wake up! She panicked and desperately tried to force herself out of her dream like state. Angelus gripped at her arms, squeezing the pale flesh until it was blue with bruises and forced his pointed canine teeth into the flesh of her collarbone. Willow gasped and her breath quickened her whining like music to his ears. He gave a few harder thrusts as her face twisted into masks of pain. God why hadn’t he done this before instead of all the seducing that he had to through the nights before, being her little fool. Angelus felt like spitting as if to get a bad taste out of his mouth. This was his release from being in the souls body all day, here he could do anything and take whatever he wanted. It was her fault, she had called him to her. She thought that he would be her dark angel, her night beauty, well he had just turned into her nightmare. What he wanted to take was Willow. Angelus bite deeply into her as he came, marking her. Yes Willows dreams were going to change.

Willow rolled away from him once he had finished and curled around the pillow. She could hear someone moving about but she did not know or care if it was Angelus leaving or Oz moving in his sleep. One thing was sure she would never go to sleep again.

~Part: 3~

What awoke Willow the next morning was the burning, aching pain between her legs. She shook her head, trying to ignore it and fall back to sleep. However once all her systems were fully alert,the pain became unbearable and thrust her from the bed, a wordless scream spilling from her cracked lips.

"Willow?" Oz was on the floor with her in seconds, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and stroking her hair with his hand.

"Willow what’s wrong?"

She tried to answer him, but that would mean telling him about the dreams, about how she allowed Angelus into her bed. But it was a dream, it wasn’t really him, it was.......it was......it was a fantasy. Fantasies don’t rape their creators. She regained composure, she couldn’t let anybody know. She couldn’t let Oz know, no especially not Oz. He loved her so much and it would just break his heart. It would be all right, she could handle this, she had to handle this. Willow would tell them that she had a bad dream, dreams become reality here, she had a bad dream of a man hurting her and here were the bruises to prove it. The bruises to prove…? She looked to her shoulder and arms, but there were no marks of violence on her pale skin. It was smooth and perfect, just the pain still lingered like a hangover. It was like it was moving under her skin.It had had broken through her defenses and was now prickling like long thorns reaching to her soul.

"I just had a bad dream." Willow tried to smile and shake it off but the pain twinged, reminding her that it controlled her until her real master could come back to claim her.

"Did it include frogs?"

Willow nodded and didn’t need to shudder for effect. She wrapped her arms around him trying to calm her nerves and forget the feel of the demon's cold skin on hers. Willow kissed him until her mouth hurt.

* * * * * *

Willow strode through the halls of the high school with less then her usual enthusiastic gait. She was still in pain and was afraid that it was written all over her face.'Hey everybody I’ve been fucking the master vampire Angelus, you remember the one that tried to end the world last year? Now he’s trying to kill me because the hellmouth is no place to have youthful indiscretions, even if they’re only in your head.' She pouted and entered her math class. Xander bounded up to her and dropped his books next to her.

"Can you believe that I actually studied for one test in my life?"


"Yeah Wills." He looked at her like her eyes had just fallen out of her head.

"You remember? Big test that will determine the course of our future happiness?"

Willow dropped her head into her hands. How could she have been so daft? Oh yeah she had an evil being trying to kill her or at least lock her away in little rooms…she blanched and fell upon the desk.

"Will,are you alright?"

"I don’t think I have a future happiness."

* * * * * *

Xander ran up to Buffy and kissed her open mouthed in the hallway next to the cafeteria.

"Whoa Xander we’ve talked about this." She said and broke away from him her hands in defense position.

"I got an A, I got an A!!!!" He danced around hyperactively, like a monkey that had escaped the organ grinder.

"You got an A?" Buffy asked putting back her books into her locker.

"What did you get Willow?"

Willow sulked,leaning against the row of metal.

"An F," she spat out and slid down the wall.

"Really? Giles didn’t mention any apocalypse recently."

"Oh feel the doubt. I can’t get an A without some hell beast arising?" he sniffed. "That’s alright. I’m a man, I can take the stab."

Buffy punched him in the shoulder and he buckled under her strength.

"Ow, Buff."

"I’m sure it was just a fluke, Wills."

'Yeah that and I keep seeing him everywhere, still smell him on my skin, can feel him biting into me.'

