The Love of an Innocent

Author: Nickie Hopkins

Rating: R


The Bronze was full of loud music and teenagers dancing on the dance floor unaware of the dangers that lurked all around them. They didn't want to know,all they wanted to know was the joy of living for the moment. Not caring what the future had in store for them. For one of them the future held a prophecy that was vital to the world's continuation.

Next day:

"Good morning Giles." called Willow as she walked into the library on a sunny Saturday morning.

Giles looked up from an ancient book that he had been studying,"Oh,uh Good morning."

"Anything coming up that we need to know about?"asked Willow starting up the computer ready to research.

"Yes actually I have found a vague prophecy.."Giles started to say before he was interrupted by the sounds of arguing.

"You almost killed that guy!" claimed Xander carrying a box full of donuts.

To which Cordelia carelessly replied,"He shouldn't have been in my way. Besides he's fine."

"Yeah only because he was able to jump back in time." muttered Buffy as she stretched for her training.

"Got any Jellies?" asked Giles from behind the counter.

"Of course G Man." Xander mumbled around a mouth full of a glazed."What's new?What's happening?"

"Found a new prophecy, and its fascinating actually."answered Giles taking a bite of a jellied donut.

"What about?" asked Buffy

"Not sure yet, but the prophecy goes something like this."Giles stated absorbed once again in his books.

Xander seeing how absorb Giles was quickly snatched up the forgotten jellied and stuffed it in his face. How Giles could put down a donut in place of a book is beyond my understanding, thought Xander.

"When the lost souled one becomes one with innocent. Two shall rise to save the world. The two shall be protected by those who were once enemies. Brought together by the love of the innocent one,until the appointed time." read Giles.

"Is that all?" asked Buffy.

"No there is more but I need time to translate it."Giles replied as he wiped his glasses with a handkerchief.

"Willow can that dread contraption help translate this?" Giles asked walking toward the hacker.

"Yes, but it will take time."replied Willow taking the book out of Giles hand.

While Willow worked at the computer translating the prophecy, the rest of them tackled the books. Hours passed as they worked diligently searching for anything that might help them. Finally Giles looked at the clock and noticed it was five in the afternoon.

"Willow how are you coming on the translation?"Giles asked stretching his sore muscles.

"Fine, all that's left to do is wait for it to finish translating."replied Willow

"How long?"Giles asked

"It will be done in three hours."smiled Willow

"Well then since there is nothing left to do, you guys should go do whatever it is you do." ordered Giles looking at the computer screen.

"Are you sure?" asked Willow in concern

"Come on Wills, never turn down a night off."said Buffy grabbing the hacker by the arms and pulling her out the library.

"Bye Giles." called the hacker trying to keep up with the slayer.

One hour later saw them all at the Bronze. Everyone was on the dance floor dancing except for Willow. I wish I could be more like Buffy, strong,confident and beautiful, Willow thought to herself.

Not noticing the figure watching her.

It will be so easy taking her. He thought to himself. It will be like taking candy from a baby. How can they just leave her there unprotected, the fools. They don't know just what they have, but I do and I will take her tonight. He watched her all night waiting for the right moment to take what he wanted. It finally came as they were walking home. He watched as three fledging attacked thinking they were easy prey. Just as Buffy staked the last one he struck. He grabbed Willow from behind and pulled her up against his body. Putting his hand over her mouth so she couldn't make a sound he quietly blended into the shadows.

"You guys alright?" asked Buffy looking around to make sure there weren't anymore surprise.

"We are ok." said Xander as he held Cordy."What about you Wills?"

When no answer reached them they noticed she was gone. Frantically they searched the park hoping for any sign of her. When they found no sign of her at the park or home they ran to the library hoping Giles could help.

Running into the library they found Giles sitting at his desk reading the computer printout.

"Willows gone!"cried Buffy.

Running up to Giles Buffy told him all that happened that night.

"That's explains it."Giles said reaching for some papers on the desk.

Giles explained that the Lost souled one was Angelus and that Willow was the innocent one. The translation went into more detail describing them. From the tattoo on his shoulder to Willows red hair. The only thing it doesn't describe is who the Two are and where they come from. And how we are going to protect the Two with the help of Angelus and his Children.

At the Mansion.

