Deepest Desires
Author: Dayna
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Willow acts out her deepest desire.

Part 1

Willow stood in the park, waiting patiently. She hadn't been there long when she was grabbed from behind.

"Didn't the Slayer warn you about being out alone?"

Normally, Willow would've been scared, but tonight she had a purpose. And she needed this vampire alive. Using a move she'd seen Buffy do, Willow wound up behind the vampire, a stake poised above his heart.

"Do you want to live?"

The vampire nodded fearfully. He had never expected this one to fight.

"Then you're going to have to do something for me."


"Take a message to Angelus."

"Is that all?"

"Yeah, that's all. Do you think you can manage that?"

Again the vampire nodded. Willow released him, and handed him the message.

"Make sure he gets this right away."

"No problem."

The vampire headed off on his mission. Willow smiled, then went to get ready.


Angel turned at the sound of his name.

"What is it?"

"I have a message for you."

Angel took the note, noticing the fear on the younger vampire's face. He opened the note and read it.

Angelus~ Meet me at your old apartment as soon as you get this message. I need to see you.

*What kind of trick is this?*

"Who gave this to you?"

"The Slayer's friend."

"The redhead?"

"Yes, but..."

"But, what?"

"She seemed different. She wasn't afraid of me. Instead, she almost staked me."

Angel looked at the vampire doubtfully.

"Then why didn't she?"

"Because she wanted me to bring you that message."

"Was she alone?"


Angel indicated that he could go. Angel sat and reread the note. Something didn't make sense. He knew Buffy would never endanger her friend by using her as bait, so what possible reason would Willow have to want to see him? His curiosity finally got the best of him. *Only one way to find out.*

Angel entered the apartment cautiously. The place was dark except for the candles that burned throughout the room. Angel reached to turn on the light.


Angel hadn't noticed Willow standing in the darkened corner.

"What's this all about?"

"Close the door."

After making sure they were alone, Angel closed the door behind him.

"Happy now?"

"Not yet."

Angel was surprised at the tone of Willow's voice. It was huskier.....sexier then he remembered.

"Are you going to tell me why you wanted me to come here?"

Willow walked closer to Angel. She stopped just inches from him.

"Wouldn't you rather I show you?"

"Enough games, Willow. Tell me what you want. Now!"

"You." Willow whispered.

"What?" Angel knew he couldn't have heard her right.

Willow closed the distance between them. She put her hands on his strong shoulders, then moved them slowly down his chest, letting them rest on his waist.


Angel backed away from Willow. He wasn't sure what was happening, but this couldn't be Willow. She would never behave in such a manner. He reached back and flipped on the light.

Willow blinked at the sudden brightness. She stood and watched him, making no move toward him or away from him.

"Is there a problem?" Willow asked innocently.

Angel looked closely at the woman before him. She looked like Willow, but there was something different. He stepped closer, and looked into her eyes. He didn't fear or deceit in her eyes. What he saw shocked him. When Angel looked into Willow's eyes, he saw desire. *What the hell?*

Part 2

Willow smiled at the look of confusion on Angel's face. Who could blame him? She didn't understand it herself, but she knew what she wanted.

Again, Willow approached Angel. She put her hands back on his waist, and waited to see his reaction. He just stood there.

Willow moved her hands up his chest. Slowly she began to unbutton his shirt. Still, Angel didn't move.

Angel had decided to play along and find out how far Willow was planning to go in her seduction. *This could prove to be very interesting.*

Willow's warm hands pressed on his naked chest as she pushed Angel's shirt off, letting it fall to the floor. She leaned forward, lightly kissing his chest, while her hands rubbed circles on his back. Angel closed his eyes as Willow's tongue touched his nipples. It was taking all his self-control to remain still.

Willow brought her arms up and wrapped them around Angel's neck, pressing herself against his hard body.

"This would be a lot more fun if you actually participated."

Willow stretched and pulled Angel's head to hers. Her lips found his, and he finally responded. He had lost his control, and brought his hands to her waist, wrapping them around her slight body. Willow pulled back slightly, and smiled.

"Isn't that better?"

"Shut up."

