Cruel Discoveries

Author: Dayna


Rating: NC-17/basically PWP

Distribution: TPWFLD; Angel of Mine; otherwise please ask.

Disclaimer: Characters don't belong to me. They belong to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. No copyright infringement intended.


Willow shook with anger. {Buffy.} She had never thought that her best friend could be so cruel. Willow had changed her mind about not coming to the Bronze, and had decided to surprise Buffy, Xander, and Cordelia. She saw them as she entered, but made her way around behind them. Trying not to giggle, she prepared to jump up behind them and give them a good scare. But instead, she heard her best friend taunting her. Buffy was using words like mouse......and Cordelia and Xander were laughing....agreeing with her. Willow stayed long enough to hear Buffy say that no one would ever want Willow sexually, and then they speculated about how she kissed. Willow's face turned red when she heard them saying it was probably like kissing a boy.

Willow backed away and ran into the alley. So lost in her own feelings, she didn't hear the approach of another person. When she did realize that someone else was there, she didn't really care, but she did look up. Her gaze traveled up the leather-clad legs of Angelus, settling on his gorgeous face. The amused smirk on his face only made him appear more sexy. Willow let her body slide down the wall, and leaned her head on her knees. If Angelus wanted to kill her, so be it. She'd be damned if she was going to call for Buffy's help.

"Aren't you going to do something? This is the part where you're supposed to scream."

"Why bother. Go ahead and kill me." Willow said without looking up.

The alley was silent for a moment, then Willow felt a tapping on her head. More annoyed then scared, Willow looked up to see Angelus crouched beside her. He was looking at her strangely.

"Stop that. It's extremely annoying." Willow said, and swatted at his hand.

Angelus easily caught her hand, gripping it firmly. Willow looked back at his face.

"What are you waiting for?" Willow asked.

"Certainly anxious to die, aren't you? What if I had something else in mind?"

"Like what?"

Angelus moved her hand to his cock, and pressed it against the leather. Willow didn't attempt to pull her hand away. She just continued to stare at him.

"You wouldn't enjoy it. Just ask Buffy. Or Xander and Cordelia for that matter."

Angelus didn't have a clue what she was babbling about. Of course, having her hand pressed against his growing erection was making thinking difficult.

"What do they have to do with this? And how would they know anyway?"

"I don't know. But they seem pretty sure that I wouldn't satisfy anyone in that department. And according to them, I probably kiss like a boy." Willow said, then pulled her hand away from Angelus.

Angelus let her hand go, and stared at the girl. Her friends actually thought she was unattractive? Moving slightly, Angelus sat down next to Willow. He stretched out his legs, and crossed his arms.

"So, you think I'd be better off just killing you?"

Willow shrugged, "Why waste time doing something that's not going to give you anything?"

"You believe them, don't you? Why?"

Angelus was curious now. He didn't know about that idiot boy, but just watching Willow was making him hard. He had always sensed a passion about her.

Again Willow shrugged. "They're probably right."

Angelus reached over and rubbed his hand up and down her back. She flinched at first but made no other movement. His hand continued to move over her back, up to caress her neck. Gripping it, he made her face him.

"Then how about we show them they're wrong."

"How?" Willow whispered.

"Well, I'll make a deal with you. You and I will have sex. If you pleasure me, then I let you live. Plus I'll even tell the Slayer and those other idiots what a hot lover you are."

"And when I don't pleasure you?"

Angelus noticed how she phrased the question. Those words had already warped her image of herself.

"*If* you don't, then I kill you. But, I'll still go to them. Tell them what a great lover you were....before I killed you. Deal?"

Willow looked at Angelus then down at her hands. She couldn't believe she was actually considering what he was suggesting. But, what did she have to lose? Willow knew she was going to die, why not satisfy her own curiosity first? And she liked that part about him telling the others about what kind of lover she was....even if she knew he'd be lying....they wouldn't know that.

"Deal." Willow whispered.

