Title: My Heart's Desire 1/1
Author: Diana C.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Joss Whedon sadly enough
Rating: G
Distributation: Willow's Heart, Diana C's Fiction, Soulmates till the End of Time, and anyone else who would like to use it, just e-mail me first.
Feedback: I crave it and live for it :)
Author's Note: My first go at a Willow/Angel fic, please be gentle on me.
Summary: Thoughts from both Povs of Willow and Angel.


An empty void is in my wounded heart, I look around at the gang. Buffy and
Riley, Xander and Anya, and even Giles and that Olivia girl. Their all so
happy, I miss that. I miss feeling special, to care about someone and for them
to care about you right on back. Only one other person was single, Spike. I
don't even know where he is anymore. I feel so alone, not in the friends
department... they show so much love for me, but I just can't help feeling
like I'm something of a seventh wheel whenever I'm around them. What can I say
when it comes to Tara... yes she's my friend, but it doesn't feel right going
the next step to anything more than just friends. I think she feels it too, at
least I have her friendship LOL! I just want to feel loved. For someone to
love me and to hold me tight and never let me go. To know that I am there
sunshine and they are mine, and that we can get through anything cause we know
we'll always have eachother. Is it so wrong to miss that? Oddly enough when I
think these thoughts, one person comes to mind... it's so weird, I get this
ache in my heart. Could I really, truelly like him more than just friends? We
never were even friends. Sure I gave him his soul back, but still he's so
gorgeous. He belongs on the front of a big billboard add, Angel... I wish he
really could be my Angel, sadly he never calls, he never writes... I'd be
surprised if I even came into his thoughts as a back-up character to one of
his feature flashbacks of Buffy, the girl he can never have.

I remember the first time I saw him, he lurked off to a side and was being
very cryptic, he didn't even really look my way. It was more like a passing
glance, something to be throughly dismissed. I always seem to get those
reactions, it's ok. I know all the men go for Buffy, I mean just look at her.
She's perfect, inside and out. Why would they want me when they could have
her... I guess that's what Angel thought. I saw the way he looked at her, and
oddly I didn't just wish for a guy to look at me like Angel looked at Buffy,
but for Angel to be the one looking at me like that. All the admiration, love,
caring, everything... I realize our love is forbidden as I once naively quoted
one day to Xander so long ago back in high school. It is true, so true that
the reality is a cold hard slap to the face. I feel alone, I miss someone
caring about me in the intimite manner, like Oz or even Tara... but no they
all left me one way or another, it's okay I'm use to it though.

The World is meant for others prizes, they win and I lose... life passes me
by without even a backwards glance. What scares me the most is I can't see
love... Am I always going to be alone? I wish I didn't have to be like this,
but my heart aches to love someone... I think I have latched onto someone,
Angel. Despite myself I have feel in love with something that could never be,
I have fell in love with someone who would always see me as the shadow of
which cowers behind the slayer.

* * *

Another dream, she is so beautiful is hurts to look at her. She is my sun,
she burns me just when I look at her. I miss her so much, though she doesn't
know of my love for her, I know she could do so much better. My life is so
full of past evilness and why would I ever submit a pure innocent soul to such
a horror of a monster like me. When I think of her I can't help but smile, she
is what pushes me forward head first into the World. Though we never spoke
more than a few words per each few meetings I could tell from the start she
was an intelligent and beautiful soul. Beautiful in mind, body, and spirit,
perfection is what she is. She is my goddess.. Though she will never know
because I will not subject her to such a fate of her and myself. I yearn and
ache for so much more, she is my heaven... she brings me true happiness, she
saved me from the evilness of my evil counterpart. She recursed me with my
soul, I know she doesn't know my soul is perminant, but I didn't know until an
old lady from a gypsy family told me she could sense my souls new rebirth.. I
realized though true total happiness could never be complete without my other
half which I believe is her. I want her to be happy, for that I know it should
be with somebody better, but my heart lurches at such a thought of her with
another man. She is my one and only, hopefully one day I will stop being a
coward and confess my undying love to her, but for now I'll watch her from
afar, my beautiful Willow. I'll love you always, Angel.
