Save One, Get The Other One Free

Author: HazelWicca

Parts: Prologue-13


Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me, the idea is not mine, Mutant Enemy and Joss Weadon own it all, I own nothing, I am an impoverished student, take pity on me and please don't sue!

Summery: This is what could happen if Willow decides to get Angel out of hell during the summer when Buffy ran away, and if there was a prophecy manipulating everyones lives!

Spoilers: Seasons One and Two, and a smidgen of three!

Author's Notes: This is set during the summer that Buffy ran away, so ignore season three and after, in my twisted world it doesn't exist!


<I can’t wait to get out of this’s so boring........everyone is being so annoying!> Willow looked around her. Giles was pacing back and forth in front of the check-in desk, book in one hand, glasses held in the other. Cordelia was sitting opposite Willow, flicking through some womens magazine filled with extremely thin women, and beefy guys in CK underwear. Oz was next to her, holding her hand lightly. He smiled slightly at her, which in Oz expression meant extreme gladness.

<Okay, so not everyone’s annoying me, only Xander!>

Willow looked at the other end of the table and Xander immediately caught her gaze.

“You need anything Wills? I can get some sugary goodness for you, you look a little pale, maybe you should lie down!” He stood up and moved towards her.

“Overprotective much! She was in a coma, now she’s in a chair, you see the steps to health? So leave her alone, but as you’re up, I’d like a low fat cappuchino with extra foam!” Cordelia said as he passed her, extremely sarcastically.

“Geez Cordy, what did your last slave die of?” He muttered to himself as he walked towards the doors.

“Thanks!” Willow said as the doors swung shut behind him. Cordelia shrugged.

“Dammit!” Willow, Oz and Cordelia looked up at Giles in surprise. He slammed the book onto the counter-top. He pulled a handkerchief out of his top pocket and began to clean his glasses. “I don’t seem to be able to translate this new prophecy.....the Latin is very old and, well, long-winded to say the least!”

“You’ll get it in the end!” Willow said with a sad smile. <If it isn’t one thing it’s another.......Acathla leads to end of world.......leads to us averting end of wmissing slayer, and one dead vampire........which leads us right back to orld......leads to one more typical prophecies on the Hellmouth.......our lives bite!>

“So, any news about our absent, yet sorely missed slayer?” Cordelia said, idly flicking through her magazine. <Tact girl strikes again!>

“N-no! Nothing as yet, although I do have a number of leads which I am at the current time persuing.” Giles said, frowning slightly. <He blames’s not his fault......if it’s anybody’s fault it’s mine, should have done the damn spell the first time!>

“You’ll find her Giles! It’s only a matter of time!” Willow spoke softly, head down.

“I second the encouraging, uplifting statement.” Oz stated, looking at Willow. There was a few minutes of silence, each person thinking private thoughts. <I have to do something......but what? What? What happened, if I knew what happened then I could at least feel better! Right, I know have a plan......time to carry out my plan!>

“Actually, I’m feeling a little tired, maybe I should go home?” Willow looked at Oz. “Sure baby.” He stood up and walked behind her chair. He started to wheel her to the doors slowly.

“Bye Cordy, Giles.” Willow called out, twisting slightly to look at them. They both looked up at her.



“Race you to your van!” Willow joked, looking up at Oz, who smiled at her and pushed her out of the library.

End Prologue

“Thanks for coming over Amy! I hope I didn’t interrupt anything important.”

Willow said to her friend whilst ushering her through the door.

“Nope! Unless you consider an evening with Ben&Jerry’s and Gone With The Wind important!” Amy smiled at Willow, then dropped the bag she was carrying onto the bed. “I got everything you needed! What do we do now?”

“Are you up to a little field trip?” Willow asked her with a chirpy voice.

Half an Hour Later:-

“You take me to the strangest places! Why are we in an abandoned mansion with a bag full of wiccan supplies and a picnic?” Amy asked, looking strangely at Willow, who just laughed.

“This is where Acathla opened! I need to know what happened that night, why Buffy ran away!” Willow sighed. “You can go if you want to, although I don’t know how I’d get home!”

“I’m not gonna just leave you, besides, this definitely sounds interesting. Shall we start?” Amy picked up the bag and started to take out everything, putting it by the fireplace. Willow heaved herself out of the chair and staggered over to Amy. The two of them worked for about five minutes, mixing the herbs and setting up the circle.

“Goddess Hecate I invoke thee

infuse my spirit with your strength,

that I might work my will this night.

So mote it be!”

Amy looked up and said “I’m ready!” Willow sat up straighter, cleared her throat, and shook her hair out of her eyes.

“Goddess of sight I ask of thee to grant my request,

Let me see what occurred here two weeks past

so that I may understand and act upon the knowledge

granted by the powers, so mote it be!”

Willow looked up at Amy, who poured a bluey-black liquid into a stone bowl that rested between the two of them. There was a flash of light and smoke rose from the mixture. Willows and Amy’s eyes glazed over, as if they were no longer seeing the outside world. Willow fell back and Amy slumped over onto her side, their eyes flickering from side to side, watching something that wasn’t there.

<Oh Goddess! That hurts.> Willow slowly opened her eyes, then sat up. “Amy, okay....Amy?” Her voice rose in volume as she shook her friend.

“Owwww.....ohhhh......head......hurt.....bad.” Amy rolled onto her back.

“I know exactly how you feel!” All of a sudden memories and images came flooding back. “Oh Goddess! Did you see......can you remember?” Amy nodded.

“Yup! I have absolutely no idea what it all meant, but I saw, just like we were supposed to. Did you understand it?” Amy sat up and looked thoughtfully at her friend, who was staring into space, a worried frown on her face.

“Unfortunately, I did!”

Ten Minutes Later:-

“Are you crazy?” Amy shrieked at Willow after she had finished explaining her plan.

“Perhaps......but I have to do this! Can you understand? Please, understand!” Willow

looked imploringly at her friend who was shaking her head slightly.

“It’s too dangerous Willow! You could get really hurt, you don’t mess with the demon dimensions! It’s called hell for a reason you know!” Amy looked beseechingly at Willow, trying to get her to drop her crazy plan.

“Look, I’m going to get Angel back, and I can do it with your help or without it, although with it would be better because I don’t really want to die!” Willow spoke calmly, but forcefully, looking Amy in the eyes as she did so.

“This is like, blackmail!” Willow smiled.

“Yup! So, you in?” She said in an innocent voice. Amy frowned.

