Keeping the Peace

Author: Dayna


Rating: PG-13

Distribution: TPWFLD; Angel of Mine; otherwise please ask.

Disclaimer: Characters don't belong to me. They belong to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. No copyright infringement intended.

Author's note: This is an alternate universe, so Angelus and William aren't vampires.


The day Willow was born, her father Ethan became laird of the clan.  As his first duty, he was to gain peace with the McKay clan.  After various peace talks and negotiations, a decision was reached.  As soon as Willow turned eighteen she would marry Angelus, the son of the McKay.  As part of the betrothal contract, Angelus would complete his training at Ethan's keep and Willow would spend one week a month at the McKay keep.

As the years went by, Willow grew up loving Angelus.  However, Angelus didn't share his future bride's feelings.  He soon fell in love with the daughter of one of the soldiers.  But knowing his father would notapprove, they met in secret.

Six months remained till Willow's eighteenth birthday and her much anticipated marriage to Angelus.  Her mother and Angelus' mother were busy taking care of the wedding arrangements.  Willow and Amy, Angelus' sister, spent the time sewing and preparing for the wedding.  Willow couldn't wait for her wedding and Amy was also anxious about her wedding to William, which was only a year away. Meanwhile,Angelus and his peasant girl were trying to find some way to break the betrothal.

Amy and Willow were out taking a ride and discussing their fiances'.

"Amy, have you noticed Angelus acting strangely?"

"He's always acting strange."

"I'm serious.  He seems so distant."

"It's probably just nerves.  The wedding is only six months away.  This is all new to him, that's all."

"Is William acting the same way?"

"No, I haven't noticed it anyway.  But I don't get to see him very often.  Trust me, Angelus will be fine as soon as soon as all the festivities are done."

Willow looked at her friend.  She wanted to believe that Angelus was just nervous, but in her gut she felt it was much more then that. Suddenly, a loud noise interrupted their thoughts.  Several riders attacked the guards and took the girls prisoner.  Only one soldier, who pretended to be dead, survived.  He was able to ride back to Ethan and inform the Laird about the abduction.  He hadn't gotten a clear look at the kidnappers,though.  Before Ethan could ask anymore questions, the young man died.

"Find William."

A servant scurried off to find the Laird's trusted knight.

"You sent for me?"

Ethan turned to the young man that he trusted more than anyone else.

"I have some bad news.  Willow and Amy have been abducted.  We have no idea who is responsible.  We'll have to ride and inform McKay and get his men to aid in the search.  Prepare our men to leave immediately."

William left to rally the men.  Kidnapped!  Who would abduct two young girls and why?  They will be found safe.  William had always had a soft spot in his heart for the bubbly young girl who was to be his wife in less then a year's time.  Now she was gone.  What would Angelus do when he found out?  Both his sister and his future bride were missing.

Meanwhile, the girls had been put into a dungeon.  It was damp and dark and they were both frightened.  What was happening?  Why would someone kidnap them?  But both were confident that William and Angelus would find them.  But would it be too late?

Ethan and his men rode up to the McKay keep just as Angelus was about to ask his father to break the betrothal.  William, Amy's betrothed, told McKay about the girls abduction.

"I will gather my men.  We must leave at first light.  Whoever is responsible for this will pay."

The men leave to get ready for the search.  William turned in time to see Angelus slip out.  {What is he up to?}

Angelus snuck off to see Buffy.  She would not understand that he wasn't able to break the contract.  He found her in their special place and told her about the abduction.  She didn't seem too surprised, but she was probably shocked.

"Now you won't have to put aside the betrothal.  The fate's have taken care of it for us."

"Just because I don't want to marry her, doesn't mean I want her dead. Besides, they also have my sister.  I must go with the army and get them back."

"If you bring her back, you'll be obligated to marry her.  Don't go, please.  William can take care of your sister."

"I am the McKay's son.  Don't you think I have a duty to fight with my father to retrieve my sister and the girl I am to marry?  I have no choice."

"But you don't love her.  You love me.  It's not your fight."

"William isn't in love with Amy either, but he's bound by the contract and his honor to do everything in his power to find her and get her back. And the same applies to me.  Love has nothing to do with this.  Please try to understand."