Angelus smiled. This night wasn't going to turn out so bad after all. Reaching over to her, Angelus ran his hand up her arm to grip her shoulder. She turned to look at him. Angelus pulled her toward him, and captured her lips in a passionate kiss. Using his tongue, he demanded entrance, and Willow parted her lips. Angelus' tongue invaded, and he deepened the kiss. Willow brought one of her hands up, and gripped his neck. She'd never been kissed like that before.

Angelus pulled away and stood up. He pulled Willow up, and brought her against his body. Willow gasped at the feel of his muscular body.

"Damn! You don't kiss like any boy I know. However, the alley isn't exactly my idea of a good place to play. But the mansions a little crowded right now."

"We can go to my house. My parents aren't there." Willow said.

Angelus nodded, and recaptured her lips. One hand gripped her neck, while the other gripped her ass, pushing her more firmly against his erection. Willow's arms wound around his neck. Noises drifted to them, and they pulled apart. Listening for a second, Angelus made out Buffy's voice. Backing into the shadows, he pulled Willow back with him. Angelus leaned against the wall, pulling Willow against him. He wrapped his arms around her, resting his hands on her stomach. He could hear the increase of her heartbeat, but wasn't sure what it was from.....fear or desire.

Willow stood tensely against Angelus. If she wanted to stop this, now was the time. Buffy had stopped at the other end of the alley. But any thoughts Willow had of calling for help died when she heard Buffy talking again. Tears fell down Willow's cheek and she allowed herself to lean back against Angelus.

Angelus tightened his hold on Willow as he felt her weaken. He listened as Buffy made fun of Willow. And those other two, Xander and Cordelia, were right there listening attentively to everything Buffy said. When he heard Xander say that he suspected Willow had a crush on Angel, Angelus felt Willow completely lose it. He turned her to face him, and pulled her against his chest. He pressed her face against his chest, and wrapped his other arm around her waist. Then he heard Buffy laugh like a damn hyena. She was laughing so hard at the thought that Angel, or even Angelus for that matter, would ever want someone like Willow. To them it was completely inconceivable. Angelus smirked, knowing then the perfect way to hurt the Slayer.

Willow felt numb inside. She couldn't believe how Buffy had betrayed her. Was that her friends really thought of her? And she was mortified that Angelus had heard the remark about her having a crush on Angel. Actually, Xander had only been part right. Willow hadn't started thinking about Angel that way until he'd lost his soul. She expected Angelus to start laughing right along with her 'friends' when he heard that......but his only action was pulling her tighter against his body.

As soon as they were sure Buffy and the others had left, Angelus pushed Willow back slightly so he could see her face. Tear tracks ran down her face, and she looked very vulnerable. Bringing his hands up to her face, his thumbs gently wiped away the tears, and he smiled at her.

"Don't listen to anything they said. They certainly have no room to criticize."

"They've all had experience....."

Angelus put a finger on her mouth. "That doesn't mean they're any good. And I can tell you from personal experience, that Buffy certainly isn't as hot as she believes she is. Her performance in bed was not memorable."

Willow looked into Angelus' eyes, trying to determine if he was telling the truth or just trying to make her feel better. She was so lost in his eyes, that she missed his question.


Angelus smirked, "I asked if that boy was right......when he said you had the hots for Angel."

Angleus watched Willow blush, then drop her head. "Not exactly."

"Wanna clarify that?"

Willow shook her head. Angelus gripped her chin, and raised her face. "Tell me."

"Not" Willow said softly.

Angelus looked into Willow's eyes, and saw the complete honesty in them. {She has the hots for me?}

"I never thought of Angel that way.....he was Buffy's. But, when you lost your soul, things changed."

"When did you realize it?"

"When you caught me in the school. After that I started having dreams about you."

Angelus dropped his hands to the small of her back and pushed her against him. Leaning forward, he began nuzzling her neck. Willow's hands gripped his arms.

"Time to make dreams reality."

Angelus easily picked Willow up in his arms. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and she leaned her head against his shoulder. She didn't want to think about anything other then being in his arms. She had dreamt about it for a long time, and always felt guilty. Willow felt like she was somehow betraying Buffy. But now, Willow didn't care. The only ones that mattered right now was her.....and Angelus.