Willow awoke with a start not knowing where she was. Last thing she remembered was walking home from the Bronze and then the vampire attack. Looking around she saw she was in a room with the windows boarded up. The only light in the room was from the fire in the fireplace. Nothing else was in the room except for the bed she was lying on. It was an old fashion four poster bed with curtains on all sides. The sheets were made of black satin and the blanket was a black down comforter. Getting out of the bed she noticed that she wasn't wearing her clothes. She was wearing a silk purple shirt that hung below her knees. Rolling up the sleeves Willow began to explore the room looking for anything that might explain where she was. Stopping only when the door opened.

"I see your are finally awake." a deep voice said from the doorway.

"Angelus!"she cried as she froze in terror.

Willow was frozen in fear as she looked at Angelus leaning against the door. She didn't want to die, much less this young. But boy did he look hot in those tight leather pants and black silk shirt. And the way those buttons were open to show off his chest. Made her hands itch just to touch that muscular chest. Whoa wait a minute, she thought in disgust. He is gonna kill me and all I can think about is touching his chest. Its official I have gone over the deep end.

Angelus watched as emotions flitted across Willows face from fear to desire and finally to disgust. Does she know how her face shows her every emotion, he wondered. That was one of the things he liked about her, besides her innocents. He still couldn't believe that those fools didn't see what he saw. Sure she was smart but she a glow, a beauty that far outshone anything he had ever seen. Not only outer beauty but inner beauty. And soon that will belong to me and I don't share what is mine. Enough of this thinking and time for action he decided. Time for her to know that she belongs to me. Catching her eyes with his he started walking toward her not letting her look away. When he was a foot away he beckoned her with a finger. Watching her shake her head no he had to control his anger as it wouldn't do for her be frightened. Not when he had nothing but pleasure in mind.

Willow watched as Angelus walk toward her until he was a foot away. When he beckoned her with a finger to come to him Willow shook her head no. Did he really except her to come willingly to her death. I may not be strong like Buffy but I refuse to die without a fight, Willow thought with her resolve face firmly in place. Although if he had something else in mind oh say,um, smoochie then I would go.

Bad Willow this is Angelus we are talking about. You homicidal maniac, the one who loves to play deadly games. How many times has he tried to kill you? Why several time. She babbled to herself. Plus this is your best friends ex-boyfriend, sure you always wanted him but still...

"Willow come here." Angelus ordered with an amuse look on his face as he listened to her mumble.

"Nnnno I don't think so, you want to kill me."Willow stammered trembling.

"Then I will come to you."Angelus replied with a lecherous grin.

Willow backed away when Angelus began to stalk her only to be stopped when she felt the side of the bed hit her backside. Angelus couldn't help but laugh. She was just where he wanted her, well one of the places. He stopped when he was right in front of her.

"Tonight will be a night you'll never forget." Angelus said as he pulled her against his hard body."Tonight I will claim you body and soul."

"I don't want to be yours."whimpered Willow trying to struggle.

"You have no choice in the matter, little one."Angelus whispered against her lips.

Angelus traced her lips with his tongue and ordered, "Willow open your mouth and let me in."

To shocked to do anything else she did as he ask. Angelus slipped his tongue into her mouth as soon as she let him in. Kissing her gently at first, then passionately when he felt her begin to response. While one of his hands was wrapped in her fiery hair, the other moved down her body to grip her butt and pressed her against tightly against him. Willow tore her mouth away in a feeble attempt to breath, which was made harder as he turned his attentions to her neck. Each lick and nip sent shivers of desire down her body. Moaning she tilted her head to give him better access. With shaky fingers Willow unbutton his shirt and slipped it off. Running her hands across his chest she leaned to press kisses against his chest.

Angelus grabbed her head and plundered her mouth with his as his hands made quick work removing her clothes. Picking her up he gently placed her in the middle of the bed. Looking deep into her eyes he took the rest of his clothes off and crawled toward her. Placing his hard body over her he gave her a quick passionate kiss and then trailed his lips down her neck until he came to her breast. Only pausing for a second to look at the perfect pale pink nipples. He gave it a long lick and blew across it watching it pucker up. Willow wrapped her hands in his dark silky hair and pressed his head to against her chest. Angelus was only to happy to comply with her silent demand. He torture her as he lick,sucked and nipped at her nipple. Moaning Willow dragged his face up to hers as she engaged him into a open mouth kiss that could only be described as carnal.