"Yeah a fluke."

"Angel came to see me last night." Buffy announced.

"Huh?" Willow asked and unconsciously gripped the locker.

"Yeah," Buffy muttered sadly, "I dreamt about him."

"Oh," she stuttered, "So he really is still....uh....dead?"

"More so than Dark Shadows if we’re lucky." Xander beamed.

Buffy clenched her jaw and stormed off.

"Nice going."

"What?" He asked and fished out some Hostess concoction,offering it to her.

Willow took it and sighed.

"What’s wrong Wills? Nothing that can’t be cured with sugar."

Willow glared and ripped into the artificial cake like she was taking the head off some small creature. Or Angelus’ cock.

"No nothing that can’t be cured with sugar." The idea was like a blessed reprieve and she sloppily kissed Xander with a wet, smacking sound.

"Yay! It’s kiss Xander day!"

Chapter Three

What awoke Willow the next morning was the burning, aching pain between her legs. She shook her head, trying to ignore it and fall back to sleep. However once all her systems were fully alert,the pain became unbearable and thrust her from the bed, a wordless scream spilling from her cracked lips.

"Willow?" Oz was on the floor with her in seconds, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and stroking her hair with his hand.

"Willow what’s wrong?"

She tried to answer him, but that would mean telling him about the dreams, about how she allowed Angelus into her bed. But it was a dream, it wasn’t really him, it was.......it was......it was a fantasy. Fantasies don’t rape their creators. She regained composure, she couldn’t let anybody know. She couldn’t let Oz know, no especially not Oz. He loved her so much and it would just break his heart. It would be all right, she could handle this, she had to handle this. Willow would tell them that she had a bad dream, dreams become reality here, she had a bad dream of a man hurting her and here were the bruises to prove it. The bruises to prove…? She looked to her shoulder and arms, but there were no marks of violence on her pale skin. It was smooth and perfect, just the pain still lingered like a hangover. It was like it was moving under her skin.It had had broken through her defenses and was now prickling like long thorns reaching to her soul.

"I just had a bad dream." Willow tried to smile and shake it off but the pain twinged, reminding her that it controlled her until her real master could come back to claim her.

"Did it include frogs?"

Willow nodded and didn’t need to shudder for effect. She wrapped her arms around him trying to calm her nerves and forget the feel of the demon's cold skin on hers. Willow kissed him until her mouth hurt.

* * * * * *

Willow strode through the halls of the high school with less then her usual enthusiastic gait. She was still in pain and was afraid that it was written all over her face.'Hey everybody I’ve been fucking the master vampire Angelus, you remember the one that tried to end the world last year? Now he’s trying to kill me because the hellmouth is no place to have youthful indiscretions, even if they’re only in your head.' She pouted and entered her math class. Xander bounded up to her and dropped his books next to her.

"Can you believe that I actually studied for one test in my life?"


"Yeah Wills." He looked at her like her eyes had just fallen out of her head.

"You remember? Big test that will determine the course of our future happiness?"

Willow dropped her head into her hands. How could she have been so daft? Oh yeah she had an evil being trying to kill her or at least lock her away in little rooms…she blanched and fell upon the desk.

"Will,are you alright?"

"I don’t think I have a future happiness."

* * * * * *

Xander ran up to Buffy and kissed her open mouthed in the hallway next to the cafeteria.

"Whoa Xander we’ve talked about this." She said and broke away from him her hands in defense position.

"I got an A, I got an A!!!!" He danced around hyperactively, like a monkey that had escaped the organ grinder.

"You got an A?" Buffy asked putting back her books into her locker.

"What did you get Willow?"

Willow sulked,leaning against the row of metal.

"An F," she spat out and slid down the wall.

"Really? Giles didn’t mention any apocalypse recently."

"Oh feel the doubt. I can’t get an A without some hell beast arising?" he sniffed. "That’s alright. I’m a man, I can take the stab."

Buffy punched him in the shoulder and he buckled under her strength.

"Ow, Buff."

"I’m sure it was just a fluke, Wills."

'Yeah that and I keep seeing him everywhere, still smell him on my skin, can feel him biting into me.'

"Yeah a fluke."

"Angel came to see me last night." Buffy announced.

"Huh?" Willow asked and unconsciously gripped the locker.