End Part 1

Willow hesitated only briefly before inviting Angelus into her house. After locking the door behind them, Angelus followed Willow up to her room. He sat down on the end of her bed and watched her. Willow stood with her back to Angelus, staring out the french doors.

"Having second thoughts?"

Willow shook her head. She was nervous, but that was natural. This was her first time.

Angelus thought about going to her and taking her right away, but he didn't. He wanted her to get as much pleasure out of this as possible. Then, he would have her by his side when he rubbed their sexual relationship in the Slayer's face. Angelus couldn't wait to see Buffy's face when she realized that her lover's body had found pleasure in her best friend. And he'd taunt Buffy for all it was worth.......even if he had to lie about Willow's performance, which he didn't think would be the case.

"If not, then why are you standing way over there?" Angelus asked seductively.

Willow walked over to Angelus and stood between his legs. Angelus put his hands on her thighs, rubbing them up and down her legs. Willow stood still, her arms hanging at her side. She wasn't quite sure what she should be doing.

Angelus stood slowly, rubbing his body against hers as he stood. He kicked off his boots, and socks, and Willow followed suit. Angelus brought Willow's hands to his chest.

"Take it off, Willow." Angelus said, indicating his shirt.

With trembling fingers, Willow unbuttoned his shirt. Once it was open, Angelus guided her hands to his chest, and she explored, finally pushing the shirt completely off. Looking at Angelus for approval, Willow pressed her lips against his chest, and flicked his nipples. Angelus' hands grasped her hips, then moved slowly up to her shirt. Pulling the shirt free of her pants, Angelus began unbuttoning it. Slowly, he eased it off her shoulders. Rubbing his hands up her arms, he glided them down to her stomach, before sliding to her back. His fingers easily unhooked her bra, and slid it off her. Taking her hands in his, he moved back to gaze at her breasts. He smiled as he saw her blush under his stare. Dropping her hands to her side, Angelus moved his to cup her breasts. He flicked her nipples, while he nuzzled her neck. Willow's hands fell to his shoulders when Angelus dropped his mouth to her breast. Angelus felt himself harden and moved up to capture Willow's mouth. Taking control of her mouth, Angelus pulled her tightly against him, loving the feel of her breasts on his naked chest. He gripped her neck and ass.

Willow leaned into Angelus' embrace, tracing small circles across his back. Kissing Angelus was nothing like kissing Oz or Xander, it was so much more exhilarating.

Angelus moved his hands around to the front of Willow's jeans. Never breaking the kiss, he unbuttoned her pants, and slid the zipper down. Sliding his hands to her hips, he slid the jeans down. Angelus smiled at Willow as he began kissing his way down her body. His lips drifted down between her breasts to her stomach, lightly grazing over her panties then down her legs as he fully removed her jeans. Then he repeated the trail back up to her lips. Lifting her up, he carried her to the bed, dropping her gently to the mattress.

Willow leaned back on the bed, self-conscious about her body. She reached to cover herself, but Angelus stopped her. Sitting beside her on the bed, he pulled the covers off the bed.

"Don't hide yourself from me. You have a gorgeous body, and I intend to know every inch of it."

"You don't have to say that.......I know I'm not Buffy." Willow said.

"Thank God for that. I told you before that Buffy's not as great as everyone thinks. In bed she's cold, no passion. A great body doesn't mean squat if there's nothing to back it up."

Angelus stood next to the bed and slowly removed his leather pants. Willow watched in fascination as his erection was released. Her virginal fears returned full force, but so did her desire for this man. And as Angelus knelt next to her legs, she lifted her hips to allow him to remove her panties. Angelus moved between Willow's legs, and covered Willow with his body. Supporting himself on his forearms, Angelus leaned down against Willow, capturing her mouth.

