Dark Secret
Author: Dayna
Rating: R
Summary: Willow needs Angelus' help.

It had all started out so simply. Since Giles had to leave town for a few days, Xander and Willow had agreed to be Buffy's unofficial Watcher's. Everything had been fairly quiet, even Angelus hadn't been causing trouble. So, maybe they hadn't been as cautious as usual. They were taken by surprise, by four demons. It was obvious that they were outnumbered, so Buffy yelled for Willow and Xander to run, but they refused to leave their friend. When one of the demons escaped with an unconcious Xander tossed over his shoulder, Buffy convinced Willow to run. Someone had to escape to get help, to try to get ahold of Giles. So, Willow had run faster then she thought possible, not stopping till she reached her house. Immediately she found the number Giles had left, and called him.

After trying for an hour, and receiving no answer, Willow knew she had to do something. Buffy and Xander couldn't wait for her to reach Giles, they needed help right away. *But, who can I get to help? Who'd believe me?* Willow paced back and forth, trying to come up with an idea. *I wish Angel were here.* That thought stopped Willow in her tracks. Would she dare go to him for help? Would he help? Willow didn't know the answers to the questions, but it was worth a try. She was running out of time.

Willow had looked all over town for Angelus. The one time she actually wanted to see him, he suddenly became the invisible man. The most likely place to look, where he lived with Spike and Dru, she couldn't check. Willow knew she couldn't go there alone. She had to hope he'd show himself. Willow walked over to the picnic table, and sat to wait.

Angelus watched the girl from his spot in the shadows. She sat with her back to him, waiting impatiently for something...or someone. He had been watching her for several minutes and had seen no sign of Buffy or the others. What was she up to? *Only one way to find out.*

Willow sat, rubbing her hands together. She had just about decided to go look for him again, when she heard whistling behind her. Willow jumped off the table, then turned to face Angelus. He walked around the table, then sat on the top. His gaze never left Willow's face.

"Nice night, eh?"

Willow didn't know what to do. A little voice in her head told her to run, but then images of Buffy and Xander kept her in her spot. Right now, he was the only thing standing between her friends and their deaths.

"I....I was looking for you."

Angelus looked at Willow skeptically, "Now, why would you have been doing that?"

Willow took a deep breath, "I need your help."

"Help for what?"

"Buffy and Xander were kidnapped, and Giles is out of town. I need your help to rescue them."

Angelus let out a burst of laughter. Willow knew that wasn't a promising sign.

"I think you're confusing me with someone who cares."

"You're the only chance they have!"

"Then I guess they've got no chance. Why would I help them?"

Willow thought hard for a reason to give him, but knew she was grasping at straws. How does someone convince a vampire to save two people he wants dead?

"If you don't, you'll be deprived of the hunt. Someone else will steal your fun."

Angelus looked at the young woman, and smirked. "Reverse-psychology doesn't work on me, little girl. I've had enough fun, besides, it was beginning to bore me. So, if someone else wants to kill them, then I say go ahead."

"What do you want?"

"Excuse me?"

"What will it take to get you to help me? Whatever it is, you've got it."

Angelus watched Willow's face closely. She was barely managing to hold back her tears, yet here she was trying to negotiate for her friends lives. Very interesting. Maybe I've found relief for my boredom.

"You'd be willing to give me anything?"

"If it's within my power, yes. Just name your price."

Angelus stood up, and walked slowly toward Willow. He could see her fighting the impulse to back up. She was showing more courage then he thought she was capable of. He stopped just inches from her.

"Alright, you agree to my price, I'll rescue the Slayer and her little friend."

"What is it you want?"

Angelus reached a hand to Willow's face. With a surprisingly gentle hand, he brushed his fingertips across her cheek, then dropped to her neck. His other hand moved to her waist, pulling her tightly against him. He read the confusion in her eyes.


Willow didn't know what was happening. She was standing in Angelus' arms, and she could've sworn she heard him say he wanted her. *Boy, when this is over, I really need to get my hearing tested.*

"What did you say?"

"Oh, I think you heard me. But just to clarify, if I rescue your friends, my payment will be you....in my bed."

Willow's eyes grew wide, and she looked at him stunned. He was actually suggesting that she.....that they.... Oh, my God!

"That's the deal, Willow. Take it or leave it."

Willow felt Angelus' hands moving across her back, and felt an unfamiliar stirring in her stomach. *Can I actually do what he's asking?*

"What's your answer? Are your friends worth the personal sacrifice?"

