The Thrill of Victory

Author: NICKIE



Disclaimer:These characters do not belong to me but to Joss Whedon and Co. I am merely using them for entertainment purposes.

Archive:Mine and whoever else wants it. Just ask me please.

Feedback: Helps me write more so if you want me to continue writing send feedback, it feeds me.

Spoilers:Hmm, none really as I am taking what I want and discarding the rest.

Comments:Angel doesn't have his soul and Willow never did the uninvite spell.



~Part: 1~

Blending into the shadows Angelus kept a safe distance as he followed the girl and her silly friends once again protecting her from the elements of the night as they walked home from a night at the Bronze. Laughing silently over the irony of him protecting the slayer if even for only a minute or two, but it wouldn't do for the girl to get hurt before he could take her. If she only knew what he had in mind for her, she would probably run screaming into the night, thinking about it he hoped she would scream as it would only make the thrill of victory that much more satisfying. Upon reaching her house Angelus stood behind a tree making sure she got into the house safely before climbing up the trellis to wait and watch.


For the past month Willow couldn't get over the feeling that she was being watched and living on the Hellmouth that was not a good thing to be feeling. Resisting the urge to go look out her balcony door Willow took of the clothes she wore to the Bronze and walked into her connecting bathroom and took a shower hoping it would get rid of this feeling that soon her life would never be the same again. Wrapping a towel around her slim body Willow walked over to the sink and picked up her hairbrush. As she brushed her hair Willow studied her face in the mirror. Brilliant red hair that fell in waves to her shoulders sparkled with fire while eyes the color of emeralds stared back at her. She decided while she was no raging beauty like Buffy she wasn't ugly either, just somewhere in the middle. Certainly not pretty enough to catch Angelus's eye, not that she wanted him to notice her. Or did she said a small little voice. Frowning Willow knew she couldn't lie to herself, she wanted Angelus but she would not act upon it as it would mean her death. Besides it's not like he wanted her anyway. Disgusted with the way her mind was going she stormed into her room and got ready for bed.


Angelus waited until he was sure she was asleep before silently entering her room. Taking his shoes and jacket off he slipped under the cover and gently laying next to her. Deeply inhaling he took in her scent of Lilac as he nuzzled her neck. Sticking his tongue out he licked at her pulse points as his hands delved into her hair holding it firmly in place as he gently nipped at her neck with his fangs drawing slivers of blood to the surface. Lazily licking up the drops of her exotic blood that tasted like ambrosia to him, his hand moved up and under her nightshirt pinching and rubbing her nipple until it was hard. Smiling in satisfaction as Willow began to move and moaned Angelus moved and sucked her hard nipple into his mouth while his hand caressed her neglected nipple until it was as hard as the one in his mouth. Rearing up slightly he took her took possession of her mouth in a brutal passionate kiss designed not only to wake her up but to further arouse her desire. Soon he didn't know who was in control of the kiss as Willow responded wildly to his kiss. Growling deeply in throat as her hands moved down his muscular chest to cup him over his leather pants. Tearing his mouth away he gulped in air that he didn't need in an effort to gain control over his runaway emotions. Finally after gaining a fraction of his control he gently removed her hands and tied them together with a silk ribbon to her headboard. Moving in between her legs he removed her soaked panties and threw them over his shoulder. Gently he slid in a finger inside her briefly only to take it out and taste her. Moaning at the sweet taste of her he knew he would last long as her body writhed against his in a silent plea for him to take her. Getting up he quickly undressed all the while enjoying the sight of her beautiful body. Moving on top of her he rubbed his slit against her core before plunging in deeply breaking her maidenhood. Almost howling at the pleasure of her tight channel and with the knowledge that he was there first he didn't notice that Willow was now wide awake and looking up at him with horror.

"Angelus!" she cried with fear twisting her body trying to frantically get away from him.

"Thats my name." he laughed.

"What is going on?" she asked bewildered.

"Why I am having my wicked way with you." Angelus said as he thrust his hips.

"Why me?" she asked starting to cry.

"Because you are mine." he claimed thrusting deeply with each word. "Now no more talking."

Bending down he captured her mouth as she once again went down into a sea of desire.

"Angelussss!" she cried this time in desire as her climax took her over.

Thrusting Angelus guided her through her organism and into another one. Finally when he could stand it no more he spilled his cold seed at the same time his fangs slid into her throat feeding from her which threw her into another climax.


Watching his new lover sleep Angelus tucked his deep purple satin shirt into his tight fitting leather pants and buckled his big brass buckle. Bending down he licked at the bite marks he left behind to warn others that she was his and only his. Smiling with pure male satisfaction he slipped off into the fast approaching dawn for a quick bite before heading home to plan his next plan of attack.

