Questionable Magic

Author: Dayna


Summary: What if the 'uninvite' spell didn't work.

Distribution: TPWFLD, Angel of Mine; otherwise please ask.

Disclaimer: Characters don't belong to me. They belong to Joss Whedon and
Mutant Enemy. No copyright infringement intended.

Rating: NC-17/PWP---If not legally considered an adult, DO NOT READ!!

Dedication: This one's dedicated to Beth, Peridot, Carrie, Renee, Kim, A.J, and the other wild and crazy gals in the Willandis chat room who said we needed more Angel/Willow smut. Here's my contribution.


The man stood in the shadows watching Willow's house. He knew he could just walk in and get on with it, but that would ruin the fun. He wanted to make sure his visit was a surprise. Half an hour later, he watched Willow leave. With an evil smile on his face, the man made his way to Willow's room. Picking the lock wasn't a challenge and he entered the room. Letting his gaze roam over the room, he took in the layout. Then he figured he'd take a look around the rest of the house, just to make sure there would be no unexpected distractions.

After making sure the house was empty, the man went back to Willow's room to wait. Lying back on her bed, he began thinking of how much the young woman had changed. She had always been cute, but had grown into a beautiful young woman. In a few more years, her beauty would outshine the slayer and the cheerleader. But, he had waited long enough......tonight he would make her his.

Willow returned from the Bronze early. The night had been a total flop. Xander and Cordelia had been hanging all over each other all night, and Buffy had been in a foul move. Willow had finally made up an excuse to leave, and decided she could better spend the night surfing the net, maybe check up on the chat room.

After making sure all the doors were locked, Willow went up to her room and closed the door. She walked over and flipped on her computer, then decided to change clothes. As she changed into sweat pants and t-shirt, she was unaware of the figure lurking in her closet....closely watching every move she made.

The man watched Willow intently. Her body was even more perfect then he could've imagined. He had to control the urge to grab her right then. His need was growing by the second. He watched as Willow left the room, and then heard water running in the bathroom. Thoughts of her body beneath his hands was too much.

The man moved silently out of the closet, making his way to the bathroom. He stood just outside the door, watching as Willow brushed her hair. She hadn't heard his approach, and he took a moment to watch her move. Then, before she could turn around, the man wrapped an arm securely around her waist, while his other hand covered her mouth. Willow began struggling with her captor, but all it accomplished was getting him even more turned on. She felt even better in his arms then he thought possible. Slowly, he dropped his mouth to her neck, licking up to her ear. The arm on her stomach moved so that his hand was pressing her tightly against him. He let his hand drop from her mouth to her neck.

Willow had never been so afraid in her life. She was alone in her own home, and this man had her at his mercy. His grip on her was tight, but also possessive. When he removed his hand from her mouth, she was too afraid to scream.

"Wh....wh....what do you want?" Willow asked shakily.

She heard the man laugh, and his hand moved from her stomach up to her breasts. He fondled one then the other, before moving back to her stomach.

"What do you think I want, Willow?"

Willow renewed her fight when she heard him confirm what she had already suspected. It took a moment for her frightened mind to registered that the man's voice had been familiar.

"Who are you?" Willow asked.

"I think you already know the answer to that, my sweet."

Willow's mind began screaming with denial. {No, no, can't be. There's no way it can be him.}

The man spun her around, pinning her arms behind her back, and trapping her between the bathroom sink and himself. Willow refused to look up at his face. If she didn't see him, it couldn't be real.

"Look at me, Willow."

Willow shook her head, trying frantically to free her hands. Keeping her hands pinned, he used his free hand to grab her chin, forcing her to look at him.

"Hello, sweet. I'm back."

Willow's eyed widened at the sight of Angelus. Dressed in black leather pants and black shirt, he looked gorgeous.....and very dangerous.

"This can't be happening. The revoked your invitation. You can't be here!"

Angelus laughed a cold, evil laugh. His hand moved from her chin to caress her cheek.

"Such a naive fool. That fool librarian should have told you to stay away from magic. Unless you're a master at it, no spell is foolproof. Guess you just got unlucky."

Willow was trapped in her worst nightmare. There was no way she could escape him, and she knew she wouldn't be able to reason with him. But, any other thought she might of had disappeared in a haze when Angelus leaned forward to capture her lips in a kiss that rocked her to her soul.

