Zero Tolerance

Author: Dayna

Parts 20-25


Meanwhile, back at the mansion, Dru sat alone. Spike had gone out hunting, Angelus hadn't returned, and Ripper had gone out for some excitement . Dru smiled as she thought about her toy. She couldn't wait till he came back and told her all about his evening. Miss Edith had said he'd be fun to play with.

The sound of the doors crashing open made Dru jump to her feet. She backed against the wall as she saw the Slayer storm into the room.

"Where is Giles? Tell me and I might not kill you." Buffy demanded.

"He's not here anymore. Giles is gone and never coming back. I made certain of that." Dru said sweetly.

"Did you kill him?"

"Of course not, that wouldn't have been as much fun. He's so much more fun to play with now that I've made him better."

Buffy approached Dru, and grabbed her around the throat. Dru just looked at her, then smiled.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"What you did for Angel, I did for Giles."

"Quit talking in riddles, you loon. I want to know what you've done to Giles."

"Giles is in a cage. And he's never getting out."

"I wouldn't bet on that. Now, take me to him."

Dru laughed and shook her head. "Silly Slayer....I can't take you to him. He's not here right now."

"I'm getting real sick of these games, Dru. I want the plain, sane English."

"Ripper's back. Giles is gone. Clear enough?"

Buffy backed away from Dru. {How did she know about Ripper?}

"What?" Buffy asked.

"Miss Edith told me about Ripper, and I set him free. Giles is caged up, just like Angel."

Buffy couldn't believe what she was hearing. Somehow Dru had found a way to bring Ripper back to life.

"Then you damn well better undo whatever it is you did. Bring Giles back!"

"Can't. It's irreversible.....kind of poetic justice. Two that you love are lost to you forever.....even though they're still here, only different."

"Shut up, you looney bitch!" Buffy slapped Dru, and brought a stake up to her heart.

"I'll find a way to get Giles back, he's strong. He'll find a way to fight Ripper."

"He can't fight himself, precious. Ripper is Giles.....Giles is Ripper."

"And you're dust."

But as Buffy brought the stake down, Spike tackled her from behind. The stake entered Dru's stomach, dropping her to the floor.

"I'll kill you!" Spike yelled as he slammed his fist into Buffy's back. Buffy bucked him off, then jumped to her feet. As Spike attacked, Buffy kicked him in the gut.

"This isn't over." Buffy said as she ran out of the mansion.

"You're damn right, Slayer. You will pay for this!"

Spike crawled over to Dru, who was whimpering in a corner. He stroked her hair, and mumbled soothing words as he pulled the stake free. Dru screamed in pain, then passed out. Spike carried her to the bedroom, and removed the splinters.

"It hurts, Spike."

"I know, love. You'll be fine in no time."

As he watched Dru drift into a deep sleep, Spike vowed revenge on the Slayer. If Angelus didn't dispose of her soon, he'd do it himself. No one hurt Dru and lived.

Lying on the bed, Spike gently pulled his lover into his arms. She whimpered softly, but didn't wake up. Spike let himself drift into sleep, comforted by thoughts of the Slayer's death.

It was several hours later that he heard Angelus. Spike quietly left the bedroom, and made his way downstairs. He was surprised to see Angelus standing in front of the fire with the hacker in his arms.

"It's about time you got back." Spike said.

Angelus turned to Spike, with Willow holding tightly to his side. She had tensed at the appearance of the other vampire.

"I ran into some problems. Why do you care?"

"That bitch nearly killed Dru, that's why."

Spike told them about the scene that greeted him when he had returned. Willow couldn't help but feel sympathetic. It was obvious that Spike cared alot about Dru, and he had nearly lost her. Willow pressed closer to Angelus, and felt comforted when he tightened his hold on her.

"It's too late to do anything tonight. It'll be dawn soon. But as soon as it's safe, you take Dru and leave Sunnydale."

"What!?" Spike asked.

"Buffy's determined to get revenge. Unless, of course, you want to take the chance that she'll find Dru alone again? It'll just be for a few days, until I can deal with the Slayer. Wait for me here."

He glanced at Willow as he said the last part, but she didn't seem to be listening. She looked like she was about to collapse. Angelus swung Willow up into his arms, and carried her to his bedroom. He stayed with her until she fell asleep, then went back to join Spike.

