
Author: FaerieEve

Rating: R

Pairing: W/A, B/A

Disclaimer: I own nothing. As anyone I know will attest to, I have nothing worth suing for. All Characters from the show "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" & "Angel" are owned by Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy I’m just borrowing them to occupy my otherwise boring existence and will return them when I’m done.

I also don’t own any of the lyrics to the song "Angel" those belong to Neoverse and Mary Prankster. If you want to find more go to It’s great

Spoilers: This takes place during Season 3, after Beauty and the Beasts. Slight alteration, Willow & Oz aren’t dating and she is the one who found Angel, not Buffy.

Summery: Sequel to Arms length, Angel finds something on his doorstep.

Author’s notes: Thanks to everyone for the feedback. As the readers ask so the lowly fanfic author will do.

Feedback: Faerieeve@ PLEASE, feedback is crucial to sanity.


The music drifted in on the humid night air. The drums beating out a comforting rhythm, and faintly in the background was the sound of a heartbeat. Slowly I walked toward the sound. That’s when I noticed it, drifting in on the air, mixing with the melody, was her scent. Suddenly I found myself at the door, without remembering how I got there. My hand hovered over the doorknob for a moment, stealing myself for the look of hurt that must be in her eyes. I opened it expecting to find her. But I found only a small stereo and a note. Listen.

"You tell me of your journey, the trouble that you found.

With your feet so firmly planted on the ground.

But you were meant for more, I can see it in your eyes."

The words floated through the room as I carried the stereo inside. And all I could imagine were her eyes. In my mind I had been seeing her eyes that night too. I had touched Buffy’s skin, and pretended it was her. I had kissed Buffy’s lips, and pretended it was her. I had called out her name in Buffy’s arms. I had fucked up. I remembered the look of understanding as it filled Buffy’s eyes and felt her heart break as her hand connected with my cheek and again as her knee connected with my groin. Then I watched Buffy’s back as she walked out.

"Memories of a lover, that got the best of you.

Fade as you discover, a higher point of view.

Some were meant to soar, Baby you were meant to fly."

I stopped trying. I isolated myself. No patrols, no research, nothing. I couldn’t have stood to see the hurt in Buffy’s eyes again. I didn’t think I couldn’t have stood to see HER either. For months I had been trying to ignore the pain. I never meant for it to turn out that way. I was in agony and I could see how I was hurting her. But as the music surrounded me I could tell she was there. Somewhere. I felt the best I had in months. There were days when I would have willingly let Xander stake me. But at that moment I could feel her near and the thought raced around my mind that maybe I still had a chance.

"Angel, Angel, come and take my wings.

Be a fool for better things."

Fool, that’s an understatement. I had thought I could forget her. I had thought I could make things go back the way they were, that I could write off my feelings and hers. God, how I hoped she had those feelings. I spent months trying to ignore them and at that moment I would have given anything to know she cared. I prayed to a God that probably hasn’t listened to me in centuries that I didn’t fuck up my only chance with a goddess. Just because it was simpler. Because I am a coward.

"Never let them tell you there’s folly in you flight.

You get no second chances to see with second sight.

Much to know they built, they built beneath the stars."

I was wrong. I betrayed Buffy’s love. I betrayed everyone’s trust. I betrayed Willow. I destroyed everything they gave me. And this time I can’t blame it on the demon. Even on my road to redemption, I destroy. But she came to me and she was playing me this song. This song that gives me so much hope.

"Everyone’s perception could use a little lift.

I’m taking off my feathers and passing on this gift.

The sky is open wide and we can make it ours."

Ours??? I’m knew I was probably over analyzing. How could she possibly be willing to give me a second chance? Could she really have wanted to have anything to do with me? Willow... Willow... Willow. If only I haven’t lost her completely. "You haven’t." And there she was, standing in the doorway the moonlight framing her silhouette. Her eyes studying my face with a mix of pain and compassion. "Was I talking out loud?" Willow looked at me a soft, tentative smile crossing her lips and nodded her head. A few tears ran down my cheek and I can still remember the feel of her hand as it reached out to wipe them away.

"Angel, Angel, come and take my wings.

Be a fool for better things."

Slowly I covered her hand with my own and pulled her close. "Willow, I’m so sorry." She looked me in the eyes for a minute and then down at the floor. "Angel, its okay." But I knew it wasn’t. I reveled in the feel of her body against mine and tried to pretend that for a moment she was telling me the truth. That’s when she fell against me, shaking. Fighting my own will I separated us and led her to the couch. She lowered herself, snuggling against me. I wiped her tears returning the gesture of caring she had shown me earlier. How could I have ever thrown the jewel that is Willow away? "Willow, we need to talk." Once again she brought her eyes to mine and I was captivated. Slowly her lips cover mine and I was in heaven with my fire haired goddess. "Later."

read the sequal 'Fallen'
