Title: Destiny: Unknown
              Author: Electra - Sadie@a...
              Part: 5/?
              Rating: R
              Summary: Willow has a destiny that involves saving the world, and a mystery
              girl. *Lame I know, just read it!*
              Disclaimer: I own none of the BtVS or Angel cast, but I do own Sydney and
              the story itself.
              Notes: I'm not sure where I'm going with this, so bear with me ok?
              Pairings: Willow/Angel Spike/?
              Feedback: YES PLEASE! I need it badly!
              Dedication: To all of you that have been supporting me and this story,
              thanks you guys! It's sometimes hard to focus on writing when I have
              homework and school stuff to tend to...
              Author's Notes: It's not betaed so I'm sorry for any mistakes I've made. If
              anyone wants to have the job, I'd be grateful for a fast beta reader?
              Hopefully this part is long enough for those of you who wanted a longer
              story this time, but I have a thing where I absolutely *can't* seem to
              write long stories. ~smiles~ Weird huh?

              "We're home!" Cordelia yelled as Willow an her stepped into the office.

              Angel appeared in the doorway of his office, "Have fun?"

              Willow smiled and nodded enthusiastically, "Thank God for 24 hour malls,
              however strange that concept is... who thought of that?"

              Cordelia shrugged, "Not sure, but with the hours I keep, sometimes it's a

              Angel broke in, "Sorry to interrupt the conversation, but you did say you
              had something to talk to us about?"

              "Yeah, I'll explain it in your office. You know, for privacy?" Willow
              gestured to the open door.

              Angel blinked, "Oh. Right." He moved out of the doorway to allow Willow and
              Cordelia to pass.

              "Nice one, Boss." Cordelia murmured, amused, as she walked past. He scowled
              at her and shut the door behind him.

              Willow watched the scene before her with puzzlement. *What did Cordy say to
              him?* Her attention was once again drawn to the dark vampire as he sat on
              the corner of his desk and stared pointedly at her. She sighed
              unconsciously, *He'll never be interested in me, but there's nothing I can
              do so just buck up Willow! Buck up? How lame is that? Where the hell did
              that co-*

              "Willow, are you alright?" Angel interrupted her thought process with the
              concerned question.

              Metally shaking herself, Willow gave a smile, "Yep. So alright, where
              should I start?"

              "How about at the beginning?" Angel smirked.

              "Uh, that's a good place." *Oh you idiot! Where's all your new-found
              confidence now, huh?* "Well, I started having these violent, gory dreams
              involving this one girl and a voice. The voice kept telling me 'This is the
              future of humankind. You can change this, follow your destiny.' And then a
              girl would appear above the images of war and chaos, she'd smile and start
              to say something but then I'd wake up."

              Angel was frowning. "Is this be a prophecy?"

              Willow gave a helpless shrug, "That's the thing, I don't know, none of us
              do! Giles couldn't find anything in his books and I searched for hours on
              end on the net, but still we found absolutely nothing. No mention of any
              prophecy involving me or the girl."

              Cordelia sat beside Willow, deep in thought while Angel had stood up from
              his position on the desk and was now pacing slowly in front of them, making
              Willow dizzy.

              "Well, anyone have any suggestions?" Willow looked hopefully at both of

              Cordelia grimaced. *It's gonna be a long night...*

              "What if we could find this dream girl?" Cordelia asked wearily. Willow and
              herself had been researching for hours while Angel went to all his usual
              sources to see if they knew anything.

              Glancing up, Willow said, "I've thought about that, but it'd be *very* hard
              since I have no clue what her name is, how old she is, or anything about
              her except for her appearance."

              "Oh, yeah. Guess it might take a while huh?" Cordelia sighed, "It must be
              frustrating, huh?"

              Willow leaned back in her chair and stretched, "Yeah, it is, but I console
              myself by thinking if I'm supposed to meet this girl, I will. When...I'm
              not sure about though."

              It was then Angel walked in and said hello, startling the stretching Willow
              and causing her to actually *fall* off the chair.

              Cordelia stared at Willow sprawled on the floor and couldn't contain her
              giggles. They turned to an all-out laugh when Willow glared at her.

              Meanwhile Angel just shook his head and giving a small smile he made his
              way over to Willow to help her off the floor.

              "Thanks," Willow smiled and went to sit back in her chair, glaring once
              more at Cordelia who was still chuckling.

              "Find anything?" Angel asked.

              "No, absolutely nothing," Cordelia groaned having finally controlled her

              "Me either, well, what now?" Angel sank down onto Cordelia's desk chair.

              Willow opened her mouth, about to speak, when the door opened and a girl
              stood in the doorway. Willow's mouth hung open in shocked surprise. It was
              the girl from her dreams.

              ~END PT 5~