
Melinda S. Dawney
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Buffy & Co. Joss Whedon and the WB do. No copyright infringement intended. 

Note: Text enclosed in < > represents thoughts or feelings. 

Part Eighteen

Willow drew herself up to her full height, refusing to be embarrassed in the face of Sean's laughter.  His laughter was warm and gentle, not mocking or cruel.  His laughter bespoke a sensualist, one who knew how to enjoy life and himself. 

He was appealing, charming and handsome.  He radiated raw sexual power and a compelling charisma that liquefied Willow's insides.  Despite herself, she found a small smile creeping onto her mouth.  She straightened her lips immediately, but not before he noticed.  <Well. it *is* a little funny. I mean if you appreciate the absurd...> 

"Look, Willow."  Sean seemed pleased to see her responding to him.  He gave her an evaluative look before continuing.  "Mike warned me that you've had negative experience with other vampires in the past--"  His words soundly reminded her *why* she shouldn't respond to him.  <BAD GIRL!  DO NOT SMILE AT THE BAD VAMPIRE!> 

"Angel is my exception," she interrupted with a perfectly straight face. 

Her words erased Sean's smile.  Something, perhaps long buried envy, flared briefly in his eyes, "Yes.  Angel is always the exception."  He replied flatly.  After a moment, he sighed.  "I KNOW how intelligent you are."  Sean shook his beautiful head, perplexed by her intractability.  "I've *seen* the reports." 

"Huh?"  Willow stared at him, completely taken aback by his out-of-context observation.  "What has that got to do with Angel...?  And vampires...?  And...?!>  Willow blinked. <What reports.?!  And just how intelligent AM I.?!> 

"I find it hard to believe that my brother's managed to convince you that he's somehow 'special'," Sean elaborated.  Sean's questioning glance asked, 'Don't you find that the least bit strange?' 

Despite herself, Willow found herself listening to him.  She felt a small cloud of doubt shadow her faith in Angel.  <Don't!  He's trying to invoke distrust...!  Demons are clever and manipulative...!  But it's so hard not to wonder...?  He *SEEMS* so civil...> 

He stared at her expectantly, awaiting an explanation.  Willow stared back, stubbornly mute.  In silence they watched each other. To Willow's irritation, Sean didn't blink.  <He's like a cat!> 

Sean sighed, and tried again.  "Would you at least be willing to consider an alternative viewpoint?"  He smiled, turning on the charm.  "Please?"  Willow watched his lips wrap around the word like a caress.  His voice stroked her like dark velvet.  "I only wish to talk." 

Sean's smile was devastating.  Willow felt her insides melting.  She stared helplessly at his lips.  <Not fair.!  He looks like Angel!  That's the only reason I'm responding!> 

<Is it really?>  An evil little part of her mind disagreed, offering a tantalizing image of Sean's mouth touching her own.  Willow found herself wondering what it would be like to kiss him.  <Simply for comparison's sake...!!!> 

"Well. ok," Willow mumbled.  She blinked.  <What?!  Did I just agree to talk to him?!  Because he sweet-talked me?!  And did I really just think about...!!!  BAD!!!  BAD GIRL!!!> 

Sean's lips curled up into a self-satisfied smile.  He cocked an eyebrow at her, for all the world looking EXACTLY like Angel.  <It's amazing...!!> 

Willow looked him over thoroughly again.  <His physical age appears to be within a year, no more than two, of Angel's.  But he seems. younger somehow...>  Willow frowned, trying to pin it down.  <That's it!  He smiles readily, where Angel smiles rarely.  His smiles are happy where Angel's are cryptic or self-depreciating.> 

"Are you two twins?"  The question burst out like popcorn. 