Angel claimed Willow's lips, using his tongue to gain entrance. Willow deepened the kiss, winding her fingers in his hair. Angel turned them around, pressing Willow against the wall. His hands slid seductively up her body. As he ravaged her mouth, he gripped her arms, pinning them to the wall. He pressed his body against hers, letting her feel his erection.

"Angel!" Willow cried out.

Angel smirked at the look of desire on her face, then moved his lips to her throat. He let go of her arms, which dropped to his shoulders. Angel's hands drifted down her body, lightly touching her breasts, then moving downward to grip her ass---lifting her slightly off the ground. Willow took the opportunity to wrap her legs around Angel's waist.

Angel still didn't understand what was going on, but he didn't care. His hands roamed over Willow's ass, gripping her cheeks, and pressing her more firmly against him.

Willow pressed her back against the wall, putting a little space between them. While her legs remained wrapped around Angel, Willow brought her hands up to her shirt. One by one, she undid the buttons.

Angel's exploration of her ass stopped as he stared at Willow. Before his eyes, she removed her shirt followed by her bra. Angel was stunned. He'd never considered Willow sexy before, but he certainly did now.

Angel leaned forward, taking one nipple in his mouth. He licked the tip, then around it, before moving to the other breast. Willow's hands pressed his head into her breast.

Angel replaced his mouth with his hands. Willow moaned as Angel's hands gripped and kneaded her breasts. She had never experienced these emotions before.

Willow's legs got weak, and dropped to the floor. She moved her hands to Angel's jeans, deliberately brushing against his erection. Willow unhooked his pants, and slid one hand into the opening. Lightly she began brushing back and forth over his penis.

Angel dropped his head to Willow's shoulder. Just the feel of her hands on him almost made him come. As she continued her exquisite torture, Angel brought his attention back to her breasts.

Consumed with desire, Angel pulled her hand away from his pants, and once again pinned her arms to the wall.

"My turn."

Willow leaned her head back against the wall as Angel undid her jeans. He slipped his hand inside, and began rubbing against her mound. His strokes were feather-light, and were driving Willow crazy. She thrusted toward his hand.

He let go of her arms, as he began trailing kisses down her body. Slowly, he pulled her jeans down her legs, and threw them to the floor. He moved lower, kissing her through her panties, all the while running his hands up and down her thighs.

Angel stood back and began removing the rest of his clothes. Willow watched in appreciation as Angel stripped. He grabbed Willow, pulling her roughly against him. Now they were only seperated by the thin panties she wore.

Willow's arms wrapped around his neck as her legs gave out beneath her. Angel tightened his hold, pulling her tightly against his body.

Angel caressed her back, before dropping to her ass. Capturing her lips, he explored the hidden depths of her mouth. Impatiently, Angel swung Willow into his arms, carrying her to the bed. He dropped Willow onto the mattress, immediately covering her body with his own.

Angel looked down at the woman beneath him. This wasn't the girl he had known. This woman was exciting him just looking at her.

"The fun has only begun, Willow."

Willow smiled, as Angel descended to capture her lips. Her arms wrapped around him, letting him know what she wanted.

"Promises, promises."

Angel's hand moved down to the core of her desire. He ripped the remaining barrier out of his way, before slipping a single finger into her. Willow felt the passion building, and knew that she wanted more.

Willow spread her legs, allowing him complete access to her. He began a sensual exploration. Angel began kissing his way to her core. His tongue caressed her thighs, before moving to her center. His tongue thrust in and out, and he knew she was ready for him.

Willow was thrashing her head back and forth. Angel's touch was burning her alive, but he continued to refuse that which she wanted most.


Angel moved up her body, pressing intimately against her. He gave her chaste kisses across her face, while his hands rested on her breasts.

"What do you want, Willow?"

"I want you inside me Angel. Please!"

Angel captured her lips, while his hands moved to spread her thighs. He positioned himself at her opening.

"Last chance to change your mind."

Willow responded by thrusting toward him. Angel entered her in one savage thrust, her scream of pain muffled by his mouth, while her hands scratched down his back.

As they began their sensual dance, the pain was soon replaced by a pleasure Willow had never felt before. Willow's legs gripped Angel's hips tightly, keeping him inside her.

"Oh, God, yes!!"

