Title: Comfort and Glory
Author: Eshe
Rating: pg-13 for now
Disclaimer: Joss is king we should all worship him
Summary: Cant thing of how to describe right now. My brain is filled with equations for my midterm. Revenge is the plan.
Autors notes: Going crazy, need help- I'm actually going to thank Inell because I have all these ideas for storys spinning around in my head and if
Inell can write like fifty stories at once so can I. Now onto my story, warning it took me like an half an hour to write so if the writings crappy I
blame myself.

Part 1

Willow stood in the kitchen of Giles' apartment alone. In the past three
days she felt that she had lost everything, not only Tara but after tomorrow
things will always be different for her. On top of all that she couldn't cry
anymore. She was trying to get everything out but for some reason the tears
wouldn't come. Deep inside she was wishing this were just some dream that
her overactive brain was cooking up. But it wasn't every time she tried to
wake up nothing would happen. And still the tears wouldn't come. Willow
finished the last part of the spell, the spell that would help save Dawn's
life and keep her safe while they found a way to destroy Glory. She just
hoped that they wouldn't have to kill Ben as well; he was a nice guy except
he had to share a body with his evil sister. Willow didn't want to kill
anyone that wasn't evil, just Glory. The reason that she felt the way she
did today, just Glory. Willow turned around and almost screamed when she saw
Angel behind her
"What are you doing here?"
"Buffy sent me to check on how everything was going... How is everything
"Just fine, I'm almost finished I just need a few more ingredients."
"I didn't mean with the spell Willow. I meant you. How are you doing?"
"I don't know… is over cooked a good way to explain it."
"You should get some rest. Its dawn now, we cant go out and get anything
right now. I'll call Giles after you get some sleep and he can bring
everything over."
"No, lets do it now. I cant sleep knowing Dawn is in danger."
"Look Dawn isn't in danger right now. Her and Spike have left already, Buffy
doesn't even know where they are going. All we have to do now is perform the
cloaking spell and we'll have time to find out what we need."
" Angel if its almost dawn when exactly did you get here?" Willow said
realizing something.
"An hour ago. I came in and you were so caught up in your thoughts that I
didn't want to interrupt you."
"You could have said something."
"I couldn't Willow, you looked so… helpless."
"Well what do you expect Angel? I've lost so much… so, so much. I can't take
this anymore, I want this to end, I want all this pain gone Angel. It hurts
to know if only you had of shut up about one thing the person you loved
wouldn't have died. If I could have just shut up and left the subject alone
Tara would still be here now. That seems to be a recurring theme in my life.
They leave me either for someone else, or in this case she died. I'm so sick
and tired of this. All my life I kept wishing for something normal, but I
couldn't have it. Not with parents that care more about their jobs than me.
I keep falling in love with people that don't even notice me and I keep
losing the ones that do. On top of that I fight the forces of darkness with
powers that aren't going to ever stop growing. I scared Tara and I scare
myself." Willow stopped talking as Angel pulled her into his arms.
"Don't blame yourself for what is happening, you don't know what would have
happened if you stayed with her Willow. You don't know what would have
happened if you would have never met Buffy. You could be dead right now and
Glory could have the Key and nothing would exist anymore. You don't scare me
Willow and you never will. I care for you so much and hate to see you like
this. Let this go Willow, there was nothing you could do."
Then it happened… as they looked into each other's eyes Willow started to
weep, and Angel took his hand and wiped the tears from her face. Not wanting
to see her like this anymore. Willow took his hand and held onto it as their
faces started to drift closer to each others. Until their lips were
touching. Neither noticed what was happening didn't understand what they
were feeling at that moment in time. Maybe they were trying to take comfort
in one another, but they didn't stop when they started to drift to the