End Part 1

Willow found herself surrendering to Angelus' assault. She gave in to his demand that she open her mouth to him, and responded to his tongue's invasion. The very evident state of his arousal was pressed firmly against her stomach.

"I knew you had a passionate nature, Willow. You would be wasted on those fools Oz and Xander. They wouldn't know how to treat you."

Wanting both his hands free, Angelus removed his belt, and tied her hands behind her back. As she felt her arms being bound, Willow's fear pressed to the front again. Angelus had her, and she was helpless to do anything to stop him. {Do I really want to stop him?} Willow pushed that thought out of her mind. She didn't want this.....she didn't want him.

After making sure her arms were secure, Angelus dropped his hands to Willow's ass, pushing her tightly against his bulging erection. Her gasp of surprise was music to his ears. Slowly rubbing his hands against her, he pressed his mouth to her neck.

"Do you have any idea how long I've waited for this? How long I've dreamed about having you?"

Willow could only shake her head. Sensations she had never experienced before threatened to overcome her. But, the part of her that was still insecure, couldn't believe his whispered words.

"But you had Buffy."

"Angel had her, and as far as I'm concerned, he was welcomed to her. She didn't have the passion that I've seen in you. And I swore that your passion would belong to me, and to me only."

Lifting her so that she sat perched on the bathroom counter, Angelus moved between her legs. His hands began caressing her legs, up to her thighs, but avoided going any further. He wanted this to last. As his hands took possession of her body, Willow sat staring at him. Disbelief, fear, and yes, desire were evident on her face. Angelus gave her a sexy grin, before moving one hand up to her face.

"You don't have to fear me Willow. I plan to make sure you enjoy everything I'm going to do to you."

"Why can't you just let me go?" Willow whimpered.

Angelus sadly shook his head. Grabbing her by the back of the neck, he pulled her face to him.

"Because you're mine. You'll never be free of me."

With that said, Angelus claimed her lips in a fierce kiss. Punishing her lips for the words they had spoken.

Willow couldn't explain what was going on. She should've been fighting Angelus, but instead she was eagerly accepting everything he did. Her mind told her that wanting him was wrong, but her body wasn't listening.

Angelus moved his hands up under her sweatshirt. The feel of his cold hands on her warm body felt like heaven. She unknowingly leaned forward, pressing against his hands. They moved to her breasts, and impatiently ripped the bra away. Capturing her breasts in his hands, Angelus kneaded and teased her sensitive nipples. He looked up into her face, and saw the conflicting emotions. But the desire he saw there was obvious, and he knew she wanted this as much as he did.

Removing his hands, Angelus reached behind to untie her hands. His belt joined the remnants of her bra on the floor. Bringing her arms to the front, he rubbed the circulation back into her hands. Willow's eyes never left Angelus'.

As soon as her arms were free, Willow moved them to Angelus' chest, and began slowly unbuttoning his shirt. It soon joined the growing pile on the floor. Hesitantly, Willow rubbed her hands over his chest, amazed at the soft skin and hard muscle under her fingers.

Angelus loved the feel of her hands, her feather-like strokes were torture. He reached up and pulled off her sweatshirt, appreciatively eyeing her breasts. His mouth moved to take first one, then the other into his mouth, while Willow's hands were stroking his back and shoulders.

Angelus pulled Willow off the counter, and tightly against his body. The feel of skin against skin made Willow's knees buckle, and she leaned into Angelus for support. His arms wrapped around her small body, so that no space could be found between them. Willow grew bolder and rubbed her leg seductively against Angelus.

"Witch." Angelus mumbled before capturing her mouth in another passionate kiss. Swinging her up into his arms, Angelus carried her into the bedroom. Setting her down, he faced her away from him, then pulled her back against his body. Willow's head fell back against his shoulder, and his hands moved to cup her breasts.

"You see, you can't fight this anymore then I can. Together we will take each other to new heights of pleasure."

Willow moved her hands behind her to run them along his thighs. "I know this is wrong, Angelus. You're my enemy, but right now I don't care. I want you."

Angelus kissed her slender neck, while slowly moving his hand down her body. He slipped it under the waistband of her sweats, and teased the curls. He could feel the shudders run through Willow's body.

"Is this what you want, sweet?"


Angelus smirked then lowered his hand even further, till he finally slipped one finger into her. Willow bucked against his hand, wanting more.

"This is about to get even better, sweet."

