The Absolute Power

Author: HazelWicca

Parts: Prologue - 8


Rating: PG-13

Distribution: Anyone who wants it, as long as they tell me where it's gonna live so I came and visit it sometimes.

Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me, except any that I made up myself, then those do, but the others don't. Also the whole concept of Buffy is totally not mine, and I don't make any money from this, which is a real shame.

Summery: What may have happened if Willow had accepted an offer.

Spoilers: Lets say the Angel series and all of Buffy, just to be safe.

Authors Notes: This is kind of a challenge fic, 'cept I can't remember who set the challenge. But I have had a lot of coffee today, otherwise I'd know you.


"Well?" He looked expectantly at her.

"I-I-I......" He rolled his eyes as she stuttered nervously, trying to buy herself time to think.

 "If you become a Vengeance Demon you could.... help your friends!" He offered, trying to be helpful. She looked up quickly, then started to chew on her bottom lip.

"O-okay!" He smiled as she nervously accepted his offer. He pushed his hands together, and it seemed like there was something between them, something other than air, trying to force his hands to stay apart.

 As they met there was a blinding flash, followed by a puff of smoke, suddenly his hands were no longer empty. From them dangled a fine silver chain, with an amulet in the shape of a tree attached on the end. It had an emerald set in the middle, and it twinkled as the necklace swayed slightly. He held it out, and she reached for it.

"Do you accept your duty?" Hoffryn asked her as she took the necklace from him.

 Willow pulled the chain over her head, and settled the necklace around her neck. "I accept!"

End Prologue

"Willow?" Buffy looked at her friend after the threat from the demons had vanished.

 "Yes!" Was the redheads response.

"You look......different?" Buffy frowned and stared at her friend. Spike looked at Willow, then at Buffy. He smiled slowly.

"That's because she is, luv! She&'s a demon!" Everyone turned to look at him.

"What?!?" Everyone else in the tomb shouted. Willow looked at them sadly.

"It's true!" She said, closing her eyes.

 An Hour Later:-

"Let me get this right! You did a spell, which went awry, which caught the attention of a kind of Demon Syndicate, who offered to make you a Vengeance Demon so that you could save us!" Willow nodded as Giles paused in his tirade, he took his glasses off, went into his top pocket for his handkerchief, then swore and slammed his glasses onto the table.

"I'm sorry, okay? But what was I supposed to do?" Willow shouted at him. Giles looked up, anger flashing in his eyes.

"You were supposed to stay away from magick you couldn' handle, you were supposed to be fighting for good, not against it! You, are, a, demon!" Spike and Anya interrupted him angrily.


"Hey!" He looked over at them.

"I'm sorry but it's true. I don;t mean to sound harsh, but you can no longer harm anyone," he looked over at Spike, "and you no longer have your powers!" He looked at Anya, then he sighed. "I don't know what to do." he sat down next to Buffy, who put her hand on his shoulder comfortingly.

"Well, I know what to do!" Willow said quietly, after no-one spoke. They all looked over at her. "I'm leaving!" She said forcefully. Xander was the first one to understand.

"No! You can' go!" He begged her. Buffy broke in.

"Yeah, you're Willow, net girl extroadinaire, wise and wiley wiccan Willow, who helps me," she looked around and hastily amended her last statement, "helps us, fight evil, and the forces of darkness, and, and, revise for midterms!" She fell back against the chair.

 Willow looked over at Anya. "You understand!" She said. The former demon nodded. Xander looked at his girlfriend in astonishment.

"Wha....." She interrupted him before he could say something he'd regret when it came to lights out.

"She has to learn how to control her powers, she has to learn what is expected of her! She can't do that if shes here, worrying about harming any of you," she looked around at Buffy, Xander, and Giles."The first few months will be......" she searched for the word.

"Difficult?" Giles offered helpfully.

 "Bloody torture!" She continued tactlessly.

Willow interrupted Buffy before she could say anything to the oblivious Anya. "You don't have to understand this, just accept it!" She begged her friends. They all thought for a minute or so, then Buffy began to cry.

"What....where.....?" Buffy couldn't speak.

"I don't know what, or where! I guess Ill just, wander. I mean, I'm a demon now, I don't have to be afraid of the scary things that go bump in the night, cos I am a scary thing that goes bump in the night"

"That's not the point......"