Willow's orgasm hit moments before Angel's, and he collapsed onto the bed.

Angel brought himself up on his elbows. Looking down at Willow, he saw tears in her eyes, but there was a smile on her face.

"Are you okay?"

"Better then okay. That was amazing, Angel."

"Maybe we need a repeat performance."

Willow smiled seductively at him as she reached to touch his softening penis.

"Do you think you can handle it, old man?"

Angel's low growl made Willow giggle.

"You'll pay for that, little girl."

Angel flipped them over, dragging her on top of him. Willow straddled Angel's thighs, her hand moving to massage his penis. Giving Angel a wicked grin, she lowered her mouth to his penis. Willow lightly kissed the tip, then when she felt Angel shudder, she took him into her mouth. She experimented before finding a rhythm. Keeping it up till Angel thought he was going to explode.

Willow moved herself slowly up his body, positioning herself above his penis, she lowered herself slowly. A little at a time, before raising herself up again. Angel gripped her hips, pulling her down. Willow leaned forward, raining kisses on his muscular chest. Then just as she felt her orgasm building, she raked her nails down Angel's chest. The pain sent Angel over the edge, and they both exploded with passion.

Willow collapsed on Angle's chest. His arms closed around her, and they fell into an exhausted sleep. Neither thinking what the morning would bring.

Part 3

Willow woke the next morning feeling strange. She blinked her eyes, trying to remove the fogginess of a deep sleep. As she stretched, Willow realized she wasn't alone. *Oh, no. What the hell happened?* There was a very masculine arm lying over her hip.

Willow couldn't make herself turn over, she was afraid of who might find. As she laid perfectly still, her mind began filling in the blanks. Replaying every detail of the previous night. *I can't believe it. I seduced Angelus!*

Willow's thoughts were interrupted as the hand moved to grasp her breast. Her slight gasp elicited a laugh from behind her. Willow felt Angel press closer against her back.

"Good morning, Willow."

Willow finally turned her head to look at Angel. He saw the confusion in her eyes.

"Do you remember what happened last night?"

Willow nodded, afraid to speak. Quickly, she turned her face away from him.

Angel enjoyed the distress Willow was feeling. For whatever reason, she had come to him, and now she didn't know what to do about it. He heard her whisper something softly.

"What did you say?"

When Willow didn't answer, Angel gripped her chin, forcing her to look at him.

"Answer me."

"I said last night night wasn't another dream."

"No, it...." Angel stopped as her words sunk in.

"Another dream?"

Willow suddenly realized what she'd let slip. She tried to leave the bed, but Angel pulled her back, covering her.


"Nothing. Please, just let me go."

"You should know it doesn't work that way. Tell me what you meant."

"All right. I've had dreams before."

"Like last night?"

Willow nodded. She was mortified that she'd let that slip.

"Since when?"

"Since you arrived."

"You've been having erotic dreams about me for two years?"

"Six months." Willow corrected.

Angel looked confused, then shocked. *Six months? That's when I lost my soul.*

"That's when Angelus came back."

Willow was silent. An answer wasn't necessary.

Angel looked at the woman beneath him. He never would've thought Willow was capable of erotic thoughts, especially about Angelus.

"So, why did you act on them last night?"

"I don't know."

Willow knew what she'd done was wrong, but she couldn't help what she felt. Ever since Angel changed, she'd been having sexual dreams about him. Even when he'd held her in the school, she'd become aroused. Which was really bad considering he'd been about to kill her.

Angel rolled off Willow and laid on his back. He watched Willow jump out of bed, grab her clothes, and head to the bathroom. Last night had certainly been full of surprises. A smile crossed his face.....very pleasant surprises.

Willow showered and dressed. She didn't want to face Angel again, but knew she couldn't stay in the bathroom forever. No one knew where she was, and she was alone with Angel. *Will he kill me right away?*

Willow knew nothing would stop Angel from killing her, so she might as well face him. Willow opened the door and went back into the bedroom. Angel sat on the end of the bed watching her. He had put on his jeans, but nothing else. Willow was unable to break eye contact no matter how hard she tried.

