Reluctant Vengeance

Author: Dayna


Distribution: TPWFLD; Angel of Mine; otherwise please ask.

Rating: R; violence, swearing, etc

Disclaimer: Characters don't belong to me. They belong to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. No copyright infringement intended.


Willow sat at the bar of the Bronze. She was waiting for someone to show up, and she wished he'd hurry up. The sooner she got out of there the better, since she didn't really feel like facing Buffy or Xander. As she turned she saw the man enter, and approach the bar. Willow had seen him several times before, and knew he was one she could approach.

Willow waited till the bartender moved away, then turned to stare at the man seated next to her. Finally realizing that he was being watched, the man turned.

"You got a problem?"

Willow shook her head.

"Then quit staring at me."

"Do you want to live?" Willow asked.

The man looked at Willow strangely. She was still staring at him, and it was making him nervous.

"Excuse me?"

"It's a simple question." Willow replied.

The man decided there was something strange about the girl, and turned to leave. Willow's next words stopped him.

"Leave now, and you're dust."

Jason was new to town, having only arrived a few days earlier, and had never seen this girl before. But it was obvious she knew what he was. Jason moved next to Willow and whispered in her ear.

"Are you going to stake me yourself?"

"No, she will." Willow said, then pointed to Buffy, who had just entered the Bronze.

Jason turned to see the blonde move to a corner booth. He knew that she was the Slayer, since he'd had a run-in with her earlier. And the redhead obviously knew that too. Who was this kid? Jason turned his attention back to Willow.

"What do you want?"

Willow turned to see Buffy and Xander head to the dance floor. She was relieved that neither of them had seen her. Willow kept her eyes on her friends, as she spoke to Jason.

"I just want you to deliver this letter to someone for me."

Willow pulled out the envelope, and held it out to the vampire. When he didn't take it right away, she turned to look at him.

"Deliver it to who?" Jason asked.


Jason knew Angelus, he'd had to report to the older vampire when he'd come to town. And Jason had decided he'd make sure never to get on his bad side.

"How do you know Angelus?" Jason asked. For such an innocent looking human, this kid seemed to know alot about the dark side of life.

"Doesn't matter how I know him. Just give him that note."

Willow took a final look at Buffy and Xander, then left the Bronze. Jason watched Willow walk out, and then glanced down at the letter. He was tempted to read it, but decided against it. Pissing off Angelus wasn't on the top of his to-do list.

A couple hours later, Jason was getting ready to leave the Bronze when he saw Angelus enter. Jason stood and walked over to him.

"What do you want?" Angelus asked.

"I was supposed to give this to you." Jason said.

Angelus took the envelope, "What is it?"

"I don't know. Some redheaded kid told me to give it to you."

Jason waited till Angelus had opened the letter, then decided to leave. The less time he spent with Angelus, the better.

Angelus didn't notice when Jason left. Reading the letter made him curious. It was from Willow, asking him to come to her room tonight. She had a proposition for him. He had no idea what the hacker had in mind, but he was interested enough to find out. Angelus pocketed the letter, then headed to Willow's.

Willow stood in front of the mirror. She didn't recognize the person staring back at her. The bruises had faded, but not the memories, or the nightmares,...........or the scars.

A part of her that still had feeling couldn't believe what she was about to do. Willow was about to make a deal with the devil, and why? For hurt the person who had betrayed her trust, and destroyed so much more. The part of her that told her what she was doing was wrong, had become weaker.....all but destroyed by a person she'd cared about for a long time. It was a part that would remain silent from now on. Because the only thing keeping her sane was the desire for revenge. Once she had that, she could let go.

Angelus took a quick look around, before knocking on her door. He was amused when Willow opened the door, being sure to stay out of his grasp. He noticed that there was something different about Willow, but couldn't put his finger on it.

"Well, here I am, curiousity got the better of me. What did you want?"

Willow stared at Angelus.....not at his face, but at his hands. She knew that once she spoke the words, there'd be no turning back.

"Either say something, or......" Angelus began.

"I want you to kill someone." Willow said softly.

"What!?" Angelus shouted. He couldn't have heard her correctly.

Willow took a deep breath, and leaned her head against the door.

"Wanna run that one by me again?" Angelus asked.