Angelus groaned deep into her mouth at the feelings she was making him feel. He felt like an untried schoolboy with no experience under his belt. Moaning he moved his hands and lips down her body caressing her until he reached the center of her desire. Slipping a finger inside her he moaned at how hot and wet she was. Dipping his head he opened her nether lips and flicked his tongue against her clit. Feeling her jumped he placed a hand on her stomach holding her there.

Moaning at the feelings that Angelus was inflicting in her. She couldn't understand how her sworn enemy could make her mindless with desire. Oh God help me! She cried silently as he nipped and sucked at her clit. Lifting her hips off the bed the bed she pleaded with him to stop this torment. But Angelus wouldn't give in to her pleading, wanting her to come. Slipping one finger inside her then another,he thrust them in and out as he continued his ministrations on her clit. He soon had her thrashing her head about as she came. Quickly slipping his fingers out he lapped up the juices with his tongue. He had never tasted anything so good,so arousing.

Before Willow could down from her climax he crawled up her body. Spreading her legs wider as he laid between them, he ran his shaft against her sex lubricating it. Dipping his head he captured her lips in a bruising kiss as he thrust inside breaking her barrier. Stopping to let her get used to him was almost killing him at the tightness all around him. Angelus began to thrust gently at first when he felt Willow moving beneath him. Angelus really tried to be gently knowing how easily he could hurt her with his strength, but she wouldn't let him. Trying to let him know she wasn't as fragile as she looked she met his thrust for thrust. Gripping her butt he continue to thrust deep and harder into her until he felt her walls begin to grip him. Snaking a hand down between their bodies he twisted her clit making her scream as she organism. He continue to thrust and twist her clit until she was ready to come again. Nuzzling her neck he sank his fangs in sending then both over the edge. Waiting for her to calm down Angelus licked at the blood that pooled around the bite.

"What happens next?" Willow asked. "Are you going to kill me now?"

"No little one. I told you earlier you were going to belong to me body and soul." Angelus replied dropping to her side."If I killed you that wouldn't happen now."

"Why?" she asked not understanding what he meant.

"Its simple I want you." said Angelus pulling her in his arms and covering them with the comforter.

"But what about Buffy?"she whispered.

"Why would I want her when I can have you?"Angelus said firmly as he tip her head up to look her in the eyes."Even when I was Angel I wanted you. She was a poor substitute for you."

"She is beautiful."defended Willow loyally.

"Yes she is but not as beautiful as you." smiled Angelus pushing her head down on his chest."We have a long night and you need a nap."

Willow couldn't argue with him as her eyes began to drift shut in exhaustion. Holding her tightly Angelus thought about the consequences of his actions. He knew now he would never let her go willingly and in fact he had been caught up in his own trap. He only meant to take what he wanted and make her his. He never meant for her to make him his, but damm if that isn't what happened. His toughts driving him crazy he woke her up and made love to her again and again. All night he made her his trying to get her out of his system. He finally carried her home an hour before sunset, placing her gently on the bed. Brushing her hair out of he looked at her sleeping, acknowledging that he would never be free of her. With a last gentle kiss he turned and left leaving the sleepy girl behind.


Willow sat on her bed in shock. Positive, I can't believe its positive. This can't be happening to me. How can this be happening? I mean I know how, but it's not suppose to be able to happen. What will my parents and friends say? Oh God what will Angelus say! Looking at what she held in her hand for the one hundredth time, still not believing what her eyes were telling her. Jumping up she reached under her bed grabbing the suitcase that was under there she threw it on the bed and opened it. Running to her closet she started to throw haphazardly clothes into the suitcase until it was full. Grabbing her purse which held her bank book that show five thousand dollars in it that she saved from birthdays,holidays,allowances since she could remember. Picking up the suitcase she went outside to await the cab that she had called to come pick her.

