
Melinda S. Dawney
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Buffy & Co. Joss Whedon and the WB do. No copyright infringement intended. 

Note: Text enclosed in < > represents thoughts or feelings. 

Part Six
"Giles, Calm Down!.No, Willow's not dead...Hold on a second."

Angel waited, expecting Willow to cringe away in horror, expecting revulsion, rejection. His eyes held an almost desolate despair. 

"Angel," Willow whispered. Her fingers squeezed his forearms. <There was nothing she could say.> 

Long moments passed. Willow held his gaze and tried to offer what comfort she could through her eyes, her fingers on his arms. 

When the expected rejection didn't come, Angel slowly recovered control of his emotions. He grappled with the pain, shoving it aside, leashing his personal demons again. His grip on Willow and his stance relaxed; his fangs retracted. 

"I'm sorry," he apologized "I shouldn't have come to you while I'm like this. I know better. This happened once before. I should isolate myself until the drugs wear off." 

Xander decided they weren't moving and abandoned his watchpost. 

"Is it bad?" Willow asked. 

"It's bad enough," Angel shifted, watching Xander leave. "Here comes Prince Charming." 

"I should go back," Willow stated, letting go of Angel's arms. He released her and watched while she turned to search for a way down off the roof. Her search revealed another fire escape and a stairwell. 

The stairwell seemed safer. Willow walked to the door, vaguely aware of Angel moving quietly behind her. As she reached for the handle, his hand caught her wrist. 

"No," his firm denial made Willow blink. 

"No?" Willow looked up at him. <What now?> 

Angel's quicksilver mood had shifted again. With a fluid movement he turned her body to his. 

Willow stepped back, startled, and backed into the door. Angel's hands landed against the door of either side of her, cutting off escape and effectively corralling her. 

"I didn't say you could leave," Angel's sensual whisper left her stunned. 

Willow trembled as he pressed against her with purely sexual intent. His eyes reflected dark, predatory intentions again. 

His mouth drifted closer to hers. 

"Angel," his name came out strangled. His proximity scattered her thoughts, blowing away her defenses. "You said..." <Oh, God.> 

His mouth captured hers. The kiss, soft and gentle, teasing, grazed her lips. 

Willow closed her eyes and clung to his chest. His lips drifted away and her eyes popped open in denial. <Don't stop!> 

"...that you wouldn't take advantage," Willow finished. Her fingers clutched the soft material of his shirt, crushing it in frustration. 

"I lied," his lips curved into a sensual smile. His mouth brushed hers again, barely touching for more than a moment. 

Willow produced a small strangled cry, yearning after his mouth with her eyes. Her fists struck his chest, wanting to not want more, "You said..." 

Angel struck like a serpent, sweeping her into his arms. His mouth crushed hers with the force she craved, their bodies coming together with electric fire. 

The kiss last forever. Willow slid her hands up his chest, around the back of his neck, determined not to let him escape again. His mouth provoked and teased, awaking her body to a gamut of unknown sensations. 

Willow felt faint. <Oxygen depravation. Vampires don't breath.> 

Angel released her mouth, leaving Willow gasping, struggling to suck air into her starved lungs. Finally, she managed, "...that you wouldn't use force." 

Angel smiled, his words sliding like silk over her nerves, "I won't need to, will I?" 

When Xander reached the roof, they were gone. 


Angel took her hand, his grip firm, gentle. He led her down the stairs, then out through the back. 

Willow followed him, feeling uncertain and painfully shy. She nervously considered escape as an option but rejected it. <I might just wind up slung over his shoulder again anyway.> 

Angel did not speak while they walked, increasing Willow's nervous tension. She tightened her grip on his hand and rubbed the sweaty palm of her other hand against her skirt. 

Angel glanced over at Willow, his gaze inscrutable. Willow offered him a weak smile. She didn't know what to say, to expect. Angel's quixotic and dangerous mood swings left her off balance, unprepared. 

It took less than ten minutes for them to reach their destination. Angel paused outside of a warehouse not too far from The Bronze and punched in a security code. 

The door popped open to reveal an elevator. Angel deliberately released her hand and stepped into it, his back to her. 

For the briefest moment, Willow considered running again. Her feet rejected the idea. 

Angel turned back to her, his hand stopping the elevator door from closing. He didn't seem at all surprised to see her still standing there. 

Their eyes met in acknowledgment; Willow cautiously stepped into the elevator. Willingly. 

Angel removed his hand and the doors closed. The elevator required another security code, before it began moving up. 

Willow fidgeted, shifting from foot to foot. Angel still didn't speak and his close proximity within the confined space sent Willow's anxiety spiraling. Her breathing and heartbeat went into overtime. 

The elevator doors slid open. Willow peered curiously out into a dark room, thankful for the diversion. 

"Willow," Angel touched her shoulder. Willow gave a startled cry and nearly jumped out of her skin. 

"Willow," Angel gently took her shoulders, turning her to face him. 