“I don’t have a choice. Come on, we have a lot of research to do!” Amy stood up then bent back down, pulling Willow to her feet then helping her into the wheelchair.

She went back over to the fireplace and started to gather up their belongings. She looked up at Willow and then dropped the bag into her lap. “You owe me....big time!”

“I know! Come on, if we hurry we can catch X-Files re-runs! It’s the one with the aliens and the government conspiracies tonight!”

“Ha-ha, very funny!” Amy pushed Willow out of the mansion and towards her car.

“That was Xander bad!”

“Hey! There’s no need to be insulting!” Willow said in an outraged tone, Amy just laughed.

End Part 1

<Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Yes! Yes! Eureka, I’ve got it!>

Willow printed the page off quickly, then saved it onto three different floppy discs.

Then she ran over to her phone, and quickly punched in Amy’s number.

Brrrrrrr-brrrrrrr, Brrrrrrrr-brrrrrrr, “Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up.....” She was interrupted by a click then a sleepy “Hello?”

“Amy? That you?” Willow jumped up and down in anticipation.


“Great, wonderful, brilliant, I found it!”


“The spell!”

“Who is this? Willow?”

“Well duh! I found it.......on the net......we can get him back Amy!” Willow started to spin round in circles, occasionally punching the air with her fist.

“Willow, that’s great!” Amy said, a little more awake than before. “I’ll be over first thing in the morning!”

“Oh.....I thought we could get started now!” Willow said hopefully.

“It’s.....2:30am Willow!” Amy said slowly, pausing to look at her clock.

“Really? Oh goddess, I’m sooooooo sorry, I’ll go now, so you can sleep, which was what I probably stopped you from doing!” Willows words tumbled over each other.

“How much coffee have you had?” Amy asked her, frowning.

“Two pots!” Willow said sheepishly. “G’night!”

“Night!” Amy put the phone down and gave a big heaving sigh. Then she flopped over onto her front and buried her face into her pillow. “I’m never gonna get back to sleep!” She said to herself, then she sighed again.

Willow put the phone down and went back to her computer. <I can’t sleep now......too there’s the caffeine factor!> She picked up a notepad and started to scan the printout for what she would need. She planned for a few hours more, and finally fell asleep at her desk, she dreamt of Angel.

End Part 2

“This looks almost too easy! Are you sure it’s right, did you check it?” Amy said after looking over the computer printout that Willow had shoved into her hand as she’d let her in.

“Yes! I checked it twice, and I e-mailed it to three wiccan friends of Miss Calendars, they gave it the thumbs up! We are good to go!” Willow bounced up and down as she tried to convince Amy that the spell was for real.

“Well, I suppose it’ll still be hard, I mean the whole going into the bowels of hell to rescue a tortured soul, pretty damn hard when you think about it!” Amy said after thinking for a minute.

“Exactly!” Willow said loudly, shifting from foot to foot. Amy smiled at her obvious enthusiasm. “I got everything already, so we can go to the mansion and get ready.

It’s gonna take the whole day ‘cos we have to cleanse ourselves and the house, but the actual spell looks pretty quick!”

“Alright, alright!” Amy gave Willow a huge smile then said “Let’s go then, Miss Hyperactive! We have some wiccan magick to perform, don’t wanna get behind, there may be a test later.”

“Exactly......hey, you, leave me alone!” Willow glared at her and Amy started to laugh out loud.

“Sorry,” she managed after a few minutes, “It’s just you’re such an easy target today!”

Willow stuck her tongue out and blew a raspberry, which made Amy laugh even harder. Finally, sick of waiting for Amy to move, Willow picked up her bag and strode out of her house, shoulders back, head held high, and a pretend injured look on her face. Amy followed her, still laughing.

Six Hours Later:-

“I’ll tell you this, I’ve never been so clean!” Willow exclaimed to Amy as they packed away the cleansing tools. Amy got a sly look on her face but before she could reply Willow broke in with “No comment!” Amy sighed and then shrugged.

“Come on, we’ll set up the circle and grab something to eat!” Willow picked up her stuff and headed towards the main room of the mansion.

Willow was already sitting at the fireplace unpacking by the time Amy got there.

“Are you sure, absolutely sure, that you want to do this Willow?” Amy asked her seriously as she sat down. Willow thought for a minute then spoke with such clarity that Amy had to accept her answer.

“Yes, Amy, I’m very sure! Angel doesn’t deserve to be in hell, Angelus does, but it’s my fault that the wrong person is being tortured so I have to fix it. There’s more too, Buffy for example. She shouldn’t have to live with the fact that she sent the man she loves to hell, and I need Angel. He was my friend, yeah, okay, we didn’t talk much, or bond even....but that’s not the point! He was still a friend, he still is, and I don’t leave friends to suffer when I can help them.”

Amy looked at Willow for a few seconds then she hugged her. “I’m glad to have you as my friend Willow!” She said finally, blinking away tears. Willow started crying as well.

“I’m glad that I’m you’re friend, Amy!” After a few moments the two girls pulled away from each other. “Right, you want the chicken or the cheese sandwich?”

End Part 3

“I invoke the powers of nature,

witness and grant my request,

I ask that you bless this circle

and all that lies within.

I ask that you grant me safe passage,

into the lower dimensions

so that I,

your humble servant,

may free an innocent soul from eternal pain.

Powers of nature,

lend me thy power,

lend me thy love,

so that I may right a wrong!

Witness my plea,

so mote it be!”

Willow spoke slowly but clearly. Amy stood outside of the circle, watching in case anything went wrong. Slowly the room was getting lighter, Amy could see a bright light forming just in front of Willow. The light grew brighter, and bigger. Willow opened her eyes and found herself looking directly at a growing, swirling portal.

Made of hundreds of different colours. <Beautiful!>

The portal grew slowly until it got to roughly the size of a door. Willow turned slightly and looked at Amy, then she took a deep breath and stepped into the light. <Ohhhhhh.......ick> Willow stumbled and found herself in a corridor. She turned to look behind her and saw the portal she had just came through. <Looks stable.......gotta be quick!> Willow started to walk down the corridor, trying the doors as she walked, they were all locked. Finally she came to one at the end which wasn’t.

<Here goes nothing!> She opened the door and stepped through. The room was dark, she couldn’t see any walls because the shadows blocked all view. In the middle of the room Willow saw someone lying on the floor. “Angel!” She shouted, as she ran towards him. She quickly bent over and pulled him onto his back. “Oh Goddess Angel, please wake up, I can’t move you on your own! Wake up!” She shook him and he began to stir. He growled once, then passed out.