"Yeah," Buffy muttered sadly, "I dreamt about him."

"Oh," she stuttered, "So he really is still....uh....dead?"

"More so than Dark Shadows if we’re lucky." Xander beamed.

Buffy clenched her jaw and stormed off.

"Nice going."

"What?" He asked and fished out some Hostess concoction,offering it to her.

Willow took it and sighed.

"What’s wrong Wills? Nothing that can’t be cured with sugar."

Willow glared and ripped into the artificial cake like she was taking the head off some small creature. Or Angelus’ cock.

"No nothing that can’t be cured with sugar." The idea was like a blessed reprieve and she sloppily kissed Xander with a wet, smacking sound.

"Yay! It’s kiss Xander day!"

~Part: 4~

Willow was not overly surprised to find herself hog tied in a black bikini. Angelus loomed above her watching the emotions play over her face.

"Hmm, your insecurity is well placed on one point," he put a finger to his lips as if pondering. He then sighed and produced a large knife. "You do not look good in a bikini. Let’s see what we can do." Willows eyes sprang to life at seeing the glint of the knife blade.

"Ah, your fear is so mesmerizing," Angelus laughed. "Not just intoxicating, but enough to put me into a coma with its intensity." He was only a hair's breadth from her face twisted in fear and discomfort. "And sweet."

"If only," he smiled, "I could train you to mix arousal with it." He slowly caressed the curve of her body, letting his hand linger at her hip.

"However the wolf has probably tainted you for life, pissed on a masterpiece."

Willow shivered and struggled against the coarse ropes, if only she could get out, if only she could escape, if only she could use the charm. Angelus kissed his witch and nipped her swollen bottom lip. He played with a strand of her firey red hair.

"I think I’ve given up on blondes…they’re just so Disney. A fire goddess is what I want." He slid the cold blade along her warm skin and sliced the black bodice off. He marveled like a kid who had just tasted chocolate at her breasts; the coral nipples, the two small, perfect mounds of flesh.

"Angelus," she tried to steady her voice.

"What, my darling?"

"Let me go."

"Go? But aren’t you having fun?"

Angelus smiled and traced the knife along her twin peaks, drawing fine lines of blood, his cold tongue immediately suckling the minute droplets of her life force. Angelus was thrilled by the rush, the spicy blood, the innocent fear his head was clouded and it seemed that there was a mirror behind his eyes. He shook his head to disperse the woozy feeling. The knife glided down further, the cold steel making Willow's gut clench and her flesh shy away. It slid beneath the black bikini bottom and punctured the cloth, the hilt of the blade digging into her pubic mound. Angelus, very dizzy now, ripped away the cloth and growled. It had not escaped Willows notice that her captor was increasingly off his game. She suppressed a smirk, the charm was working. Angelus rocked back on his heels, his eyes fluttering from the effects of a strange smell. It was not only her fear; it was sweet, cloying and yet acidic. He felt like he was going to throw up his last meal. He dry heaved trying to dispel the feeling so that he could ravish the sweet little thing before him. But instead he fell onto her floor and passed out.

"Oh this is just perfect." Willow looked down at the ties that still bound her wrists to her feet. She concentrated on the ropes.If she could float a pencil why wouldn't she be able to untie these knots? She focused on each knot and thought of them untangling. She smiled as she felt the ropes begin to move.Slowly but surely, she would be free. The ropes rubbed up against each other as they unwound. Willow sighed in relief as she was finally loose enough to free herself. She rubbed her head trying to shake off the headache that had resulted from using too much magic too quickly. With two quick claps of her hands Willow decided that she should finish what she started.

It was now Angelus who awoke hog-tied. He blinked groggily and sucked the bloody drool back into his mouth.

"W-W-What is happening?"

"Nothing important," Willow said, while shying away from him once he regained consciousness.

"What do you think you’re doing?"

"Making you go away forever," Willow whispered bravely.

It was then that Angelus took stock of his surroundings. He was on the floor surrounded by a ring of slightly sticky sugar with a mirror pointed directly at his face.

"Willow! What are you doing you stupid girl?"