~Part: 2~

Whistling a jaunty tune Angelus strutted into the mansion just as the sun peaked over the trees.

"Angelus looks like the cat who ate the canary." Spike commented

"Sure did." Angelus said with a naughty grin as he picked Spike up in his arms and twirled him around the room.

"ooh, me next Daddy."squealed Drusilla clapping her hands.

"Of course Princess."replied Angelus and he dropped Spike and pulled Drusilla into his arms.

"You bloody rat's arse."growled Spike picking himself up of the floor.

After getting dizzy from watching his sire and Dru dance around the room Spike went to the bar grabbing a bottle of scotch on his way to stare into the fireplace. One of these days I'll kill him, Spike thought to himself, and then I'll Dru to myself again and no more precious Daddy. Taking a large swig of the bottle he wonder what had happened to make to make Angelus behave like he was. Bloody hell he is acting like soul boy, I don't know who is worst Angelus or Soul boy. Of course at least if he is Soul boy he is out of the way but then again at least Angelus is more fun when he isn't drooling over Drusilla.

"Ohh the voice's are whispering to me telling lovely secrets." Drusilla sang, shaking Spike out of his brooding.

"What are they saying?" asked Angelus

"Daddy wants the red head and she wants him."Dru whispered swaying to the voice that she can only hear."And it makes that nasty smelling slayer furious."

"What else princess?" demanded Angelus gently.

"If you play nice you will get her and hurt the slayer." said Dru falling to her knees."Oh my head hurts, make it stop!"

Seeing Drusilla fall Spike shot his sire a glare as he ran over and grabbed her up."It's alright luv I'll make it go away."

"Spike?"murmured Dru.

"Yes my pet?" asked Spike as he gently carried her to their room.

"I am hungry." whimpered Dru.

"I have just the thing in our room." promised Spike leaving Angelus alone with his thoughts.

~Part: 3~


"Ello?"asked a sleepy voice.

"Willow, are you alright?" asked a concerned voice

"Buffy? Yeah I am alright, just had a dozy of a dream and I guess it took alot out of me." Willow replied

"Giles cancelled research tonight and I thought we could go to the Bronze tonight."Buffy said way to brightly for this time of day.

"Um sure." mumbled Willow

"Great! I'll drop by and pick you up around sixish and we'll grab a bite to eat before hitting the Bronze." said Buffy.

"Ok, see you then." answered Willow before hanging up and falling asleep.


"This is not like Willow to be ready." said Xander.

"Your right." replied Buffy with a worried look.

Using her slayer strength she opened the front door allowing them to enter. Once they were in they went straight up to Willow's room and found that she was still fast asleep. Giving each other worried looks they shook her until she woke up not noticing the figure that was standing outside the balcony door.

"Willow come on wake up." urged Buffy.

"Don't want to." mumbled Willow burrowing her body deeper into the bed.

"You have to now get out of that bed, take a shower and lets go."commanded Buffy"You need to eat and have some fun."

"Hey Willow since when does Angelus send you flowers?" asked Xander holding up a vase full of white roses.

"Who, what?" asked Willow confused.

"You know deadboy." Xander repeated "Here just read the card that came with the roses."

Taking the card from Xander Willow began to read out loud.

"My Darling Willow,

The red rose whispers of passion, And the white rose breathes of love; O' the red rose is a falcon, and the white rose is a dove.

But I send you a cream-white rosebud With a flush on its petal tips; for the love that is purest and sweetest Has a kiss of desire on the lips.

Until we meet again just remember my undead life belongs in your delicate hands.


Ps. You were wonderful last night."

As Willow's voice trailed off the room became as silent as a tomb each lost in their own thoughts.

"What did he mean by you were wonderful last night?" asked Buffy breaking the silence

"I don't know."answered Willow."There was the dream last night, it had to be a dream, right?

"What kind of dream?" asked Buffy.

"Well you know kissing and stuff."blushed Willow.

"You had a kissing dream about deadboy! How ewww!" cried Xander with a look of disgust on his face.

"Well technically it was way more than kissing." replied Willow.

"Just how technical are we talking about?" asked Buffy alittle to quiet.

"Well if it wasn't a dream then I am no longer a, a , well you know." babbled Willow embarrassed

"It wasn't a dream Willow."came a deep velvety voice from the balcony."And you fully enjoyed it as did I."

"Angelus!"cried Buffy coming to a fight stance with stake in hand.

"How are you doing Lover?" asked Angelus.

