Summary: Willow is found by Angelus; and he brings her to his family. But there are no memories of her life left, and Angel gives her gives her a perfect life.
Disclaimer: I don't own them; I wish I did but we all live with wishes.
Type: Romance and angst.
Rating: PG-15 or so (For language and sexual referances)
Note: This takes place after "Killed by Death", so anything before that can be spoiled.
Feedback: Should I have to ask?
~Part: One~
"Should a pair guys like us, have to ask you ladies to the Bronze's Ladies Night?" asked Xander while Oz gave him a confused look.
"I'll go," said Cordy.
"If Oz pays my way sure," I said wrapping my arms around Oz.
"Yeah since it's free, I'll pay all the money you want,"
"Buffy?" I asked.
"Yeah I will. I mean I'm sure Giles will let me have some fun, especially after I've been sick which I hope will never happen again."
"It's unanimous!" exclaimed Xander.
Then the slimy, evil, annoying voice of Snyder spoke, "Keep your voice down Harris or I'll have to make you shut-up. And Miss Rosenberg; no public displays of affection in this school please." he walked off.
"Jack a…"
Imitating Snyder Buffy bumped in, "Watch your language Harris," and for the first time in a long time Buffy seemed happy. Willow and Oz started to pretend to make-out by a garbage can. Everyone laughed.
I walked down the stairs of my house to find Oz talking with mom.
"You really are a nice boy," Sheila's voice said sweetly.
"Um… thanks,"
"Hey Oz, you like?" I asked indicating my outfit. It was a pink sweater and jeans. It was a little different from my normal wardrobe but…
"Wow!" was Oz's response. "It's a new side of Willow. Well more of the side of Willow." He gave her a small kiss on her cheek.
"Have fun kids! Willow do you need money?" Sheila asked.
"No, but thanks. Bye mom."
Oz and Willow walked from the Rosenberg house. The sun had started to set.
"Your mom is nice," Oz offered.
There was Xander and Cordy at the door with Buffy near by.
"Let us go in my friends,"
Within minutes everyone was having fun. Even Buffy seemed to have fun. It was as if the world they knew had disintegrated. A guy I had seen from school came up to Buffy and asked her to dance. He was tall with reddish hair and glasses. Still he was really, really cute.
**Angelus saw them as a group. A young man had approached Buffy. Idiot, with any luck if he actually asked Buffy out and then a few dates he'd be dead by me. The girl I talked to was nice enough but she was a ditz. She kept talking about how her teachers sucked, and how her parents sucked. I suggested we go out side, when she saw my game face she managed to get away from me. Actually I kind-of let her go, plus I was up for a chase. She ran out of the alley and into the park's direction. I smiled, I didn't have to run I just walked at a fast pace and I still, as always, I stayed just a little behind.
***Oz and I walked out of the Bronze at about 10 o'clock. It was a little early so we decided to go through the park.
"You ready for The Dingo's big bash on Thursday?" he asked.
"As always, for every time you guys have a bash,"
He smiled his warm, loving smile and Oz kissed my cheek. I smiled and kissed him back.
**This girl was probably on the track team or something because she hadn't stopped running. Over a fence, no obstacle for either of us. Into the park, it was the darker end where all of us undead and evil lurked. There was only ten or so feet between us, when from one of the large bushes a demon jumped, slashed her throat and she fell. Grrrrr, freakin' demon I am gonna kick his…
*** "Oz watch out!" I screamed. The demon came right towards us. It pushed me off to the side. I knew I hit something when I fell into the large black…
** I saw the creature attack a couple. He hit the girl first and then knocked the boy to the ground. I approached him when he lifted up the back of the guy's shirt.
"Hey I you gonna…" great a Black-Back Tongue demon. They fed on the spinal and brain fluids of humans. They were rare but that didn't want to make me stop from killin' it's dumb ass. "Oh, It's one of you guys eh?"
"Huh?" It groaned. It sounded like Chewbacca from Star Wars.
"Listen you know you just killed my dinner right,"
"Nuhhhh," It moaned.
"Right now it's you turn." I ran in and broke the thing's neck before he could take one more useless breath.
I looked at the victim, he smelled like a werewolf. He was short too with red… I gabbed the red hair, it was Buffy's pet friend Oz, and the girl must be oh damn! Willow. Her head was slightly bleeding, she had hit it on a rock. Now I'm gonna have to kill them without satisfaction of fear or seeing them in, a thought. I could take the little hacker home so that Dru, Twirl-a-Whirl and I could have a friend for a few days then leave the body in the school. Ha! I could already see the slayer's face. Bending down I flung her over my shoulder. I tireless effort, she couldn't have weighed more than 110 ponds. And I walked in the direction of the mansion I was now staying at.
~Part: 2~
"Spike?" Angelus heard Drusilla's voice ask in its monotone way. "Yes, Pet?" Replied Twirl-a-Whirl
"Miss Edith has been teasing me, so have the stars. They say Angel doesn't want me anymore he's found some one else." <Jeez can she get anymore pessimistic? >
"Dru, I…" I walked in at that moment carrying the Hacker in my arms. "Bloody Hell, what are you doing with the Slayer's Red-head?"
I didn't respond. I just smiled and walked to my room.
"Wait!" Drusilla called, leaving Spike behind.
I laid Willow down on the queen-size bed. Her head rolled a bit on the pillow. The wound on her head, since it hadn't been hadn't been serious, was not bleeding anymore. In fact I wouldn't need a bandage applied to it.
"Oh, you brought home a play toy." Dru breathed.
"Yes, I did," I said covering Willow with a thin afghan. Not the slightest moan. She could have passed for dead, if I couldn't hear her heart. She'll be fine. Until we're finished with her.
Spike entered. "Bloody idiot. You're gonna get us killed one day. You know this?"
"Well, Spikey, I thought I'd share. But since you don't want a taste, then go find your own fun."
Dru purred, I looked over to find her kneeling at the bedside.
"She's dreaming, she's seeing her death. I see it too. There's so much blood in her. She is so small though. Yet there is so much blood."
"Pet, come on. Let us leave Angel here with his bloody death omen."
Dru stood and walked out the door. I checked my watch, it was late. Not really, enough time to catch a quick snack.
The young hooker was tasty. Fresh, boiling it felt warm. I walked by the Slayer's house. <Don't worry Buff, soon there will be one less person to worry about. >
When I returned to the mansion, Drusilla had forgiven her doll and 'the stars'. Sure her little visions helped but they were getting to be a pain.
"She's not unconscious anymore, but she's still sleeping," Spike informed me.
"Thanks," then I added "Twirl-a-Whirl." Spike growled and flung his empty scotch bottle at me. I dodged it, but still felt the sting of stray glass shards.
The door creaked as I opened the door. Willow was squirming in the bed. Her feet messed up the black comforter underneath them. Her eyes where in REM, Willow was dreaming. No doubt of the Black-back tongue.
I pulled up a chair to the side of the bed, her side. I sat and waited. Merely fifteen minutes had passed before Willow's eyelids fluttered open. I smiled, I about opened my mouth to say something, but her fear was more confusion than anything. The look on her face wasn't terror but sheer, and utter puzzlement.
"Who are YOU?" she asked slowly but surely. The next question was breathed but Angelus heard it: "Who am I?"