“Well that’s just great isn’t it! Well fine,” she grabbed hold of his arms and began to pull him across the floor. “I guess I’ll have to do this the hard way, you vampire-lump you!” She opened the door and started to drag him up the corridor.

After a minute or so of extreme effort she made it to the portal. “Home free!” She exclaimed, as she started to manoeuvre Angel into an upright position. Suddenly she heard roaring from behind her. “Spoke to soon!” Willow turned around.

A rather large, and extremely ugly demon, was barrelling up the corridor, swearing like there was no tomorrow. “Oops, gotta go!” Willow gave a really big heave and managed to get Angel onto his feet. She started to drag him through the portal just as the demon caught up with them. It grabbed hold of Angel just as Willow stepped into the portal. She stumbled, and dragged herself and Angel back to earth.

Willow hit the floor and Angel fell on top of her. “Oomph!” Willow pushed Angel off her and sat up. “Goddess, that was hard!” She said, looking at Amy.

“Umm, Willow!” She said strangely, looking behind her.

“Yeah?” Willow said, turning round. She paused, gasped, and then blinked.

There, lying on the floor behind her was Angel......and Angel! There was only one thing Willow could say.


End Part 4


“Okay, I want you to give me one more big push!” Sara wiped Elizabeth’s clammy brow. “Alright, now, push!”

Elizabeth screamed and gave a final push, all of a sudden you could hear a baby crying and Elizabeth sobbed in relief, dragging in deep lungfuls of air. “It’s a girl, a beautiful girl Lizzie!” Sara wrapped the squirming bundle in a blue sheet, and then handed her to Elizabeth. “What are you going to name her?” Sara said, as she bustled about the bed, straightening the sheets, and taking away the blood-soaked linen.

Elizabeth looked up from her baby’s face and said sombrely “Marie, she’s going to be Marie.” Then she slowly fell asleep with Marie in her arms.

end flashback

“Oh god! Willow, wake up, wake up before they do or I swear to god I’ll hurt you really bad!” Amy shook Willow hard, her red hair flew in all different directions.

“Ughhh! I was having the weirdest were in it and so was Ang...” She broke off suddenly as she caught site of the two Angel’s lying on the floor. “Not a dream!”

“Nope, not a dream! So get up and help me panic!” Amy pulled Willow to her feet and steadied her as she wobbled.

“What are we gonna do?” Willow asked Amy, a desperate look on her face.

“Don’t look at me, you’re supposedly the brains of this outfit! Think of something.......but make it soon, because Angel number one is waking up!” Amy backed away from the two men on the floor, pulling Willow with her who was just staring helplessly at them. Amy reached for a stake and a cross, she handed the cross to Willow, then manoeuvred herself into a good approximation of Buffy’s fighting stance.

“Angel?” Willow said timidly, staring at the groaning man. He looked up suddenly and smiled.

“Not quite Red!” Willow gasped and Amy looked at her.

“Angelus!” She whispered to herself. Amy froze, a scared look on her face.

“Oh goddess, oh goddess, oh goddess.....” Amy repeated over and over, dragging an unresisting Willow further away from the vampire.

“Exactly! Thanks for freeing me Willow, I didn’t know you cared. I hate to snack and run but time is wasting, and I owe the slayer a visit.” Angelus vamped out and stalked towards the two girls. Willow started to whimper and Amy started to pray under her breath.

Angelus reached towards Willow and her back hit the wall, her eyes opened wider as he moved closer to her. Amy kicked him in the knees and he swore under his breath.

Grabbing Amy by her shoulders, he flung her into the wall, she hit it then slid down to the ground unconscious.

“Alone at last! You know Willow, I always......” He was cut off suddenly, his eyes clouded over then closed. He slumped forward and fell at Willows feet. Willow looked up.


“W-Willow!” He staggered forward slightly and fell into her arms. They both fell to their knees, Willow crying, Angel shaking.

“Oh goddess, A-Angel,’re Angel.....not Angelus.....because we already have an Angelus....but you already know that because you knocked him out....oh goddess, what are we gonna do?” Movement suddenly attracted Willow’s attention.

“Amy! Are you alright?” Amy sat up groggily, running her hands through her hair and over her face.

“I guess so......the wall won!” Amy looked at Angel who was still kneeling next to Willow, her arms around him, and then to Angelus, who was lying passed out next to Willow.

“I’m guessing we screwed up, huh?” Amy said slowly, as she rose to her feet.

Willow looked at the man in her arms, and his demon double lying on the floor.

“I guess you could put it like that!” She smiled sheepishly and Amy grinned. Then in perfect unison they spoke.


End Part 5


A woman was running along a river, her hair flying out behind her, a small bundle in her arms. She looked around her then veered to the right, heading towards the trees.

She stumbled but quickly regained her balance. She dodged the trees but managed to keep up her speed, and after a few more minutes of running she slowed down and looked around her.

The bundle in her arms moved, and she put it down. “Marie my love, are you alright?”

“Yes ma! Have we stopped running now?” The little girl looked at her mother expectantly.

“Yes Marie, now we’re going to’s like a hide under these leaves, and I chase the bad men away, but you have to stay here and not move until I come back for you!” Elizabeth pulled Marie over to a large tree, and then started to cover her with leaves. “Remember, ma loves you....always!” Elizabeth kissed her on the forehead, then covered her with the rest of the leaves. She stood up and looked around, then she picked a direction and ran.

She ran for what seemed like an eternity, she ran until they caught her. A large man tackled her from the side as she stumbled through the dense underbrush, and she fell to the ground, rolled, and came to a stop by a large boulder.

“Where is the child?” The leader asked her as he pulled her up, his hands around her throat pressing her against the rock, her feet hanging. Elizabeth refused to speak.

They tortured her for an hour and she never said a word. In the end the men gave up.

“Never mind, we’ll find her on our own! Leave her here to die, it shouldn’t take too long.” He turned to leave, and for the first time since she had spoken to her daughter she broke her silence.

“I am the chosen one, you can kill me, but there will always be another! The council will destroy you!” She said heatedly, the weakness in her voice betraying her. The man turned and smiled at her.

“My dear, we are the council!” He nodded to his men, and they started off in the direction that she had come from. Elizabeth lay there, bleeding her life onto the ground, for what seemed like hours.