Checking her watch for the tenth time she saw that the cab was thirty minutes late. Panicking as it would be sunset in ten minutes and she needed to be long gone before then. Angelus was due to arrive in twenty minutes like he has every night for the past two months. Just thinking of him made her extremely upset as she would never see him again. She had gone and fallen in love with a vampire, a soulless one at that. At least Buffy was smart and fell in love with one that had a soul. But no not stupid little ole me, I fell in love with a viscous killer. Crying she almost didn't see the taxi stop in front of her house.

"Miss Rosenberg?" the taxi driver said climbing out to help her load her suitcase up.

"Yes, to the bus station please."Willow replied not noticing the figure that was now running toward her."And hurry please."

Willow sat into the taxi and tried to shut the door,only to find out it wouldn't shut. Looking up to see what was stopping it her face drained of any color that it might have had.

"Now little one, you wouldn't be leaving me would you?" asked Angelus calmly.

Frozen with panic all she could do was whisper "Yes." as she watched as his eyes glittered dangerously.

She was leaving him, how dare she. Didn't she understand that she belonged to him and couldn't leave ever? Hadn't he made it clear to her all these nights how much he needed her? Angelus thought as anger coursed through his body. Over my dead body will she leave. With that decided Angelus reached in and pulled her unresisting body out of the car. The taxi driver seeing this quickly grabbed her bag out of the trunk,placing it on the sidewalk. Racing away he looked in the rearview mirror and saw the tall and dangerous looking man carrying the girl into the house.

Placing Willow on the couch Angelus started to pace in front of her,trying to calm down.

Squatting in front of her as he placed his hands over hers gently but firmly he asked"Why?"

"I am pregnant and somehow its yours."Willow mumbled as she started to cry. "You are the only one I've slept with."

Angelus fell back shocked. He had been expecting something else not this. Of course he knew it was his. For one she would never cheat on him and two he would be able to smell it if she did.

"I believe you little one." Angelus said pulling her into his arms letting her cry.

"You do? Are you mad?" she asked looking up into his eyes."Are you going to kill me now?"

Angelus started to shake her when he remember in time that she was pregnant. "Of course I do, you don't lie and I would be able to smell it if you had been with anyone else. Kill you? I could no sooner kill you then I could stick a stake in my heart!"

Lifting her head he kissed her bruising her lips, trying to convey what he couldn't say. Willow kissed him back as she ripped his shirt open desperate to get as close to him as she could. Angelus picked her and carried her to her room where he placed her on feet. Making quick work of tearing off both of their clothes he placed her on the bed and joined her. Still kissing her he spread her legs and settle in-between them, rubbing his shaft against her before thrusting inside her. Willow moaned as he took her body by storm, each of them coming together in desperation.

"Did I hurt you?" asked Angelus as he pulled her tightly into his arms.

"No." she answered breathless."What are we going to do?"

"You are going to live with me at the mansion for one."Angelus said firmly."I can take better care of you there, where I can see you."

"What about Spike and Drusilla?" she asked with a worried looked. "They won't like that."

"They will have no choice in the matter." Angelus replied rubbing her arms.

They spent the rest of the night talking and planning the future until it was time for him to leave. With a lingering kiss goodnight he told her to take care of herself. As Willow watched him run home to beat the sunset she thought she better get some sleep as tonight wasn't going to be pretty. Tonight they tell Giles and the gang that they had been seeing each other for two months, and that she was pregnant. They only knew about the one night and even then they didn't know they had slept together.

Drusilla was having a tea party with her dolls when Miss Edith told her the most interesting news.

"We are getting a new mommy?"asked Drusilla holding Miss Edith up to her ear."Tell mommy more."

As Drusilla was listening to Miss Edith Spike walked in carrying a teenage boy over his shoulder.

"Eat luv." Spike said throwing the body at Drusilla's feet."We can't have you wasting away."

"Oh Spike, Miss Edith told me the most wonderful news!" cried Drusilla excited."Daddy is getting us a new mommy!"

"Is that right, pet." commented Spike as he lit up a cigarette.

"No more smoking." ordered Drusilla as she stomped her foot and yanked it out of his mouth.

"And why not?" Spike said calmly lighting a cigarette.

"Because our new mommy's babies won't like it." sang as Drusilla danced around the room bumping into Angelus as he walked in.

"What's wrong with you?" asked Angelus as the cigarette fell out of Spikes mouth.

"Bloody hell!" yelled Spike jumping up from the chair he had been sitting in.