"First of all I am not your lover." began Buffy.

"I wasn't talking to you and besides you were never the lover Willow is." commented Angelus stepping into the room until he was standing in front of the shell shocked girl.

"Tell me I am dreaming please." pleaded Xander looking up towards heaven.

Sending Xander a mocking grin Angelus crushed Willow to his chest. Cupping the side of her face Angelus titled her head back smiling gently he placed a gentle yet passionate kiss on her lips. All Buffy and Xander could do was stare in shock as a ruthless killer held Willow tightly in his embrace kissing her like their was no tomorrow.

Finally breaking out of her shock Buffy tore Willow out of Angelus's arms sending her crashing to the floor with a cry of pain. Hearing Willow's cry of pain Angelus turned toward Buffy with his face fully vamped he savagely backhanded her across the room where she fell up against the wall and slid down into a faint. Not noticing that Xander ran toward Buffy Angelus dropped to his knees running his hands over Willow's body checking for injuries. Not finding any he pulled her into his arms not letting her struggle.

"Are you alright?" he asked smelling her fear.

"Um sure." said Willow trembling not wanting to anger him further.

"I am not going to hurt you." Angelus smiled gently which looked kinda funny as he was still vamped out.

Willow started to giggle softly at first then madly with exhaustion and nerves as the situation became too much for her to bear. Growling for Xander and Buffy who had just gotten up to get out Angelus stood up cradling Willow in his arms.

"No." said Buffy firmly shaking her head to clear it.

"Yes or I'll kill your friend here." threatened Angelus.

"How do I know you won't if I leave?" asked Buffy

"My word." was all he said glaring at them.

Deciding to take him at his word Buffy pulled a protesting Xander out of the house and towards Gile's house.


"Finally those morons are gone." smirked Angelus as he toed of his boots.

"What are going to do to me?" asked a slightly pulled together Willow.

"Well I plan on making love to you all night long." replied an aroused vampire bent on seducing what now belonged to him.

~Part: 4~

The next morning Willow woke up feeling energized. Bouncing out of bed she turned on her stereo and headed toward the shower. After blow drying her hair and brushing her teeth she walked to her closet selecting a short white skirt with a violet color shirt. It was when she was putting on her shoes that she noticed the vase of white roses. Her face draining of color she realized that the past two nights hadn't been a dream after all but real. Oh God, what must they think of me? She asked herself with shame written all over her face. Wrapping her arms around herself she cried until there were no more tears left.


Later at the library:

"I tell you Giles she must be possessed if she is willingly sleeping with Angelus."argued Buffy

"First of all we have no proof that she is sleeping with him willingly or not." Giles replied."We will just have to wait and see what is going on."

"Besides what would deadboy want with her?" asked a clueless Xander as he stuffed his face with Twinkies.

"Willow happens to be a smart and beautiful young woman." said Giles with a frown."The real question would be what is he planning on doing with her if indeed what you say is true."

"He better not hurt her." Buffy said firmly."Or else he meets Mr. Pointy."

"He won't." said Willow coming into the library.

"Willow!" cried Buffy as she ran and hugged her friend.

It was when Buffy checked Willow out for bruises that she noticed the two healing bite marks low on her neck. Dragging Willow over to Giles she demanded him to tell her why Angelus bite her and why she wasn't dead or turned. Stammering Giles explained that vampires usually bit each other when engaged in sexual activity.

"How do you know Angelus won't hurt you?" asked Giles intently

"I don't know, I just get this feeling that he doesn't want to hurt me."Willow replied confused.

Walking into his office he came out with several books looking for something."Ah ha here it is. Angelus has made a bond with you by leaving his mark on you."

"Mark? Bond?" asked Willow.

"A bond you get when a vampire bites you during intercourse. Depending on how strong the bond it is it goes from knowing when one is near to knowing what the other is feeling. But the strongest is when you are actually able to talk to one another without words." explained Giles.

"Why Willow? Why didn't he bite me when we, well you know?" asked Buffy.

"I am not sure, the only record that we have on this sort of thing is when Angelus was tormenting Drusilla and we know how that turned out."replied Giles

"I don't want to be insane or turned, I want to be Willow being Willowy." sobbed Willow.

"Don't worry we will figure out something." Buffy said comforting crying girl.

Late that afternoon:

"Well it is getting late and you need to fix up Willows house so that Angelus can't come in. So you better leave now if you want to be done before sunset." ordered Giles.

"Alright Willow lets make your house Angelus proof." said Buffy.