"I'll be fine, I'll write you everyday so you know I'm okay, I promise!" She looked at Xander, silently begging him to just let it be, to not make a scene. He looked at her for a minute, then slowly nodded.

 Willow sighed quietly, then stood up. "You're going now!" Buffy shrieked hysterically. Willow nodded.

 "I think it would be for the best!" Anya turned and began scribbling on a piece of paper. She handed it to Willow.

 "These are a few names, demons that'll help you. Mainly they owe me favours, mention my name and they won't kill you!" Willow gulped.

"Gee, thanks!" She said, her eyes wide. Buffy stood up and threw her arms around her. They hugged for a few seconds then Xander threw his arms around the both of them. They were quickly joined by Giles. After a minute of being squished Willow cleared her throat. They all backed off.

 She turned to look at them. "I'll miss you!" She looked meaningfully at Spike and Anya. "You too!" Spike grinned cockily at her.

 "Who wouldn't, pet!" Willow smiled, then headed out of the apartment and into the rest of her life.

 End Part 1

"Owwww!" Willow exclaimed, as she hit the door for the fourth time. She heard a muffled thud, then a string of curses, followed by a male voice shouting through the door.


"Hello!" Willow said timidly, a little nervous due to the fact that she was in the worst neighbourhood in LA.

 "What?" The man shouted through the door.

 "Ermm.....I'm looking for" Willow referred to the piece of paper Anya had given her, "Phillip Westly? Worstly........Waslly?" She squinted at the writing.

 "It's Ustly!" The man exclaimed indignantly.

 "Anya sent me!" Willow said quickly, before the man could continue. There was a pause, then the sound of at least four different locks being opened. The door creaked open slowly, and Willow could see a man of about 35, he had brown hair that was touched with grey at his temples. He smiled at her.

 "Anya! Come in.....?" He paused.

"Oh, Willow, Willow Rosenberg!" Willow stepped through the door and into the suprisingly well furnished apartment.

 "Hello Willow, why don't you sit down and tell me why in the demon dimensions you're here!" Phillip motioned to the couch, and Willow sat down. He re-locked the door, then sat on the chair opposite her.

 24 Hours Later:-

"I'm, I'm not good with new people......especially new people in bulk, I freeze, and....and, I make funny noises! It's not pretty!" Willow tried to come up with a good excuse as to why Phillip shouldn't make her go to the Demon Group.

 "You'll be fine, it's especially catered for newbies and hybrids!" Philip knocked on the large oak door in front of him.

 "But.....but......" Phillip shook his head and Willow gave a loud sigh. She was about to speak again when the door opened, Phillip pushed her inside then closed the door behind them. He led her down a corridor, and into a small room, filled with about 8 other demons. Everyone turned to look at Willow, who froze and blushed bright red.  After a few moments people started coming over and introducing themselves.

 After ten minutes of hasty introductions, and frantic memorisation of names on Willows part, the meeting started. Willow looked round for a seat, a dark haired man waved to her, and she went over to where he sat.

 "Ya can sit here, darlin" Willow smiled gratefully at him, then sat down and extended her hand.

 "Willow!" She said, he reached out and shook her hand.


End Part 2

"How much did all of that cost?" Doyle said, staring at her over the rim of his coffee cup. Willow did a few mental calculations in her head.

"Thirteen thousand or so!" She said. Doyle sat back in his seat, a look of shock on his face.

"When you spend, you really spend!" Willow hastily tried to defend herself.

"Well, they desperately need the system, I mean, co-ordinating all those demon files using paper......that's inefficient and I've saved them much more in the long run, and I know it's a lot but the system is really great and easy and....." Doyle interrupted her before she could asphyxiate.

"I was just pullin' ya leg!" Willow stuck her tongue out as he laughed at her. (He's such a good friend, I'm really glad I met him!)

"So, what are you doing tonight?" Willow asked him, taking a sip on her decaffeinated coffee. Doyle suddenly looked uncomfortable.

"Well, that is, I have to do something, stuff, thats very boring, and...." he broke off, running out of weak excuses. Willow smiled at him.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to!" Doyle smiled sadly at her.

"I'd like ta" but I can't. At least, not yet." He apologised, Willow shook her head as if to say it didn't matter. She looked at her watch.

"Goddess, is that the time, I have a lesson with Phillip, we're working on my control" he said I was "very in control!" Willow mimicked her friends voice with no little amount of pride. Doyle laughed and stood up.