Brushing the burning cigarette off him he glared at Angelus who was laughing at him." You think that is funny, wait till you hear what Miss Edith told Drusilla."

"Drusilla my love what did you hear?" smiled Angelus as he watched Drusilla feed.

"That you are getting us a new mommy who has babies in her tummy." replied Drusilla dropping the lifeless body on the floor.

"How do you feel about that?"Angelus asked thoughtfully

"I like babies, they taste so sweet." Drusilla answered punishing one of the dolls for being bad.

"But you couldn't eat these babies." Angelus said firmly.

"Oh I know." smiled Drusilla."They are special babies."

"You mean she is right?"asked Spike incredulous.

Angelus nodded as he started thoughtfully at the insane vampire."Anything else Dru?"

"Ask the watcher." was Drusilla's only answer as she dragged Spike off to bed.

"I just might do that."Angelus replied to the empty room.

Standing outside the library doors Willow asked,"Are we doing the right thing?"

"Yes love, they need to know so they can watch over you when I am not around." Angelus replied folding her trembling body into his arms.

They stood for what seemed like hours just holding each other. Breaking away from his arms with her resolve face on she pushed open the door firmly holding onto Angelus's hand. At first no one noticed the couple that had walked in so intent on their research. Finally Buffy noticed as her slayer sense kicked in.

"Willow run!" yelled Buffy as she jumped to her feet with a stake in her hand.

"No Buffy" ordered Willow pulling Angelus behind her in an attempt to protect him.

"And Why not?" asked Buffy ready to attack.

"Because I am carrying his baby."replied Willow.

The only sound in the library was the sound of Angelus's laughter as he watched Xander fall to the floor in a dead faint. Glaring at her laughing boyfriend Willow ran to her childhood friend.

"What? What did I do?" laughed Angelus as Willow continue to glare at him as she cradled Xander's head in her lap.

"Ohhh." moaned Xander opening his eyes."Willow, I had the worst dream. You said you were pregnant with Angelus's baby."

Smiling gently, Willow brushed his hair out of his eyes."It wasn't a dream Xander."

"Tell me it isn't true!"cried Xander as jerk out of her lap and onto his feet."Tell me you're not pregnant with that monsters baby."

"He isn't a monster." defended Willow loyally jumping to her feet.

"Yes he is and your baby is going to be just like him." Xander yelled in disgust.

Covering her faced with her hands Willow broke down and started to cry. Seeing Willow cry Angelus crossed the room toward Xander with a snarl. Picking Xander up by his collar Angelus started to shake him violently.

"No,Angelus!"cried Willow running to his side."Please don't do this."

"He hurt you."growled Angelus still shaking Xander.

"He was just upset and mouthed off as usual."Willow defended Xander.

Angelus looked at Xander and then back at Willow."He needs to keep it shut in the future or I'll shut it permanently."

Angelus walked to the nearest chair and threw Xander into it. Glaring at Xander with murder in his eyes he walked back to Willow and took her into his arms.

"Everyone calm down." Giles said sternly coming out of the stupor he had been in when Willow announced she was pregnant."Are you sure you're pregnant?"

Looking up from the safety of Angelus's arms Willow answered."Doctor confirmed it today, he says I am about two months."

"I thought vampires couldn't have children?" Cordelia asked

"Well, it is a very rare occurrence."Giles started to explain wiping his glasses."There have only been two births recorded."

"What happened to them?" asked Willow wrinkling her brow in concern.

"No one really knows."Angelus said glaring at Giles.

"Quite right." stammered Giles."Have you decided what you are going to do now?"

"Yes. We discussed it last night." Willow replied motioning to the table for everyone to sit.

When they were all seated they listened as Willow explained what had been decided the night before. They weren't too happy when they learned that she would move into the mansion with Angelus. While they agreed that someone should be with her during her pregnancy they didn't think a mansion with Drusilla and Spike was the perfect place for her to be. Angelus tried to assure them that they wouldn't hurt Willow but had in fact agreed to protect Willow. When asked why Angelus could only say was that Drusilla claimed that these were special babies and needed to be protected. Giles looked up sharply during Angelus's explanation.

"Did you say babies?" Giles asked seriously walking over to his office.