“Hello! The moon told me you would be here......the stars were singing your name and I knew to come!” Elizabeth turned her head to the side slightly and she saw a woman walking up to her, long dark hair, and a white dress with a small bloodstain on it. “Oh, don’t be scared, I’m here to help, I’m needed. Where is the child?”

The woman spoke with a childish voice, her head on one side. Elizabeth tried to speak but found she couldn’t. “’s all right, I can find out. Look at me.....”

The woman bent down and Elizabeth looked into her eyes.

A minute later the woman stood up, and walked after the men that had left earlier.

Elizabeth watched her go and smiled slightly, then her eyes slowly closed, she gave one last gasping breath, and then she died.

end flashback


“’s Willow, I need to talk to you!” Willow hopped from one foot to the other.

“Can’t it wait, it’s late and......”

“It’s urgent, can you come to the mansion, please, don’t ask any questions!” Willow screwed her eyes shut, <Please just come, don’t ask, don’t ask.>

“A-alright, I’m on my way.”

“Thank you Giles.” Willow said softly, then hung up. She snapped the phone shut and handed it back to Amy. “He’s on his way!”

She nodded then said, “What are you gonna tell him?”

Willow looked at the two Angel’s, then looked back at Amy and shrugged. “Oops?”

End Part 6


Snap......crunch.........”Arghhhhhh!”......”Uckkk!”..............“Come out come out wherever you are!” Marie squeezed her eyes closed and held her breath.

“I know your mummy said to be quiet, but I’m to look after you now, and if I can’t find you, then I can’t look after you.” The woman spoke slowly, with a musical voice. Marie thought for a few seconds, the logic sounded right, then she stood up.

“Where’s my ma?” She asked the tall woman. The woman turned to her and looked at her sadly.

“She’s gone to be with the angels, like mine, but don’t worry, I promised her I’d look after you.” She held out her hand to Marie, and after thinking for a few seconds the girl accepted it. They began to walk back into the woods, leaving the dead bodies strewn about like toys that had been played with but not put away.

“What’s your name?” Marie asked the woman as they got to the tree line.


end flashback

“Why? For gods sake, why?” Giles voice was rough with emotion, he was standing just inside the mansion having stopped there when he walked in and was met with the sight of Angel.

“Giles, I can explain.....” Willow started to move towards him, her hands reaching out, begging him to calm down.

“No, I don’t think you can!” Giles interrupted her, he looked ready to go on but then he paused and his eyes went wide. “Two of them?”

Willow looked guilty and Amy stared at her shoes. Angel was silent, staring at Willow, and Angelus was still unconscious on the floor. Giles frowned suddenly in thought. “Two of them!” he said quietly, consideringly.

Willow and Amy frowned in puzzlement. “The prophecy, “two shall be brought forth from one!” I translated it just before I left!” Willows eyes went wide.

“Two! Angel.....and Angelus!” Amy looked from Giles to Willow, then back to Giles again.

“Okay, person with a lack of understanding over here! What?” Willow looked at her.

“Giles has been translating a prophecy, about.....what is it about?” Willow looked at Giles who was shifting nervously from foot to foot.

“Actually......I’m not 100% sure yet, the language is very tricky.” He said


“It’s meant to be, if anyone could read it then it wouldn’t be of much use!” A feminine voice broke in before Willow or Amy could speak. Angels head shot up and he frowned. The garden doors were open, and a woman walked through them.

“Druscilla?” Angel said, his voice rough and scratchy. She smiled.

“Hello Daddy! Did you miss me?” She smiled and walked further into the mansion.

“I missed you!”

“Me too!” A voice came from behind her. Spike walked in behind her and caught her up into a bear hug, his head resting on the side of hers.

“Well, it’s a bloody family reunion!” A voice came from behind Willow. Everyone turned to look and they saw Angelus picking himself up off the floor and dusting himself off. “So, are you two here to help me kill them?” Angelus asked Druscilla and Spike.

Spike grinned and then nodded slightly in Druscilla’s direction. “Actually, we’re here to save them!” She said, smiling slightly. In perfect unison the three humans and the two identical vampires in the mansion spoke.


End Part 7


“I’ll see you in a few weeks?” Marie looked up at Druscilla, tears in her eyes.

“Of soon as I can get away again, don’t worry, everything will work out for the best!” Druscilla caught the young girl up in a hug.

“I wish you could just tell him about me!” Marie stepped back from the woman who had looked after her for the past 15 years. The woman whom she had grown to love as a mother. It had been hard in the beginning, but gradually the vampire had gained a little more of her sanity each year, until she was nearly back to normal.

“I do too, but he’d only get jealous and try to harm you. You can’t be harmed, you are necessary!” Druscilla straightened her shoulders, and started to leave. “I want you to be careful!” Druscilla looked at Marie, then looked at the baby in the cot.

“I will be! Dru?”


“You’ve seen what’s to come. It’s soon.......isn’t it?” Marie silently pleaded for the truth. Druscilla looked at her for a moment and finally said one simple word.

“Yes.” Then she left, Marie stared after her for a minute, then walked over to her child who was lying on her back, drooling over her fist, and waving her legs wildly in the air.

“Well, Elizabeth, your destiny awaits you!” Marie smiled at what her daughter was doing. “I just hope you’re ready for it!”

end flashback

“What, you all gone deaf? I knew you were old Angelus, but I didn’t think I needed to put you in an old folks home just yet! Don’t worry, me and Dru’ll visit you every other weekend!” Spike laughed as both Angelus and Angel glared at him. Druscilla straightened slightly and Spike stepped back from her.

She walked over to where Willow stood and stared at her for a minute. Willow looked at her nervously, everyone was silent. Angel, Amy and Giles because they didn’t want to risk Druscilla harming Willow, and Angelus because he couldn’t think of anything to say that would get Willow injured.

“It’s all come full circle! Welcome home!” Suddenly Druscilla moved towards the frightened girl, Willow stiffened, preparing herself for the pain that was coming.

<Oomph.......hug?> Druscilla had put her arms round Willow, <Oh well.......if you can’t beat them......> Willow lifted her arms and hugged the older woman back.

“Awww, isn’t this a Kodak moment! I have a tear in my eye!” Angelus broke into the touching moment, his voice heavy with sarcasm.

“Okay, I still seem to be having a problem with understanding, I’m lacking it! And shouldn’t we knock him out again?” Amy broke in before Angelus could continue, he glared at her but didn’t reply. She looked at Druscilla and Willow, who had broken off their hug. Then she looked at Spike, finally she turned to Giles who just shrugged his shoulders apologetically.