After making sure they had all the supplies they went over to Willows house and went to work. Working steadily they were able to get done just as the sun set. Going into the kitchen they grabbed a bite to eat and went into the living room to watch t.v while they waited for Angelus to make his appearance. They didn't have long to wait until Angelus made his arrival known.

"Ow!!!!" snarled an enraged vampire."What have you done!"

Running upstairs they found Angelus vamped out holding a burnt hand.

"We made the house Angelus proof." smiled Buffy triumphantly.

Snarling threats at what he was going to do them when he caught them, he paced up and down the balcony watching his prey with hungry eyes. This went on for thirty minutes before Buffy burst out laughing.

"You won't be able to get in to get Willow so you might as well leave now."laughed Buffy

"Yeah so leave deadboy or I'll stake you through the heart." said Xander bravely.

Angelus snarled and lunged toward the door in rage and frustration that Willow was just beyond his reach only to burn his other hand from the cross and holy water on the doors.

"This isn't over and soon Willow will be mind." vowed Angelus turning and melting into the shadows.

"Now that he is gone who is up for ice cream?" asked the ever hungry Xander.

"I am!" declared Buffy.

"Willow are you coming?" asked Xander.

"Yes just give me a minute alone please." replied Willow with a smile.

"Sure." they said walking out the door.

Walking toward the balcony door she watched Angelus's back with longing and fear before heading down to join her friends with some much needed ice cream.


After venting his frustration on some of his minions he ordered them to go get him something to eat.

"Well, well, well someone isn't in a good mood. I wonder why? Oh I know it's because you were locked out of her house." taunted Spike.

"If you knew what was good for you, you would shut your mouth!" growled Angelus.

"Daddy Miss Edith told me a secret, want to hear it?" asked Drusilla dancing around the room with her doll in her arms.

"Screw Miss Edith." said Angelus with a glare.

"Oh Daddy is being bad, maybe I shouldn't tell him how he can get her."sang Drusilla.

"You better tell me or you'll be wearing your.." began Angelus only to be interrupted.

"You touch her and I'll kill you sire or no sire." threatened Spike.

"Daddy won't hurt me Spike. Not when he hears about my secret." Drusilla replied cuddling up to Spike.

"Drusilla." warned Angelus.

Smiling evilly Drusilla walked up to Angelus whispering the secrete that Miss Edith told her.

~Part: 5~

Next night

Buffy glanced over at Willow who had fallen asleep on the couch while they had ironically been watching a marathon of Vampire movies. Sighing softly Buffy caught Xander and Cordy's eye and motioned for them to look over at Willow.

"I'll carry up to bed while you guys clean up."whispered Buffy.

Nodding their heads in agreement they got up and started to clean away the popcorn,soda's and Xander's junk food wrappers while Buffy carried their best friend upstairs to bed. After Buffy was done putting Willow to bed she busied herself making the house Angelus proof, which was fast becoming a nightly ritual for the Scooby gang. If only I hadn't have come to SunnyDale then Willow would have been safe from Angelus. Thought Buffy spraying Holy water all over the balcony door before moving on to the rest of the house. Once the house was secure they silently left with Buffy going left to do patrol while Xander and Cordy went somewhere to neck.


"Are you ready Daddy?" asked Drusilla.

"Yes my princess."replied Angelus laying down on his bed.

"Clear your head and think only of her."instructed Drusilla."Once you only have done that picture a door and open it. After much practice you won't even have to do that"

"Then what?" asked Angelus.

"That is all, once you have opened the door you can do whatever you want. "sang Drusilla dancing out of the room."Soon you will have her and that nasty slayer can't do anything about it."

Grinning Angelus closed his eyes thinking of Willow until a few minutes later a door appeared. Reaching out a hand to open it Angelus made a mental note to reward Drusilla with a young teenage boy pulling it open Angelus stepped inside .

"Willow."Angelus called softly.

"Angelus?"she asked.

"I am here." answered Angelus stepping in front of her.

"Where are we? she asked looking around seeing nothing but Angelus.

"We are bonded." he answered simply pulling her into his arms."Now shhh. I want to love you."

"I don't understand." she replied.

"You don't need to understand. All you need to do is feel and enjoy."he commanded softly.

"But how?"she asked."We are enemies."

"We don't have to be enemies Willow."he smiled seducing her with his words.

"But it is still wrong." she replied looking up into his angelic face.

"Can you honestly tell me it feels wrong when I kiss you like this or this?"he asked kissing her neck first before gently kissing her breathless."Does it feel wrong?"

"No." she moaned wanting more of his mind boggling kisses.

"Then how can you say that we are wrong together?" he asked kissing her again.