Willow ignored him and gulped, gathering what little courage she had left and chanted the spell. By now Angelus was struggling. He thrashed and growled and muttered curses at her as she spoke to the mirror in dark tones. The verses slipped off her tongue so easily. Hadn’t she wanted him here? She called him, why was she now trying to get rid of him?

"With the Mirrors light
I call upon the forces to remove this blight
With blood of vampire
And saliva of a witch
Bring me salvation…"

Angelus' eyes rolled back in his head , his eyes snapped open,and light surged through his body like hellfire.It shot out of his mouth and through his eyeballs, out his ears and all other orifices. He shook with the pain and tried to curl into a ball, but was prevented from doing so by the fact that he was hog-tied.He focused his remaining strength on trying to hold back his sobs. Willow looked into the mirror in horror. He should have been captured in there; he should have been trapped in the mirror coated with sugar to hold him. However in the mirror was Angel, lying naked in the mansion. She dropped it in horror. Her stupid spells, they didn’t work, they never worked. It was supposed to capture the spirit of Angelus,but instead it had brought Angel back from Hell. Angelus shook with the aftereffects of the spell, his body jerking and shaking. Willow inched back as he then started to rise, shakily yes, but with the glare of a dangerous dog. Angelus grinned like a madman and ripped off the bindings. Willow screamed as he fixed her with a deadly glare.

"You shouldn’t have done that."

Willow struggled under him as he loomed above her. He pulled her hair back exposing her creamy throat. Sinking his fangs in, Angelus then calmly released himself from his leather trousers. Willow screamed as she was invaded. Angelus broke away from her neck, carefully licking the blood smears.

"That was bright witch, truly genius." Angelus chided and without a moments hesitation plunged himself into her again and again.

"You know what the stake in this heart is?"

Willows head fell to the side and yet she still placed her hands on his chest trying to push him away. He laughed and brushed her hands away but still held one to his unbeating heart.

"Answer me Willow," he growled and turned her head to look at into his eyes.

"What?" she mewed and tired not to cry.

"None of this is your fault," he laughed heartily and kissed her.

Willow tried to pull away from his slow working tongue. None of it was her fault? What did he mean, she had been so desperate to find a way to get rid of him that she wouldn’t let herself feel the guilt for calling him to her. She tried not feel the cool cum that splashed onto her thigh, tried not to feel his hands cleaning her up. What a bastard. What the hell was he doing? Comforting her?

"Not my fault?"

"No," he kissed her nose. "You gave me back my soul, how could I resist a girl like you? I crept into your head before you ever called me. Maybe I was the one who planted that lust into your sweet little body, did that, perchance, cross your mind?"

"Angelus," she whispered, "Get out."

He laughed again, that infuriating giggle that made her head spin and her blood boil.

"Alright my sweet witch, sleep well. But you’ll never be rid of me."

~Part: 5~

Willow cried and copious amounts of salty tears rolled down her face.What else could she do? She had tried to save herself, she had tried to kill the beast. If what he said was true, he crept into her head without her permission. She hadn’t called him at all, which meant that she didn’t have and had never had any power over her demon lover. He had just been biding his time playing dress-up with her in those lusty dreams. Yet how had he managed to get into her mind in the first place? She originally thought it had something to do with the Hellmouth, could she be correct in her assumption? Could it be that if she left the Hellmouth he would have no more power over her? She would start a new life someplace else. When she got settled she would write to her friends and tell them that she was alright. That the Hellmouth now scared her too much and that she needed a normal life. Not completely untrue. She then felt the icy finger of guilt touch her soul at the thought of leaving her friends and not being able to help them. But she shook it off.She could help them long distance, wasn’t that what computers were for? She rose quickly and even though rushed she meticulously packed. Willow couldn’t be seen when she left town.Who knew if Angelus had some remaining minions ready to contact him at any time? How she was going to manage this she wasn’t sure, but right now the survival instinct in her didn’t care. She rushed to the bathroom and dug out an old box of hair color her mother once thought of using. The picture of a raven-haired woman stared blandly back her from the front of the package as she emptied the box of its' contents.