“It’s quite simple pet, me ‘n Dru are here to help save the world, again!” Spike rooted through the pockets of his duster, then pulled out a box of cigarettes, he lit up then inhaled. “Much better!” He murmured to nobody in particular.

“What the Hell is going on here?” Everyone whirled to look at Xander, who’d just walked through from the garden. “Spike?” When the vampire heard his name he shifted to one side, allowing Xander a better view of the room and it’s occupants.

“Druscilla? Angelus......and Angelus?!?” Xanders eyes went wide and he did what any normal teenage boy would when confronted with a situation like the one he was facing.

He fainted.

“Is it me, or is he really annoying?” Spike asked everyone, as they stared at the unconscious boy on the floor. Willow, Angel, Angelus, Giles and Amy all replied at the same time.

“It’s not you!”

End Part 8



“She killed him!”

“Stake the demon!”

“Use your cross, the Lord shall protect you!”

The crowd was gaining on her, she ran through the streets her dress flying out behind her as her feet barely touched the ground. She twisted round the next corner and continued to run, blood dripping down her arm as she went, leaving an easy to follow trail. Her speed had slowed, and she was beginning to stumble but still she pressed on. Finally she made it to her destination, she flung open the door and ran into the main room.

“Druscilla?!?” Marie looked up from where she was sitting by the fire, Elizabeth was asleep in her arms.

“They are coming! We must leave, now!” Marie stood up as Druscilla hurried towards her. She placed Elizabeth in her arms then ripped off part of her petticoat.

She dabbed at the wound on the side of her friends head. Then they headed towards the door. Just as they got to the door Druscilla stopped.

“We’re too late, I can hear them!” Druscilla looked about wildly for a weapon and Marie paused in thought. She grabbed Druscilla’s arm and dragged her towards the back of the house. When they reached the kitchen she pulled the rug off the floor and opened a small trapdoor that led to a small hole. Druscilla gave Elizabeth to her mother, and Marie bent down and placed her in the hole.

“We’re going to play a little game, my darling! You have to be as quiet as a mouse, and not come out until me or Auntie Druscilla come get you. Do you understand?”

Elizabeth nodded sleepily, and clutched her ragdoll tighter.

“Yes mommy!” Marie smiled and kissed her on the top of the head, then she started to close the trapdoor.

“I know it’s dark sweeting, but you have to be brave.” She said reassuringly as Elizabeth started to whimper. The little girl nodded, then closed her eyes.

“Remember, mommy loves you!” Marie closed the door then pulled the rug back over it. “What now?” She asked as she turned to look at Druscilla.

Druscilla looked back at her sadly, regret in her eyes. Marie dragged in a deep breath.

“Well, I’m not going out without a fight!” Suddenly the front door burst open and you could hear the shouts of the crowd as they flooded into the house. Marie looked around her, then started pushing Druscilla towards the back door. “Go, you can get out, one of us has to get back for Elizabeth, and your chance is greater than mine!”

Druscilla stopped resisting her and dragged Marie into a big hug, then she ran towards the door and out into the garden.

“There she is, follow the demon!” Someone shouted angrily as a dozen sweaty and out of breath men entered the kitchen. They flew past Marie, and she headed the way they had came from. She almost made it to the front door when a man stepped into view, she twisted and headed up the stairs. He and a few more men followed her, they finally cornered her in the master bedroom.

“Where is the child?” The leader asked her. Marie looked at him for a moment, then spat in his face. He backhanded her and she went flying into the wall. She sat up, dazed, and just glared at him. “Kill her!” The other men moved forward, and held her down, then one of them impaled her in the heart with a wooden stake. Blood dripped down her clothing, and she started coughing weakly, blood trickling from her mouth.

“Eventually, we will find the child, make no mistake about that!” The man said, Maria’s eyes slowly closed and she gave one last gasping breath then she died. Her last thoughts were of her child and Druscilla, she prayed that they would be alright.

end flashback

“That’s so sad!” Amy said, hiccuping slightly, as Druscilla finished speaking. She wiped at her eyes with her shirt sleeve, and Willow passed her the handkerchief that Giles had given to her when Druscilla had described Elizabeth’s death. “Thanks!”

Amy wiped her streaming eyes.

Angelus sighed loudly and rolled his eyes. “Yes, very touching, what does this have to do with me?” Everyone glared at him, but surprisingly it was Amy that actually spoke.

“Oh, shut up! If you can’t think of anything worthwhile and intelligent to say, then don’t say anything!” She glared at him for a second longer then looked back at Druscilla. “Is there any more?” Everyone turned to look at the vampiress who shook her head slightly.

“I never got to go back for Elizabeth, I managed to get to Spike who got me out of Prague, but I’d lost a lot of blood. I was very weak, and my powers overwhelmed me as they had before. In a matter of hours I was back to being insane, I only recently found out what happened to Elizabeth.” The whole group looked at her expectantly, even Angelus wanted to see how the story would end. Druscilla looked around her then continued. <It’s like story time at the library!>

“She was found by one of the mob who went back to the house, he gave her to the authorities and she grew up an orphan. She eventually married, had a daughter, and the line continued.”

“What I don’t understand is what this has to do with the prophecy?” Giles said as Druscilla stopped talking.

“Well, it’s quite simple mate. Dru here wrote the damn thing!” Spike said and inclined his head in her direction.

Giles nodded to himself, quickly running through everything that she had told them.

“Could you translate the prophecy for us? I mean.....the language is very, difficult!”

Druscilla smiled, and nodded. “That’s probably because I was insane when I wrote it. I have it memorised. She paused and took in a deep breath out of habit.

When The Chosen’s light is extinguished and re-made,

the wheel shall be started, everything shall come full circle.

The Child shall go forth into the dark and shall return with two sparks

one of darkness, one of light.

The Two shall be joined by the Hunter and the Seer,

by the Magick and by The Chosen.

Only united with the Child can they stand before the nothing,

only together can they prevail against the absence.

“Okay, I think I speak for everyone here when I say what?” Xander looked around him asking for support, when nobody spoke he gave a huge sigh that screamed “I am so hard done by!”, then he flopped back into the chair.

“So........The Chosen’s light being extinguished would be Buffy?” Willow looked around her. Giles spoke. <Buffy......sigh!>

“Yes.” Giles looked thoughtful. “Willow had to get Angelus, and Angel, out of Hell. Didn’t she?” He looked at Druscilla, who nodded.