"That is what Drusilla said."answered Angelus."Come to think of it she said you would know something about them."

"Ah yes, here we are."Giles said holding a computer print out."Willow remember a few months that prophesy I had you translate on the computer?"

"With Angelus's kidnapping me I completely forgot about that."replied Willow looking at Giles curiously.

"Yes, well it's a prophesy about you and Angelus." said Giles handing Willow the printout.

Taking the printout Willow read it out loud,"When the soulless one becomes one with innocence. Two shall rise to save the world. The two shall be protected by those who were once enemies. Brought together by the love of the innocence,until the appointed time."

Willow and Angelus walked in silence toward the mansion, each of them lost in

thought. Upon leaving the library earlier they both had agreed that it would be best if she stayed with him tonight instead of waiting. Angelus didn't want to take the chance that Buffy or Xander would come after her during the daytime when he couldn't protect her. So deep into his thoughts Angelus almost didn't see Willow stop at the door to the mansion.

"Whats wrong?" Angelus asked just barely missing running into her.

"Well its, you see, um, well are you sure that Drusilla or Spike won't try to eat me?" she babbled nervously.

"Yes I am sure they won't eat you. In fact Dru can't wait to see you."Angelus tried to reassure her.

That's what I am afraid of, thought Willow. I don't trust Spike or Drusilla, but I do trust Angelus. Squaring her shoulders she grabbed Angelus hand and opened the door. Walking inside was the hardest thing she had ever had to do. Looking around Willow could see that the place needed some improvement. Like, lights for example. This was defiantly no place to raise a baby much less two. Since the only light was from the fire place she didn't notice they weren't alone.

"Oh Daddy, you brought my new mommy home!" cried Dru jumping up and down in excitement.

"Yes princess I did."replied Angelus drawing Willow closer to his body.

"We are going to have so much fun having tea parties with Miss Edith."Dru said giving the frightened girl a hug."And I am going to take such good care of you, like my mommy took care of me."

"This is Spike." Angelus gestured toward the vampire leaning up against the fireplace.

"Welcome to the family Pet." replied Spike kissing her hand.

"Well now that you met everyone it's time for you to get some sleep." smiled Angelus pleased with his children actions.

Picking up Willow in his arms Angelus carried her to him room. After showing her where the bathroom was he left her in Dru's care.

"Are you sure about this Angelus?" asked Spike upon hearing Angelus return downstairs.

"Yes I am sure. Not only is she mine but she is pregnant with my babies."growled Angelus

"No, I mean leaving her alone with Dru." laughed Spike."You know how motherly Dru can be."

"After what she has been through tonight, she needs to be mothered." replied Angelus looking into the fire.

"I gather it didn't go well tonight."Spike comment as his sire began to pace the room.

"No. That idiot boy Xander basically called me and the babies monsters."snarled Angelus. "Now while I am a monster, those babies aren't. I should have beat the crap out of him when I had the chance."

"Why didn't you?"Spike asked casually.

"Because Willow was there and it would have upset her." was all Angelus said. "Although the watcher surprised me."

"How so?" asked Spike surprised.

"He supported Willow, saying he would be there for her."answered Angelus.

Finally calm Angelus sat down and told Spike everything that happened including the prophesy. They talked until Dru came down and told them Willow was asleep. Glancing at the clock on the mantel Angelus saw that he still had several hours until dawn. Getting up he asked Spike to watch after Willow while Dru and him went for food so Willow could have something to eat during the day.

Spike sat staring into the fire thinking about the future and how it was going to change in a few short months. It was going to take alot of adjustment on everyone's part. Willow was going to have to get used to living with vampires and they were going to have to get used to living with her, a human. But the biggest change will be when the babies are born. Cripes, thought Spike shaking his head could his undead life get any weirder.

"Spike, where's Angelus?" Willow asked sitting next to him on the couch.

"Ack!"screamed Spike jumping up with his game face on scaring Willow in the process. Which made Spike feel terrible.

"Oh Willow I am so sorry." apologized Spike."But please do us both a favor and don't sneak up on me like that."

"I won't ever do that and I apologize for scaring you like that." replied Willow with a small smile.