"I'll see ya tomorrow then?" He threw some change on the table, then shrugged on his coat.

"Yup!" Willow replied as she headed out of the coffee-bar. She turned around as she reached the door and waved at him, he waved back then Willow left.

 12 Hours Later:-

"Where's Doyle, I can’t find him! We were supposed to meet and he was late and he's never late and now I'm really worried and......" Phillip interrupted her hysterical babbling.

Willow calm down! Doyle's missing?" Willow nodded her head violently. "Okay, I'll phone around and see if I can't find him, he's probably drunk in some pub!  You'll see, Doyle'll be fine, he's the kind of demon who hangs onto his skin!" Phillip headed top the phone, as Willow paced the room, wringing her hands and muttering to herself.

 (I hope he's all right, he has to be alright, he's my only real friend here, he's Doyle, he has to be alright, I hope he's alright........) After pacing for fifteen minutes Willow headed to the room where Phillip was, she bumped into him as he came out.

"Well!?!" Willow exclaimed.

"Nothing concrete, but he was seen heading towards the docks......Willow, where are you, stop!" Phillip shouted after Willows hastily retreating back. She shouted back to him as she left the apartment.

"I have to find out if he's okay!" She ran out of the apartment and headed towards the docks, she jumped on the first bus that came and after about 10 minutes she got off. She paused, taking her bearings, the ran in what she hoped was the right direction.

 End Part 3

 Willow could here voices, she stopped running and held her breath for a few moments. (Got you!) She dragged in a couple of deep breaths then headed to one of the ships in the docks, she headed for the deck. When she got there she was just in time to see a woman hit Doyle.

(Cordelia?) "Cordelia?" She exclaimed. Doyle and his attacker turned around quickly.

"Willow?" They both exclaimed in perfect unison, then turned to stare at each other.  "You know her?" They both said at the same time, they both looked utterly and completely shocked, mixed in with a little bit of clueless. They turned to Willow again, looking for an explanation.

"Ermmmm....." Willow stalled, (what am I going to tell them, oh goddess, this is so not good!) "It"s like this, Cordelia, since you last saw me Ive went through some changes.....of the demonic type. Doyle, I knew Cordelia from highschool!" Willow paused, then looked at them strangely. ";Hang on one freakish moment, how do you two know each other?" She glared at them, crossed her arms over her chest, and started to tap her foot impatiently.

"Well, ummmm, you see......." Doyle stammered, still trying to catch up with the situation. Cordelia's reaction time was quicker.

"We work for Angel, I';m his secretary, and Doyle';s his demon!" She said the last bit accusingly, and glared at Doyle, who shuffled his feet, and grinned wanly. They all stood silent for what seemed like an eternity.

"So, what are you guy's doing here, on a cargo ship, in the middle of the night?"  Willow babbled, mainly to fill the silence. Doyle and Cordelia looked at each other, dawning realisation on their faces.

"Angel!" They both exclaimed, then rushed into the ship. Willow stood in shock for a moment, then ran after them. (They are so not getting off this easily, resolve face, I want answers!)

 Willow caught up with them just as they headed into the hold of the ship, which was filled with people. (Nope, demons!) "What's going on?" Cordelia turned to look at her and shrugged, then she looked at something behind Willow.

"Angel! What's......." She broke off as Angels attention was diverted, Willow had turned to look at him. He blinked, his mouth dropping open slightly.

Willow?" Willow grinned at his obvious astonishment.

Yup, that's my name, don't wear it out!" She said cheerfully. Angel gave her a funny look, but then seemed to catch himself. He turned to Doyle.

We have to stop that from going off, it kills anything human!" He looked over at the large object, that was slowly giving out more and more white light, suspended over the cargo hold. (Well, Angel looks.....BOMB! OH MY GOD ITS A BOMB!)  Willows eyes got really wide, and her mouth fell open. Cordelia grabbed hold of her hand and squeezed it, Willow gave her a grateful look. Then turned her attention back to the conversation between Doyle and Angel.

"........have to shut it down, and fast!" Angel exclaimed, and looked like he was getting ready to leap across to it. (Whoa!)

"No, wait, if you go over there youll die......well, die permanently!" Willow hastily amended her last statement.