"NO!"  He practically shouted the denial.  Sean's smile changed to a scowl faster than a blown light bulb.  "No," he added again, more softly.  "We were born eleven months apart," he grumbled  He obviously very much disliked being compared to Angel.  Willow detected more than a fair amount of buried resentment.  <This looks like some serious sibling rivalry...> 

Willow began to suspect that she'd found Sean's flash point.Angel.  The knowledge pleased her endlessly.  It made Sean seem vulnerable and more human.  <Gee, I wonder if Angel is THIS sensitive about Sean...?> 

Sean exhaled audibly and Willow dropped her eyes to his chest, absently admiring the smooth muscles bulging under his shirt.  His chest rose and fell evenly with each drawn and exhaled breath. Willow felt her jaw drop.  Surprise threw her into a detached, clinical scientific mindset instantly, as if he'd just turned into a brand new computer virus.  <He's breathing...!!!> 

Tentatively, Willow leaned forward, watching his chest muscles ripple.  Fascinated, she extended a finger cautiously, slowly creeping up on his throat.  He made no move to interrupt her inspection.  Her fingertip touched the warm, smooth flesh of his throat and discovered a steady pulse, where none should have been.  <Warm flesh, steady pulse, reflection, breathing...  He's not...!!!> 

"YOUR HEART BEATS!!!  YOU'RE BREATHING!!!"  Willow didn't intend to shout the accusation.  Unintentionally, she expressed her distress with volume.  Her eyes flew past him to the ballroom's mirrored walls.  "AND REFLECTING!!"  Willow backed away from him, her eyes widening accusingly. "YOU'RE NOT A REAL VAMPIRE!!!" 

"Willow, please!"  Sean pleaded soothingly, taking a tentative step towards her with his hand raised.  Willow backed away from him hurriedly.  <LIAR!!!  But if he's not a vampire, what is he...?!  Some new mode of demon that I don't know how to deal with...?!  I *DO NOT* LIKE *THIS* AT ALL!!!!> 

Sean stopped.  He stared at her thoughtfully.  Suddenly, his visage changed from handsome to demonic.  He turned yellow eyes on her and opened his mouth enough for her to see his fangs.  "Is this proof enough?" he demanded. 

Willow stopped retreating.  The sight of his vampire-face calmed her down immediately.  <Proof Aplenty!!!>  She began to reply but...  <Careful!  I'm assuming too quickly that just because he can change his face that he really is--> 

Suddenly, Sean turned to look towards the ballroom entryway.  Willow followed his gaze, to discover Mike standing in the entrance.  She had not heard him approach.  Mike held an off-white cordless phone in his hand; a small light blinked red on it. 

Sean did not look pleased with the interruption.  Willow perked up, hoping he would drop the 'charming vampire' facade and finally reveal a nature to match his true face.  <Of course, he may just still be annoyed over the twin question...> 

"Yes?" Sean inquired in a carefully modulated cultured tone.  His face changed back to human.  Willow paced away from him, mostly to cover her disappointment and annoyance that he managed to remain civil.  <Dratski!> 

"Angel has found us," Mike informed him.  Willow spun back to them faster than a top.  Mike held the cordless phone up pointedly, as proof of his claim.  He waited expectantly for Sean's response. 

Sean stood stock still, surprise written all over his face.  "How?!" he demanded, aghast.  He crossed the room with a bound and snatched the phone away from Mike. 

"Don't know," Mike commented dryly.  He chuckled, amused to see his normally poised and confident employer off-balance.  "He didn't say.  It's possible he's known where we were all along." He trailed off with leading speculation.  "He's demanding to speak with you."  Mike indicated the phone with a meaningfully pointed glance. 

Sean sighed.  "Of course he is."  A resigned, cynical smile touched his lips slightly but not his eyes.  Sean tapped the hold button gently.  He lifted the phone, carefully holding it a safe distance from his ear.  "Hello?"  he inquired cautiously.  The speaker emitted a snarled reply  that carried all the way to Willow.  She recognized his voice, but could not make out the words.  <Angel...!!!> 

"Ah, Angel!  How have you been?!"  Sean replied with polite sarcasm.  He pointedly kept the phone a safe distance from his ear.  The speaker emitted another sharp snarl.  Willow bounced gleefully.  <Heehee!  NOW  they're in trouble!> 

Sean waited patiently but the angry tirade did not wear down.  Sean sent Mike a perplexed look, obviously thinking his brother was overreacting.  Mike shrugged.  After another moment, Sean interrupted.  "Angel!  Calm down!  Willow is fine."  He hesitated, listening.  After a moment, he replied, "We can discuss this in person.  I'll send--" 

Apparently cut off, he cocked his head to listen.  A scowl appeared upon his brow and his lips thinned.  "I see."  Sean sounded unhappy, at the least.  "Very well.  We'll be expecting you." 

