(Sequel to 'Wish Upon A Star')
AUTHOR: de LA goddess;) aka *Witchy*, (original part by Northlight)
E-MAIL: blairwitchywoman@hotmail.com, (uzenet@videotron.ca)
DISCLAIMER: Characters are not mine in any sense of the word... unless
you mean as a mate, cuz in that case both Angels are mine... but
really, all characters in the BVTS universe belong to that evil evil
(and not the fun kind of evil) man, joss... and Angel number two belongs
Northlight (if he also belongs to joss and I'm wrong, then don't sue
her, I'm the one who just said that)
DISTRUBUTION: Angel of Mine, Fenris's site, AHWLII, and a bunch of other
places too... please partake... the first part (Northlight wrote it)
is posted @ "http://members.spree.com/sip1/northlight12/will/wa/misc/wuas.htm"
and you'll have to ask her if you want to use it...
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Northlight started it, said she wasn't going to continue
it, so she let me! ::happy grin:: OK, I luv Cordy, but in this fic she
doesn't exist... I don't really luv Oz, and he doesn't exist either...
<> = thoughts, ** = empahsis, ~~ = sound
RATING: PG, will move into R later (if i continue)
PAIRING: A/W/A... yes thats right 2 Angels! so much salty goodness!
SPOILER: I dunno... somwhere in the 3rd Season, I guess...
DEDICATED: to Northlight, thanx for letting me do this ::another happy grin::... and of course, the Candy Orgy!!
FEEDBACK: Send it now! don't make me sic Spike and Angel on you... wait
you'd probably like that... don't make me *not* sic Spike and
Angel on you... I know, I'm a feedback whore (not to be confused with
ho), but at least I'm not a real one... *g*
SUMMERY: Dreams sometimes do come true... although not always as we
would have expected them to. Fluff-fic.. now the aftermath
~Part: 1~
And then the room truly erupted into chaos.
After about five minutes of yelling, a few insults, some punching on both Angels' parts, Willow woke up.
"What is going on?!"
Her shout grabbed everyones attention. Both Angels hurried to help her up from her fainted position. After a brief silence, Buffy answered.
"We could ask you the same question."
As what she did came back to her, she blushed. "I... um-"
Buffy rolled her eyes. "I *told* you not to dabble in magic, but did you listen to me? Noooo, you had to go cast a spell."
"Shut up, Buffy! Willow is perfectly capable of doing spells." One of the Angels glared at her, while the other nodded in agreement.
"Angel? Why talking to me like this? Why did you kiss Willow? Who are you, Angel number two? Who sent you here?"
Angel number two laughed and did an Austin Powers impression. "So basically you're asking me, 'Who does Number Two work for?'"
The entire room stared at him in amazement. They had never seen Angel laugh before, much less crack a joke. Willow broke the silence.
"Um... Buffy, I didn't cast a spell. I made a wish."
Giles came out of his haze and asked "What kind of wish?"
Willow blushed again. "Well, last night I kinda... wishedonafallingstar."
She silently hoped no one would ask her what she wished for. Of
course, Buffy did anyways.
Buffy narrowed her eyes. "What did you wish for?"
Willow shrank back into both Angels' arms. "I wished...
And with that she slouched over again.
"WHAT?!" Buffy screeched.
10 minutes later
Buffy stopped her pacing and looked at Willow. "Okay, so let me get
this straight. You wished for an Angel of your own, only less broody, can
keep his soul, and in love with you."
Willow was getting iritated under her intense gaze. "Um... yep," she nearly growled.
Xander snorted. "What is it with girls and Angel? I mean, is it the
whole 'I vant to suck your blaawwwd' thing?! Cuz I don't think its
nearly as
sexy if you're dead!"
"I b-believe your missing the point, Xander." Giles had a thoughtful expression on his face.
Buffy nodded emphatically. "Yeah, the point is, Willow took *my* boyfriend!" She turned to Willow. "You can't do that!"
"I'm really really sorry, Buffy-" Willow started out, a slight sarcasm in her voice that no one picked up on, but Buffy cut her off.
"Well, you'll just have to give him back!"
"No!" Everyone in the room (except Angel number two) was surprised and the vehemence in her voice. "I'm not giving him back."
The everyone stared at her, and she blushed.
"I mean, we don't even know how to send him back anyway." She finished
Giles stood up and rubbed his eys. "I th-think we need to all go home. A lot has happened tonight." Everyone stared at him in disbelief.
"No partol? I'm going Bronzing. Anyone wanna come?" Xander nodded his
head. "Wills, you didn't wish for a new G-man, too, did you?"
And with that, he and Buffy left for the Bronze.
Throughout the entire conversation Angel had seemed broodier than usual.
No one noticed because they thought he was just being his usual
broody self. But Willow did.
"Angel, whats wrong?"
Both Angels looked at her, surprised. Angel because he didn't think
anyone would notice, and Angel number two because he couldn't be
happier; Willow was in his arms.
"I meant Buffy's Angel."
Angel sighed. "Its just that. I'm not Buffy's! Everyone here acts like
I have dog tags that say, 'Buffy's property, DO NOT TOUCH.' Anything I
might have felt for Buffy disappeared when she sent me to hell."
"But she didn't have a choice."
"I don't hold it against her. She thought she had to do it to save the world. But she could have just cut my hand or something."
Angel number two nodded in agreement. "Usually a relationship is over when you send that special someone to hell, literally."
"I thought you two loved eachother"
"I did too, but when I was in hell, I realized it was just powerful
lust. We never talked, we barely knew the basics about eachother. She could
never accept that I am a vampire, and the Vampire/Slayer thing could
never work."
"Well, then why did the wish work?"