Dancing With Death
                                                by Jessica Dubois
                                                                    (part 5)

Willow had already consumed the food Angel had brought. It hadn't been much, and she was already
hungry again. <Perhaps he's trying to make me weak,> thought Willow. She was certainly starting to
feel that way, from both the limited food supply and the blood loss. She hoped that Keith really was
going to come back with food.

Willow wondered what was up with Angel. The last few days he had been very kind to her. True, he
had fed from her, but he hadn't hurt her. And he was getting her all kinds of stuff. <Like he's going to
keep me here for a very long time.> Willow shivered at the thought.

It wasn't at all what she had been expecting from Mr. Demon, and that scared her. Why was he
doing this? Was Angel's soul taking control again? Or was this all a game to get her off her guard?
And if so, why?

Willow moaned as these thoughts swirled through her head. Earlier she'd had a dizzy spell, so she'd
been forced to either sit down or fall down. And now she was feeling truly wretched.

A key ground in the lock, and the door started to swing open. Willow got to her feet as fast as she
could, as she didn't want to face Angel at a disadvantage. When Angel closed the door, he turned to
face her. He had blood on his face. Willow paled when she saw it.

Angel chuckled at her pallor, although inside he worried a bit. <She's looking awful pale. I wonder if
it's already getting to be too much for her...>

"What, you don't like the thought of me drinking Buffy's blood?" he asked Willow. Willow started to
tremble, more in rage than anything else.

"What did you do to her?!?" Willow practically screamed at Angel. "If you hurt her..." Willow trailed
off, realized just whom she was yelling at.

Angel face changed as he growled slightly. "You'll do what, little girl? There's nothing you can do. Or
have you forgotten?" Angel bared his teeth.

"I might not be able to physically beat you, but I'll find a way to make you pay. I promise you that."

Angel growled at her again, and then grabbed her arms and hauled her over to him. Willow knew
better than to struggle, as it only made things worse. Apparently, her silence made Angel less prone
to violence, a fact she'd learned the hard way. She remembered their second encounter. He hadn't
hurt her, but it had been close.

"You really think there is anything you can do?" Angel said mockingly. He stalked back across the
room, dragging her along with him, and plopped them both into the chair. Willow sat rigidly in his lap,
not moving, not speaking. It was like she had been replaced by a marble statue.

<Hurt her! She challenged you, mocked you. It's your right!> Angel ignored his violent voice. <You
don't want the game to end too quickly, do you?> He agreed with this voice. He wanted everything
that Willow had to offer. And he needed time for that. And all he wanted right now was to have
Willow, here, in his arms, helpless. However, he didn't like her attitude. He grinned. <Let's see what
I can do to melt the ice.>

Willow wasn't sure what Angel was up to. He was just sitting there. That wasn't his usual behaviour,
and anything unusual these days made her very skittish.

Angel's hands came up to her shoulders, and then went into her hair. And, to Willow's complete
surprise, he started to comb her hair. Willow did her best to avoid relaxing in her arms. The plastic
teeth gently slid through her fiery hair. She loved having her hair brushed, and this was no exception.
Added to the fact there wasn't a hairbrush here, and that her hair had become a fright, this was a real
treat. She had been able to wash it somewhat, but without soap, it was a little hard. She winced a
little as he caught a small snag. He was pampering her, she realized. And that made her clench up
even tighter. Her teeth ground together almost audibly, and her muscles turned to stone. <He's up to
something.> she thought. <And I'll be damned before I let him get away with anything!>

Angel continued to comb her hair, carefully removing several days worth of tangles. He pulled her
hair away from her face, and gathered it at the nape of her neck.

Angel put away his comb, smiling at the pure simplicity of it. Women hadn't changed that much in the
last two centuries. They still loved to be pampered. And he did know how to pamper a lady. He
started to braid Willow's hair into an intricate style he had learned over two centuries ago. He used to
braid his sister's hair all the time, and then his wife's. He wondered why when he thought of them
now, he still felt a pang. His soul was gone, he shouldn't care anymore. He turned his thoughts back
to Willow. The braid was turning out nicely, her red hair perfect for this style. He finished it off with a
small piece of leather thong he had in his pocket. Willow was trembling in his arms, trying not to
relax, but having a hard time staying rigid.

Willow couldn't stop trembling. Her fists were clenched tight, and her eyes were closed in an attempt
to control her body and stop what she was feeling. <Stop it!> she told her body. <This is Angel.
Buffy's boyfriend. You shouldn't...> she squelched the thought, and started on a different path. <This
is Angelus, the demon. He's trying to trick you. Don't fall for it,> she told herself. <He hurt Buffy,
maybe even killed her. He kidnapped you. He's not a nice guy.> Angel moved her braid over her
shoulder, then put his mouth against the nape of her neck. Willow shivered at the sensations this
produced. She tried to fight it, but it was beyond anything she had ever felt before. She didn't know
how to fight it. <Try anyway! Don't let him get away with anything,> the rational part of her mind
insisted. However, she was beyond being rational, and could only feel. Angel's mouth moved it's way
up her neck, and started to work on her ear. She barely suppressed a moan at the feelings that
surged through her, and when he lightly nipped her earlobe, a small moan did escape.