Willow nearly cried out as he replaced the one finger with two, then three. She knew her wanton behavior would haunt her in the morning, but she wouldn't think about that. Angelus' talented fingers were too much for her to resist.

End Part 2


Willow yelled as his fingers teased her most private spot. {Him and his damn games!}

Angelus removed his hand and turned Willow to face him. They stared into each other's eyes for several moments. Willow gave Angelus a small smile, then moved her hands to his pants. Slowly, teasing him as he had done, she undid his pants. Her hands slipped under the waistband, rubbing lightly against his hips. She heard him growl, and smiled. Willow moved her hands around his waist till she reached his back, then dipped them into the leather.....firmly gripping his ass in her hands.

Angelus was exercising all his control not to just grab her hands and yank off his pants. Her teasing was pushing him to the edge. He was the one who was supposed to be in charge....not this shy virgin. But, he found himself holding still, enjoying her explorations.

Willow moved her hands back to his hips, and began slowly pushing his pants down. They were so tight, they were like a second skin. Once she had them pulled down to his ankles, Willow kneeled down in front of him. She had seen his face, and was enjoying turning the tables on him. If she was going to burn in hell for her actions, she was going to have some fun first. Willow looked up at Angelus, capturing his gaze. Then, never breaking eye contact, she leaned forward, placing small kisses on his erection. She smiled as he closed his eyes, dropping his hands to his sides.

Angelus couldn't contain the moan that escaped his lips as Willow took him into her mouth. He couldn't believe that this was the same girl that he had held, terrified, in the bathroom. This Willow was everything he had dreamed of. Not able to take much more, Angelus yanked Willow up against him. His lips captured hers, as she pushed him backwards onto the bed.

He watched as she pulled away from him to remove his boots and pants. Once the cumbersome clothing was removed, Angelus stretched out on her bed, watching to see what she would do next. Willow pushed her sweatpants down her slender legs, followed by her panties. Once she was as naked as Angelus, she crawled onto the bed, lying next to him.

Angelus reached over and pulled her beneath him. Using his knee to spread her thighs, he knelt between her legs. Willow laid passively on the bed, unsure of what to do. Her attempt at seduction had played out, and she wasn't sure about what would happen next. Angelus sat back on his heels, absently running his hands the length of her legs. He watched her lying there, waiting for him to make the next move. Angelus knew at that point, he was the one back in control.

Angelus moved his hands to her hips, lifting her slightly. Then lowered his head to her, and began kissing and licking at her core. He began thrusting his tongue in and out, delighting in Willow's moans.

Willow saw Angelus drop his head between her legs, and nearly leapt off the bed when she felt his mouth on her. Only his hold on her thighs kept her in place. Gripping the sheets in her fists, Willow thrashed wildly on the bed. And she cried out when she felt herself shatter into a million pieces. It seemed like an eternity until she realized that Angelus had moved back up her body. Her knees were pressed up, and he was situated between them. She looked at him with lust filled eyes.

"What are you doing to me?"

Angelus leaned down and gently kissed her forehead.

"Whatever I want to do, sweet. Remember that."

Angelus reached for hands, disentangling them from the sheets. Lacing his fingers through hers, Angelus brought them up to her head, pinning them there. Looking down into her face, Angelus smiled.

"No turning back now. You'll be mine forever."

Willow looked at him, not understanding his statement. Suddenly, she felt him thrust into her. Willow screamed out as she felt herself being ripped in half. She squeezed her eyes closed, and felt the tears run down her face. She barely heard the comforting sounds Angelus whispered in her ear.

"The pain will pass, then I'll show you the pleasure."

Willow turned her head away from him, believing this was the punishment for her actions. But, as she felt Angelus begin to move within her, the pain lessened. Her body betrayed her again, and began joining in the motions. She turned her face back to Angelus and saw him watching her intently. He captured her lips.


Willow found herself relaxing, and Angelus increased his rhythm. Willow wrapped her legs around Angelus' hips, and raised herself to meet his thrusts. Her hands gripped his hair, pulling him to her breast. The newsensations were overwhelming for Willow, and she yelled at her release. Angelus soon followed, dropping his head to her shoulder.

Angelus propped his weight up on his arms, still covering Willow. He leaned down and licked away the trail of tears on her cheeks. With his hands on either side of her head, Angelus smiled down at the red-head. Her hands moved to his face.