Willow stood straight, and looked straight at Angelus. "I want you to kill somebody.......after you've made them suffer." Willow said.

Angelus moved closer to the door, until he was stopped by the invisible barrier. Looking into her face, he finally realized what was different about was her eyes.

End Part 1

Angelus looked at the girl standing in front of him. Something had obviously happened to her, and it had changed her. Angelus leaned against the doorframe, and crossed his arms.

"That's your proposition? Why would I kill someone for you?"

"Because after you kill that person, you can kill me." Willow said calmly.

Angelus' mouth nearly dropped open. "I can kill you anytime I want."

"Really? I'm protected all the time, how would you get to me?" Willow asked.

Angelus didn't answer, he knew she was right. He hadn't been able to catch her alone yet, and the chances weren't good that he would in the future either.

"And what if I decided to do more then just kill you?"

Willow looked at him and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't care. As long as you hold up your end of the deal, it doesn't matter what you do to me."

Angelus watched Willow's expression and knew she meant what she said. He was definately intrigued by her offer.

"So, who would I have to kill?"

Willow walked to her desk, then back to Angelus. She threw a photo at him. Angelus caught it easily. It was someone he didn't know, but he had see the man around before.

"Who is this?"

"His name is Craig James. He's a college friend of my father's, and he just moved to Sunnydale."

"Then why do you want him dead?"

"That doesn't matter." Willow said.

"It does if you want me to help you. I like knowing why I'm doing something."

Willow turned away from Angelus and wrapped her arms around her waist. "You're a smart man, Angelus.....why don't you figure it out."

It took Angelus only a moment to realize what Willow was getting at. "He raped you, huh? And you want him to suffer the same fate?"

"I've known that man since I was a child. I adored him.....I trusted him. He abused that trust, and hurt me. He's a sadistic monster, and I want him to suffer. Not just because he r...r...forced himself on me, but because he took pleasure in hurting me physically.....emotionally."

"Why don't you just act like it never happened? Don't give him the satisfaction of knowing how much he hurt you?"

Willow spun around, her face red with anger. "I can't do that! He's destroyed my life, and I'll have the scars to remind me of him every day of my life!"

"Everyone has emotional scars."

"I'm not just talking about the emotional damage....." Willow turned and pulled off her shirt.

Angelus stared in shock at the red criss-cross marks on Willow's back. He instantly recognized the whip marks. He'd felt the sting of a whip more then once.

"Those scars will never disappear. I also have them on my chest and my legs. He made damn sure he marked me. He took what he wanted, then made sure that no one else would want me." Willow yelled.

Angelus didn't say anything. He just stood and stared at Willow's back.

Willow pulled her shirt on and faced Angelus. "Just forget it. You two obviously have a lot in common, and you'd probably love to hear all the sordid details. I don't know why I thought you'd do this. Just leave."

Willow dropped to the edge of the bed. She leaned her head into her hands.

"I'll do it."

Willow didn't look up. "You will?"

"Yeah, why not? It'll be fun to see how much it takes to break him. But, I want you there when I do this."

Willow nodded, she had expected that. And she knew that she wanted to be see Craig being the victim.

"Where is he now?" Angelus asked.

"At his apartment, I suppose. But, my parents are going to be gone tomorrow. He'll probably show up here."

"Haven't you told them what he did?"

Willow looked up then, and Angelus saw the tears she'd been hiding. "Yeah, I told them. They didn't believe me. No one believed me."

The way she said no one, made Angelus think about her friends. "What about Buffy, and those other cretains you hang out with?"

"No one believed me. They all believed him. I supposedly seduced him, and wanted rough sex. The only thing he did wrong was allow himself to be seduced."

Angelus laughed out loud. Willow a seductress with a desire for rough sex? {Right, and I qualify for Pope.} How could anyone believe that bullshit?

"You've got to be kidding. They actually believed that crap?"

Willow nodded. "Craig's a very well-respected man. Xander's known him his whole life, too. It was easy for Craig to convince him I had developed an obsession, or something which caused me to act out my secret fantasies. And living on the Hellmouth, we've seen weirder things happen. So, they thought I lied to cover up my embarrasment. That's why I came to you. My life is over.....he destroyed it. But before I go, I want him to pay."