Willow stared up at him with doe eyes. "Please don't be frightened. I won't hurt you, ever." 

Willow summoned enough self-control to offer him another nervous smile while trying to conceal her anxiety. Angel smoothly guided her out of the elevator. 

They stepped into a dark room. Angel hit a light switch and soft recessed overhead lighting revealed an expansive apartment. 

They stood in a vast living room dominated by an enormous black leather couch next to two end tables. One wall contained a stone hearth fireplace; another a built-in entertainment center. Along another wall various moving boxes clustered neatly together. 

Angel belonged here. The decor was sparse, masculine, boasting expensive antiques and exquisite artifacts. Dark, subdued colors dominated the room. 

Willow couldn't summon the courage to look at Angel. <Now what? He's going to want to.! And I've never.!> 

Willow stared down at the plush white carpet, feeling miserable. "Angel, I'm not...I mean I've never..." the words stuck in her throat. 

"Shhh," Angel pulled her into his arms, offering comfort. "I know," he rocked her gently, crooning softly. 

Willow relaxed, melting into his embrace. She held on tight to his waist. 

This was the Angel she knew, supportive, tender; the one she had come to expect. The dark stranger on the rooftop had frightened her senseless. 

Willow rested the side of her head against his shoulder. From here she could see a darkened room that must be the kitchen. 

"Angel, what do you want from me?" Willow whispered, almost under her breath, too quiet for mortal ears. 

Angel stepped back enough to place a finger under her chin, lifting it, drawing her eyes up to meet his. 

"Friendship," Angel's eyes held that incredible vulnerability again. He looked torn between fear of rejection and an almost desperate hope. 

"Is that all?!" Willow cried startled, letting go of him and stepping back. She felt mildly incredulous, and unexpectedly, disappointed. She'd expected more. <Hoped for...> 

"All?" Angel scoffed, looking hurt. He started to close up, to turn away--his withdrawal emotional and physical. "It's everything." 

"Angel, wait," Willow grabbed his hand and moved to cut off his retreat. "Don't." He stopped. Willow could see an almost baffled pain on his face. 

"We're friends," she smiled gently at him. "You didn't need to ask." 

It took a moment for her words to sink in. When they did, Angel closed his eyes, holding her hand like a lifeline. He swallowed, then opened them again. Willow saw gratitude, and something fiercer, almost frightening in its intensity. <Loyalty.> 

"I needed to know," Angel managed, his voice hoarse. He squeezed her hand, offering her a smile, "For myself." 

"Angel? Would you..." Willow hesitated, feeling shy. <Would you kiss me again?> 

Angel knew. His mouth curved into that deliciously teasing smile. He drifted closer. Willow felt a sudden thudding in her chest as her heartbeat accelerated... 

A phone rang, interrupting . Their eyes met. <Giles.> 

Angel hesitated, not wanting to answer. Finally, he gave in and walked over to an end table to pick up the phone. 

"Hello," Angel answered. A frantic voice rose up out of the receiver. "Giles, Calm Down!.No, Willow's not dead...Hold on a second." 

"It's for you," Angel offered Willow the phone. She could see resignation in his eyes. <Giles is assuming the worst.> 

"Giles?" Willow said cautiously into the speaker. 

"Willow?! Thank-God!" Giles sounded close to utter panic. "Xander called and said Angel abducted you," he continued. "Has he harmed you in any way? Do you need-" 

"Giles, calm down. I'm ok," Willow interrupted. "Angel was just...playing a practical joke on Xander." 

Angel chuckled and flopped down on the couch, kicking off his shoes. He began unfastening the top buttons of his shirt. <Oh God!> 

"Well, I must say that I don't appreciate his sense of humor in this particular instance," Giles sputtered, feathers ruffled. "Do you need me to come over and take you home?" 

Willow hesitated, swallowing past the sudden tightness in her dry throat. <Keep breathing!> 

"Willow, are you still there?" Giles request rang in her ear. 

Angel finished unbuttoning his shirt and shrugged out of it, revealing an impressively muscled chest. <Even Xander doesn't look so good...> 

"Willow?!" Giles voice spiked. 

"Sorry, I'm here," Willow jerked her attention back to the conversation. "There was something interesting on tv," she blurted out, blushing. Angel smirked at her. <I'm going to kick him!> 

"Shall I come and get you?" Giles demanded. "I must say that it's entirely inappropriate for a girl you're age to be alone with...well,...a man his age." 

Angel turned his shirt over, examining the tears her fingernails had left. <Is he suggesting...?!> 

"No," the word popped out her mouth before she registered the thought. 

"No?" Giles repeated, his voice rife with disbelief. 

Angel's smile widened. He looked back up, watching her with dark eyes. <Lover's eyes.> 

"No thank-you," Willow amended, catching Angel's gaze. "It'll be ok. Tell Xander not to worry." 

"But, Willow you must be reasonable-" 

"Giles," Willow cut him off, "I'll be safe. I'm with Angel." 

She hung up. 
