Title: What I Never Excepted Part 5: Let the Healing Begin
Author: Dragon_Chylde17
E-mail: Hell_Kat17@yahoo.com
Rating:  PG (but could change)
Disclaimer: I don't own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or its actors. (That bites, major!) You know the drill!
Pairing: W/A; X/C; F/G; B/it's a surprise. -heheh!
Summary: Buffy's gone Angel's in hell and Willow's got secret "friends".
Set: You know! Angel loses his soul and bad stuff happens.
Authors Note: Kendra never happened. And Xander and Cordelia told everyone about their relationship instead of Willow walking in on them. I think
that's it.

Part 5: Let the Healing Begin

Third Person POV:
      Everyone arrived at the library shortly after sunset. Faith
and Giles being the first to arrive, followed by a extremely quiet
Xander and Cordelia. Maggie and Johnthan followed  shortly after  and
last arriving being Willow and Angel. They had gone to the mansion to
get his clothes after a short argument about where Angel was staying
until he was completely healed.  Everyone eyed one another while they
found a place to sit.  Finally Willow stood up and faced everyone.
      "Ummm… Thanks for helping. It means a lot to me. " Maggie was
still paler than normal but gave her friend a dazzling smile. Johnthan
nodded but remained silent. Xander was the next to say anything. He
stood up and walked to stand directly infront of Angel who couldn't
seem to look him in the eye. Xander sighed and knelt down infront of
Angel and made him look him in the eye. Xander was disturbed by what
he saw in the other man's eyes. Angel had always looked guilty but
never this overwhelming. Never so much it made Xander hurt.
      "I'm…..here for you. If you need me or just need the company
or someone to talk to. I'm here and don't feel like you can't come to
me. Please." Xander saw the surprise in Angel's sad brown eyes and a
hint of hope. Xander smiled at him, silently asking for his
forgiveness. Angel nodded and offered a small smile. Xander nodded and
stood up and went to sit down next to Cordelia who was grinning almost
ear to ear.
      Willow stood shell shocked as she watched the two enter act.
She had originally thought she might have to try and stop Xander from
attacking the vampire, but she didn't. Instead she watched Xander
offer his friendship to the ensouled vampire.
      "All right, Red. It's time for twenty questions, so park it
and let's get this over with." And with that Faith pulled out two
chairs and sat them infront of the group and waited for Willow to sit
down next to her. Willow smiled at Faith as she took the chair beside
her. Faith wasn't going to let her take it all on by herself. She was
really grateful, she had been dreading this ever since she woke up
late that afternoon.
      "I think the first question would be: Who? What? When? Where?
And why?" Xander smiled as he settled into his chair for their long
discussion. Willow smiled back and slouched down farther into her
      "I met Maggie and Johnthan shortly after Jesse died. I had
stayed out too long while on a walk and ran into a few vampires. I
tried to out run them but they were too fast. Then something pulled me
into an alley that I was running past. At the time it was Johnthan but
I didn't know him yet. All I knew was someone had saved me from
vampires but what did they want. Then I heard growling and cursing. I
looked out the alley to see Maggie dusting the six vampires that had
been going after me. I was in shock to say the least. After they were
dust Johnthan let go of my mouth and stepped back. Maggie came up
after dusting herself off. They were pale but they were both redheads
so I thought maybe it's their skin coloring.  They walked me home and
introduced themselves. I'd walk the streets from then on looking for
them. After a week of not seeing them I had almost given up hope and
thought they'd left Sunnydale. Then there they were. I'd later go into
Giles' office and look into the Watcher's dairies looking for Maggie
and Johnthan. I'd find them as Maggie the Mad and her childe, Johnthan
of Fire. I would confront them on this and at the same time learn
about Angel and his past. Maggie and Johnthan don't have souls, just
age. As was said last night. They are very old. Maggie being a little
over a thousand and Johnthan being around eight hundred and something.
They've helped out a lot with research and a little undercover work as
well. They've been away for the last three months helping a friend.
They got back and helped me find a spell to get Angel out of Hell.
While they were gone they also found a spell to make his soul
permanent.  Which I plan on doing the second my powers are recharged.
And before anyone starts to argue, don't. I have on my 'resolve' face
so there's no use. " And with that Willow began to start breathing
again. It was all she had nothing left to hide.
      "Why did you tell us about them. Why hide them?" It was Giles
who ask the question. Willow sighed and tried to think of a way to say
it without hurting his feelings.
      "I saw how hard it was for you to except Angel even with his
soul. Maggie and Johnthan don't have souls. I was afraid that you
would make me choose between them and you and didn't want to be put
into that position. Buffy wouldn't have been able to see them for
anything more than vampires and Xander already hated Angel what would
he do about Maggie and Johnthan? Everything was so unclear that I
didn't want anymore things unclear. Then Angelus showed up and I knew
that you would never let Maggie and Johnthan close to you as I have so
I just didn't say anything." Willow hoped she didn't hurt his
feelings. Giles nodded his understanding after a few moments of
      Cordelia stood up and walked to stand infront of the two
vampires. She stood for almost a full minute before extending her
      "Welcome to the Scoobies.  Our members are Xander, the snack
provider, Willow, research girl, Giles, the watcher, Faith the slayer,
me, the cute one, and Angel, our very own ensouled vampire." Angel had
jerked his head up when Cordelia had entered him into the gang as a
member. You could almost see the joy glowing from him. Meanwhile,
Maggie and Johnthan shook hands with the self-proclaimed 'cute one'.
      "And with that said I say we go do a quick patrol and come
back for a nap or research. What say you men?" Faith said in a mock
military tone.  With a good deal of laughter everyone left but Giles
and Angel. Giles noticed and waited for the vampire to speak.
      "I'm sorry that I hurt Jenny. " It was said in such a small
whisper that Giles almost missed it. He looked at the vampire that sat
in a chair. Giles noticed how his shoulder's slumped and he's head
hung.  Giles thought back to his discussion with Faith the night
before. 'It's like he was being possessed. He could remember it later
but had no control over it then. How can you blame him for something
he didn't do.' Faith's comment ringing in his ears, Giles sat beside
the vampire. He wrapped his arms around  the vampire and hugged him.
      "I have bloody well missed you. All these high school children
know nothing about true football." He felt Angel chuckle and smile.
Giles pulled back and looked at the very tired looking man. "Please
don't apologize for something you cannot control or knew nothing
about.  I can't blame you and never shall. But I do suggest that you
go after those children and protect those two vampires from them." And
with that Angel walked out the door and felt a great deal of guilt
lifted from him.

      "Hey Wills! Can I talk to you?" Xander asked as he pulled them
toward the back of the group. Willow slowed her pace until they were
ten feet behind the group, who didn't seem to notice their absence
since Cordelia was telling Faith, Maggie, and Johnthan a story about
the Master rising and killing Buffy.
      "Hey, what's up?" Willow had a feeling she knew what was up
but wanted to see if she was right or not.
      "Well…you see. I wanted to apologize for not being there. I
was so wrapped up in either hating Angel, lusting over Buffy or making
out with Cordelia that I didn't notice that my best friend might need
me.  That she had to turn to two vampires, even if they are pretty
cool, for friends.  You think I could still be your best friend?"
Xander said as he looked at his feet.  Willow smiled and looked at
their new group of friend then back at Xander.
      "You never stopped. Now come on let's go kick some vampire
butt!" And with that they ran to join the rest of the group.
      Angel pulled himself out of his hiding place in the shadows
and smiled. "Maybe everything will be all right." He said to no one
before joining the group.  Little did they know that trouble was just
around the bend in the road.