"I'll handle Buffy. Then you and Dru can come back."

Spike wanted to argue, he wanted to be involved in destroying the Slayer. But, his feelings for Dru kept him quiet. The most important thing was getting her out of harm's way. She was still weak from the ritual she had done on the Watcher, and needed time to regain her strength.

"Fine, we'll leave at dusk. But, if you haven't killed that bitch by the time we return, I'm killing her myself."

Angelus nodded, then sat down on the couch. Spike stood looking at the fire.

"Why haven't you changed Willow yet?"

"That doesn't concern you. What I do with Willow is none of your business."

Spike suspected that getting him and Dru out of town made things alot easier for Angelus. Spike saw how the hacker tensed up when he entered the room. Now Angelus could keep Willow at the mansion, and not have her scared to death by Dru. But, it didn't matter. Dru's safety was his concern. But, Spike was puzzled by the fact that Angelus hadn't changed Willow yet. {What's he waiting for?}

"Where's Ripper?"

Angelus' question got Spike's attention. "Where do you think?"

"Looking for sex, I would imagine. Wonder if it's anyone we know?" Angelus asked.

"Don't know, mate. But, I get the feeling that whoever it is......Ripper's not going to take no for an answer."

"True. Somebody's certainly going to be surprised."

Both vampires laughed at that thought. The woman would be expecting Mr Rogers, but would get Jack the pun intended.

"He'll keep things interesting around here, won't he?" Spike stated.

"That he will. And once the Slayer's gone, we're going to have the town on its knees."

"Can't wait, mate."

Spike went back to Dru, while Angelus sat by the fire. The time was coming. It was only a matter of time till he killed the Slayer, and he and Willow could get on with their lives. And when he was ready, he would change Willow.

Angelus wasn't ready to give up Willow the way she was now. He knew that once she became a vampire, their relationship would change. She'd be a different person. Her sweetness, and innocence would be lost along with her soul. And although he was looking forward to that, he wanted to enjoy the way things were now. For the time being, he was enjoying her gentleness and her love.

Angelus walked up to his bedroom, and slipped into bed. Taking his lover into his arms, he lost himself in the softness of her body. Willow wrapped her arms around him, and they let sleep claim them.

End Part 20

Ripper stood towards the back of the Bronze, watching the girl. She was sitting at a table, pretending not to like the attention the boys were giving her. Ripper smiled at the stupidity of those morons. He always believed in taking what he wanted.

The girl stood and headed for the bathroom. Ripper smiled as she walked towards him. He knew there was a door that led into the alley, down the same hallway. Ripper turned his back so that the girl wouldn't recognize him, then watched her enter the bathroom.

Ripper looked around, making sure no one came into the darkened hallway. He went to stand by the door, so that he could grab her as soon as she stepped into the hall.

The girl opened the door, and Ripper grabbed her around the waist. Covering her mouth quickly, he dragged out the rear exit. Once in the alley, he pulled her back against him. His hand pressed firmly against her stomach, pushing her into his erection. The girl tried struggling, but stopped suddenly when she felt him pressed against her.

"Such a pretty little girl." Ripper said as he nipped at her neck. He kissed his way up to her ear, then nuzzled against her cheek.

"You know that you can't stop what I'm going to do to you, don't you?"

The girl nodded. She was scared to death, but there was a part of her that was excited as well. She had always been in charge during sex, now someone else was in charge. The man's hand moved from her stomach to drift down lower, then back up.

"Now, I want you to close your eyes, and don't open them until I tell you. Do you understand?"

The girl nodded, and closed her eyes. She felt the man turn her to face him, then she was pressed back against the building. The man soon pressed against her, kissing her. It was unlike anything she'd ever felt before. She brought her hands up to the man's face.

Ripper moved his hands to her waist, and lifted her skirt. With one tug, he ripped off her panties. His hands caressed her hips, then moved to cup her. Slowly, he slid one finger into her. The girl moaned in pleasure, her eyes still tightly closed. As she began to wiggle, Ripper slid a second then a third finger into her. She was wet and ready for him. Ripper unzipped his pants, freeing himself.

"Please!" The girl moaned. Her hands were gripping Ripper's shoulders, begging him.