Willow looked into the eyes of her lover. {My lover....that sounds nice.} Her first time had been an experience she would never forget. Angelus was an extremely talented lover, and had taken her places she'd never known before. She pulled his face to hers and kissed him gently on the mouth.

Angelus left the bed, and covered the french doors. It was nearly dawn, and he wouldn't make it home before the sun came up. Crawling back into the bed, Angelus turned Willow to her side, and stretched out behind her. Covering them with the sheets, he pulled her securely against him. He was surprised when she reached for his hand, and held it tightly in her own. He moved his other hand to stroke her hair.

"Sleep, my sweet."

Willow felt Angelus press his lips against her neck, and rest his head against her own. She held tightly to his hand, then pulled it to her face. Sleep wouldn't release her from the guilt she was feeling.

End Part 3

The lovers slept the day away, both exhausted from the previous night's activities. Willow woke shortly after dusk, a bit disoriented. It took her a moment to realize she wasn't alone. She was practically sleeping on top of a very muscular, male body. His arms were draped loosely over her shoulder. It didn't take very long for Willow to remember what had happened.

As quietly as she could, Willow disengaged from Angelus' embrace. Grabbing a nightshirt, she walked into the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror, knowing she wasn't the same girl she had been the last time she stood there. Willow dropped to the edge of the tub and began crying. {How did everything get so messed up?}

Willow was feeling guilty, but strangely, it wasn't because of what she had done....or who she had done it with. She felt guilty for not regretting what had happened. Her mind tried to point out all the reasons she should be ashamed of what happened. {Buffy loved him, or at least did when he had his soul....he was a demon....he'd killed Ms.Calandar...he had tried to drive Buffy crazy....he was evil.} But, she couldn't forget the things he'd made her feel.

Angelus woke up alone. A look around the room told him that Willow wasn't there. Pulling his pants on, he left the room. He heard the sound of crying coming from the bathroom. Walking to the door, he saw Willow sitting with her head in her hands. A rage began building in him that she was disgusted by what had happened between them. He figured that was the only reason there could be for her tears. Angelus walked over and grabbed Willow by the shoulders, shaking her.

"Crying won't make last night go away." Angelus yelled.

"I don't want it to go away." Willow whispered.

Angelus looked at her, confused. Willow wrapped her arms around his waist, and buried her face in his shoulder. Surprised by her reaction, Angelus rested his hands on her back.

"Then why were you crying?"

"Because I should regret it. I should curse you, and wish you dead. But I don't. Last night meant too much to me."

That hadn't been the response Angelus was expecting. He had figured he'd have to use force to keep her with him, which he was prepared to do. Angelus always got what he wanted....and he wanted Willow.

"You don't have to regret anything. We did what we both wanted to do.

And we'll do it again whenever we want to."

"But, what about Buffy? and Xander? and the others?"

"I don't give a damn about them. You are the only one that matters to me. I won't let them come between us, do you understand that?"

Willow nodded, and held tightly to her lover. Angelus picked her up, and carried her back to the bed. Once he had her securely in his arms again, Angelus let his hands roam over her body.

"They accept this or they don't, I really couldn't care less. But, if they care about you, they'll keep their noses out of our business. I'm willing to make certain....shall we say, comprimises, but they have to be willing to do the same. Now, I don't want to talk about them anymore."

"But, what about........."

"Now's not the time for talk, we'll discuss it later."

Angelus pulled Willow under him. Spreading her thighs, he entered her quickly. Willow's response was instantaneous. They made love well into the night, neither thinking about the repercussions of their new relationship.

Before drifting off to sleep, Angelus tilted Willow's head to look at him.

"I've claimed you, Willow. For now.....for ever. I won't hesitate to kill anyone who tries to take you away from me. Remember that."

Long after Angelus fell asleep, Willow lay in his arms. She knew that Buffy and the others wouldn't approve of this, but what could she do? Angelus meant what he said about killing to keep her, and she didn't want to see her friends hurt. {Damn magic spells. Why didn't Giles tell me that the magic's results would be questionable? Didn't he realize that there was a chance the spell to uninvite might not work?} What ifs didn't help matters now, what had happened couldn't be changed.

Willow finally drifted off to sleep, wrapped in her enemy/lover's arms. Her life had been changed forever, and was spinning out of her control.

The End

read the sequal 'Zero Tolerance'