Looking over at each other they started laughing which broke the ice between them. They sat together getting to know each and they were both surprised at what they found. They both played the piano and loved to dance. When Spike mentioned that he could cook Willow made him promise to cook for her. They were having such a good time talking that they both failed to realize that Angelus and Dru had returned.

"What lies is this wanker telling you?"Angelus asked smiling down at them.

"He told me about the time you tried to eat a dummy that he had fixed up to look real." laughed Willow.

Angelus scowled at Spike who was laughing even harder at the look on his sire's face.

"Isn't your bedtime boy?" growl Angelus

"No I don't think so."Spike continued to laugh much to Angelus ire.

"Now Angelus, let's not get upset." said Willow trying to suppress her laughter but failed miserably.

Seeing Willow laugh took away his anger at his childe,making him feel grateful instead. Walking over to Willow, Angelus smiled at Spike thanking him for making Willow laugh. Spike watched Angelus carry Willow upstairs to bed, thinking that maybe life here in the mansion would be fun after all.

Willow sat in the garden watching the sunset thinking back on the past seven months. It hadn't been easy learning to live with vampires who just happened to feed from people. But they were able to come to a compromise. Even though they still feed from humans, they agreed to leave them alive. Which, Willow, knew was as good as she was gonna get. She couldn't get over the fact out how normal they were. If she didn't know for a fact that they were vampires, she would have taken them for normal. They liked alot of the same things humans do and were even able to experience emotions. Willow thought this was because they still retained some human emotions after they were turned. If someone had told Willow nine months ago that she would fall in love with Angelus and become close friends with Spike and Dru, she would have thought them insane. But that is exactly what happened. Not only that but Giles, Buffy and the rest of the Scooby gang learned to like them too. Although Xander would never admit it. At first they wouldn't come to the mansion but when Willow had fallen down and her doctor ordered bed rest they rose above their fear. Willow couldn't help but laugh at the memory of their first visit.

Willow had been ready to go crazy with boredom when they came over with flowers and movies. At first they were tense and ready to bolt, but soon they were able to relax. They were having such a good time that when Dru,Spike and Angelus walked in they all jumped in fright. Xander, thought Willow giggling had screamed like a sissy boy. Giles had kept shaking his head in wonder at their behavior. He had been taught that vampires were viscous killers without any soul and here were these three shooting holes into that theory. Seeing as how it was almost dinner time Spike invited them to stay for dinner. Xander thinking Spike meant having him for dinner ran and hid behind Buffy which made everyone burst out laughing. He may be my best friend but he is quiet the scaredy cat. By the time dinner was over Buffy was saying that she should come and live with us if this was they way I ate every night. She didn't even mind when Dru finagled her into playing dolls with her. Of course the kicker to that was Xander chosed to be the doll. Dru figured since there was going to be real babies coming to live here she needed the practice. Xander doesn't know it yet but Angelus had secretly tape it waiting for the perfect time to blackmail him with it. Even Cordy got into the day,giving Dru a complete make over. Dru was in heaven as she had three playmates that day. From that day on a friendship bloomed all because of there love for Willow. They all became united in their desire to protect her and her babies, just like the prophesy had said.

Feeling one of the babies inside her kick she was reminded of the first time Angelus saw the twins. Giles had called the council telling them of my situation and how we needed a doctor that could be trusted and able to deal with our special circumstances. The council agreed to his request once they heard of the prophesy. After all they needed to protect the Two that would save the world someday. Anyway the doctor finally arrived and set up office in one of the many empty rooms in the mansion. Since the council has its arms everywhere the doctor was able to have a sonogram machine installed at the mansion temporally. Watching Angelus's face as he watched his babies on that screen she wanted to cry at the look of love and awe on his face. In fact he was so excited about seeing them that he ran and got Dru and Spike to come see this miracle. They too had looks of love and awe as they watched the twins move on the screen. The doctor was flabbergasted at their behavior, even though he had been warned of this.

Angelus stood leaning on the door jam watching Willow lost in her memories. God how he loved her and their babies. He would do everything in his power to make sure they were safe. He couldn't imagine his life without her and hoped someday when the time was right she would let him turn her. He had already talked to Giles about that and he agreed to do the restoration spell on her if she agreed to it. Even if she didn't he would still love her for all of eternity. Angelus sighed, he better get her in out of the cool night air before Dru had him for dinner.