Ripper smiled, then lifted her slightly against the wall. He entered her swiftly, as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She cried out as she began rocking against him. She wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly to her. His thrusts became faster and harder. He pulled her arms away from him, pinning them to the wall. Then once again gripped her hips.

Ripper shouted out as he came, and dropped his head to the girl's shoulder. His hands moved under her shirt to cup her breasts. He kneaded her breasts, pressing his hands firmly against her. Then kissed her hard, before pulling away from her.

The girl leaned against the building. That had been incredible. She now understood about the 'wham, bam, thank you, ma'am' sexual encounter. It had been hot, hard, and fast. And she had loved it. She wanted to know who the man was.

"Can I open my eyes now?"

"If you think you can handle it."

The girl opened her eyes, blinking to get accustomed to the darkness. She tugged her skirt back into place, and looked up to see who had taken her so roughly. But, all she could make out was his shadow.

"Who are you? I can't see your face."

"Are you sure you want to know?" Ripper teased.

"Yes, please."

Ripper stepped closer, and the girl gasped in shock as she pressed against the building. She shook her head in denial.

"No, it can't be you. There's no way that you could've made me feel the things I did. You're a librarian, for God's sake!"

Ripper grabbed the girl by the shoulders, and shook her. "Oh, it was me. You shouldn't judge someone you don't even know. Appearances can be deceiving."

Ripper gripped her neck, pulling her into his kiss. The girl responded, no longer caring about who he was. All that mattered to her was that he was making her feel things she'd never experienced before. Ripper pressed tightly against her, moaning as her hands brushed across the front of his jeans. Ripper pushed her away from him, then turned to leave the alley.

"Where are you going? Don't leave me like this. Please, I'm begging you!" The girl ran to him, pressing against his back.

Ripper was tempted, but his lust had been satisfied for the time being. His thoughts had turned to finding Ethan. He pulled the girl's arms away from him, then turned to her. Holding her arms behind her back, Ripper smiled at her. The smile sent chills down the girl's back.

"So you liked what I did to you? You want to do it again?"

The girl nodded. She hated herself for wanting him, but she couldn't help herself. His treatment of her had awakened something inside her.

"That's good, because I enjoyed it to. But, right now I have more important things on my mind."

The girl looked up at her lover, and noticed for the first time the differences in him. This man was not only dressed differently then the librarian, but his eyes were different. And his behavior was definately different. She wondered if maybe Cordelia and those other two nerds knew about this side of the man. Maybe that's why they always spent so much time in the library.

"Go to your house and wait for me. When I'm ready for you, I'll call you. Then you'll come to me. Anytime and anywhere I choose."

"You expect me to wait around for your call. Unlike those dweebs you hang around with, I have a life."

"Then that's your choice. But, I'll only call once. If you're not there, then I'll just find someone else. I really couldn't care less. The choice is yours."

Ripper had reached the edge of the alley, when the girl called to him.

"Wait, what am I supposed to call you?"

"Ripper. You can call me Ripper, Harmony."

Harmony watched Ripper leave, and then hurried back into the bathroom. Locking herself in the stall, she rearranged her clothing. Then went out to the sink to try to freshen up. Looking in the mirror, she talked to her reflection.

"Who the hell does he think he is? One good screw and he thinks he owns me. God, I can't believe I just had sex in an alley. Such a white trash kind of thing to do."

But, as Harmony fixed her hair, she knew that she'd be waiting when he called. He had meant it when he said he would find someone else.

"And I'll be damned if I let some other bitch get her claws into him." Harmony took a final look in the mirror, then left to rejoin her friends.

Making up an excuse, Harmony left the Bronze early. She had no idea when Ripper would call, but she didn't intend to miss his call. By the time she got home, Harmony had already decided she'd do anything Ripper wanted her to do.

Ripper went to his house, and packed a small bag. He'd catch some sleep, then leave first thing in the morning. If he was lucky, it wouldn't take him long to track down Ethan. And wouldn't his old buddy be surprised to see him.

Ripper crawled into bed, and thought of that little bitch, Harmony. He hadn't lost his touch. He knew she'd be waiting by the phone when he called her. She was such a stuck-up slut, and he enjoyed the fact that he had made her want him. Of course, he'd probably make her pay for all the condescending looks she'd given him in school. But, that would have to wait till after he found Ethan. Harmony would be his whore, there for the taking whenever he felt like it.

