Title: Destiny: Unknown
Author: Electra - Sadie@antisocial.com
Part: 10/?
Rating: R
Summary: Willow has a destiny that involves saving the world, and a mystery
girl. *Lame I know, just read it!*
Disclaimer: I own none of the BtVS or Angel cast, but I do own Sydney and
the story itself.
Distribution: If you have comething of mine already, just take this. If
not, ask me and I'll say yes.
Archived: Electra's Vampire Domain and Bite Me....Please?
Notes: I'm not sure where I'm going with this, so bear with me ok? (*)
represents Sydney's thought-words and (~) represents Willow's
thought-words. You'll understand :)
Pairings: Willow/Angel Spike/Sydney (mild)
Feedback: YES PLEASE! I need it badly!

"You want to what, Spike?" Angel looked at the blonde incredulously.

"Jump up there." Spike folded his arms, smirking.

"Didn't you just tell me that you couldn't do it?" Willow frowned in

"Peaches did. Not me."

Angel sighed, "There's no leverage, Spike. Remember that little catch?"

Spike snorted, "You're thinking we both jump. I'm thinking I use you for
leverage and that'll allow me to get enough height to reach the ledge."

The rest looked at him in surprise and he rolled his eyes, "I _can_ be
useful sometimes, you know."

Sydney spoke up, "But how are we going to get in then? You'll be up, but we
won't be."

"How about we man the fort down here? A single person inside would be
quieter than 4 people, and add to that he has vampiric stealth and
silence." Willow gestured to Spike.

"Good idea, get ready to be propelled to that window, Spike, I promise to
not to cop a feel." Angel flexed and grinned evilly.

"Piss off, poof." Spike all but snarled.

Sydney giggled and whispered something to Willow, which the vampires didn't

"What'd you say?" Angel asked.

Sydney looked at him with the 'like-I'd-tell-you' expression, "Never you
mind, boy. Now get your ass in gear."

Spike laughed silently at Angel's lecture. Sydney cocked her head, "You
too, bleached wonder."

Angel smirked and crouched down. Spike made a face and got into position,
his foot in Angel's grip.

"Remember that time's an issue, so hurry in there alright? Just grab the
book and go, you remember the name of it?" Willow chewed her lip.

Spike nodded, "Got it, can I go?"

Willow gestured for Angel to go, and watched with Sydney as Spike flew up
to the window and grabbed ahold of the edge. He got a foothold and gave
them a thumbs up before silently opening the window and dissappearing


It was merely five minutes later when they heard a small noise off to the
side of them. They heard voices and soft footsteps heading directly for

"Hide!" Angel hissed and motioned for them to follow him behind a thick

A split second after they hid themselves from view, two figures emerged
from the trees opposite the large building, talking rapidly in a language
they didn't know. The people took a quick look around them before
disappearing into the side door to the club.

Looking up, they saw Spike flattened against the wall, holding a book to
his chest. Angel gave a small nod, and pulled Willow and Sydney out from
behind the bush.

Spike jumped down and landed with a barely audible sound, standing to brush
imaginary dust from his duster. At their looks, he shrugged and said,
"Piece of cake."