Angel's eyes devoured the woman standing before him. He knew he'd never be able to look at Willow again without remembering last night. She was no longer plain, shy Willow. Regardless of why she had come, Willow had come alive in his arms.

"Come here."

Willow hesitated only briefly. She walked over to stand between his legs. Angel wrapped his arms around her, bringing her to his lap.

"What do you think happens now?"

"I guess you kill me." Willow whispered.

Angel was surprised. She had spoken so calmly, and hadn't once tried to struggle. It seemed as though she had accepted that as her fate. Angel moved his hand to the back of her neck, pushing her into his kiss.

"I don't think so."

Willow looked up at Angel, surprised. She had never considered that he might not kill her.

"I don't understand."

Angel moved both hands to her hips, lifting her and setting her so she was straddling him. His hands moved to caress her back.

"Who am I?"


"Try again."

Willow was confused. She didn't know what he wanted her to say.

"Think about it. When Angel first came, we were friends. Then Angelus emerged, and we were enemies. Last night, you gave yourself to me, and the relationship changed again. I want to hear you say it. Who am I?"

It only took a Willow a moment to realize what he was asking. She blushed deeply, whispering what he wanted to hear.


"My lover! You're my lover."

"Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?"

Willow began crying. She had no idea why Angel was toying with her. His behavior was strange----even for him.

"What do you want?" Willow whispered.


Deja vu-----the exact answer she had given him before she seduced him.


"Why what?"

"Why would you want me?"

"Oh, sweet, insecure Willow. How can you ask me that after last night? You are the most exciting lover I've had in a long time."

"But that wasn't me."

"Yes, it was. The real you----without the uncertainty, the fear. It was the uninhibited you."

"That person is gone."

Angel let his hands drop to her ass, pulling her against him. Her arms went around his neck, unconsciously she pressed herself against him. Angel smiled at her reaction.

"See, she's not gone. I can bring her back whenever I want."

Willow didn't know what to do. Every time Angel touched her she got hot. She still wanted him.

"I'm not going to kill you, Willow. But, I won't let you go either."

"What do you mean?"

"You can go home, back to your normal activities, but you're mine now. And I hold on to what's mine."

"I could tell Buffy." Willow replied defiantely.

"You could, but how would you explain your actions?"

Willow knew she'd never tell Buffy what happened. She'd made her choices, now she had to deal with the consequences. Whatever they are.

"I better go."

"Remember what I said, lover. You belong to me now."

Willow opened the door. She turned to see Angel laying back on the bed. As she left the apartment, Willow knew she had to find out why she had done what she had. But, could she handle telling Giles the truth. *I have to. I need to make sense of what happened, and Giles is the only one who can help me. But, he'll have to swear never to tell Buffy or Xander.*

Willow went home to change, before heading to the school. Hopefully, Buffy and Xander would already be in class, and she could talk to Giles privately.

Part 4

Willow sat in her room, silently debating what she should do. She had talked to Giles, and after his initial surprise, he agreed to keep her secret. As for her behavior, there was some ancient legend about the lining up of planets, during a certain time. Willow didn't pretend to understand what it meant. But, Giles informed her, that it basicallymade certain people act out their deepest fantasies. To find that which was their greatest desires.

Willow's mind continued to replay what had happened. She couldn't blame it on anything other then her own desires. No matter how hard she tried to deny her feelings, they wouldn't go away. Wanting Angel was wrong,but what could she do? Trying to deny her feelings hurt too much. It had only been a few days since she'd been with Angel, but it had seemed like an eternity. She didn't seem to have the courage to seek him outthough.

*Maybe he's decided he doesn't want me. After all, he knows where Iam, and he's stayed away.*

*Fine. He's forgotten about me, I can forget about him.* Willow called Buffy, and Buffy agreed to let Willow come with on her patrol. After all, it had been pretty quiet lately.

"Willow, are you okay? You've seen different the past few days."

"I'm fine. I've just had a lot on my mind."

The two friends talked about school, clothes, and anything else thatcame up. They had just entered the park, when a vampire attacked Buffy.

"Willow, step back."

Willow backed away, unaware of the second vampire until he grabbed her, holding one hand over her mouth. Buffy easily defeated the vampire, but froze at the sight as she turned.