As Ripper drifted into sleep, he thought about how good life was. {Damn, it's good to be back.}

End Part 21

Buffy sat in her room, and stared off into space. She had packed a bag and had it waiting. She knew once she left the house, she'd never be returning. Angelus would kill her or she'd kill him, and then get away from Sunnydale. Either way, there was nothing left for her anymore. Sunnydale was on it's own. Besides, everyone she loved was already dead.

Except Willow. The hacker was the only person she had left. Despite the argument they had earlier, Buffy knew she wouldn't leave Willow alone. She realized that Willow was hurting as much as she was, and that was why they had struck out at each other. Buffy was certain that once they were away from this Hell, things would get better.

Buffy picked up some photos. The tears she had refused to cry, began spilling down her cheeks. There was a photo of her and her mom shortly after they arrived in Sunnydale; her and Willow on Halloween; a candid shot of Giles in the library; Xander and Cordelia laughing; and a picture of all of them. A picture that Angel had taken for her.

Buffy threw the photos into the garbage can. She couldn't think about those times.....about them. They were dead. And Angel and Giles were gone. Buffy had finally accepted that they were never coming back. Her lover and her mentor. Physically they were still in her life, but now they were her enemies.

Angelus had found a way to destroy the Slayer after all. Too bad he wouldn't live to enjoy that accomplishment. Buffy was going to kill Angelus, but not because she was the Slayer. She would kill him for vengeance. Then, the Slayer would cease to exist. Buffy was done fighting. Her damn destiny had cost her too much. She wouldn't.....couldn't do it anymore.

Buffy curled up on her bed, and drifted into a tortured sleep. Night would come soon, and with it the fight with Angelus. She knew he'd be waiting for her, and she'd be ready. This time, it would be the end. Kill.....or be killed.

Willow sat on the edge of the bed, dreading the coming of the night. She knew Angelus was planning to face Buffy tonight, and she was afraid. Of losing him, and of losing Buffy. Their friendship may have shattered, but she still cared about Buffy. But, so far, she hadn't been able to come up with a way to stop them. And she had no one to go to for help.

Ripper had left town mysteriously. Spike and Dru had taken Angelus' advice and left town for a few days. Not that they would've helped her anyway. And Xander.....he was gone. She'd have to figure something out on her own.

Willow jumped when she felt Angelus start massaging her shoulders. She leaned back against him, and took comfort in knowing that he was still with her.

"What were you thinking about so hard? You didn't even notice when I got on the bed."

"Just trying to figure something out."

"And did you?" Angelus asked.

"Not yet, but I won't stop until I do."

Willow let her hands drop to his thighs, and his arms wrapped around her. He kissed the top of her head.

"I have to go out pretty soon. It shouldn't take me very long."

Willow pulled away from him, and laid down on the bed, with her back to him. He stroked her leg as he sensed her fear.

"What's the matter, Willow?"

"Please don't go. Can't we just leave this place? Go far away from here."

Angelus turned her onto her back, then covered her. Balancing his weight on one elbow, he caressed her cheek. Willow pressed her hands against his chest, and gripped his shirt.

"I have to go, and you know why. But, when I come back, we can leave Sunnydale. If that's what you really want."

"What if you don't come back?" Willow yelled.

"Are you doubting me? Do you think I'm not strong enough to survive?" Angelus asked angrily.

"No, but how am I supposed to feel? I know that tonight I'm going to lose someone else in my life. It's either going to be the girl who has been my best friend for two years, or the man I've fallen in love with. Excuse me for not wanting to see that happen!"

Willow turned her face away from him as her tears fell. Angelus gripped her chin, turning her to face him.

"I don't want to see you hurt any more then you already have been, but you need to accept it. This has gone too far for anyone to stop. Buffy and I will fight......and only one of us will survive."

Angelus bent his head, and gently kissed Willow's lips. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, holding him tightly.

"Make love to me, please."

Angelus dropped his mouth to her neck, as his hands roamed over her body. Their lovemaking began slow and gentle.....but then became fast and urgent. Both needing to prove something to each other.....and to themselves. They held each other tightly, and laid in each other's arms.