“I’m guessing that Spike is the Hunter, and Druscilla the Seer, right?” Amy looked around and Druscilla nodded.

“So who are the Two, and the Child.....and what’s with the Magick?” Xander asked, looking warily at Druscilla.

“The Two are Angel and Angelus, you nim-wit!” Spike said condescendingly.

“Hey!” Xander raised his hands, and gave Spike a mock injured look.

“Wait a minute......The Chosen, Buffy isn’t here! Unless.......” Giles trailed off and everyone turned to look at him expectantly. “Kendra’s replacement!” He finished after a few moments of being stared at.

“She is coming.” Druscilla said, then she looked at Xander. “The Magick is the Witch....” she nodded in Amy’s direction. Amy looked startled, then she shrugged her shoulders. Druscilla continued. “.....and the Child, is Willow!”

“Me!” Willow croaked out, her voice painfully high. <Ohhhh boy, life sucks.....and I mean that in a none vampiric way for once!>

“Great, the entire existence of everything depends on the mouse!” Angelus snorted, and looked at Willow.

“It could be worse!” Amy said, trying to take the attention away from her friend.

“How’s that?” Angelus retorted, glaring in her direction.

“It could depend on Xander!” Amy nodded her head in the adolescents direction and everyone turned to watch Xander, who was pulling faces behind Spikes back, which was now his front seeing as though the vampire had turned around when everyone else had.

Xander laughed nervously at Spikes angry look and shrunk back into his chair.

Angelus turned around to look at Amy.

“You know, I think you may be right!”

End Part 9

“Well, that was certainly interesting!” Amy said as she unpacked her pj’s. Willow turned towards her and smiled.

“You got that right, but it’s scary......and weird......and freaky!” Willow started to hyperventilate and Amy rushed over to her.

“Breathe......breathe.....” Willow started to calm down and Amy smiled at her, then went back to unpacking. “I don’t know why we have to stay here! It’s draughty, old.......and oh yeah, full of vampires!” Amy added sarcastically.

Willow walked over to the wardrobe and Amy started passing her their clothes. “I know what you mean, but they can’t kill us until after we save the world.” Amy looked up at her, disbelief on her face.

“Geez Willow, there’s a comforting thought!” Willow grinned at her friend, who finally began to see the humour in their situation. Finally Amy spoke, “At least we can play our music as loud as we want to with no adults around!” Willow grinned, then frowned.

“Angel’s like, 240’ish, can you get more adult?” Amy cocked her head to one side and pursed her lips, thinking.

“Nope, but they don’t come much cuter either!” Willow’s mouth dropped open and she made a funny oh-my-god-I-can’t-believe-you-just-said-that noise. “Hey, admit it, he is gorgeous, and now there’s two of him......admittedly one is a viscious demon murderer.......but that hair!” She finished with a tone totally devoid of self-preservation. Willow smiled secretly.

“I’m right there with you!”

An Hour Later:-



Angel looked at the top of Willows head as she stared at her feet. <God, so embarrassed, so very, very embarrassed!> Willow looked up at Angel, whom she could see was inwardly debating something.

“Willow I.....”

“Angel........” Willow smiled as they both spoke at the same time. “You first!”

Angel shifted nervously and passed a bag of blood from hand to hand, Willow stared and he realised what he was doing and quickly hid the blood behind his back. “I......I wanted to, thank you......for saving me......from Hell.” He finished quickly, then looked at his feet, ashamed. <He has nothing to feel bad for, it wasn’t his fault!>

Willow reached out and grabbed him by the arm and he looked up quickly, startled.

“Angel, I forgive you!” Angel stared at her for a second, and then a tear slowly trickled down his cheek. Willow gasped, then quickly pulled him into her arms.

They stood for a minute before they were interrupted.

“Is this a private moment, or can anyone join in?” Angelus said, sarcasm dripping from his words. He was leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed over his chest, head on one side. Angel quickly spun Willow so she was standing behind him.

<Dizzy.....> “Relax, I’m only here for something to eat!” Angelus walked towards them.

“That’s what I’m worried about!” Angel took a step closer to his demon double, and they faced off like old-fashioned gunslingers.

“This is so eerie!” Amy exclaimed as she walked into the kitchen. “You two could use each other to shave!” She walked over and stood by Willow. Angel and Angelus stood for a few moments, then at an unspoken command they both stepped back.

Amy turned to talk to Willow.

“They’re here!” Was all she said. Willow looked at her, then pulled back her shoulders and headed out of the kitchen with Amy close behind her. Angel and Angelus stood staring at each other for a moment, then both hurried after the two girls. They both tried to get through the kitchen door and got stuck. After a moment of both trying to get through Angelus stepped back. He smirked at Angel, then swept his hand towards the door. “After you!” he said condescendingly. Angel glared at him, then walked through the door, Angelus followed; laughing to himself.

“So, what was all that about?” Amy hurriedly asked Willow as they walked down the hallway. Willow looked at her innocently.

“What was all what about?” Amy snorted.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about, miss butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth!”

Willow smiled, then opened the door to the main room. Amy reached out and held the door before Willow could open it fully.

“We’ll talk about this later.....there is something going on and I want details!” Amy’s voice got louder and Willow glanced behind her quickly. Angel and Angelus had nearly caught up with them.

“Shhhhhhh!” Willow stage whispered to Amy, who smiled evilly. Amy let go of the door, and Willow walked through it. <Here goes nothing!>

End Part 10

Everyone looked up as Angel and Angelus entered the room. The brunette sitting on the sofa shot up, and pulled a stake out of her inside jacket pocket and made a move towards the two new arrivals. Giles hastily stood up.

“No, they’re on our side!” The brunette stopped and looked at him.

“You people should make up your minds. First y’all are stake the vamps, now y’all are play nicely and share your toys!” Shaking her head the girl moved back to sit down. The older woman she had been sitting next to stood up, and walked towards Willow and Amy.

“Hello, my name is Christine Jenkins, but you can call me Christine!” She smiled, and extended her hand to Willow, who shook it, then to Amy who followed Willows example. “You two must be Angel and Angelus.” Christine said warily, not extending her hand, but nodding at them politely. Angelus smirked at her obvious discomfort.

“Perhaps we-we should get down to business!” Giles interrupted quickly before Angelus could make some comment to purposefully insult and unnerve the female Watcher. Everyone moved to sit down.

