New Blood

Author: Emma


Distribution: Angel of Mine, TNPWFLD, Fever of Fate, Witch Fan Fic, anyone else please ask first.

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: Angel, Willow and co. do not belong to me. They are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and the WB. All characters are used without permission. No copyright infringement intended.

Feedback: Me + Feedback = Happy!!!

Summery: The final Part in the series.

Spoilers/Warnings: Wish/Dopplegangland.

Authors Notes: Part six of the Heart and…Demon Series.



Two months later…

Willow was lying on their bed, watching Angelus as he walked into the room. Her eyes following his coat as he tossed it on a nearby chair.

It had been just over a week since they had moved into there new home, an old warehouse just outside of town.

It's not that they hadn't enjoyed the time they had spend with Spike and Drusilla, that is after they had found out and come to terms with the fact that the great Angelus was obsessed with the red headed vampiress.

Spike had taken great pleasure in taunting Angelus over his feelings for Willow, after the decades of having to hear Angelus make fun of him for his feelings for Drucilla. But Spike had soon come to realize that this was not just a passing obsession, that he cared deeply for the woman he spent his nights and days with. Something he himself could all to well understand.

Drucilla took the news a little worse however, screaming that Willow had taken her daddy away from her.

She had tried on several occasions when Angelus was out hunting to stake Willow. Though she had never succeeded.

If it had been any other vampire Willow would have killed her in an instant. But Dru was family, and her attempts had been half hearted, not really wanting to kill Willow, just wanting her daddy back.

Realizing that this could soon become a problem if not dealt with, Willow had told Angelus to talk with her.

Angelus had explained to Drucilla that even though he was now with Willow, and that he loved her very much, that he would always be her daddy and nothing could change that. And after he reminded her that Willow was now her new mom, she couldn't wait to see Willow again and welcome her into the family. Talking of all the tea parties and fun they would have together.

And now, they had a place all of their own, thought it was only down the road from Spike and Drucilla's. And more importantly, Angelus had Willow all to himself, something he was sure he was going to love almost as much as her.

The End

All right, a rubbish ending I know, but at least it's finished. *g*