Angelus could think of all kinds of ways to make the man pay. "As soon as the sun sets tomorrow, I'll come here. I'll wait till I know he's here, then I'll come to the door. Just invite me in, and I'll take care of him."

"You're not going to kill him here, are you?" Willow asked.

"No, we'll take him back to the mansion. It'll be private, and no one will hear his screams."

"Good." Willow whispered.

Angelus left, and Willow crawled on the bed. Curled up in the fetal position, Willow tried to keep the nightmares away. Everything would be over after tomorrow night.

End Part 2

Willow sat curled up in the chair, staring at the clock. The sun had set half an hour ago, so she knew Angelus was waiting outside. She figured Craig would be arriving soon. He'd made it clear that he planned to continue what he'd started. Willow heard the door in the kitchen being opened, and hoped Angelus had seen Craig go around the house.

Willow ignored the sound of the footsteps, but jumped out of the chair when she felt hands on her shoulders. Her flesh crawled at the thought of him touching her again.

"Kind of jumpy tonight, sweetie. Guess you need Uncle Craig to relax you."

"Leave now or you'll regret it." Willow threatened.

Craig laughed as he sat down on the couch. Willow knew he wouldn't leave, but she'd given him the option. She backed up, putting the chair between her and Craig.

"Oh, Willow, you can't get rid of me that easily. You're mine, baby."

Willow didn't know what to do next. She watched wearily as Craig stood, unbuttoning his shirt.

"I think it's time we take this upstairs."

He began approaching Willow, who stood frozen, her hands gripping the back of the chair. Suddenly, the front door was kicked open, causing both people to jump. Craig turned in stunned silence, while Willow allowed herself to relax.

Standing in the doorway was Angelus. He looked furious, and gorgeous, standing in his leather pants and long leather jacket. Willow smiled slightly as she saw Craig back up.

"Problems, Willow?" Angelus asked.

Willow finally found her voice and invited Angelus in. She noticed that Craig gave Angelus plenty of distance. Angelus walked over to stand beside Willow. His eyes, however, never left Craig.

"Having a party without me?"

"This is my 'Uncle' Craig. You remember me telling you about him, don't you?" Willow said.

Angelus made a show of looking Craig up and down. "Oh, yeah, I remember. He's the one who likes to hurt little girls."

Craig's face turned red and he glared at Willow. "Telling more lies, Willow. Look, I don't know what she told you, but she was lying."

Angelus shook his head, then crossed his arms. "Willow doesn't lie."

Craig was about to tell the stranger the same story he'd told everyone else, but then decided against it.

"I don't have to explain anything to you, you young punk. I think you better get out of here right now." Craig said.

"Really, or what? You going to call the cops?" Angelus taunted.

Craig made a production of standing straighter, and putting his hands on his hips. "Nope. If you don't leave, I'll have to teach you a lesson. Teach you to show your elders some respect."

Angelus laughed, then walked toward Craig. Stopping directly in front of him, Angelus stood with his arms held out to his sides. "So, teach me. But fair warning, you only get one shot."

"Why you little shit....." Craig said then punched Angelus in the face, knocking his head back.

Craig's grin was replaced by fear when Angelus glared back at him, with a smirk on his face. Grabbing him by the neck, Angelus slammed Craig against the wall.

"That was your best shot? Pity it wasn't good enough." Angelus said.

Squeezing his neck, Angelus waited till Craig's body went limp, then threw him over his shoulder. He turned to Willow, and she walked over to him.

"Is he dead?"

"No, just unconcious. Don't worry, this is the last peaceful moment he'll have. Are you ready to go?"


Willow followed Angelus out of the house. Turning to close the door, Willow took a final look at her home. She knew it was the last time she'd ever see it. Willow closed the door, and walked away.

End Part 3

Willow watched as Angelus tied Craig up. The man's arms were held above his head by chains, and his feet had been shackled to the floor. Angelus had removed Craig's shirt, but left the rest of his clothes on. Willow was sitting on a table in the middle of the room, facing Craig. The rest of the table top was covered with various 'toys'. She wasn't sure what most of them did, but she had a feeling she'd find out.

Angelus had removed his jacket, and opened his shirt, rolling the sleeves up. After securing the restraints, he'd gone to stand next to Willow.

"Does this meet with your approval so far?"

Willow nodded.