Hearing it put that way, Willow knew she had no choice. She would do whatever was necessary to save Buffy and Xander.

"Okay, but one condition. You can never tell anyone about the deal we've made." Willow said.

"Fine, it'll be our little secret."

Willow felt the tears run down her cheek. *Our secret. Our dirty, little secret.*

Angelus brought his hand back to her cheek, wiping away the tears. He lowered his mouth, capturing her lips in a kiss. Her surprised gasp, allowed him to slip his tongue into her mouth. Exploring and claiming. Willow's hands gripped at his shoulders. Angelus pulled away to look at her.

"Now, let's go rescue your little friends. Then, when I'm ready, I'll come to you to collect my payment. This is now between us."

With a final, possesive kiss, Angelus grabbed Willow's hand and pulled her away from the park. They began heading for the demon's lair.

"You better be coming up with a logical reason why I'm helping you. Obviously, you can't use the truth."

Willow walked quietly behind him. *Just let Buffy and Xander be okay. I'll deal with the rest after they're safe.* As they neared the underground entrance, a thought entered Willow's head. *Sweet, shy, innocent Willow Rosenberg now has a dark secret.*


Willow and Angelus found Buffy and Xander chained up in the underground lair. Willow knew that both of them were hurt, so she tried to go to them. Angelus pushed her into a corner.

"Stay here. I'll get them free, then you lead them out. I'll deal with the little freaks who took them."


"No, buts. Do as I tell you. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you before you hold up your end of the bargain."

Angelus turned and moved silently into the cavern. Taking a quick glance around, he proceeded to release Buffy. The surprise was evident on the Slayer's face. Willow couldn't hear what was said, but she saw Angelus point in her direction. Buffy helped get Xander free, and they made their way to Willow. Angelus turned to fight the approaching enemy.

"Willow, what's going on?"

"There's no time to explain now. We need to get out of here."

Willow pointed the way out, then allowed Buffy and Xander to start out first. Willow turned to see how Angelus was doing. He had destroyed two of the demons, and turned to see her still standing there.


Willow didn't hesitate, she followed the path out into the street. Once the three of them got to Buffy's house, Willow tried to explain what happened. She told them that Angelus had a grudge against the demons who had taken them, and that was the only reason he'd agreed to help. Under other circumstances, Buffy would've been suspicious, but she was too tired to think about anything. It was decided they'd all stay at Buffy's until dawn, then go home.

It had been several days since Angelus had kept his end of the bargain, but he hadn't come to make Willow keep hers. Willow had spent every night thinking about what would happen when he did come. She was scared to death. But, as her mind continued to play out scenarios, a part of her admitted that she hadn't felt disgust or fear when Angelus kissed her. Willow was so wrapped up in her thoughts, that the sound of a knock on the door, scared her out of her chair. She turned to the door, already knowing who it was.

Willow opened the door expecting to see Angelus, but there was no one there. Then she noticed something on the door. A knife was stuck into the wood, holding something in place. Willow shuddered when she thought about what he had the knife for. She picked the note up, and read it twice. *Why would Angelus want me to meet him at the school? And why in Snyder's office?* Willow went in to dress, then hurried to school. She had given her word, and it was now time to pay the price.

The school was spooky at night, when no one was around. Willow found the open door, and walked toward the principal's office. Taking a deep breath she opened the office door, closing it behind her.

"You came."

Willow tried to see Angelus, but couldn't find him in the darkness. She stood by the door, absently rubbing her hands together.

"I gave you my word."

Willow didn't feel Angelus move until he was right in front of her, taking her hands into his own. He began rubbing his fingers over her hands, then up her arms. Willow shuddered, and she knew it wasn't entirely from fear. Angelus led her over to the middle of the room, then set her on the desk. He stood in front of her, between her legs. His hands continued to travel up and down her arms.

"Then I guess it's time to collect my payment."

Angelus moved his hands up to Willow's neck, pulling her into his kiss. Willow's hands dropped to his shoulders, as he continued his assault. Angelus let his hands travel down her arms, then down to her stomach. Without removing his mouth from Willow's lips, he began unbuttoning her shirt. He threw it casually to the floor, soon following it with her bra. Angelus tore his mouth away from Willow's, and told her to lie back. Willow did as he said, and was rewarded with the feel of Angelus' hands on her breasts. He gently kneaded them, taking her nipples between his fingertips. Angelus leaned over Willow, pressing his mouth to her breasts. Willow reached up and ran her fingers through his hair. Her knees gripped Angelus' hips, trying to keep him where he was. Angelus stood briefly to remove his own shirt, then covered Willow again. As he retook her mouth, Willow could feel her breasts pushed against his muscular chest. Angelus continued moving his hands up and down her body, trailing strokes from her neck down to her thighs.