"I can't think when you do that." she said against his mouth.

"Then feel my love,just feel the pleasure I give you and take it inside until nothing else exists but you and I."Angelus urged seriously as if his life depended on her doing just that.

Looking up Willow looked deeply into his beautiful brown eyes, seeing nothing but honesty. Maybe Angelus is right and what we feel isn't wrong but the rightist thing in the world. Deciding that this was just a dream and it wouldn't harm anyone if she gave in she reached up and pulled his head down engaging him into an open mouth carnal kiss.

It's working, thought Angelus before giving into the urge which was as old as time its self to mate.

~Part: 6~

Next Day

Willow walked into the library hoping that Giles would be in and that he was alone. Looking around seeing no one else around she walked up to Giles hoping he wouldn't think badly of her once she was done explaining what had occurred last night.

"Giles, can we talk?" she asked nervously.

"Of course we can, here come into my office." answered Giles"Tea?"

"HUh? Oh no thank you." replied Willow.

"What's the problem?" asked Giles as he made himself a cup of hot tea.

"You know that bond you mentioned yesterday? Does it included having dreams that are real?" she asked.

"How are the dreams real?"asked Giles with interest.

"Well whenever I am asleep I have dreams with Angelus in it and he says we are bonded and then we do well you know stuff. At first I thought it was a vivid dreams, but then I notice this morning that when I thought about him I could feel what he was feeling.

"Ah I see." stammered Giles."This is not good."

"Yes I know and the bad part about it is I am beginning to feel drawn toward him. Giles I am afraid that one day I won't be able to stop myself from going to him." Willow sobbed.

"We will figure something out." promised Giles comforting the sobbing girl.

One Week later

Standing deep in the shadows of the stacks Angelus called to Willow urging her to come to him. Smiling gleefully as Willow got up from the computer she was doing research from an walked toward him as if she was sleep walking. Almost there my sweet,encouraged Angelus. That's it just a few more feet until you are mine. Yes! He cried silently as he reached out and pulled her into his arms. Reaching between them and pulled up her skirt and tore her panties off before pulling his pants down and entering her with a hard thrust. Wrapping her slender legs around his waist he turned them so that her back was to the wall, grinning triumphantly he pulled at her nipples as he continued to thrust deep into her tight channel.

"Willow open your eyes." he command through their bond."Who am I?"

"Angelus." she moaned.

"That's right." he answered .

Raining kisses all over her face Angelus speeded up his thrust and just when they were ready to climax he titled her head back and slid his fangs carefully into her neck drinking the sweet erotic life force that belonged to Willow sending both of them over the edge.


"Where did Willow go?" asked Giles walking into the library.

"I saw her walking into the stacks." replied Xander sticking his tousled head out of the cage.

"How long ago?"Giles demanded.

"I dunno. It's not like she is in trouble or anything." said Xander

Paling Giles grabbed a cross and stake and took off toward the stacks. Please God let her be ok,please. Giles begged as he searched for the missing hacker. Giles never knew what it was maybe a noise or divine intervention but something was leading him. Thrusting his cross into a deep and dark corner he was please to hear a hiss of pain.

"Get away from her now." demanded Giles.

"Or what watcher? You kill me? I don't think so." taunted Angelus coming out of the shadows with Willow in his arms.

"Yes I believe so." replied Giles. "Then Willow would be safe from you."

"Think again."threatened Angelus.

"Giles please." begged Willow pulling away from Angelus's arms.

"Stay behind me." ordered Giles pulling her behind him.

"Soon Watcher she will belong to me for eternity." laughed Angelus "And nothing you can do will change that."

"That is what you think." vowed Giles watching Angelus climb out the window.

~Part: 7~

Getting up from his desk Giles went to make himself a cup a tea. Putting the kettle of water on his hot plate his gaze returned to the stack of books on his desk that he had sweated blood and tears over trying to find a cure or at least a way to make the bond between Angelus and Willow either disappear forever or at least diminish it. So far he had found nothing after weeks of searching and more searching. He even called the council but they were as usual of no help. Sighing deeply Giles rubbed his neck as he paced the confines of his small office deep in thought. It was at times like these that he felt useless and helpless, not a good combination. Plus add to the fact he was frustrated in his inability to help a girl whom he considered like a daughter. Damm why wont this water boil! He silently raged. As if I don't have enough problems as it is, now the water wont boil! Stopping in front of his desk he pick up a paper weight and threw it savagely into the glass pane of his door. That felt good, he thought with evil delight and proceeded to destroy his office. Flopping onto his chair Giles surveyed the once pristine office trying to regain his breath after his recent excursion. While that tantrum hadn't helped Willow at all it did help him and now he was once again ready to research, well once he had a cup of tea and cleaned up this mess.