And she finally admitted the truth to herself. <I've always been attracted to him. But he was Buffy's
man.> So, she had done her best to ignore him in THAT way, and managed to convince herself that
he did nothing for her. But now, that 'truth' fell apart under Angel's ministrations. <I'm attracted to
Angel. I even - love - him in a way. But not like this. Never like this.>

Angel finished with one ear, then went over to nibble on the other. He could feel her starting to
physically relax in his arms, but in other ways, he could also feel the tension in her. She was attracted
to him, he realized. He hadn't even thought of that possibility. He had just wanted to make her
uncomfortable, because of what she'd said. He nibbled on the shell of her ear, making her shudder in
his arms, and kneaded the tight muscles in her shoulders and neck, loosening them. But this would be
better. <After all, she doesn't appear to have much experience in these matters. It would be child's
play to hurt her this way.>

Angel put his hands around her waist, picked her up, and turned her to straddle his lap. He then
examined her face. Her eyes were closed, and her hands were clenched into tight fists. He picked up
one of her hands, and slowly relaxed each finger in turn, massaging them. A tear had trickled down
her face, leaving a wet-streak. Her expression was one of agony and ecstasy mingled together. She
just didn't know what to make of this. Her eyes slowly opened, looking at him under shuttered lids,
trying to read his expression, which he kept neutral. He lifted her hand up, and took one of her
fingers into his mouth. He sucked on it, and scraped it with his blunt teeth. Willow shivered and
closed her eyes again. Angel then proceeded to lavish the same attention on each of the other digits
of her hand.

As he finished with her hand, he released it and leant forward. Willow's hands found themselves
braced on Angel's shoulders. Shudders continued to wrack her body, and her breathing became
ragged. Angel's mouth once again found itself on her throat, but soon moved upwards. Before
Willow knew what was happening, she found herself kissing Angel. The shock of his mouth on hers
made her gasp, and he used that opportunity to invade her mouth with his tongue. The two sparred
as Willow tried to understand how this could be happening. Her arms soon found themselves twined
around Angel's neck, holding him tightly to her. She rocked her hips against his before she could stop
herself and she felt Angel smile against her mouth as he retreated. He kissed his way down to her
throat, and she felt his face change. He gently bit, feeding quietly. Willow's arms never came away
from his neck, still forcing him to her, pressing him against her throat. The gentle sucking sensation
and the feel of his arms around her, coupled with the arousal she was feeling, was almost too much
for her. Another tear slipped out of her eyes, and she relaxed completely, putting her entire weight on
him. Angel removed his head from her throat, as Willow made a sound of protest.

He carefully lifted her up in his arms and carried her into the bedroom. He removed her shoes and
socks, then tucked her into bed. Willow opened her eyes and tried to draw him to her. He just
smiled, a rather mocking smile.

"Sleep, Willow. You deserve it." He left the room, and Willow heard the sound of the door opening
and closing, and the key in the lock. She fell into an uneasy sleep, filled with dreams of Angel, both
now, before, and in between.

<Poor Willow. What she must be experiencing. How I WISH I could help.> Keith mulled as he
headed for the shopping center. He had a pretty big list. Clothes, food, books, computer, cosmetics,
and disposables for the bunker. Angel had also told him to pick up 'banthaly' supplies, but luckily, he
had been able to talk Angel out of it.

He already had his two assistants picking up food and the computer and software. However, he
needed to get the clothes and cosmetics himself. A matter of honor.

<She doesn't deserve this sort of life.> He knew his conscience was right, however, he wouldn't do
anything to put Mist at risk. Therefore, Willow was going to stay Angel's prisoner. And that was all
there was to it.

"How are you feeling, Buffy?" asked Cordelia.

"Same as I felt two minutes ago, Cordelia." The whole gang, including Oz, was in the library for an
emergency 'Find Willow and destroy the Dancer' meeting. They weren't having much luck, however.
"Ok," Buffy took a big breath, and said, "this is the last time I'm going to tell you. I'm all right. Just a
little bruised and battered. It won't take long to heal." Buffy looked down at the floor. "I'm just glad
that Mom's out of town again," she said to herself.

"What do you think Angel's doing to her?" Oz asked rather helplessly, as he picked up the note
Angel had left on Buffy. It said 'It won't be long now'.

Buffy was still slightly miffed that Angelus had gotten that close. And it made her feel rather cheap,
that he'd stuck that stupid note into her bra.

"Yeah, what does that note mean?" Cordelia's voice broke up the thoughts swirling through Buffy's

"I don't know, Cordelia. It could mean just about anything," Buffy responded.

"When I get my hands on him..." Xander got up and started to pace himself. "First Willow, then you.
I'm going to tear him apart with my bare hands."

"Xander, calm down. There's no need for panic. We must maintain a level head about this. Angel is a
dangerous foe, and must be approached cautiously." Giles looked at Buffy. "Are you sure you're up
to this? You took some very nasty hits last night. Perhaps you should wait until-"

Buffy cut Giles off. "No," she said, brooking no arguments. "There's no time. Who knows what
happening to Willow. No, it's getting done tonight."

"Very well," Giles sighed. He picked up a small bottle from the table. "Throw this into the dancer's
face, then chant this small refrain. That should send the dancer back to hell."

"That's it?" asked Cordelia. "Seems kind of... simple."

"Elementals are simple creature," was Giles response. "Now, shouldn't all of you be getting home?
There's nothing more for you to do here, and it's best if you get home before dark."

"Don't worry, guys. I'll get Willow back, I promise." The others looked unconvinced, but didn't call
her on it. After all, what else could she do?

The gang headed off, leaving Buffy to prepare for her fight.