Angelus stood up, bringing Willow back into a sitting position. His hands stroked her thighs repeatedly, before pressing against her mound. Willow leaned her head forward till it fell to Angelus' shoulder. His hand explored further between her legs, while Willow's hands began exploring his chest and shoulders. Angelus suddenly moved his hands to Willow's ass, pushing her tightly against him.

"Wrap your legs around me."

Willow wrapped her legs around his waist, and he picked her up into his arms. Willow took the initiative and brought Angelus into her kiss, while Angelus moved his hands on her ass. He carried her over and dropped her on the couch. Willow watched as Angelus removed his boots and socks, and began removing his pants. Her eyes flew to his, unable to look at his erection. After removing his clothes, Angelus covered Willow on the couch. She could feel his erection through her jeans, and felt fear for the first time since she'd entered the room.

Angelus knew when Willow's fear returned, and it excited him. She had been with him every step of the way up to this point, and he had no doubt she would continue to be a willing participant. He captured her lips in a kiss so gentle it took Willow by surprise. Angelus touched Willow's face, gently stroking her hair. While continuing the kiss, Angelus moved his hand down between them, finding the snap to her jeans. Willow didn't fight as he slid down her body, finally kneeling on the floor. His hands reached up to pull off her jeans, followed by her panties. Willow watched as Angelus lowered his mouth and kissed her on the inner thigh. She watched as his mouth moved closer, and nearly leapt off the couch when his tongue found her core. With his hands caressing her thighs, Angelus continued to lick and kiss Willow's core, alternately using his mouth and fingers.

Angelus could feel himself losing his control, so he slid himself back up her body. Pushing her knees up, Angelus entered her with one powerful thrust. Willow's scream was muffled by his mouth, and he began running his hands over her body. As his movements began to increase, Willow could feel the pain being replaced by pleasure. As he began pulling out of her, Willow wrapped her legs around him, and was rewarded when he entered her again. They kept up their movements until Willow felt her orgasim, during which she scratched her nails down Angelus' back, sending him over the edge. He collapsed onto Willow, before bracing himself on his elbows. The power of their orgasim had exhausted them. Angelus laid on his side, looking down at Willow. She looked at him with drowsy eyes. He bent down and kissed her eyes.

"Sleep, little one. You deserve it."

Willow nodded, closing her eyes. Angelus also allowed himself some sleep. They lay in each other's arms, spent and totally fulfilled.


Angelus was the first to wake up. Looking out the window, he knew they had a couple hours left till dawn. He got off the couch, careful not to wake Willow. Angelus grabbed his pants, and pulled them on. Just the sight of Willow, lying naked on the couch, was making him hard. He found his shirt, and laid it over Willow, then leaned against the desk. Nothing had gone according to his plan, but he wasn't upset by that. His original plan had been to have his fun with Willow, then kill her. He would leave her body in the library for the Slayer to find. But, from the time she entered the room, those thoughts had disappeared. He had still wanted her, but he wanted her to be willing, and he wanted her to get as much pleasure as he knew he'd get. Angelus didn't understand that. He wasn't a gentle or considerate lover, the only responses he was concerned about were his own. Now he found himself worrying if Willow was alright.

Willow began waking up, and Angelus knew what he'd see on her face....in her eyes. She would be feeling disgust, regret, and probably revulsion. Maybe seeing those expressions would be enough to break whatever hold she seemed to have on him, and he'd be able to carry out his plan. Angelus didn't move, but continued to watch Willow.

As she sat up, her hand gripped the shirt to her chest. Then she turned to look at Angelus. He wasn't prepared for the look on her face, it was nothing like he imagined. Her expression was one of complete satisfaction. He watched as she stood up, putting his shirt on. As she buttoned it, she walked toward him. She stopped just inches from him. Willow said nothing, but Angelus understood. The next move had to be his.

Angelus reached out, pulling Willow between his outstreched legs. Her hands went around his neck, and she leaned in to kiss him. Angelus rubbed his hands across her back, and she moved closer. Willow dropped her head to his bare shoulder, feathering it with kisses, while Angelus pulled her tightly against him. The last chance for his plan to work had crashed and burned. He wouldn't kill her. He would honor their deal, just as she had. She had given herself to him, with no regrets, so he would give Willow her life.

