Title: Destiny: Unknown
Author: Electra - Sadie@antisocial.com
Part: 7/?
Rating: R
Summary: Willow has a destiny that involves saving the world, and a mystery
girl. *Lame I know, just read it!*
Disclaimer: I own none of the BtVS or Angel cast, but I do own Sydney and
the story itself.
Distribution: If you have comething of mine already, just take this. If
not, ask me and I'll say yes.
Archived: Electra's Vampire Domain and Bite Me....Please?
Notes: I'm not sure where I'm going with this, so bear with me ok? (*) <--
represents Sydney's thought-words and (~) represents Willow's
thought-words. You'll understand :) Not betaed....sorry *shrug*
Pairings: Willow/Angel Spike/Sydney
Feedback: YES PLEASE! I need it badly!

Willow lay awake, staring at the smooth whiteness of the ceiling above her
bed, but not really seeing it. Her thoughts centered around one man, Angel.
His thoughtful and handsome face floated in her mind as she thought of ways
to get his attention. Her musing was interrupted by a weird feeling, it was
like something was pushing at the edge of her mind, trying to get into her
thoughts. Like anyone else would, she resisted it, pushing it back out of
her mind in a panic. But the force pushed on relentlessly and finally it
wormed it's way in.

*For someone who's face reads like an open book, you sure have your mind
closed tighter than prison doors!* Sydney's voice huffed. Willow's eyes
darted around the room, but saw no one else but her. *I'm still in my room,
so stop looking for me.* She sounded amused.

Shocked, Willow said out loud, "How are you talking to me in my mind?"

Annoyance and exasperation floated over the link, *It's easy, we're bonded
and therefore are able to communicate through telepathy...neat huh? So stop
speaking out loud 'cause I can hear your thoughts just as well, but no one
else will.*

Willow grinned, maybe the whole bonded thing wasn't so bad after all, ~You
can hear this?~


~This is _so_ weird! Cool too.~

*So what's this about getting Angel to notice you? And don't act all huffy
because it's too late. I already heard.*

Willow flopped back down on her bed, sighing softly. ~I really like him,
but he treats me like the barely-tolerated little sister! It's so annoying!~

*Little sister? Ha! Yeah, right. Jesus, the way he looks at you could melt
diamonds, girl!*

~Sure there, Syd. Be delusional.~ Willow rolled her eyes.

*Hey! I know you just rolled your eyes at me! Fine, if you don't want to
believe me, then just go right ahead, but don't come crying to me when he
loses interest because you're acting all un-you.*

~'Un-me?' Does that statement even exist in the english language?~

*Shut up.*

Willow giggled at the defensive tone. ~Woo-ee, someone's a little touchy
tonight. So how about Spike? He's a looker isn't he?~ She changed the

*I wouldn't know, I didn't even notice him much.*

~Now why don't I believe that?~

*Because you're delusional as I've said before?*

~Some--one's be--ing defen--sive!~ Willow sing-songed in her mind, then
giggled at the little growl she recieved as a reply. ~Face it, you're hot
for his bod!~

*Am not!*

~Are too!~

*Am not!*

~Ok, this is getting us nowhere. Own up Syd or else I'll have to beat with
you my imaginary wet noodle!~

Stifled laughing floated over the link, making Willow smile. *Wet noodle?
Oh God Wills, that's bad. I'm _so_ scared!*

~You should be!~

Both girls started laughing, then Sydney yawned, the sound echoing in
Willow's head. *I'm tired, I need sleep. See you tomorrow ok?*

~Kay. Night Syd.~



Angel stopped to check in on Willow before he continued on to his room, and
smiled as he saw he sleeping peacefully with a slight smile on her face.
Shutting the door, he walked across the hall into his own room, jumping a
little when he saw Spike sprawled across his king-sized bed trying to take
off his boots.

"Spike, what are you doing in here?"

Spiked raised his head to glance at Angel, "Getting ready for bed, mate.
This is how, isn't it?"

Angel rolled his eyes, "Nice try, but this is _my_ bed, so you're taking
the couch."

"I don't think so, I'm a guest so _you_ can take the couch."

"I mean it, get off the bed, Spike. I am not sleeping on that couch!" Angel
hissed angrily.

Spike took off his boots and stalked over to Angel, "Neither am I. Guess
we're at a stalemate then, hmm?"

Angel glared at his insolent childe before saying, "Fine, get in then," and
walking into the bathroom.

Spike smirked, he always won. Removing the rest of his clothes, Spike slid
under the soft covers and relaxed. He was about to drift off when he felt
the matress shift. "Hey!"

Angel smiled innocently at Spike, "What? I'm not taking the couch and
obviously you're not either so we're both sleeping here tonight. You don't
mind, do you Spike? You could always leave, you know."

Spike growled softly, but flipped over so his back was turned to Angel,
ignoring him. Angel smiled, it was fun playing with Spike's mind sometimes.
He layed down and closed his eyes. He soon fell deeply asleep, image of
fiery red hair dancing in his thoughts.

~END PT 7~