"Willow come in before you catch cold."Angelus said walking toward her in order to help her to her feet.

Willow smiled at him as he pulled her into his arms for what was suppose to be a quick kiss. But as usual it turned passionate. They were still kissing ten minutes later when Spike came to get them.

"Hate to break this up but Buffy and gang just arrived for dinner." Spike said watching them breaking apart as thought they did something wrong.

"One of these days Spike I am going to stake you through your rotten undead heart."threatened Angelus with a glare.

Spike just laughed as the three of them walked into the mansion for dinner. The atmosphere during dinner that night was jolly as any day now Willow was to give birth. Over dinner they bantered names about trying each coming up with one they liked. It wasn't until desert that anyone noticed that Willow seemed quiet and removed.

"What's wrong red?" asked Spike looking at Willows pale face.

"I just have a , oh my goodness."gasped Willow

"What?" Angelus asked with alarm.

"Nothing, its just that my water broke." Willow laughed nervously.

With those few words pandemonium broke out.

Willow had been in labor for over seven hours but to the small group that waited downstairs it seemed like eternity. Each of them wishing it was them up there going through that instead of her. With each scream that filtered down they cringe praying it would soon be over. Everyone had tried to do something to help take their minds off Willow but it was hopeless. The men were pacing while the women sat on the couch holding each others hands in comfort.

Meanwhile upstairs....

Angleus winced as Willow squeezed his hand with a strength he has never felt before. Thank goodness he was a vampire or else his hand would have been squeezed off by the first hour of her labor. How can she go through this torture? He thought brushing her hair out of her eyes. Never again would she go through this or any other type of pain.

"Willow, honey please why don't you take some pain medication?"asked a desperate Angelus between contractions.

He had learned early on not to ask any questions during contractions, and he was one to learned who learned from his mistakes.

"Because I want to do this naturally. Besides you heard what the doctor said about the side affects."panted

On and on went the contractions until Angelus thought it would never end. But finally the end was near.

"Ok Willow on the next contraction I want you to push." said the doctor after examining her cervix"Lets get these babies out of there, shall we."

Willow smiled at the thought that soon she would finally get to hold her beautiful babies. Looking up at Angelus she only had time to smile before the next contraction hit her.

"Ok now Willow push!" ordered the doctor from between her legs.

This went on for the next 15 minutes as Willow pushed with each contraction.

"I want you stop pushing until I tell you." the doctor said.

Angelus looked down to where the doctor was working and saw a baby's head. If he could breath his breath would have caught as he gazed at what had to be the most beautiful sight. His and Willow's baby. All he could see was the back of the baby's head but he knew it was perfect.

"Ok Willow you can go ahead and push."said the doctor.

Angelus watched as Willow pushed the rest of the baby's head out. With a loud cry his son announced his arrival in this world. His sister followed him in under a minute. After they were cleaned up the doctor left the new family alone to get aquatinted.

"Willow they are beautiful."smiled a teary Angelus looking at the new additions to his family.

"They couldn't be anything but that with you as their father."replied Willow as her heart was overflowing with love.

It seemed like only minutes before the doctor was back in ordering Willow to get some sleep. After making sure that Willow and the twins were settle for the night Angelus walked downstairs to spread the good news. As soon as he walked in, they jumped up and started firing questions at him. Laughing he held up his hand to quiet them down. He reported that Willow was fine and had given birth to a son and daughter. Their names where Michael Lee and Autumn Leigh. He told them they could see the twins if they were quiet. They were quiet as they followed Angelus up the stairs and into the nursery where the twins had been laid. They stood in awe as they looked down upon these two miracles that had been created. It was hard to think that these two tiny babies would one day save the world.

18 years later.....

The mansion was filled with love and laughter. Not only was it the twin's birthday but they had also won the battle that they had been destined to fight and win. A demon like no other had awoken up from his 1,000 year sleep ready to destroy the world. But he met his match with the twins and he had been destroyed forever. The twins had been trained for this day ever since they had been old enough to understand their destiny. They had inherited all the strengths of a vampire but none of the weakness. From their mother they received the gift of innocence's and of magic which ran strong in their blood. It was this very gift from both parents that they were able to save the world.