Willow entered the car a new woman, literally. She had stolen a pair of her mother's old eye-glasses and with her hair now short and black she looked more like a nerd then ever before. She grimaced at her reflection. The car started too easily in her guilty hands, she wanted it to stall and ask if she actually was planning to go through with this? Stealing a car was definitely a new low for Willow Rosenburg. She really didn’t want to risk being arrested,but she could hardly escape on foot. The radio blared some pop song and it cast all other thoughts out of her busy head. With the car speeding along the streets with the radio blaring and her suitcase comfortably resting in the back seat, Willow finally let the adrenaline rush of freedom outweigh her ever-present guilt. She made a hard right trying to find her way to the freeway. She hadn’t even left a note, she giggled. Willow Rosenberg was just going to hit the road like a bat out of hell. As she laughed a dark, naked figure stumbled into the road. Willow barely had time to swerve to avoid hitting it.

* * * * * *

The hospital was busy as the ambulance pulled into the parking lot.

"What have we got?" the nurse asked as the paramedics pushed two stretchers into the emergency room.

"Well this one seems alright just a little confused," one said and then pushed Willow towards the doctor.

"This one however is suffering from major blood loss," the other said. Willow groaned and coughed up a mouthful of blood. Angel snapped awake at the smell of so much of the life force that clouded his senses. He was confused but for some reason lucid after that knock on the head. He had been in hell and now he was…in a hospital and watching the girl who had given him back his soul bleed to death.

"I can," he rasped out and reached a hand up.

"Hmm?" The nurse turned to him with a look of utter surprise.

"My blood can save her," he said feeling his strength return.

"You two have the same type?"

Angel smiled.

"Something like that." No matter what, Angel couldn’t just sit by and watch her die. He would restore her soul later, but he wouldn’t let her die. That was the mantra that kept nagging him in his head, almost like a voice that wasn’t his own. He knew that there were reasons that he should just let her die, that it would be better for her and her friends in the long run, however right now he couldn’t think of them. That voice was just too overpowering.It sounded like him and yet he knew it wasn’t. Angel reclined, confused, on the spotless white sheets smiling at the unconscious girl just contemplating how he was about to both take and preserve her life.

"Are they alright?" One nurse asked the other.

"Yeah, what is it a full moon out? How the hell did we get so many patients?"

"It’s Sunnydale."

"Meaning we should overlook some things when it comes to this one?" The other nurse asked, discreetly pointing her thumb at Angel.

"When you’ve lived here as long as I have, you’ll understand." With that they laughed and went scurrying to the other sick and dying.

* * * * * *

Willow awoke to find someone nibbling on her ear. She rubbed her eyes before yawning deeply and opening them. She then wished she hadn’t. Angelus laughed at her _expression and, with a flourish, opened the curtains around the four poster bed.

"You like it?" He asked gesturing to the room. It was basically a beautiful marble floor floating in space with tall columns laced with vines. However the first thing she noticed was that the sun was shining brightly and Angelus wasn’t bursting into flames.


"It’s all a dream kitten; it’s all in your head. Though we will be going over to Angel's mind soon enough."

"Angel?" She asked, even more befuddled.

"Ah my dear there is no time to explain," he smiled and pulled her from the bed.

"Pathetic isn’t it? He always dreams about the sun." Willow struggled against Angelus' grasp by pulling desperately on his hand.

"Angelus what are you doing?"

"Just setting things to rights." He smiled and pulled her into his arms. "Now stop that." He quietly admonished in a husky voice, and propped her against one of the marble columns. He kissed her then, but differently then before. This was not the demanding, dominating, sucking, tugging and biting she was used to. This kiss was tender and soft and, she shamefully admitted to herself, mind-blowing. Angelus smirked as his plan came together beautifully but he knew he could not rush it.Thus he contented himself with merely kissing her until she timidly responded to his soft tongue. Willow gently felt herself hit something, a soft pocket of air perhaps. It was brief and shallow but there and then she felt she was safe in her savior's arms. Indeed, when she looked in those chocolate eyes they were not those of a killer anymore, but of a hero. She wrapped her arms around him and moaned into his mouth, waiting for him to wash away all the ugliness. If he was surprised he didn’t show it and instead moved up his pace, popping each of the buttons on her shirt.

"Angel," She gasped quietly.

"That’s my girl," Angelus murmured, and threw the offending garment to the ground.