“So......G-man, what’s the business?” Xander asked after a few moments of uncomfortable silence.

“W-well, you see, we, Druscilla and Christine and I that is, have looked into the prophecy further, correlated with various other texts and such like.....” Cordelia interrupted by coughing. “Yes!” Giles said tersely. She nodded in the brunettes direction. “Oh, I’m terribly sorry, Willow, Amy, this is Faith, the Slayer!” Faith

looked up and nodded vaguely in their direction. “Yes, well, we’ve correlated and......” he was interrupted by Christine.

“There’s a terrible evil coming, the end of the world in fact, and if the seven of you indicated in the prophecy don’t fight together everything dies!” Christine finished for Giles, basically to speed the discussion along.

“I care because?” Angelus said, in a mocking voice.

“Because everything dies, as in not go to hell, cease to exist, nothingness, are you understanding Pops?” Spike said with a smirk on his face to rival any of Angelus’, his voice oozed sarcasm.

“I’m still your sire, I can make you bleed and beg for me to stake you!” Angelus stood up and Spike followed quickly.

“Stop it, the pair of you are acting like spoilt children!” Willow said angrily, rising to her feet. “So sit down, and shut the hell up!” Amy was right behind her.

“What she said!” Everyone looked in amazement at Willow, who had just collapsed back onto her chair. <I can’t believe I said that out loud.......I can’t believe I said that out loud.....>

“So, how do we.......they, stop it?” Xander asked Giles. “What exactly is “it”?” Giles looked uncomfortably at Christine, who cleared her throat nervously.

“200 years ago the Watchers Council had a......minor civil war. A small group of Watchers were disillusioned with the way the Council battled the forces of darkness, they favoured a more direct approach......” Druscilla broke in.

“They wanted to make a deal with the Devil to fight the demons!”

“Yes, well, needless to say the “Devil”, was in fact the most powerful Demon of the underworld, as it was then called. They summoned his essence, but it was so evil that they could not contain it, it infused the twelve who performed the summoning, their guilt, self-preservation, love, they were all tainted, twisted to serve the Demon.”

“I’m guessing he didn’t want the occasional chicken sandwich and a back-rub?”

Xander quipped as Giles paused for breath.

“Think more along the lines of Armageddon and the end of all things. This Demon wants to destroy this universe, and build one he can control. To do this everything apart from him has to be destroyed. That is where the prophecy and you all come in.”

“How do we stop it?” Angel asked Giles, who looked up sharply then turned away to speak to the rest of the group.

“Willow stops it! The other six of you are there to protect her, to guide her, and to give her the strength she will need to defeat the Demon.” Amy looked at Willow, who looked about ready to faint. She put her arm around her, and Willow rested her head on her shoulder for a few moments. Then she dragged in a deep breath, and sat up straight.

“How long?” Christine answered.

“Two months......less than two months.” Willow bit her bottom lip. <Oh boy!>

“Oh boy!”

End Part 11

“So spill! What’s going on between you and Angel?” Amy sat cross-legged on her bed, a spoon in one hand and a tub of chocolate ice-cream in the other. Willow sat in the same position on her bed, but with a tub of vanilla and cookie dough.

“Nothing’s going on!” Amy gave her the sure-I-believe-you-thousands-wouldn’t look. “Really!” Willow dug her spoon into her ice-cream forcefully, and ripped out a huge chunk.

“Well, if I were you I’d definitely have something going on, or off, with him!”

Willow and Amy turned as Faith walked in. Willow blushed and Amy smiled.

“Sit down!” Amy nodded to the bed she was sitting on, Faith hesitated then walked over and sat down. “Ice-Cream?” Amy held out her tub.

Faith smiled. “Sure!” Then frowned. “No spoon!” Willow and Amy smiled, then Amy bit her lip and held out her hand, she mumbled a short phrase, then a spoon materialised in her hand. She held it out to Faith. “Cool!” Faith grabbed the spoon and took a big blob of ice-cream.

“Yup!” Willow and Amy said at the same time.

“Anyway, enough of the distractions, back to Angel!” Amy said, and she turned back to face Willow. <Hellmouth please open.....swallow me now.....why doesn’t it ever swallow you when you want it to!> Willow sighed.

“Okay, maybe, I might.....kinda like him, a little!” Willow mumbled into the vanilla ice-cream. Faith whistled, and Amy whooped. “Well, what about you Amy, what’s the deal with you and Angelus?” Willow successfully diverted the attention to her friend.

“Isn’t he the evil one?” Faith asked her, a frown on her face. Amy screwed her face up in thought.

“Technically......evil but, really hot!” Amy made the lame excuse, then dug into the chocolate ice-cream.

“Well, can you handle him?” Faith asked her.

“How do you mean?” Amy replied.

“Ya know, with the magick, if you could handle him then I say get horizontal!” Faith leered at Amy, which made Willow and Amy burst out laughing. After a minute or so of hysterical giggling Willow managed to speak.

“At least you won’t, have to, worry about him losing, his soul!” Willow finally managed to say, after gulping for breath a couple of times. Amy and Faith looked at her, then they all laughed even harder.

The door burst open, and a disgruntled, and sleepy Angelus came roaring in. “Would you three mind keeping it down, there are people who are trying to sleep living here you know!”

“You’re not people, and you definitely aren’t living!” Amy retorted. Angelus glared at her, trying to come up with some scathing retort, finally he gave up and stormed out, muttering to himself about women. The three girls looked at his retreating back, then at each other, then they burst out laughing again.

Twenty Minutes Later:-

“Nooooooo!” Willow wailed. Amy and Faith looked up from their nails, which were being painted several interesting shades, all at once. “I’m out!” She held up her now empty tub. She climbed to her feet.

“Grab us some-more while you’re up!” Amy said to Willow as she headed towards the door. Willow nodded and headed along the hallway, down the stairs, and towards the kitchen. When she got there she headed towards the fridge, and rummaged around in the freezer for a few moments, then triumphantly pulled out a tub of strawberry, and a tub of pistachio, ice-cream. She kicked the freezer door closed with her foot, then turned round with the ice-cream in her arms and ran directly into a very large, very solid chest.

“Oh, hi Angel!” Willow stepped back quickly, and almost dropped the tubs, Angel quickly grabbed them from her, and smiled. <Gorgeous, sigh, naughty!> “So, ermm, how are you?” <Stupid, stupid, stupid!>

“Fine.” Angel looked thoughtful. “You’re certainly going through a lot of ice-cream.” Willow giggled nervously.