He paused to listen again.  His scowl deepened till angry lines furrowed his brow like trenches.  "Understood.  You have my word," he hissed.  He whirled on Willow and crossed the room to her in a blink,  extending the phone.  He moved so swiftly that she leapt back as if he swung a weapon instead of a phone at her. 

Recovering her senses, she seized the proffered phone before he could change his mind.  Willow slapped the phone against her ear so hard it  hurt.  "Angel?!"  His name came out on a frightened plea. 

"Willow?"  Angel's voice, rich with worry and relief, melted into her ear.  "Are you ok, Baby?"  His voice was sweet and tender.  Willow sighed with relief, wanting to sink into the phone's receiver.  <Anything to be with him...> 

"I'm ok," she whispered, smiling.  Willow looked up, directly into Sean's eyes.  He watched her intently. Willow abruptly recovered her senses.  "Angel, don't come!  It's a trap!"  She tightened her grip desperately on the phone and rushed the words of her warning together,  expecting Sean to take phone away from her. 

Sean didn't move; he continued to lounge lazily no more than three paces from her.  He cocked his head slightly in amusement and raised a sardonic eyebrow at her. 

"I know," Angel replied, his tone soothing.  "I'm coming."  He sounded adamant; period, end of discussion.  "I won't abandon you." 

"But--!"  Willow sputtered, desperately trying to think of some reason,  ANY reason to keep him away.  <He'll be caught, they'll hurt him... Or  worse...> 

"Hush."  <Hush.>  Angel's command effectively silenced her. Willow puffed, surprised to find herself so responsive to his direction.  Then, she realized that a mental command had accompanied the verbal one.  Willow blinked, surprised three times over.  <Angel can manipulate our  link.?!  I wonder if it was subconscious..?> 

"Willow, I want you to listen and do exactly as I say," Angel instructed firmly.  Another thought popped into her head.  <I'm using our mental link to track you.  That means that you SHOULD NOT try to break it anytime soon!> 

"Do you understand?"  he asked gently.  Willow felt her eyes widening in shock.  She bit her lip hard, using the pain to keep the surprise from her face.  <Should I reply mentally or verbally?!  HOW do I reply mentally?!  HOW is Angel managing?!> 

"Willow?" Angel's voice prodded her gently but insistently for a response.  <Use the sound of my voice as something to focus.  It's a big help if you keep talking.>  His message this time came through much weaker than before, as if to emphasize the difficulty being caused by her continued silence. 

A delay ensued while Willow performed mental gymnastics trying to multitask.  Finally, she managed both.  "Yes!" <Yes!> 

Willow bounced once with pleasure and nearly emitted a high pitched squeal.  Her eyes flew to Sean, who continued to watch her curiously.  He wore an odd half-smile which made Willow nervous.  <Calm down!  Act normal and breath!> 

Angel chuckled despite himself and the seriousness of their situation.  "Good.  Sean's given me his word that you won't be harmed." 

"You're saying that I can trust him?!"  Willow squeaked, incredulous. 

After a moment of careful consideration, Angel responded.  "I want you to trust my judgment."  He paused and Willow sensed that Angel feared losing her trust.  She concentrated on sending a reassuring wave of warm fuzzies his way. 

He sighed with relief.  "Be cautious but polite," he instructed.  "Tell him anything he wants to know and try to keep *him* talking.  Sean can't shut up around beautiful women." 

Willow felt her face warm with pleasure.  <Sigh. Angel thinks I'm beautiful.!!  Grin... Angel thinks I'm a woman.!!> 

"Pay attention," Angel instructed firmly.  Willow's face remained warm, but embarrassment replaced her pleasure.  <Drat!  I forgot about that.!  I need to remember that--> 

<--the link works both ways.>  Angel finished her thought.  "Sean is an unscrupulous womanizer Willow," he warned.  Angel, apparently more skilled than Willow at not broadcasting thoughts, failed to suppress a burst of jealousy and possessiveness. 