* * * * * *

Angel groaned in his sleep as he indulged in a lovely dream. There was a redhead in it of course, he nearly didn’t recognize her when he first saw the changes but her smell was unmistakable. He was now marveling at how her red hair shone in the sun and those green eyes sparkled as he continued to devour her mouth. He was thankful that the shirt had buttons, he had never quite gotten over the joy of popping those damn things. He arched his back as she groaned his name and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

"Beautiful Willow," he muttered in his sleep.

* * * * * *

Willow arched her back and opened her mouth the moment his teeth scratched her nipple.

"Angel please," she moaned.

"Say my name again," Angelus whispered to her, raining sloppy kisses down that tantalizing neck.

"Angel," She smiled and somehow managed to divest him of his shirt. Angelus wasn’t quite sure how as they were thoroughly entangled, but any and all questions were forgotten as his now throbbing cock overruled his capacity for thought. He stroked her hair and gently nudged her thighs open with determined hands. His short but sharp nails gripped the edge of her jeans and left lines of raised skin as he pulled her remaining clothes from her body.

"Willow, my beautiful Willow, Sweet lovely Willow."

"Yes Angel I’m yours."

"Yes," he paused and slipped a finger lazily into her slippery passage, twirling it in delectable ways that made her toes curl, "You are."

She groaned when his cool thumb hit her clit and pondered its meaning. Those hands, god those hands, just kept moving and making her arch her back, blindly clutching at the marble pole that was just as slick as she was. The phallic imagery was not lost on Willow. With an audible cry, Willow came and watched with lust-glazrd eyes as Angelus buried his head between her legs, smelling her deeply. He let his tongue stroke her now overly-sensitive folds as Willow gently ran her hands through thick dark hair. He suddenly ended his exploration of her feminity and his mouth disconnected from her. He then stared up at her, her juices still dribbling from one side of his mouth. It took Willows breath away. It was now he who was being pushed to the bed, now he who was being mounted and ridden like some untamed stallion. Angelus was angered, but Angel had a moment of true happiness.

* * * * * *

The nurse dropped to the floor with a muffled thud and Willow smacked her lips. Angelus moved from the doorway, his chest puffed out at watching his new childe complete her first kill. He was so proud of her technique. She had affected the cutest little pout and then asked the nurse for a glass of water. Once the woman had leaned over she then struck her prey as swiftly as a viper.

"Angelus!" Willow screeched in happiness and jumped from the flimsy hospital bed. She leapt into his now fully-dressed arms, wrapping herself around him. Angelus grabbed the firm backside that she was no longer ashamed of showing off.

"Where have you been, I was getting bored." She smiled in a sickly-sweet way.

"Setting things up." He said and sat on one of the visitors' chairs with her perched contentedly in his lap.

"For what?" she asked and peppered light kisses about his mouth and jaw.

"Why…For us."

"Why here?"

"Where else?" he asked, surprised.He had assumed, like any normal vampire, that she would want to take revenge on all of her friends for well…being there. At least her parents?

"London maybe?" she had hoped that now she was immortal she wouldn’t have to spend life in this hell hole.

"You don’t want to live in your hometown? And perchance wreck havoc…?"

"Not when there is a big world full of blood."

"Maybe if we made this town nicer?" he suggested inching the hospital robe off of her hips.

"How?" she gasped and encouraged his hands.

He leaned his forehead into hers. "Open season on all wolves?" He was relieved when she smiled and hissed, "Yes, oh yes."

~Part: 6~

“No,” Buffy cried, “ She couldn’t have. Giles, you must be wrong. You have to be wrong! Oh, Oz.”

“I’m afraid so, Buffy, as much as I would like to be wrong. Xander saw her…” he trailed off then, not wanting to describe the scene Xander had related to him in tears. Willow, a vampire, chewing pieces off of her high school love.

“Well maybe he was…WRONG! Maybe he’s joking…”

“Buffy!” Giles snapped and then composed himself, “Xander was most certainly........most certainly not joking.”

“But Giles what are we going to do?” she sank to the ground, “It’s Willow, oh god it’s Willow.”

* * * * * *

Willow finally rose from the body of the wolf. He had been so surprised, she noted, and he begged…oh what glorious begging. She mockingly bowed when Angelus clapped from the shadows.

“Well my darling who’s next?” He asked.

Willow thought for a moment, who would she like to kill next?