"Good. Once he wakes up, he'll be in for a hell of a time. I've learned alot about pain over the years, and I know how to make the suffering last, but I need your help too."

"What do you mean?"

"He thinks he's claimed you, that no other man would want you. And he figures he's hurt you enough that you wouldn't want another man. We're going to show him he's wrong on both counts. All you have to do is follow my leads."

"Fine." Willow said.

As soon as Craig started to come to, Angelus moved to stand in front of Willow. Spreading her legs apart, Angelus leaned back against her. Grabbing her arms, he dropped them onto his chest. Willow immediately realized what he was doing, and pressed herself against his back. Her heart was racing, but the time had come for vengeance.

"Glad to see you're awake." Angelus said.

Craig lifted his head toward the voice. He looked in confusion at the man who'd attacked him, and his closeness to Willow. It wasn't until he tried to move, that he realized he was chained.

"What the hell is this? Let me go!" Craig yelled.

Angelus ran his hands slowly up and down Willow's legs, and shook his head. "I don't think so. Actually, I'll let you in on a little secret. You're never leaving this place........not alive anyway."

"You can't keep me here, and you certainly aren't going to kill me. I'm not an idiot." Craig said.

"Let's see.....I can, I will, and you are." Angelus answered.

"You're going to pay for what you did to me. And my friend doesn't play nice." Willow said, trying not to panic at the feelings she was experiencing. And Angelus' closeness wasn't helping matters.

"Shut up bitch! You've caused enough trouble." Craig yelled.

Angelus walked over and backhanded Craig. His head snapped back from the force of the blow.

"You better learn some matters, or *I'll* have to show you how to respect your elders."

Craig spit at Angelus, "Do you think I'm afraid of some punk-ass kid?"

"Willow, did you fail to inform your 'uncle' about the unsavory characters in Sunnydale?" Angelus asked.

"He never gave me a chance."

Angelus walked behind Craig, running his fingertips up and down his back. Craig struggled, but couldn't get away from Angelus.

"Tsk,'d have a fighting chance if I was what you thought I am.....but I'm not. I'm actually quite a bit older then you, so that makes you the punk." Angelus stated.

"You're crazy." Craig said.

"He's not crazy......he's a vampire. And an extremely cruel one at that." Willow informed her 'uncle'.

Craig shook his head, "And if you believe that you're as crazy as he is. No wonder everyone found it so easy to believe me."

Tears came to Willow's eyes at the reminder, at the same time tears of pain came to Craig's eyes. Angelus had given him several punches in the back. Stepping around him, Angelus grabbed Craig by the hair. Once he was sure the man was watching him, Angelus slipped into his 'game' face.
Craig's face went white.

"Believe us now?" Angelus asked.

"Christ! This isn't happening! Vampires aren't real!" Craig yelled in denial.

Angelus brought his knee up and made contact with Craig's groin. "Sure we are.....that felt pretty damn real, didn't it?"

Craig began fighting his restraints, trying to put distance between himself and the vampire. The look of amusement on Angelus' face scared the shit out of him. Craig watched as the vampire walked over to the table, and resumed his spot against Willow.

"You see, you will die. That was decided the moment you touched Willow. But, your death will be slow......and very painful. I will make the pain you feel ten times worse then the pain you inflicted on Willow." Angelus said, then turned to pick up something from the table.

Craig watched in horror as Angelus kissed Willow passionately, then started walking towards him, holding something behind his back. Craig was furious at seeing someone else touching Willow, but his fear overrode his anger.

"The little bitch wanted me! She's always wanted me!" Craig yelled.

"Poor choice for last words." Angelus said as he withdrew the wicked looking knife.

Craig's pain began. Willow watched in stunned fascination as Angelus tortured her rapist. Craig's screams of pain mixed with memories of her own, in her mind. She wouldn't remember how long the torture lasted, or how much pain Craig had endured. Although her eyes were watching his death, her mind was seeing her rape. Willow had already begun shutting herself off from the real world.

End Part 4

After disposing of the body, Angelus returned to the room, and found Willow still sitting on the table. She hadn't moved or said a word since the torture had begun. After putting away his 'toys', Angelus jumped up on the table next to her.

"It's done. How do you feel?" Angelus asked.

"Numb." Willow whispered softly.

"I hope you're not having second thoughts. It's a little late if you are."