Buffy laid on the floor of Willows room watching her friend sleep. These past weeks have not been kind to any of them especially Willow, what with the bond,Angelus and all. The bond was getting stronger and stronger and if it hadn't of been for Giles teaching Willow some mind control she wouldn't have been able to resist Angelus's call. Getting to her feet Buffy walked over to the balcony peering through the glass down at the dark street. Searching through the shadows with the help of her slayer sight she caught sight of the reason for all their troubles,Angelus. She watched as he started to walk toward the house carrying something wriggling in his arms. Once he was in front the balcony he grinned as his faced vamped out and tore out his captives throat feeding while she watched helpless. Buffy turned away from the door with the sounds of his mocking laughter in her ears. Maybe they should just let him have Willow if she wasn't going to be able to do her sacred job, best friend or not she had a duty to do and she couldn't do it standing guard over one person who was pretty much already his both body and mind. Coming to a stop at the side of Willow's bed she looked down seeing the weight loss and dark circles under her eyes and knew that she would do whatever it took to keep her safe scared duty be dammed. Turning on her heel she turned back to the balcony door.


Willow walked in a field of pansy's enjoying the sweet smell and warm sunshine. Laughing out loud she held her arms out and spun around and around until she finally fell down with dizziness. Looking up she noticed that the clouds were turning Grey and she knew she better get inside before it started to storm. Jumping to her feet she looked around for some kind of shelter but saw none just a figure running toward her.

"Jenny!" cried Willow in joy.

"Willow,come lets get inside." replied Jenny smiling leading her toward a small house at the edge of the field.

Running and laughing they made it inside soaked to the skin. Handing Willow some warm dry clothes Jenny pushed her toward a bathroom,ordering her to take a warm shower. Walking into the kitchen Willow was given a cup of hot chocolate and ushered into the living room where they both sunk onto the floor in front of a roaring fire.

"Willow what is wrong?" asked Jenny with concern.

Tears welling up in her green eyes Willow told her former mentor all about Angelus and the bond they now shared.

"Do you want to be with him?" asked Jenny.

"Oh yes but it is wrong." replied Willow.

"Why?"Jenny asked.

"Well for starters he killed you and then you add the fact that he is a cold blooded vicious killer." answered Willow surprised at the question.

"Angelus didn't kill me, Buffy did." Jenny said firmly.

"Buffy? But how?" asked Willow in disbelief.

"She was jealous over mine and Giles's closeness just like she is with yours and Angelus." explained Jenny." She has all of you fooled into thinking that Angelus is evil, but he is not, she it."

"But I don't understand." said Willow.

"Buffy is nothing but a cruel and jealous little shrewd who will do anything to get into the way of your happiness. She considers Angelus as her's and she will not let you have him, just like she wouldn't let me have Giles."warned Jenny."That is why I came to you, to warn you about her."

"Well what should I do? Should I go to Giles?" asked Willow.

"No!" shouted Jenny.

Seeing fear creep into Willow's eyes Jenny took a deep breath to calm down.

"What I mean is no because Buffy has Gile's completely snowballed into thinking Angelus is evil and that he wants to kill you." replied Jenny.

"Then what do you suggest?" asked Willow.

"Go to Angelus and don't let Buffy get into the way of your future happiness with the love of your life." smiled Jenny."Promise me Willow."

"I will." promised Willow as everything started to fade away.


Sitting up in her bed Willow noticed that Buffy was standing in front of her balcony door looking out. Perfect thought Willow she will never know what hit her the lying rat. Moving carefully and softly Willow picked up a baseball bat and hit Buffy over the head knocking her unconscious. Grinning with victory she quickly packed up her computer and clothes and climbed down the trellis into the arms of a smirking Angelus.

~Part: 8~

Coming down the stairs after putting Willow to sleep in his bed Angelus strolled over to where Spike and Drusilla were sharing a luscious young blonde haired girl of around 15.

"Are there anymore?" asked Angelus

"I thought you went hunting earlier Daddy, what happen?"asked Drusilla with a thin line of blood dripping out of the corner of her mouth.

"I did and it was very successful too."grinned Angelus.

"Anyone we know, say like the slayer or her watcher?" asked Spike licking the blood off Drusilla.

"Better." replied Angelus reverting towards his soul boy days of being cryptic.

"Ohh tell me daddy who you got!" squealed Drusilla bouncing on Spike's lap causing him to moan.