As night fell, Willow watched Angelus get dressed. She couldn't get rid of the feeling that she'd never be with him like that again. And as he kissed her goodbye, Willow knew that her life with Angelus had ended.

End Part 22

Buffy stood in the cemetary, waiting. She knew Angelus would show up soon enough. This would be their ultimate showdown. And the fact the he had Angel's face wouldn't save him this time. Now when she looked at him, she saw only the death and pain he had caused.

"Very punctual, Buffy. You must be anxious to die."

"I'm anxious for something, but it's not to die. It's to send you to Hell where you belong."

Angelus leaned casually against a headstone. He looked dangerously attractive in his leather pants, and long leather jacket. She could understand how Willow had fallen under his spell.

"Where's Willow?"

"What's it to you, Slayer? Did you think I'd bring her to watch you die? That would be pretty tacky, don't you think?"

"I wouldn't put it past you. But, just so you know. After I dust you, I'm getting Willow and taking her away from here. In time, she'll get over what you've done to her."

"Do you really think she'd leave with you? That's assuming you actually kill me."

"There won't be anything left for her here, except horrible memories."

"You're a fool. Willow loves me, and won't go anywhere with the person who murdered me."

"I'll make her understand." Buffy said confidently.

"Understand what, exactly?"

"How you used her. That you pretended to care about want her, just so you could hurt me. I'll tell her how you killed Xander. And how you're responsible for what happened to Cordelia, Giles, and my mom."

"She won't believe you. Besides, you're not half as smart as you think you are. Willow is a very beautiful, desirable woman. That's why I wanted her. The fact that it hurt you was merely a bonus. She's a very passionate lover......but you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?"

"What's that supposed to me?"

"Do you actually think Angel enjoyed that night you spent together? He loved you, so that made it special to him, but he didn't enjoy it. You aren't exactly hot in bed."

"Shut up! Don't you dare talk about Angel. You don't know anything about what we shared!"

"I think I do. I have all his memories, and I remember that night very clearly. It would've been obvious, even to you, if I hadn't emerged when I did. You would've lost Angel, even if I had never come back."

"You destroyed Angel. If it wasn't for that damn gypsy curse, we'd still be together. Then none of this would've happened."

"You're partially right. None of your friends would've died, but you're wrong if you think you and Angel would still be together. Do you want to know the secret that your precious Angel was keeping from you? The reason why you would've lost Angel no matter what happened."

"There's nothing you can say that'll make me believe that. Angel and I were meant to be together. We were soulmates."

Angelus laughed, and just shook his head.

"Is that what you really thought? Come now, Buffy. You must've really put the blinders on where good old Angel was concerned. I'll grant you, he did love you. But, not enough to stay with you. And you know why? Because he had already begun falling in love with someone else. He had found someone who accepted him as he was. His obligation to you was what was holding him to you, but it wouldn't have lasted forever."

"You're lying. There was no one else." Buffy stated.

"Really? I'm surprised you never made the connection when you first found out about Willow and I. Don't you get it yet? Angel had already fallen in love with Willow, before that night you two spent together. After I returned, those feelings didn't die. As I watched her, they grew. Why do you think I didn't kill her when I had her in the school? It would've only taken a second to snap her neck."

Buffy shook her head in denial. He was lying.....he had to be. Angel would never have done that to her.

"Didn't you think it was strange when he went to Willow when he suspected your little friend Ford wasn't everything he appeared to be? Or the fact that while you were being held by that invisible girl, Angel was with Willow. He was the one who rescued her and the others. And as he carried her out of that boiler room, fear for her safety was the only thing on his mind. You never entered into his thoughts."

Buffy tried to block out what Angelus was saying. But, the more she thought about it, the more things she remembered. Times she caught Angel looking at Willow, or his interest when she mentioned Willow's name. And then there was Angelus' interest in Willow. Almost from the time he first emerged, she had been part of his obsession. Buffy had thought it was because Willow was her best friend, but could it have been because of Angel's feelings for the hacker?

"Kind of puts things in a new light, doesn't it? Your precious Angel wasn't exactly like you imagined, was he?"

"It doesn't matter anymore. You're going to die, and Willow and I will both work to forget you ever existed!"

"Then let's get started. Willow's waiting for me. And I hate to keep her waiting."