As he ravaged her mouth, Angelus moved his hand down to her core. Rubbing his finger back and forth, he felt Willow's instant response. And when he slipped one finger into her opening, Willow pushed against his hand. Angelus kissed his way down to Willow's breast, at the same time he slipped a second finger into her tight channel. Willow gripped the sheets, as new feelings exploded in her body. And when she felt Angelus' lips on her stomach, he slipped in a third finger. She thrusted against his hand, as he thrust his fingers in and out of her.

Sliding down further, Angelus placed feather-light kisses on the top of Willow's mound, and her inner thighs, before sinking his tongue deep within her, and tasting the passion he knew she was capable of. Willow closed her eyes, and threw her head back as she felt Angelus' mouth tasting her. She had never experienced such pleasure.

Angelus knew Willow was ready for him, and he knew he couldn't wait any longer. Gripping her hips, he positioned himself at her opening. Moving in slightly, Angelus leaned forward, capturing Willow's mouth.

"You'll be mine now."

His hands twined with hers, and he entered her in one powerful thrust. Willow's scream was muffled by Angelus' mouth, but the pain began to subside when Angelus began moving in and out of her. Willow wrapped her legs around Angelus' hips, and ran her hands up and down his strong arms.

Angelus was surprised when Willow began meeting him thrust for thrust. She was making him feel things he hadn't felt in years, and his orgasm was powerful enough to make his arms go weak, dropping him onto Willow's still shaking body. Her orgasm just as explosive.

Angelus moved off her slightly, his head resting on her chest, with one leg thrown over hers. Willow's arms wrapped around his shoulders. Angelus rested one arm under his head, while the other lazily wandered over Willow's body.

"How do you feel?" Angelus asked.


Angelus smirked. "I'll take that to mean it was good for you too. Congratulations, you get to live, lover."

Angelus felt Willow stiffen at his words, and propped himself up on his elbow to look at her face. Her eyes were closed, but tears were falling down her cheeks. What had he said?

Leaning over her, Angelus cupped her cheek. "That's a good thing, isn't it?"

Willow couldn't meet Angelus' eyes, "Was I......was it....okay for you?"

Angelus couldn't believe it. Even though she knew he was letting her live, she still doubted that he had found any pleasure. Moving to completely cover her body, Angelus made sure she felt his growing erection against her stomach.

"Willow, I want you to forget everything those fools said. They don't know anything. You pleasured me as no one has in a very long time. Even now I'm getting hard just thinking of being inside you again. But there is something I have to say that you probably won't like."

"What?" Willow asked softly.

"Now that I've had you, I don't intend to let you go."

Willow looked up at him in shock. He couldn't possibly mean what it sounded like. "Why?"

Angelus sat up, straddling Willow's legs. His hands massaged her thighs and stomach. Willow didn't realize when her hands rested on his knees.

"Because I'm a greedy person. I'm not going to be satisfied with only having you once."

Willow couldn't believe what she was hearing. Angelus wanted her.

"You're like a drug. I've tasted you, now I'm addicted to you."

"So, what happens now?" Willow asked.

Angelus was relieved that Willow hadn't tried to get him to change his mind, or become terrified. He wanted to question her, but found that he was actually exhausted. Sex with Willow had completely drained him. Getting up, Angelus covered the doors, then reached down and grabbed the sheet. Pulling it with him, Angelus settled next to Willow. Lying on his back, he pulled Willow into his arms, covering them with the sheet.

"Right now we sleep. Later, we talk about us."

Willow settled into Angelus' arms, and drifted to sleep. For the first time in a long time, Willow felt wanted.

Angelus tightened his hold on Willow's slight body. He'd never intended for this relationship to go past the one night. Angelus had figured he'd either kill her, or use the night's events just to hurt Buffy. He still intended to rub Buffy's face in the fact that he had slept with Willow, but he also intended to repeat the act......over and over again. Angelus had decided that Willow was his now......his lover, and his alone.

Angelus woke to realize that they had slept the day away. He turned to look at the woman sleeping next to him. It was almost time to confront Buffy, and he could hardly wait to see her face. Angelus leaned over and kissed Willow's lips. She moaned, then returned his kiss.