"But what happens when you bring her back?  Will you abandon me and go through with the marriage?"

"I don't know.  I can only deal with the issue at hand.  We must find them and bring them home.  The rest will have to wait until after that's done.  I'm sorry, but I must leave."

Buffy watched him leave.  {You are mine, Angelus.  When you can't find her, you'll be free to marry me.}

The combined armies embarked on the journey to find Amy and Willow.  But time after time they ran into walls.  Where could they be?

During the night, William and Angelus were sitting alone.  They were both exhausted.  It had been a month since the girls were taken.  Hope of finding them was dwindling.

"William, do you think we'll ever find them?"

"We can't give up hope."

A cry went up that someone had been caught at the edge of camp.  They went to investigate.  It was a little boy.

"Are you looking for those girls?"

"Yes, boy.  Have you seen them?" Ethan asked.

The boy looked nervously around.  He appeared frightened.  Then he nodded his head.

"Angelus, come here and try to talk to this boy."

As Angelus moved forward, the boy tried to run.  He was caught by William.

"What's the matter?  He won't hurt you." William asked.

"He's part of it."

"What are you talking about?  Part of what?" Ethan wanted to know.

The boy edged closer to William.

"The bad people who took the girls.  They did it for him.  I heard them talking about it."

Everyone looked to Angelus.

"I have no idea what he's talking about."

"Did you ever see this man with those who have the girls?" Ethan asked.

"No, just the woman who was bringing his orders to the bad men."

"Describe the woman." Giles demanded.

As the boy described the woman, Angelus got a feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach.  {Buffy!  But why?}

The boy told them about the conversations he'd overheard.  The bad men took the two girls under orders from Angelus, given to them by the woman. They were supposed to make sure the girls were never found.  That way Angelus would be free to marry the woman.

Giles turned to his son.  The look on Angelus' face proved that at least part of the story was true.

"It's true, isn't it?  You were trying to break the betrothal contract.

Who is the woman?"


"Did you know about this plan of hers?" Giles asked.

"Of course not.  I would never be a party to this.  But let me deal with her.  I'm the one she betrayed." Angelus said.

"Wrong.  She betrayed us all.  I'll send a man back with orders for her to be held until we return.  Then she'll answer for her crimes.  But right now we must locate the girls."

The boy led them to the castle.  Their soldiers engaged in a brief battle.  But when Angelus stepped forward to tell the men to drop their weapons, they did so.  The rebel soldiers are captured and questioned while Angelus and William headed to the dungeon.

"What are you going to do now?"

"About what?"

"Your father doesn't look lightly on treason and your peasant girl will be lucky to escape with her life.  Do you plan to interfere?"

Angelus thought about the question.  He had thought he was in love with Buffy, and that the feeling was mutual.  But Buffy had betrayed him and their love.  She had taken matters into her own hands when she'd ordered Willow and Amy taken.  He would not interfere with her punishment.

They arrived at the door to the dungeon, but were unable to see inside. As they unlocked the door, they looked to each other. As the door opened, a rush of cold air greeted them.  They walked in and found Willow and Amy lying on the floor.  Both were unconscious.  The men picked them up and carried them outside.  And together with the rebel soldiers, they went back to the McKay keep.

Everyone was gathered together waiting for news about the girls' condition.  The doctor had been with them a long time.  Upon arriving at the keep, Giles was notified that Buffy was being held in one of the old rooms with a guard.  Giles decided that she could wait until they knew that the girls were going to be okay.  The doctor showed up several moments later.

"How are they?"

"Those two young ladies are very lucky to be alive.  They were almost frozen, starved, and very frightened.  Physically they will both heal fine.  But emotionally, could take some time.  During their captivity, they were threatened with many things and those words will leave scars. They are going to need the love and support of everyone to try to put this ordeal behind them.  William, Amy has asked to see you."

William headed up to see Amy while the doctor asked to speak with Angelus.

"I think it would be a good idea for you to stay away from Willow, at least for a while."

"Why, what's wrong?" Angelus asked.

"It seems that there was a woman there who told her all kinds of things about you.  Personal things.  And Willow is very confused and frightened right now."

"Frightened of what?  Me?"