Buffy attacked, and Angelus countered. They began circling each other, with Angelus taunting and Buffy waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Willow paced the mansion, her mind playing out all types of scenarios. And as she thought about the fight, Willow stopped suddenly. Her mind had come up with a way to save both of the people she loved. Willow raced out of the mansion, praying she'd be able to get to them in time.

End Part 23

Buffy tackled Angelus, and tried to stake him, but he swiftly knocked the weapon out of her hand. Using his legs, he flung the Slayer off of him. Jumping back to his feet, he snarled at her.

"Is that the best you can do? Maybe the mighty Slayer isn't as good as she thinks she is."

"I might say the same about you, Angelus. I wonder if Willow realizes how weak you really are."

"You'll never find out. Willow belongs to me and you'll never take her away from me."

"It'll be kind of hard to stop me......when you're dead."

"Really? Are you going to cry over my ashes after you've killed me? Like you did when you staked Xander?"

"How do you know that? Were you lurking in the shadows? I bet that just made your day. Watching me kill someone who had been my friend."

"I would've loved to have been there. Unfortunately, I got the story second hand. From Willow."

Buffy paled, and backed up a step. {Willow saw me kill Xander? Oh, God.}

"She was trying to find him. And then she watched helplessly as you murdered her best friend."

"He wasn't Xander anymore, he was a demon. She knows that."

"But, he was still her best friend. He had been with her earlier, helping her deal with her guilt. Just like he'd always been there for her before. Then you took that away from her."

Buffy realized then how manipulative Angelus really was. He had orchestrated this whole thing, and made sure nothing would make him look like the bad guy. {He got Spike to kill Cordelia, Xander to kill her mother, and me to kill Xander.} Willow hadn't been the only one taken in by his act. They had all fallen into his trap, and played the parts he wanted.

"You just now realizing how thoroughly you screwed up, Buffy?" Angelus taunted.

"How long have you been planning this little game of yours?"

"Since I returned, naturally. I wanted to get revenge on you, but I also wanted Willow. I knew you and the others would try to take her from me, so I had to seperate her from all of you. To make sure she had no one to turn to, but me. And you all acted according to my plan. Although, some changes were necessary throughout, but they even turned out better then expected."

"Like turning Giles into Ripper, I suppose."

"That, and making Xander a vampire. But, I must give credit where it's due. Both of those were Dru's doing. She can be amazingly brilliant sometimes."

Buffy knew then that things had to end. Angelus had manipulated, and destroyed everything in her life. Buffy kept her eyes trained on him as she moved closer to one of the headstones. She had hidden a weapon there earlier, and if she was quick enough, she'd be able to use it before Angelus knew what she was up to.

Willow was exhausted. She had run all the way from the mansion, praying that she could make it to the cemetary in time. Up ahead, she was able to make out the figures of Buffy and Angelus. She made herself run faster.

Buffy dived to the ground, and rolled to the headstone. Grabbing the crossbow, she rolled up to her knees and released the arrow. Then the world seemed to move in slow motion.

Just before she shot the arrow, Buffy heard Willow's voice calling to them. The arrow released as Buffy saw Angelus turn towards the sound. And just before the arrow would've entered Angelus' body, Willow threw herself into his arms, screaming in pain as the arrow entered her body instead.

Buffy watched as Angelus caught Willow around the waist and dropped to the ground. He craddled her body is his arms, murmuring soft words to her.

Buffy ran over and knelt on the ground. She reached out a hand to touch Willow, only to have it slapped away by Angelus. When she looked at him, Buffy was shocked to see blood tears running down his face.

"Leave her alone! You've done enough."

"Willow, why didn't you stay at the mansion?" Angelus asked brokenly.

"" Willow said weakly.

"Willow, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you until it was too late." Buffy cried.


Angelus lifted Willow into his arms and began walking away.

"Where are you taking her?" Buffy demanded.

"Home. So she can die in peace. I hope you're happy now Slayer."

Buffy watched as Angelus carried off her best friend.....and she didn't try to stop him. She had seen the wound, and there was nothing anyone could do to save Willow. The last friend she had was dying......and Buffy knew she had killed her. Buffy sat in the cemetary, crying.