Waking up in Angelus' arms was something Willow had only dreamed about. She looked up into his gorgeous eyes, and melted inside.

"Evening, lover."

Willow looked from Angelus to the doors, realizing for the first time how late it was. Looking at the clock, Willow remembered she was supposed to meet Buffy and the others at the Bronze in an hour. She didn't know if she wanted to go. And when she mentioned it to Angelus, he didn't think she should go.

"When you don't show, they'll get worried. I think confronting them here would be better then in a public place, don't you?" Angelus asked.

Willow nodded. She certainly didn't want to make a scene, but even though she was angry at her friends for the things they'd said, she didn't want to hurt them.

Angelus saw Willow's indecision, and decided it was best to move onto something else. He didn't want her thinking about her friends too much right now.

"I think we better get dressed. We wouldn't want to be caught without our pants on, so to speak." Angelus said.

He watched Willow get out of bed, and throw on a long nightshirt. Sitting up on the end of the bed, he pulled her into his arms.

"And where do you think you're going?"

"To take a shower." Willow said. She leaned down and kissed Angelus before heading to the bathroom. Angelus thought about joining her, but he figured that would wait for another time. He didn't want to be distracted now when things were this close. Angelus stood and pulled on his pants. Just as he was reaching for his shirt, the phone rang. Knowing that Willow was in the shower, Angelus took a chance and picked up the phone, but didn't say anything.

"Willow? Is that you?"

Angelus smirked as he recognized Buffy's voice. From the lack of noise in the background, she must still be at home.

"Willow's tied up right now."


"Boy, I can't fool you, can I? Look, it's not convenient for me to talk right now, maybe later. Bye."


Angelus hung up the phone, figuring Buffy would make it there in record time. He was just putting on his shirt when he realized Willow was standing in the doorway.

"Who was that?"

Angelus didn't turn, "Buffy. I would imagine she'll be here in a couple minutes."

Willow dropped the towel and threw on some clothes. She didn't think she was ready to face Buffy. Willow went to the mirror and began combing out her damp hair. She didn't see Angelus approach, and gasped as his arms slid around her waist, pulling her back against him.

"Relax, this is going to be fine."

"No it's not. It's going to be ugly, and you know it."

Angelus spun Willow around to face him. "Do you regret what we did?"

"No." Willow replied honestly.

"Then there isn't a problem. What you and I do together is no business of hers, or anyone. I didn't hurt you, and I'm not going to, so they can't use that as an excuse."

Willow leaned against Angelus' shoulder, wishing it were that simple. But she knew Buffy well enough to know that once Buffy realized what really happened, any concern for Willow's safety would be replaced by jealousy.

They walked downstairs to wait for Buffy. And within minutes she was pounding on the door, yelling Willow's name. Willow walked to the door, while Angelus sat down in the chair. The fireworks were about to begin.

End Part 2

Willow had barely opened the door, when Buffy pushed it open. Storming in with a stake in her hand, her gaze immediately fell on Angelus.

"Willow, run!"

Willow shook her head, then closed the door. "Buffy, put the stake down."

Buffy didn't bother looking at Willow, she kept her eyes on Angelus. "Willow, don't argue with me. I'll make sure Angelus never hurts you again."

"Who said he hurt me?"

"What?" Buffy asked, and for the first time turned to Willow.

"I called here and he answered the phone, and he said he'd tied you up. I got over here as soon as I could."

Willow turned to give Angelus a scolding look, and crossed her arms over her chest. "Angelus?"

Angelus shrugged his shoulders. "I didn't say *I'd* tied you up......I just said you were tied up. At the time you were in the shower."

Buffy's gaze flew between Willow and Angelus. "Wait a'd you know she was in the shower? Where were you when I called?"

"Because I saw her go in there. I was in her bedroom, getting dressed."

Willow's face flushed bright red. Well, this was it. Buffy would learn about what happened. Willow walked over to sit on the couch. She motioned for Buffy to join her.

"Why were you getting dressed? And what the hell are you doing in here anyway? Willow revoked your invitation!"