"She's right mate, ya stand no chance!" He paused and swallowed audibly, then reached a decision. Suddenly he went into full demon mode, and then he hit Angel, who reeled back from the force of the blow, and fell over the edge. Cordelia and Willow ran over to where Angel had been standing, they saw him get to his feet, a look of sheer panic on his face as he looked at Doyle.

 Hang on a minute, Doyle's a hybrid........NO!) Willow launched herself forwards and tackled Doyle to the ground, he fell heavily and lay there stunned. Willow clambered to her feet, her eyes locked with Cordelia's for an instant, then she turned and headed towards the edge. (Hope this works.....really hope this works!) Willow reached inside herself, and clumsily tried to harness her power.

 (Hope this"ll be enough!) She slipped into her demon face, then leapt over the edge and straight towards the bomb.

 Cordelia screamed, and Angel and Doyle both started shouting.  (Concentrate........everything's slow!) Willow mused, as she flew through the air, she stretched her arms out in front of her as she began to fall. (Got it!) Willows right hand snagged the cage of the bomb, she swung her other arm up, and began to climb up the outside. (Goddess protect me and give me strength!)

"Whose stupid idea was this?!?" Willow mumbled to herself as she moved her way round to the control panel slowly, her eyes screwed shut to protect herself from the light that was continually getting brighter. Angel and Doyle were still shouting at her, and Cordelia was openly weeping. (Okay, if I can don't wanna beep at me, no really think you can go off, I;m net-girl, computers are my thing......die!) Willow pressed a button, then ripped two wires out of the panel, then she connected them to each other. The bomb seemed to pause, then there was a defeated noise, and the light started to dim. The machinery slowly halted and the bomb fell silent.

 Willow let out the breath she had been holding, it was the only sound in the deathly silent hold. (Kay, how do I get down? Oh well..........) Willow suddenly let go of the cage, and jumped backwards. She fell to the floor, and landed awkwardly on her ankle. (OWWWWWW!) "OWWWWWWW!" She screamed in pain.

 Angel ran to where she was lying. His face whiter than usual. He picked her up off the floor and held her really tightly, as if to assure himself that she was really okay.  "Don't you ever, ever do that again!" He shouted in her ear. (HUH?)

"Disable a bomb?" Willow asked him cautiously.

"Make me think you were going to die!" He exclaimed, then he hugged her even tighter. (Mmmmmmm..........soft..........nice..........Buffy's ex! Oh Goddess, I'm a bad person!) Willow struggled in his arms, and he stepped back from her. Just then Doyle and Cordelia came running up.

"Are you okay?" Cordelia said as she hugged Willow. Willow nodded, and hugged her back. Then she turned to look at Doyle.

"I'm sorry I knocked you over!" He smiled slightly.

"I forgive you!" He said.

"Hang on a second! Why are you still alive?" Cordelia exclaimed, as she pulled back from Willow. Angel stepped forward, a perplexed look on his face. He inhaled, then gasped.

"You're a demon!" He exclaimed.

Willow smiled nervously, then grinned apologetically. "Surprise?"

End Part 4

"Home sweet home!" Cordelia said to Willow as she ushered her friend through the door.

 "This is really nice Cordelia! It must cost a fortune!" Willow said in awe as she looked around Cordelia's apartment. Her friend smiled at her.

"Actually the rents not bad, of course that might be because I have a room-mate!"  Willow glanced around her and started to apologise.

"Oh, I should book into a hotel, your room-mate might not want........" Cordelia interrupted her before she could continue.

 "Relax Willow, Dennis won't mind. Will you, Dennis?" Willow turned around and looked at the person Cordelia was talking to. (Two cups of coffee, she's talking to coffee.......boy has she......hang on......floating coffee.......cups that float....) Willow started to back away slowly. Cordelia stopped her.

"Willow, meet Dennis. Dennis, Willow!" Willow stared at Cordelia, the back to Dennis, or at least where she thought Dennis was. One of the cups moved towards her, and Willow took it hesitantly.

"Ermmmmm, thank-thankyou!" She took a sip, then smiled shyly. "This is really nice, thankyou!" Cordelia grabbed the other cup, and they went to sit down.

"Dennis, can you put Willows bags in the spare room.....thanks!" Cordelia said to the seemingly empty room, a few moments later the bags rose into the air, and headed out of the room. Cordelia turned to Willow, who was staring at her floating luggage.  "So! How are you, really!" Cordelia tucked one lug under her, in a pose that screamed "You're going to tell me everything, whether you like it or not!"