"Yes.  Apparently, the girls were told you were behind their abduction. Neither of them believed it or anything else they said until the woman came and put doubts into their heads.  Information that no one except those close to you would have known.  Give them time.  They've both been through an ordeal."

Angelus walked over to the fireplace.  Buffy had been able to convince both his sister and Willow that he had done this to them.  How could they believe this of him?

"Feeling sorry for yourself?"

"Shut up, William."

"You have no one to blame for this but yourself.  Think about the way you had been acting.  Both girls noticed you weren't yourself.  You were distracted and distant.  Buffy used that as proof that you knew about this from the beginning."

"How's Amy?"

"Quiet.  It's like something was broken.  She's not the bubbly, lively girl she was before this happened.  She wanted to know if I wanted to break our engagement too.  It's going to take a long time for her to heal, if she ever does.  But I told her I planned to be there every step of the way.  And before you ask, she is also afraid of you."

"Do you love my sister?"

"I've always liked your sister and thought that the marriage would be a good match.  After she was taken, I began to realize my feelings were deeper then I thought.  Yes, I'm in love with Amy."

Giles summoned his son to his side.  It is time for them to deal with Buffy.

Upstairs they opened the door and Buffy rushed to Angelus.  But he just stood there, and didn't return her embrace.

"Angelus, what's happening?  Why was I brought here?"

"Save the innocent act.  My son and I both know you were behind the abduction of Amy and Willow."

"Angelus, you can't believe these ugly rumors.  I had nothing to do with this.  Say you believe me."

Buffy looked at Angelus.  The expression on his face was fury.  She had never seen him so angry.  And still he refused to speak to her.  That hurt worse then anything.  She reached for him and flinched when he hit her hand away.

"You were very clever.  Even managed to get the girls to believe he was involved.  You almost killed them just so you could get Angelus to marry you.  The charge against you is treason and attempted murder.  For these crimes you are sentenced to death."

"NO!!!!Angelus, you have to do something."

"My son has nothing to say about this.  You will be made to pay for your crimes."

Giles left the room.  Angelus took one look at Buffy and turned to follow his father.  Buffy grabbed his arm.

"Angelus, you must save me.  I did it for us.  With Willow out of the way we could be together.  We love each other.  Please!"

Angelus removed her arm and pushed her away.  How could he have been so wrong about someone?

"You betrayed my love.  There is no excuse for what you did.  You hurt two innocent girls just so you could get your own way. But your plan failed because we found them alive.  And something else you should know, I still plan to marry Willow."

"She won't marry you.  I made sure of that.  She hates you for being with me and she's afraid of you because she believes you did this to her." Buffy said spitefully.

"I will convince her of my innocence.  She loves me, and will believe me."

"But she knows you don't love her.  I'll also be in the picture."

"Wrong.  You see, your plan did something I'm sure you never intended. During the time Willow was missing, I began to rethink my feelings.  And it came to me.  I realized that I loved her and may never have the chance to tell her.  But now I can.  It may take some time but she will be my wife and the mother of my children.  Thank you for that."

Angelus left Buffy sobbing in the room and headed to Willow's room.   He must tell her the truth.

Willow glanced at him as he entered the room.  He could see the fear and the hurt in her eyes.

"Willow, please.  I'm not going to hurt you.  Please let me tell you the truth about what happened.  Then I'll leave you alone."

Angelus stood by the window and related the whole story to Willow.  When he finished, he looked at the young woman who had suffered so much because of him.

"I believe you,"came the soft reply.

Angelus gave her a small smile and left the room.

  2 years later

Things had settled into a comfortable existence for everyone. After Buffy was executed for her crimes, the healing process began.

William and Amy were married on schedule.  Although she was never was quite the same, with William's love and support she was able to move on and put the incident behind her.  And their son brought joy back to their lives.  She also learned to trust her brother again.

Willow also grew stronger and was able to deal with everything that happened.  It took her longer to forgive Angelus and learn to trust him. But eventually, her love for him and his newfound love for her, were able to overcome the lingering effects of a lover's betrayal.

Both couples learned much about themselves and each other, and what's important in life. Love was able to conquer their doubts and make their relationships stronger.

Ethan and Giles became friends as well as allies.  They continued to strive for peace for their clans and for their countries.