Angelus laid Willow gently on the bed. He knew that Willow was dying, she had lost too much blood to survive. But, he realized something else too. When he had told Willow that he loved her.......he had been telling the truth.

"Angelus?" Willow whispered.

"What is it, little one?"

"I forgive you."

Angelus looked into Willow's eyes. And though they were filled with pain, he also saw love and forgiveness.

"For what?"

"Everything you've done. I know what you did, but I also know why. I love you, Angelus. Never forget that."

Willow's eyes closed, and she drifted into unconciousness. Angelus laid his head against her shoulder, and cried. She had known the truth, and had stayed with him out of love. And now he was losing her.

"I love you too, Willow. More then I ever thought possible." Angelus said as he stretched out beside her on the bed.

Willow had sacrificed her life to save the two people she loved. Angelus understood that emotion now.

End Part 24


Buffy left town immediately after her fight with Angelus. She had killed her best friend, and the guilt threatened to destroy her. Buffy eventually got a job and began a new life. She was careful not to draw attention to herself, and lived as a loner. Buffy wasn't able to let anyone close to her. Memories of her life in Sunnydale haunted her the rest of her life.

Spike and Dru returned a week after the fight, only to find Angelus gone. There was no sign of him or Willow, and a search of the town turned up no clues as to what had happened. Since the Slayer had disappeared as well, Spike couldn't explain what had happened. But, with Angelus gone, he took charge and began a game of terror with the residents of Sunnydale.

It took several months for Ripper to track down Ethan, and convince him that Giles was gone for good. Ethan agreed to return to Sunnydale, and he and Ripper helped Spike take control of the town. Ripper had Harmony at his beck and call, and eventually came to care about the girl.....a little bit at least. He taught her to enjoy everything he did to her, and she loved her new social standing. Ripper was a powerful force in Sunnydale, and people did as he said. She was by his side during all of this, so people also did as she said.

The night Willow died had changed Angelus, and he found that controlling the world no longer held any interest for him. All he wanted was to have his sweet Willow in his arms again. She was the only woman he ever loved.

The Willow she had become after he vamped her wasn't the woman he had fallen in love with. She was cruel and heartless. At one time, she would've been the perfect mate for Angelus, but not any longer. He knew when he changed her, that everything about her would change. But, he hadn't been willing to just watch her die.

After she emerged as a vampire, Angelus searched the library for anything that would help him. He cursed at himself for destroying the restoration spell that teacher had been researching when he killed her. But, digging through ancient books he found a spell that he hoped would work. The next day, as Willow was sleeping, he performed the ritual. Then he pulled a chair next to the bed, and waited.

And when she woke up, he knew the spell had worked. Angelus went to the bed, and took Willow into his arms. Holding her tightly against him, he kissed her passionately.

"What happened?" Willow asked.

Angelus smiled at the sweetness in her voice. He told her about her sacrifice to save him, how he changed her, and then performed a ritual to give back her soul.

"Why would you do that? Without a soul, I'd become what you wanted me to be."

"Maybe it was what I wanted once, but not anymore. You did the impossible, Willow. Somehow, you made a demon love you. And I wanted that woman with me, not the demon that I had created."

Willow smiled at his words, and wrapped her arms around him. Being a vampire would take some getting used to, but she would have eternity to spend with Angelus. And she hoped that Buffy would be able to find happiness in her life.

"Did you mean what you said before?"

"About what, Willow?"

"That we could leave Sunnydale if I wanted."

Angelus thought about the question. His dreams of ruling Sunnydale, and eventually the world, were within his grasp. Could he just walk away from that? Angelus looked into Willow's eyes, and he knew the answer immediately.

"Of course I meant it. We can leave as soon as you're ready."

"I'm ready now. Please, I need to get away from the memories here."

Angelus held tightly to Willow. {So much for being a master manipulator. I got caught in my own trap.}

As soon as night fell, Angelus and Willow left Sunnydale. They traveled extensively, finally choosing a remote home in Ireland to live. Angelus felt as though he had come home, and Willow began to heal. She was able to deal with her memories, and the guilt she felt.

The nightmare had ended, and the survivors went on to build their futures. Angelus didn't change overnight, but Willow's continued love and acceptance, made him more willing to focus on other things. Their life wouldn't be easy, but they were together. And together they would deal with everything life threw at them.