“Girls-night!” She explained quickly whilst taking the tubs back from him, they both held onto them for a few seconds, then Angel finally let them go.

“Oh.” Angel replied, they both stared at their feet for a minute or so, then both suddenly spoke.



They both rushed off in different directions. Willow headed back to her room.

“Jesus, don’t do that!” Faith exclaimed as Amy popped back into the room with a flash of light. “You tell her to get the chocolate too!” Amy shook her head, and smiled slowly at Faith, who frowned.

“I saw something verrrrry interesting! We have planning to do!” She winked

conspiratorially at Faith, who stared back at her dumbly.


Amy explained. “Willow and Angel, in the kitchen, acting very strangely!” Faith gasped.

“Ohhhh! Why didn’t you just say so.......sexual tension right?” Amy frowned.

“Well, you could put it that way, if you wanted to be crude!” Faith smiled slowly.


End Part 12

“Hold it......hold it, just a little longer!” Willow pleaded with Amy, who was sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace, sweat trickling down the side of her face, her eyes screwed tightly shut. “Just a minute more!”

Thump! Amy looked up. “Sorry Spike!” The blonde vampire picked himself up, and dusted himself off.

“No problem pet!” He said, with friendly sarcasm.

“Nice form, but a little shaky on the dismount!” Willow said, laughing. Clang. Amy looked over at the two sparring vampires.

“I’d be able to concentrate, if you two would go work off your testosterone somewhere else!” She shouted across, glaring at Angelus. He glanced over, distracted slightly. Angel lunged at him, using his doubles break in concentration as an opportunity to end the fight. He plunged his sword towards Angelus’ chest, and it entered him smoothly. Angel grinned, then pulled the sword back out.

“People, we have a winner!” Faith said from the couch.

“That’s not fair, the witch distracted me!” Angelus moaned, then glared at Amy as she grinned evilly at him.

“All’s fair in love and war!” she said to him.

“Why do I think she’s referring to both?” Faith whispered to Willow.

“Huh?” Willow asked, uncomprehendingly. Faith nodded in Amy’s direction, then she turned and looked in Angelus’ direction, who by this time had turned away and was drying himself off with a towel whilst muttering to himself.

“Ya know! Amy has a thing for him!” Faith waited for Willow to catch on.

“Oh!......Ohhhhhhhh!” Willow quickly looked at Amy, then at Angelus, then back to Amy. “That’s bad though, ‘cos he’s a vampire and, well, evil!” Faith smiled slightly, it was time to put operation LoveBug into action.

“A couple of weeks ago that would have been my reaction, but now I’ve gotten to know a couple of vampires, and when they’re not killing people they can be quite nice to know!” Willow chewed on a lock of her hair, a thoughtful look on her face. She looked over at Angel, then quickly looked back at Faith, who was trying to pretend she hadn’t noticed Willows preoccupation with the vampire.

“So......vampires, in regards to relationships, aren’ wouldn’t say, definitely, that they’re sick and wrong?” Willow looked at Faith from under her eyelashes, trying to gauge her friends reaction.

Faith pretended to think about Willows question, then she finally took pity on her and answered. “No! It depends on the vamp I suppose. Take broodboy over there, he’s a vamp, but a relationship with him wouldn’t automatically mean a person going

straight to hell.” Faith stood up, deciding to let Willow think it over. “Well, I’m gonna go train with Christine.” She headed off, and caught Amy’s eye. The witch looked up and Faith nodded and winked. Amy smiled, then went back to her book.

Ten Minutes Later:-

Amy looked up as someone stood in her light. “Do you mind?” She glared at Angelus.

“Actually, no......I don’t!” He looked down at her and smirked.

“You come over here to thank me?” Amy asked him, turning the page over.

“Thank you for what?” He growled at her, crouching down so they were at eye level.

“For ending the fight with Angel that you were so losing!” She said, hiding a smile.

His eyes narrowed, and he started to grind his teeth. He looked at her menacingly, and she smiled at him sweetly.

“I was not losing!” He finally managed.

“Really?” She looked back at her book, then stood up, gathering all of her stuff.

“Where are you going?” He asked her incredulously, as she walked away from him.

“Out!” She said, and headed towards the garden.

“It’s 1:00am, they’re are vampires!” She looked back at him and grinned at his stupid comment.

“Really? Ya think?” She continued towards the door, with Angelus following her.

Faith stepped into the room, and smiled.

“Two down, three to go!” She said to the empty room. Then she headed towards the kitchen. “Hey Christine!”

“Hello Faith.” She looked back at the book she was reading, and Faith headed over to the fridge.

“Watcha readin’?” Faith asked, as she sat down at the table with a bowl of cereal.

Christine looked up absently, then waved her hand at Faith vaguely.

“The Watchers Diaries!” Faith smiled.

“Which volume?” She asked innocently, taking a heaped spoon of cereal and cramming it into her already full mouth. Christine looked up guiltily, then blushed slightly.

“Ermm.....well, it’s Rup-Giles’ actually.” She stammered, closing the book quickly.

Faith looked at her consideringly.

“Speaking of Giles, I think he left a message earlier!” The other woman looked up quickly.

“Really! What......what was the message?” She finished off, trying to be calmer than she had been. Faith shook her head slowly, and shrugged her shoulders.

“I dunno! Something about working on some strategies over at his place.” Faith looked at Christine, who had stood up hastily.

“Well then, I had best be going......over to work on battle plans that is!” She backed away from the table, and practically ran out of the kitchen. About a minute later Faith heard the front door slam, and then a car starting.

“I’m good!” She said to herself.

“Really?” A voice interrupted he thoughts, and she turned to see Druscilla walking into the kitchen. Faith grinned at her, debating how much she should tell the older woman. She finally gave into temptation.

“You like Angel, right?” Druscilla nodded. “And ya like Willow!” She nodded again, then waited for the brunette to continue. “Would ya like Angel and Willow together? As in a couple?”

Druscilla smiled, and nodded her head again. “They are meant to be!” Was all she said. Faith smiled.

“Well, destiny could always use a helpin’ hand. So why don’t you take Spike and go somewhere, and do whatever else apart from killin’ that you vampires do!” Druscilla smiled, and nodded her understanding. Both women stood up, Druscilla headed towards the library to get Spike, and Faith headed out of the mansion for patrol.

Five minutes later the only sounds were of Willow working on her computer, and Angel taking out some serious aggression on a punching bag.

End Part 13