Willow smiled. (I've missed girl talk! Where to start?) "What do you want to know?"

"Well, you didn't tell us exactly why D'Hoffryn offered to make you a demon!"Cordelia put down her coffee, and looked expectantly at Willow.

"He said I had potential, lot's of rage, hatred for men, the usual traits of a vengeance demon I suppose." Willow shrugged. Cordelia frowned thoughtfully.

"Oz?" She asked finally, Willow gulped.

"He-he left me."; Cordelia frowned sadly and nodded.

";So, what exactly happened to the spell you did?" Cordelia asked Willow, trying to change the subject. Willow smiled.

"Hmm, well......Giles went blind, Xander became a demon magnet, and Buffy got engaged to Spike!" Cordelia stared at her for a couple of seconds, then they both burst out laughing. After a few minutes of giggling, Cordelia wiped her streaming eyes.

"I wish I'd have been there! Okay, what shall we do now?" Willow thought for a while then shrugged. "Well, I suggest my favourite pastime!"; Willow looked at her and gave a pretend groan. "Yes, Shopping!" Cordelia gave her a huge smile, then dragged her off the couch.

 Five Hours Later:-

"I'm surprised you haven't done ya back an injury with all those bags!" Doyle exclaimed as Willow and Cordelia flopped into some chairs. Cordelia stuck her tongue out, and Willow grinned at them. (They are so perfect for each other!) Angels voice interrupted Cordelia before she could fire some scathing retort in Doyle's direction.

"Could you get me the Smythe file, and the one on that Vrakesh demon?"" Cordelia stood up and walked over to the filing cabinets. Willow looked at him. "I don"t understand her system!" He shrugged apologetically.

"So, what did ya get Red?" Doyle asked as he rummaged through the bags of shopping.

"What didn't we get? I think we bought the whole of LA!" Willow moved over beside him, and started pulling things out of the bags. Angel moved and sat on the desk, watching Doyle and Willow scour the bags for anything interesting. He stared at them for a minute, then Cordelia slapped the back of his head with the files he wanted. He took them from her before she could do him any serious damage.

"Thanks." He headed to his office. Willow looked up and Cordelia nodded her head.  She stood up and followed Angel as he walked through the doorway. Willow cleared her throat and Angel spun around.

"Yes?" He said, his voice a little higher than usual.

"I was wondering if I could, maybe, have a talk with you, about, well....stuff in general, general stuff!" Willow babbled. Angel sat down at his desk and smiled.

"Of course, what was it that you wanted to talk with me about?" Willow moved around to the other side of the desk and sat down.

 "Well, I was wondering, if you'd maybe, that is, possibly have a.....job, for me."  Willow stared at her shoes and Angel smiled slightly.

"Of course," Willow looked up quickly and smiled at him.

"Thankyou Angel." They stared at each other for a minute, neither sure of what to say. Finally, Willow stood up and went to tell Cordelia the good news, leaing Angel to his thoughts.

"You're very welcome, Willow." Angel said to the empty room. Then he sighed and opened the Smythe file.

 End Part 5

"That's quite dressed up, seeing as though you're just going for coffee." Willow teased her friend, as Cordelia was getting ready for her "just-good-friends" coffee date with Doyle. Cordelia glanced up at Willow, who was sitting smugly on the couch, and she snorted.

"You're one to talk!" Willow looked at her blankly. "I've seen the way you act around a certain brooding vampire, you can't fool me." Willow turned bright red.

"I-I.......I don't know w-what you mean." She stammered and then fled the room.

 An Hour Later:-

"We have to do something!" Cordelia exclaimed. Doyle looked at her strangely.

"We are......we're drinking coffee, that is technically considered as doing something." Cordelia glared at him.

"I mean about Willow and Angel." Doyle looked at her uncomprehendingly. "Have you noticed that whenever they're in the same room together you can cut the sexual tension with a knife." Doyle stared at her.

"Actually no, I hadn't" Cordelia made a growling noise.

"Men are so dense. Anyway, I'm sick of it. She's moping, he's brooding....."  Doyle gave her a look. "Brooding more than usual......look, it isn't natural, they should be a couple. She's a demon, he's a demon, it's perfect!"