Willow looked fearfully at her friend. She knew that there wasn't much Buffy could do in this situation.

"You killed my friend, Slayer. Now, maybe I should kill yours."

"No!! Let her go. You want me, you can have me."

"I don't think so."

"Let her go, punk."

Everyone turned at the sound of the newcomer. Willow felt relief at the sight of Angel. Her eyes caught his, and she remembered what he'd said about her belonging to him. Angel would save her.

"This doesn't concern you, man."

Buffy watched the scene unfold as Angel came to stand beside her. The vampire holding Willow obviously didn't know who Angelus was, otherwise he was stupider then he looked. Buffy had no idea why Angel was there, but at that point she didn't care.

"The girl belongs to me. That makes it my business. Now, I really hate to repeat myself. LET....HER....GO!"

"Who the hell do you think you are?" The young vampire was becoming arrogant. He let his hand roam over Willow's body. Willow couldn'tstop the shudder of disgust that ran through her.

Angel saw the younger man touching Willow, and he felt the rage building, and he shifted into his game face.

"The name's Angelus, you young fool." Buffy saw the vampire gasp in surprise, but still he refused to let go of Willow.

Angel held his hand out behind him, and whispered to Buffy.

"Give me your stake."

Buffy looked from Angel to Willow. The vampire was getting nervous, and his hand was twitching. Each time he seemed to be squeezing Willow's throat tighter.

"Give me the god damn stake!"

Buffy looked back to Willow. Her eyes were focused on Angel, relaying some message that only he seemed to understand. *What the hell isgoing on?* But, Buffy knew she didn't have time to figure out. She handed the stake to Angel.

"Last chance. Let the girl go, and I'll let you live."

"You don't scare me."

"Then you're a bigger fool then I thought."

The vampire started pulling Willow backwards. He was confident that no one, not even Angelus, could stop him.

"Willow, drop now!" Angel yelled.

Willow let herself become dead weight, falling to the ground. The sudden movement knocked the vampire off-balance, but before he could even react, Angel had thrown the stake. His aim was right on target, and the vampire exploded into dust.

Buffy watched stunned as Angel walked over to Willow. Checking to make sure she wasn't hurt, he pulled her to her feet. He pushed a strand of hair off her face, then lowered his hand to caress the red marks on her neck.

"Are you alright?"

"What took you so long?"

Angel smirked and pulled Willow into his arms. Both had forgotten Buffy's presence. Buffy stood watching the couple embracing. Willow had puther arms around Angel's waist, holding him tightly. And Angel's hold on Willow could only be described as possessive.

"Hate to interrupt, but would someone tell me what the hell just happened?"

Willow turned to Buffy, but refused to let go of Angel. She was still shaken, and needed to feel him close to her.

"Angel saved my life."

"Yeah, I was there. I caught that part. Now how about telling me why. And while you're at it, you can explain why you two seem so cozy."

"You better sit down."

They walked to a picnic table. Buffy sat down on one side, Willow sat across from her. Buffy saw Angel straddle the seat, and pull Willow into his embrace. He had effectively formed a protective shell around her.

Buffy listened to intently as Willow told her about the events of the past few days. *Willow and Angelus?*

"So, what happens now? You two live happily ever after?"

"I don't know, Buffy. But, I know how I feel when I'm with him. Idon't want to lose that."

Buffy knew what Willow was talking about, hadn't she felt the same way when Angel had his soul? Who was she to tell Willow that what she felt was wrong? Buffy's main concern at that moment was Willow's safety.

"What if he tries to hurt you?"

"He won't. If he wanted to kill me, he's already had several chances."

Buffy had to admit that Angel was acting very protective of Willow. But, she still didn't trust him.

"What do you have to say about this?" Buffy directed her question to Angel.

"To you, nothing. Whatever happens is between Willow and me."

"If you think I'm just going to sit by and watch you hurt her...."

"Buffy, please don't."

Buffy looked at Willow. She looked about ready to drop. Her face was pale, and she was shivering.

"I think I better get you home."

"I'll take care of that, Slayer." Angel took off his jacket, wrapping it around Willow. Then he gently lifted her into his arms. Willow's head dropped to his shoulder.

"I don't...."