“Cordelia was always a bitch to me,” she smiled, “ Better yet, lets nail both the lovers at the same time.”

“There’s nothing that I would like better, my love,” he smiled.

* * * * * *

“What can we do?” Xander asked.

Giles rubbed his glasses as he thought. It was no secret that killing Willow had not crossed anyone’s minds and no one was going to mention it. In fact Xander, especially, kept glancing over at the unusual orb that Giles kept as a paperweight.

“Well we could soul her…” Buffy trailed off, “Oh god Willow would know what to do.”

“Except that she’s turned into a killing machine with a tendency to murder her lovers,” Cordelia interjected. All eyes bored into her. “What? I liked the girl?”

“Liked? She’s still around, it’s not like she’s…dead,” Xander's head dropped and he sniffled.

“Yes, we should remember that even though it looks like Willow, it really isn’t her.” Giles said finally replacing his glasses.

“But she’ll still be damned,” Buffy muttered.

“What?” Xander asked.

“She’s a vampire she’ll still be damned.”

“Well yes, that is a rather nasty side-effect.”

There was a moment of silence before Xander attempted a smile.

“Alright! I’ll do the herbs and the doughnuts if you do the orb and the Latin?”

Buffy smiled and disappeared into Giles office.

* * * *

Willow was having a slight problem really working up enthusiasm for killing her friends and family. She did want revenge she guessed, but what she really wanted was to leave Sunnyhell and go see the world. It wasn’t like her friends deserved to be spared.No they deserved to be impaled on spikes and not die for days.It was just that the idea didn’t really seem to hold real joy for her. Angelus enjoyed it more than she did. Willow would much rather be draining a can-can girl dry in Paris than stuck here killing people she knew. Oh well, she smiled, the sooner they were dead the sooner that she could leave. She had just reached Xander's house when she felt a pang, nothing big so she dismissed it. But there it was again only this time bigger, pain.Not the good pain Angelus had been teaching her about but real,wrenching pain. She fell to the ground clutching her heart taking in great bursts of air, doing anything to shake herself out of this pain. Once she had recovered from the physical pain, the real pain began. It was her own tears she tasted now instead of her friends’ blood. She had killed Oz, oh god.........Oz. What she had done to him, the horrible things. Monstrous, depraved, he had trusted her and loved her right to the very end. His last look hadn’t been hate, just confused, but still loving.She cried harder.Oh what had she done?

Angelus watched as she fell to the ground and started blubbering. Well, he hadn’t expected them to act so soon; but hey, play with the ball you’re thrown. He approached the crying girl and hoisted her roughly by her elbow. She saw him and screamed. Angelus put his hand over her mouth and kissed her forehead.

“Ah I knew this would happen sooner or later.” He smiled and removed his hand.

“So,” he asked, “ How does it feel to have a soul?”

Willow blanched and tried to pull away, tried to run home.

“Do you like the pain?” He smiled and dragged her along behind him to the waiting car that he had parked around the block.

“You wanted to see the world right?” he asked as he threw her in. Willow was in shock, he had planned this, every one of her moves he had planned, he had wanted her to try to escape, to bring back his body, and he made sure that she gave in.

“No,” she groaned and fought in earnest.

“No this can’t be happening, no no no no no no!” she screamed and clawed at him.

He thew her in the back seat and locked the door.

“Ah Willow how could I resist torturing the girl who tried to curse me with a soul for all eternity?” with that he laughed and slammed his door.

“No!” she screamed and banged her fists against the window trying to do anything to make her way to salvation.

* * * * *

“Where could she be?” Buffy asked from her porch, looking out into the dark night that surrounded Sunnydale.

“Wanna go out and look for her again?” Xander asked.

“It’s nearly dawn, we’ll check tomorrow night.” Buffy admitted in a defeated tone.

“But…what if she…” Xander began but stopped because of the pained look on Buffys face.

“What if she committed suicide?” Buffy asked. “You mean what if she couldn’t handle what she has done? What she has become?”

Giles came out from the house with cups of tea on a tray for the worried teenagers.

“I do believe that Willow,” Giles said, handing them the hot beverage, “is much stronger then we give her credit for.” He took a sip and found that he too was scanning for any sign of the redhead coming home.

“She may just need time to sort things out.”

The End