 "Well yeah, if you ignore the whole moment of true happiness gig that Angel has going on." Cordelia frowned.

"They don't have to have sex!" She said loudly, and the other customers in the bar looked at her. "What? Can you all say private conversation?" They all turned back to their drinks, and she turned back to Doyle who was staring at her with a mixture of fear and awe.

"Well?" Doyle said.

"Well what?" Cordelia asked him, taking a sip from her cappuchino.

"What's ya plan?" Cordelia looked at him blankly.

"I'm supposed to have a plan?"


"I've finished typing up the Wright case, where do you want me to file it?" Willow asked Angel as he entered the office. He looked up from the book he was reading.

"Just leave it on the desk, Cordelia can file it." He looked around. "Where is Cordelia?" Willow grinned at him.

"She's out......with Doyle........they went for "coffee"" Willow made speech-marks with her hands. Angel smiled knowingly and nodded. He looked like he was going to say something and Willow straightened slightly in her seat.

"Willow, I just wanted to tell you that.......I'm going into my office." He finished in a rush, and practically ran into the other room. Willow frowned. (That was.....weird. He's probably been drinking coffee again.) She sighed.

 Angel paced, desk, window, turn, desk, door, turn, desk, window, turn" What the hell is wrong with me?" He stopped by his desk, and used it to prop himself up slightly. He stayed like that for a few minutes, pondering over what had just happened in the other room. Suddenly it dawned on him, and he straightened suddenly. The desk shot back and crashed into the wall, part of it splintered and fell to the floor.

"Are you okay?" Willow exclaimed a few seconds later, as she ran into the office.  Angel looked up at her guiltily and nodded. Willow looked at the damaged desk in confusion, then she looked up at Angel.

 "There was a......rat." He said, trying to think of a reason why his desk was embedded into the wall.

"Pretty strong rat." Angel nodded quickly, then realised what shed just said. He cleared his throat.

"Umm, I have to go and...investigate something, now!" He dodged past Willow, who was still staring at him. He grabbed his coat, and headed outside.

"Angel!" Willow called after him. He screeched to a halt and turned round. Willow looked at him, then stared pointedly out of the window.

"Oh."Angel changed direction and headed to the sewer access in his apartment. Willow shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts.

"We're definitely switching to de-caf."

End Part 6

"Ohw god!" Everyone turned round quickly. Doyle was clutching at his head, and was slumped against the wall. Angel went over quickly, and Cordelia headed out of the office. Willow looked around, then went over to the desk. Cordelia rushed back in and Willow held out a glass. Cordelia dumped some whisky into it, then Willow hurried over to Angel.

 Doyle grabbed the drink, and took it in one big gulp, he coughed and gasped. Then turned to Angel. "We've.....we've got trouble." He managed to get out, whilst gasping for breath. Angel was just about to ask him to explain when the phone rang.

 Cordelia picked it up automatically. "Angel investigations, we help the hopeless."  She paused. "Okay, keep your tweed on." She held out the phone to Angel, who took it from her warily. The person on the line said something, and Angels eyes went wide. He continued to listen, nodding occasionally.

"What's going on?" Willow asked Cordelia, as she helped Doyle over to a chair.  Cordelia frowned.

"Giles......a rude Giles" Willow frowned at the thought of Giles being rude to anyone. (Something's wrong, Giles is like the epitome of polite.......epitome? I've been hanging out in libraries to much.) Cordelia sat next to Doyle, and held his hand.  He smiled at her slightly, then grimaced as his headache reasserted itself.

 Willow paced. Angel listened. Willow sat down, then got up again. Angel hung up.

"Well?" Cordelia, Willow and Doyle all said at once. Angel looked at Doyle.

"What did you see?" Doyle frowned, deep in thought.

"I saw Willow, another demon, Buffy, you, and something....a pendant, or maybe a necklace.....I'm not certain. It was blue." He added helpfully. Angel went paler than usual. They all stared at him.

"Have any of you heard of The Absolute Power?" Cordelia shrugged, as did Doyle.  Willow, however, sat down quickly and gasped. (Oh goddess......oh goddess......oh goddess.....)