"No. It happened the way it had to. Now you can finish it." Willow said calmly.

"You mean kill you?"

Willow shrugged, "Or whatever it was you'd decided to do. It doesn't matter anymore."

Angelus turned to look at the girl. She had once been so full of life, so innocent. Now she was broken, destroyed by someone she'd trusted. He'd been surprised when she hadn't turned away while he'd been torturing the man who'd hurt her. Although he suspected that her mind was seeing something else.

Angelus reached out and pushed her hair away from her neck. "What if I decide to change you?"

Again Willow shrugged her shoulders. "I can't stop you."

Angelus hadn't thought about changing her before. But now that he thought about it, the better the idea sounded. She wasn't crazy, so she wouldn't be a pain like Dru. And she'd have a grudge against the Slayer. Changing Willow would hurt the Slayer. Angelus smirked, then hopped off the table.

Willow raised her eyes as she felt Angelus move. She watched him stand in front of her, putting his hands on her thighs. Looking into his eyes, Willow knew what he planned. And she didn't care.

Angelus pulled Willow against him, moving his hands to her neck. Pushing her hair aside, he began nuzzling her neck. He was pleased when he felt her lean against him. Angelus dropped his hands to her ass, holding her tightly as he sunk his fangs into her neck.

Buffy and Xander were leaving the Bronze, not able to enjoy themselves. They were worried about Willow, who had disappeared several days earlier. Her parents believed she ran away with Craig James, the family friend she'd seduced, since he'd left at the same time. It hadn't seemed like something Willow would do, but they hadn't thought she'd seduce anyone either.

"Isn't this cozy?"

Buffy turned, pushing Xander behind her. Grabbing a stake, she turned at the sound of the voice. They watched as Angelus emerged from the alley. "What are you doing here, Angelus?" Buffy asked.

"Can't I just drop by to say Hi? You two don't seem too distraught. I mean, if one of my best friends was hurt like yours was......"

"What are you talking about? If you've hurt Willow....." Buffy threatened.

"Me? Was I the one who raped her....whipped her? No, that was her 'uncle'. Was I the one who turned by back on her.....believed the lies of a sadistic rapist? No, that was you.....her friends. She was already destroyed before she ever came to me."

"I don't know what you..........what do you mean she came to you?" Xander asked.

"It means I asked him for a favor." Willow said, emerging from the shadows.

Buffy and Xander watched as Willow walked into Angelus' arms. It didn't take them long to figure out that she was a vampire. Buffy attacked, but Angelus threw her against the wall. Xander ran to his friend's side, glaring at the vampire.

"I'll kill you for this!"

"For what?" Angelus asked, pulling Willow back against him.

"For killing her......for destroying Willow!" Xander yelled, unable to take his eyes off of Willow."He didn't do anything, Xander. Craig James destroyed me.......and then you abandoned me. The only thing Angelus did was help me." Willow said.

"Help you how? By turning you into a damn demon!" Xander screamed.

"At least I 'feel' again. I was already dead, Xander. Craig saw tothat."

Willow looked at her former friends, then turned and disappeared into the shadows. Angelus stood for a moment staring after her.

"I'm not going to kill you, because you don't deserve the release."

"Release from what?" Buffy asked as she stood.

Angelus turned to stare at them. "Guilt. You were her closest friends, but you believed the lies someone else told you. Even though you should've realized that what he accused her of.... she wasn't capable of doing. What that bastard did to her, hurt her, broke her......but what you two did, destroyed her. He paid....with a painful death. Now you must pay.....with a tortured life."

Angelus walked away, disappearing into the alley. Buffy and Xander were left staring after him. They both sunk to the ground as Angelus' words began to sink in.

"My God, he's right. We turned our backs on Willow when she needed us the most. How could we have believed those things about Willow?" Buffy said.

The guilt they were feeling grew as Angelus' words, and the events of the past few weeks began replaying in their minds. And the two teens saw the events through different eyes. Willow had gone through hell, and they hadn't supported her. She had gotten strength from an enemy who had been the only one to believe her. An enemy who had helped her get vengeance.....when her friends had not.

And for once in their lives, Buffy and Xander realized that what they had done to Willow had caused more pain then anything Angelus had done to her. They had betrayed their best friend......pushing her into the waiting arms of death.