"I'll give you a clue, who is red,green and edible?"asked Angelus.


Groaning Buffy woke up to the feel of sledgehammers working in her head. After several attempts Buffy finally manage to get up on her feet. Staggering she made it to the phone, collapsing on the bed.

"Giles help." Buffy groaned before passing out.


"Remember this if any of you touches much less look at my consort I'll make you wish you were drinking holy water." threaten Angelus with a murderous look.

"Yes master!"groveled the roomful of minions.

"Make sure to tell those who are still out that Willow is hands off and that you are to do what she asks. Am I clear?" demanded Angelus

"Crystal!" replied the minions in unison.

"Good you're dismissed." Angelus said waving his hand carelessly.

"Spike,Drusilla I want you to watch over her whenever I am not around. I don't trust those brainless fools." said Angelus.

"She'll be safe with us mate." replied Spike lifting his head from Drusilla's ample cleavage.

"Get a room." laughed Angelus over his shoulder.


Giles sprinted up the stairs leading to Willows room and burst into the room.

"Oh my Buffy are you alright?"asked Giles "Of course you're not alright, what am I saying."

Leaning over the unconscious girl he checked her over for injuries finding none until he reached her head.

"I'll get you to a hospital,hold on Buffy." promised Giles.

"Hey G-man,how's tricks." asked Xander coming up to Giles's car.

"Not now Xander."said Giles firmly"I need to get Buffy to the hospital."

"What happened?" asked Xander.

"I am not quite sure but they have hurt Buffy and Willow is missing."replied Giles driving them to the hospital.


Opening the bedroom door Angelus slipped quietly inside taking care not to wake up the sleeping girl. Walking across the room he stripped until all he had on was a sensual grin bent on love making. Slipping between the satin sheets he started nipping at her lower lip waiting until they opened up before slipping his tongue between her teeth,tasting her. Lifting his head he stared down at her marveling at her delicate beauty that would soon be flushed desire. Bending his head down he nibbled at her delicious body as he moved down her body taking the time to worship her beautiful supple breast.

"Angelus?" asked Willow waking up in the storm of desire he was provoking in her.

"Shhh, just enjoy." commanded Angelus gently.

If anyone else had lived this wing they would have heard screams and growls of desire.


"Mr.Giles?" asked a nurse.

"Yes that's me." replied Giles standing up.

"Miss Summers is awake and asking for. If you will follow me." said the nurse.

Glancing at Xander Giles followed the nurse to Buffy's room.

Stepping into her hospital room Giles couldn't help but notice how pale and wan she looked.

"Giles?" asked Buffy weakly.

"Yes Buffy I am here. Can you tell me what happened?" asked Giles softly.

Looking into her watchers eyes in disbelief she replied."Willow hit me."

~Part: 9~

"Giles we have to do something and help Willow."begged Buffy throwing a book across the library.

"We will don't worry." promised Giles glancing up from his book."And don't throw books."

"I am sorry it's just I am frustrated,Angelus has Willow and with every passing second he is that much closer to completely turning her against us." said Buffy getting up to her feet.

"Yes well if one would sit down and research I know we will find a way to get her back safe and sound." glared Giles at the pacing Slayer."Plus I have contacted the council and they should be getting back with me at any second now."

"Yeah and the council is such a big help."grumbled Buffy selecting a book.

Giles just looked at his slayer knowing that he couldn't disagree with the amount of help the council didn't give them. But they always managed to come out on top and they will once again,they just had to. He couldn't begin to imagine the world without the light that was Willow,nor did he want to. She was what held them all together and made them want to be a better person. The world would indeed be a dark place without her. No! We will find her and I personally will make sure she knows how much she means to me or help me God. Vowed Giles turning back towards his books with determination.

It was this same scene that Xander walked into a hour later carrying a box full of donuts.

"Hey guys what's happening?" asked Xander.

"What?"Xander asked as Buffy and Giles looked at him like he had grown two heads or something.

"Don't you know?" asked Buffy.

"Know what and where's Willow?" Xander asked clueless

"My God and she is supposed to be your best friend!" exclaimed Giles in disbelief.

"What is going on?" asked Xander as dread crept into his soul.

"Angelus has Willow."answered Buffy watching her watcher run his hand through his hair in irritation.

"I didn't know. I just thought she was here when I went by earlier." Xander berated himself."How could I not know?"

"Oh quit beating yourself up,grab a book and start researching." order Giles"I'll go call the council and see if they found anything that could help us."

Both Xander and Buffy stared at Gile's as he made his way toward his office. They could both sense that Ripper was barely held in check and that at any moment he would break free.