"Get dressed, I'll walk you home." Angelus said, then pulled away from her.

Willow watched Angelus sit and put on his shoes, never once looking at her. She grabbed her clothes, quickly getting dressed, then handed him back his shirt. She waited while he put the office back to the way it had been when he arrived. Willow had felt him pull away from her, and she had never felt so alone in her life. This night may have happened because she'd had no choice, but it had turned into something else. She knew that what they shared was more then just sex, and she knew Angelus had felt it too. Otherwise, he probably would've killed her. And Willow decided she wouldn't let him just walk away from her.

They walked to Willow's house in silence. Willow kept glancing at Angelus, but he did nothing, just looked straight ahead. Angelus walked her to her french doors, then turned to leave.


Angelus turned at the tone of Willow's voice. She stood there, her arms folded across her chest.

"Look, it's over. You more then fulfilled your end of our deal. No one will ever know about it, and we can go on as though this never happened."

Angelus started to turn, but Willow's words stopped him dead in his tracks.

"Angelus, I invite you to come in."

Angelus stood, stunned. Did she have any idea what she had done? She had just calmly invited a killer into her bedroom. He heard her call his name, but didn't turn around. He heard her come up behind him, then felt her arms slip around his waist. She stood on her tiptoes, and whispered into his ear.

"Come in, Angelus. I want you to come in."

Angelus turned and scooped Willow into his arms. He entered her bedroom, and threw her on the bed. Angelus followed her to the bed, covering her body. Gripping her arms, he pinned them above her head. His attempts to scare her weren't having the effect he wanted.

"You little fool! Do you have any idea what you've done? I can come and go as I please now. I could kill you before you even knew I was in the room." Angelus stopped when he saw Willow shaking her head.

"If you were going to kill me, you would've done it at the school. That was the reason for meeting there, wasn't it?"

"So, I changed my mind. What's to say I won't change it again and break your neck?"


Willow used all the strength she possessed to flip them over, and Angelus was too surprised to stop it. Willow straddled his hips, pinning his arms above his head. She knew that Angelus could break the hold with no trouble, but she didn't think he would. She leaned down, and began kissing him with an urgency that she hadn't felt before. Angelus responded, deepening the kiss. Breathless, Willow pulled away and looked down into her lover's eyes.

"I know what I did, and I know why. I've always been told that I never go after what I want, well, this time I have. This is what I want.....you are what I want."

Angelus looked up into the eyes of a woman determined to get what she wanted. Gone was the shy young lady she had been just hours before. He knew that he would give in to the little temptress, because she was what he wanted too. Angelus flipped them back over, and began tearing off Willow's clothes. When they were both naked, he entered her slowly. And claimed her as his own....over and over again.

It was nearly dawn, and Angelus sat on the bed next to his lover. He reached over and pushed her hair out of her face. She smiled at him, and he was taken aback by the total acceptance in her eyes. This was a woman who wanted him, despite what he was. Willow turned to her side, and reached out to touch the bulge in his jeans. Angelus gripped her hand and smirked.

"You touch me again, and I won't make it home."

Angelus leaned down and kissed Willow's smiling face. Standing quickly, before she could tempt him back into bed, he walked to the doors.



"You will come back, won't you?" Willow asked, suddenly needing the reassurance that he wasn't walking out of her life.

Angelus heard the fear in her voice, the fear that he would abandon her. He motioned for her to come to him. Willow walked to him, not caring that she was completely naked. Angelus pulled her into his arms, lifting her slightly so that she could look him directly in the eyes. His hands massaged her ass, as her arms wrapped around his neck.

"I'll be back tonight, and every night from now on. You're stuck with me now."


Angelus carried Willow back to the bed, covering her with the sheet. He gave her a kiss that branded her as his woman. Angelus walked back to the doors, and turned to see Willow snuggling into her bed for some much needed sleep. He walked out, making sure the door locked behind him.

Angelus went to his old apartment, and stretched out on the bed. He decided that he'd have to straighten up the place, because he knew he'd never take Willow back to the house he shared with Spike and Dru. He wouldn't trust them anywhere near Willow. This apartment would be their meeting place.

Angelus didn't know what had happened, but he knew Willow had excited him like no other woman ever had. She had pushed him to the edge, and then brought him back. From now on, he'd make sure that she was safe. He'd spread the word that she was now his territory, and everyone knew how Angelus dealt with those who dared trespass. Angelus let himself drift into sleep, dreams of Willow filling his head. Dusk couldn't come soon enough for him.

Angelus slept with a wicked grin on his face.

The End