"Oh goddess." Willow couldn't make a sentence, but she didn't have to. Angel understood how she felt. He walked over to where she had collapsed, and he gently squeezed her arm. She looked up at him and gave him a wobbly smile. Cordelia nudged Doyle, then looked pointedly at the vampire and the witch/demon who were having a "momen". Angel mentally shook himself, then turned back to the other two people in the room, and began to explain what they were up against.

 Two Hours Later:-

"Did......does Giles.....did he say that he knew I was here?" Willow asked Angel, as they walked along the street. He shook his head, then held the door open for her. She walked into the shop, and headed over to the small library it housed. She walked along the shelves, checking the spines of all the books. (Got it.) She triumphantly pulled out "Train-spotting in New York City." Then they headed over to the desk, where a young man was reading a magazine.

 "Yes?" He looked up at them, and Willow placed the book onto the table. She opened the book to page 47, and pointed at a picture of a train. He looked at her questioningly.

"A tidy home means a wasted life!" She said. He replied.

"Merry meet, merry part, merry meet again!" He smiled, then pushed a button under the desk. Then he placed the book into a box, and ushered them through the now open door behind the counter. Willow headed through it, with Angel following her.

They headed down some old steps, then through another door.

 They were in another library. A bigger library. An old woman walked over to them.  "How may I help you today, my child." Willow smiled at her.

"We need some information, on an......object." The woman smiled at her, then nodded at the sofa. They all sat down, and the woman poured some tea.

"We need some information.........on The Absolute Power." Willow finished hesitantly. The woman's hand twitched, and the tea poured onto the saucer. She put the pot down hastily, then stared at Willow.

"Your a vampire. Why should I help one who walks with evil." Willow hastily explained Angels situation. "I have heard of you. My gypsy cousins always did have a heightened sense of melodrama, no matter. I shall help you." She stood up, and motioned Willow and Angel to follow her. She took them into another room.  Then pulled out a large key. She handed it to Willow. "This key opens that door."  She pointed to the other side of the room. "You may enter, but know this, only the purest of intentions will allow you access. All you need is behind that door, but the risk is great." She turned and left without another word. Angel looked at Willow.   Willow looked at Angel.

 End Part 7

"Okay, now I'm worried." Willow said to Angel. He stared at her for a moment, then smiled reassuringly. (Hmmmmm.....Angel smiling.....I'm in a fuzzy place...focus .....focus) Willow tittered nervously, hoping that Angel hadn't noticed her lack of concentration, and breathing.

 Angel stepped forward and took the key from Willow, his hand brushed hers for the smallest moment, and Willow nearly started to drool. He turned quickly, hiding his face from her, and inserted the key into the lock. He turned it slowly, and the lock creaked, groaned, and finally clicked. He looked back at Willow, who nodded, and then he opened the door.

 The room was dark, and the light from the room they were in didn't go very far.  Angel and Willow hesitantly stepped through the door, and tried to peer through the darkness.

 "Have you got any matches.....because we could light a candle......if we had a candle, do you have a candle......I don't have one but.." Willow';s babbling was cut short when there was a blinding flash of light. After a few moments, she cautiously opened her eyes then smiled sheepishly as she saw Angel, his hand still holding the cord that had turned the light on. Angel smiled slightly, and followed Willow further into the room.

 It wasn't a very interesting room. The walls were cream, the floor was cream, the ceiling was cream, in fact everything but the desk was cream. The desk was beige.  (Uck...I didn't think desks came in that colour?) Willow repeated the thought out-loud, and Angel shrugged in total agreement. They walked over to the desk and as they got closer they could see three or four books lying haphazardly on the top.

 Angel looked questioningly at Willow. "You take Demon Artifacts, and I'll take Tools of the Lower Dimensions." She said as she grabbed one of the books and started to skim through it.


" What's taking so long?" Cordelia exclaimed as she started to pace. Doyle looked up from his crossword and shrugged.

 "They've only been gone three hours."; He said, glancing at his watch.

"Some of us have to get home, some of us have to sleep, some of us....." Doyle held up his hands in defeat.

"Why don't you go downstairs and lie down princess, I’ll wait here for them." He offered. She smiled brightly at him, then bounced out of the office, just before she got to the door Cordelia spun around and without missing a stride headed back towards Doyle. He sat up straight, straightened his shirt, and watched her walk right.......past him. He frowned.....perplexed. Suddenly Willow and Angel came through the door, both sporting matching worried expressions. Doyle sighed. It was going to be a long night.

End Part 8