"Which question do you want me answer first? The first two should be obvious if you actually took a moment to think. And as for the third, Willow invited me in last night."

Buffy didn't understand any of this. Angelus was sitting there like he belonged, and Willow was blushing, but didn't seem afraid. The truth dawned on her, but Buffy wouldn't accept that. There had to be a different explanation.

"What do you want, Angelus?"

"I already have what I want, Slayer." Angelus said, with a suggestive look at Willow.

"Willow, tell me that what I think happened, didn't happen. Tell me you didn't sleep with Angelus."

Willow looked down at her hands, then turned to face Buffy. "I can't lie to you Buffy."

Buffy stood up, looking furious. "No way! There is no way that happened."

Angelus stood and faced the Slayer. "And why not?"

"You and Willow? No chance of that happening."

"If you want to believe that, go right ahead. But, we did have sex, and it was the best I've had in years. Present company included." Angelus taunted.

"You bastard! You raped her!"

Buffy attacked Angelus, but he sent her flying to the floor. Willow rushed to Angelus' side.

"Buffy, no! He didn't hurt me. He didn't do anything that I didn't want him to do."

Buffy stood and faced them. Seeing Willow standing so close to Angelus, and that damn smirk on his face, Buffy realized the truth.

"Bitch! How could you do this to me? You slept with the man I love!"

"Buffy, I didn't do this to hurt you. And you don't love Angelus, and he's the one I was with, not Angel."

"And that's supposed to make a difference? You're my best friend, and you go behind my back and do this?"

Willow was about to mention the things she'd heard Buffy say behind *her* back, but stopped herself. Willow knew Buffy would turn it around, and somehow make it her fault.

"You have no claim on me, Slayer. Angel is gone and he's never coming back. I choose my own playmates, and I choose Willow."

Buffy couldn't believe the things she was hearing. She walked over and stood in front of Willow.

"And how long do you think it'll be before he gets tired of you? It certainly won't take long, with assests." Buffy said cruelly.

Angelus stepped between Willow and Buffy. "Shut your mouth! You don't know anything about Willow, do you? She has more passion in her little finger then you have in your entire body. And I can tell you it'll be a very long time before I ever get tired of having her in my bed....if I ever do. She's a very passionate lover, and I intend to hold onto her."

"Buffy......" Willow began.

"Shut up! I don't want to hear anything you have to say. I never want to see your face again. And neither will Oz and Xander, or the others when I tell them about this. You've betrayed all of us!"

Buffy turned to walk out, "Just remember that everytime he takes you, it's me he's thinking of."

Buffy had reached the door when the sound of laughter stopped her. She turned to see Angelus leaning against the back of the couch.

"You're kidding, right? Why the hell would I be thinking of you?"

"Because you remember the night Angel and I spent together....." Buffy began.

"Oh, yeah, I remember it, unfortunately. I don't know how you remember it, but it wasn't as hot as you seem to think. In the sex department, you leave a lot to be desired."

"You want me, you've always wanted me." Buffy argued.

"Wrong! Angel *loved* you, I *hated* you. Neither of us *wanted* you. Who'd want a cold fish like you in their bed?"

Buffy watched as Angelus pulled Willow into his arms. His hands splayed against her stomach.

"Willow is the only one I want. And knowing it hurts you just makes it more exciting."

Buffy glared at the couple, then left, slamming the door.

Willow leaned back against Angelus.

"She'll never talk to me again, and she's going to turn the others against me."

Angelus turned Willow to face him, and pulled her tightly against him.

"And do you really care? After the things you know they've been saying about you behind your back?"

Willow didn't know how she felt. So much had happened in the past few days. She needed time to think about everything.

"I meant what I said, Willow. You're mine now."

"I know."

Willow was confused about alot of things, but Angelus wasn't one of them. She wanted him in her life.

"Take me to bed, Angelus."

Angelus smiled, and picked Willow up in his arms. Carrying her upstairs, he made love to her long into the night. Later, as they laid in each other's arms, any doubts Willow had about pleasuring Angelus were gone. He had made his delight known..... quite loudly.

The End