"It's okay Buffy. You have patrol. I'll be fine."

Buffy looked doubtfully between Willow and Angel.

"He won't hurt me." Willow made the statement with such conviction that Buffy found herself backing away.

"He better not."

Angel didn't even spare the Slayer a glance. He turned and carriedWillow toward her house. Buffy watched them leave the park. *I know weird things happen on the Hellmouth, but this is beyond weird. Angelus was actually being gentle, and tender. What's up with that?* Buffy continued on her patrol, silently reminding herself to have a little talk with her Watcher. Then another thought occured to her. *Fulfills deepest desires, huh. I wonder how long Willow's been lusting after Angelus. Oh, Willow,naughty girl, you've been keeping secrets.* Another person she'd have to have a little talk with. Buffy continued on her patrol, shaking her head at the whole mess.

Part 5

Willow walked into her bedroom. She was feeling better after her shower. The memory of that vampire's hands on her body had made her feel dirty.

Angel stood looking out the french doors. He hadn't said much since they got to her house. Willow walked over to him, and wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning her head against his back. Angel didn't move.

"Angel, please don't push me away. I know I had no control over coming to you before, but I do now. I want you Angel."

Willow felt Angel move slightly. His hands drifted to hers, covering them.

"Ever since that night, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. Wishing you were there with me. I dispised you for that. Every night, I told myself I wouldn't think about you, but I found myself following you. Making sure you were safe, watching you.....wanting you. I swore that you must of put me under some kind of spell. I don't give a damn about anyone, and I enjoy hurting people. Then all of a sudden I find myself caring about what happened to you. I had decided you would have to die. I wanted to be free of your spell."

Angel felt Willow tense, and back off. He turned, grabbing her arms, and holding them behind her. Willow gazed up into Angel's eyes.

"Then I saw you in the park. I was trying to decide the quickest way to kill you, when that young pup grabbed you. I decided that would work out better, he'd kill you and it would be over. But, as I watched him tighten his hold on your neck, I became so angry. I wasn't going to sit by and let someone hurt you. So I stepped in, stopping him from doing what I had planned to do. As I held you in my arms, I felt you shivering from the fear, and all I could think about was how I was going to protect you from that fear."

Angel saw the tears fall from Willow's eyes. He brought his hands to her face, and passionately kissed her. Willow wrapped her arms around Angel's neck, and Angel lifted her into his arms. Walking to the bed, he deposited Willow, then laid down beside her. They lay facing each other, Angel reached out to touch her face.

"I came so close to losing you tonight. It's the first time in a very long while that I've cared if someone lived or died. I won't let you go now....I can't."

Angel leaned in and kissed Willow. Quickly, they removed their clothes, and came together out of fear and desperation. Afterward, Willow straddled Angel, looking down at him.

"You aren't the same person with me as you are out there, and I'm not the same person either. I know in my heart that you wouldn't hurt me, and I'll do everything I can to protect you. We need each other."

Angel pulled Willow down on top of him, and flipped them over. His hands caressing the woman that was his alone. He parted her thighs, entering her in a single thrust. His mouth dropped to her breasts, kissing one then the other.

"And I'll protect you, lover. From everything and everyone....including myself."

The orgasim rocked them both, and they collapsed on the bed. Angel pulled Willow securely into his arms. One hand stroking her hair, the other gripping her ass.

"I guess there's something to be said about acting out desires."

"Is this going to work, Angel?"

Willow leaned up on Angel's chest, looking intently into her lover's eyes. His hand moved to stroke her face, he wanted to erase the fear and worry from her expression, but he didn't want to lie to her.

"I don't know."

Willow just nodded, and laid her head back on his chest. She gripped his hand, kissing each finger, then clutching it to her face.

They laid in each other arms, neither wanting to face the future. And it was a long time before they found peace in sleep. For the night, they were two lovers taking pleasure from each other. What would happen in the morning, or the next day, or a month down the road, they didn't know. His very nature threatened the delicate relationship they had, not to mention the outside threats. But, both knew they wouldn't give up the moments of bliss they had found in each other's arms, no matter what the future held for them. They may not have a future together, but they would enjoy the time they did have. However long or short that time was.

The End