Sean's smile widened with pleasure, leading Willow to hop away from him across the marble floor in anger.  He cast a sensual smirk after her,  which she cast back with a glare.  <Mind your own business, Buster!!!> "He's charming and deceitful and he won't hesitate to take advantage of  you."  Angel's strict lecturing tone made him sound like her father.  Willow bounced again gleefully, not bothering to hide her satisfaction anymore.  <Angel's jealous.!!  Angel's jealous.!!> 

She bounced one last time.  "But he knows that I'm your consort!"  Willow protested, seeing an opportunity to pass on some information Angel didn't possess.  <Plus it sounds good, since Sean is listening.> 

Angel hesitated, absorbing *that* tidbit.  "Good," he finally replied, sounding smug.  Her words relieved some of his insecure jealousy.  Some, but not all.   "If he comes anywhere near you, tell him that he needs to defeat me in combat first." 

"Can you take him?"  Willow asked cautiously, peering warily at Sean. He continued to watch her with the sensual ease of a predator.  <Like a lion...> 

Angel chuckled.  The sound was rich with confidence and the same lazy masculinity that oozed from Sean.  "Let's just say that he hasn't ever managed to take me in a fair fight." 

"Are you sure?"  Willow bit her lip and let some of her anxiety leak through the link to him.  <What if the fight's not fair.?> 

"I'm sure," he replied.  A soothing wave of reassurance returned to her.  <Don't worry Willow, I don't fight fair.> 

"Ok."  Willow cast her doubt aside and placed her faith in Angel.  "See you soon?" she asked.  Willow hesitated, wondering.  <Is Buffy coming?> 

"I'll be there around midnight,"  Angel responded.  Incredible tension surfaced through the link.  <I couldn't find her...  The whole gang is missing.> 

"Be careful, ok?"  Willow urged, her eyes widening.  <Missing?!  What do you mean, missing?!> 

"I'll be careful," he assured her.  "YOU," he added pointedly, "be very careful."  <Missing, as in I couldn't find them.  I'm sorry, Willow, but I don't have time to search Sunnydale...>  A pause followed. 

"Angel?"  Willow pleaded, fear and uncertainty creeping into her voice.  Sean shifted impatiently and Willow sensed that their time limit was up.  <Can you handle this alone?> 

"I'll take care of you."  Strong, steady reassurance hushed away her fears.  She abandoned her doubts and trusted.  A final warning accompanied his words.  <No matter what, keep your mind closed.> 

"Bye,"  Willow said.  <I will.> At his prodding she closed up her mind like a safe.  Willow felt the link subside. 

"Bye."  The poignancy of the one little word almost reduced Willow to tears.  Angel waited until she turned off the phone before he hung up. 

Willow looked up, meeting Sean's eyes.  Her conversation with Angel left her feeling confident and calmer.  <Show no fear...!!>  She offered him the phone with a cold smile and haughty challenge.  "Angel's coming for me." 

Sean absorbed her confident poise in silence and gently took the proffered phone from her hand.  He walked over and handed it to Mike. "Issue shotguns to all of the men.  Make certain that no one is using wooden or incendiary rounds."  Sean leveled an even stare at him.  "If my brother is permanently injured or killed, I'll hold you responsible." 

Mike nodded sharply in acknowledgment and flashed him one of his strobe light smiles.  "No problem."  He clapped a hand to Sean shoulder in a reassuring gesture of loyalty and affection.  "Anything else?" he asked gently. 

Sean exhaled and smiled faintly at being so obviously humored.  "Yes... Angel sounds furious.  Make sure that no one leaves the house tonight. If he finds a way to get himself 'invited' in then Heaven help us all." 

Mike saluted mockingly with Nazi-like efficiency.  "Done."  His antics brought an amused chuckle from Sean. 

"Enough."  He waved his hand dismissively. "Thank-you."  He turned back to Willow to find her glaring at him in a towering rage.  She stood with her hands on her hips, chin jutting, and red hair flaring in a magnificent display of temper. 

"YOU," she hissed, "said that you wouldn't hurt him." 

"Self-defense!" he protested, with raised hands.  "There's no telling what Angel might do to *me* before he calms down enough to talk." Willow kept glaring.  Sean stared at her thoughtfully.  "He won't come to permanent harm," he promised, offering the qualifier like a white flag.  Willow glared harder.  Sean sighed. 

In another room, a bell chimed with great clarity.  Sean threw up his hands at the futility of trying to reason with an outraged woman.  With a courtly swirl of his hand he offered her a slight bow, gesturing towards the direction of the bell.  "Dinner is ready, M'Lady." 