Willow woke up with a furious hunger that was painful, glancing over she saw that Angleus was still asleep. Since he looked so peaceful she decided to leave him there while she went to the kitchen to make herself some food that he had promised her earlier would be there. Closing the door quietly behind her she padded barefooted down the hall toward the kitchen holding her stomach as it told her rather loudly that it needed food and fast. Laughing softly she flicked on the kitchen light.

"Well,well,well looks like my late afternoon snack came to me." mocked a voice from a dark corner.

"Who me?" asked Willow fearfully.

"Yes you." growled the voice as a hand grabbed her and pulled her towards it's body.

"HELP!!!!!"screamed Willow as she struggled against his body.

"It won't do you any good to scream." the voice laughed menacing before a tongue licked her neck."I see someone else has been tasting you but I will be the one to finish you off."

Willow started to cry as a wet rough tongue that reminded her of a cat's licked her neck.


Angelus sat up in bed as the feeling of fear from Willow invaded his mind. Concentrating he let his mind reach out through toward her using the bond between them.

"Willow where are you?" Angelus asked through their bond.

"In the kitchen."Willow replied fearfully before crying out in pain.

"I am coming." Angelus answered tearing the door open at her cry of pain.

Racing down the hall he reached the kitchen door only to be knocked back by a flying body. Pushing the unconscious body off him he leaped to his feet only to be stopped dead in his tracks as Spike came out carrying Willow in his arms.

"Spike let go of her or else!" threatened Angelus.

"Angelus." Willow called out weakly.

Angelus grabbed Willow out of Spikes arms growling when he saw the savage bite marks and the blood that was still pooling out it.

"I thought I made myself clear she was off limits,Spike."snarled Angelus

"It wasn't me mate but him." Spike said pointing to the body that had knocked Angelus off his feet earlier.

"Spike saved me." said Willow weakly.

"Thank you." said Angelus after much difficulty."Now leave."

"Sure,whatever you say our fearless leader." saluted Spike as he left the room.

"Are you alright?" asked Angelus with some concern.

"I am now." answered Willow with a small grin.

"Good now you can tell me what you were doing up." demanded Angelus.

"I was hungry and you looked so peaceful that I didn't want to wake you up. Although now I wish I had." replied Willow somewhat dryly.

"Next time do that." Angelus said as he lowered his mouth to lick off the blood on her neck which soon lead to other things that were very naughty before Willow ever got her food. But who was complaining.

~Part: 10~

The courtyard was filled with vampires surrounding five figures one of which was chained to a garden statue after being whipped and tortured all night long before being chained outside a ten minutes before sunset.

"Do you have anything to say before dying?" asked Angelus holding Willow tightly in his arms.

"No? Well then you are sentenced to die by sunlight." said Angelus when the chained vampire failed to response due to the fact that his tongue had been burned off with holy water.

"Oh goody someone is going to die."said Drusilla clapping her hands in delight as everyone went inside to watch.

"Let this be a warning to everyone,no one touches Willow otherwise what just happened will look like child's play." warned Angelus as sunlight hit the struggling vampire.

"Oh look at the lovely fire Spike." crooned Drusilla."Do you think we could have one in our room?"

"Anything for my Dark Goddess." whispered Spike in Drusilla's ear as he lead her away.

"Are they always like that?" asked Willow

"Yes and I think they have a marvelous idea." grinned Angelus swinging her up into his arms as he strolled down the hall to their bedroom.


"Hello? Anyone here?" asked a voice jerking everyone awake.

"Yes,can I help you?" asked Giles straightening his glasses up.

"My name is Joshua and I am here to help you."replied Joshua coming fully into the library.

Buffy stared in shock at Joshua,not believing how hot he was with his short dark brown hair,hazel eyes and a lean muscular body.

"Down girl."laughed Xander as he closed her mouth.

"Help with what?" asked Giles warily.

"With the bond between your friend and Angleus." said Joshua sitting on the edge of the table.

"Who sent you?"asked Buffy

"Whistler." Joshua replied looking at Buffy for the first time.

"You can get her away and get rid of the bond?" asked Buffy hopefully.

"Yes and no." said Joshua.

"What do you mean?"Giles asked.

"The bond is there permanently and I cant' get her away from Angelus." answered Joshua.

"That's a lot of help." Xander said under his breath.

"What I can do is restore his soul permanently but Angelus and Willow will still be bonded and nothing nor no one can get rid of that." explained Joshua looking deeply into Buffy's eyes."They are basically mated for life."

"How can we help." said Buffy determined to have her best friend back no matter what or who she belonged to.
