The Big Bad
   Part Three
   By Hush


   A good strap of leather in the hands of a master set up a rhythm not unlike
   music as it impacted with flesh. Spike grunted and grasped the chains
   binding his arms to the ceiling for support. The strong metal links clinked
   but they were the only sound in the room beyond the buzz and slap of the

   Sweat trickled down his bare chest toward the band of his black jeans. On
   his back, it mingled with blood. Willow had drawn quite a bit of blood but
   Spike refused to cry out. The lashing didn't actually hurt all that bad.
   The pain was more pleasure than a discomfort.

   Willow wasn't that strong but what she lacked in strength, she made up for
   in sheer expertise. Spike rather likened Willow's skill with a whip to her
   talent for giving head: she was damn good at it. She made the leather sing
   and she knew how to time each lash just long enough to let the pain settle
   like a rich sip of wine.

   It had been a damn long time since William the Bloody had consented to a
   whuppin. Not so much out of distaste but rather from lack of a partner.
   That little twat, Harmony, he'd been humpin' hadn't known how to appreciate
   the finer points of giving and receiving pain. They hadn't been suited to
   one another at all, on any level: intellectual, emotional, or sexual. She'd
   been a quick fuck during a dry spell.

   Spike figured that New Willow could hold his interest for a while to come.
   She was fiery and fierce, dark and dangerous, savage and violent, and
   intrinsically sexual. He got his rocks off on just being around her and she
   didn't make for a bad conversationalist either when the occasional mood
   struck him to chat.

   He'd heard enough about "vampire" Willow from the alternative universe to
   be intrigued. Visions and possibilities danced in his head. Willow even
   listened when he talked about Drusilla, never whining or complaining the way
   so many others had.

   She was the first partner Spike had EVER compared to Drusilla, and that
   alone made him think. The fact that she had him tied to the ceiling while
   she beat the crap out of him spoke rather loudly too. No one beyond Dru had
   been ballsy--or confident--enough to DARE suggest such a thing since his
   arse of a sire had crawled off to wallow in misery.

   Come to think of it, Angelus had never laid a finger on him just for fun.

   So this was kind of special...

   "Buffy!" Willow's shocked gasp ripped Spike out of his romantic musing like
   an unpleasant dunk in throw up and shit.

   NO NO NO!!! "ARSE!" Spike exclaimed. "Not that blonde pooch again!" He
   twisted on the chains in order to glare. With a yank of his arms, the
   chains ripped out of the ceiling.

   Buffy and Xander stood in the entryway, gapping like nuns at an orgy.
   Pissed, Spike removed the left shackle and dropped the attached chain. He
   did the same with the right but swung it around for use as a weapon. It was
   pure posturing but he was too ticked off to remember the chip.

   "W-W-Willow," Her royal blonde twatiness gasped.

   "W-w-what?" Spike mimed.

   "Doesn't anyone around here respect anyone else's privacy?" Willow finally
   asked faintly.

   "Apparently not," Spike rejoined sourly.

   "Willow, I--" Xander stepped forward, trying to look all macho. Willow
   spun on him, her green eyes sparking viciously.

   "Don't Willow me!" she hissed. "HOW DARE YOU?! Have I ever once said
   *anything* about your PMS demon?"

   "Vengeance," Xander corrected.

   "Willow, look," Buffy interrupted.

   Willow's gaze on Buffy softened just like it had during their first
   confrontation over Spike. "Angel," Willow said, shutting the Slayer up with
   one word. Buffy paled and closed her mouth.

   The blonde vampire didn't know quite what to make of Willow's attitude
   toward her roommate but one thing was obvious: Willow had the hots for
   Buffy. Spike was intrigued but the Slayer made his gut turn and his dick
   harden all at once. It was a fucked up combination.

   "We wouldn't have come here if we weren't worried about you," Buffy finally

   "Nothin' to worry about!" Spike shouted. "I'M CHIPPED, REMEMBER? The
   first time was annoying." Spike's protective/possessive nature for the
   little redhead who dom'ed him kicked in like a blue steak. "But this is too
   soddin' much even for you, Power Muff."

   "Shut up, Spike," Buffy replied tightly. She tried to circle him to get to
   Willow but he matched her.

   "No," Willow said softly, "Don't tell him to shut up. He speaks for both
   of us." The Slayer and Xander paled as if they'd been struck and Spike
   swelled with pride. The line had just been drawn in the sand. Willow had
   chosen Spike over her friends.

   "Explain this please because it's not making any sense to me," Xander
   demanded. "I don't get you and *him*."

   "Simple," Spike interjected, "I get me rocks off on a good whuppin' an'
   Willow here she likes-"

   The redhead laid a hand on his arm. "Spike please," she whispered. "I can
   handle this." She squeezed his bicep and stepped out from behind him.
   "Spike and I are playing kinky sex games," she told the pair bluntly.

   A great guff of laughter burst forth from Spike as the Slayer's jaw hit the
   floor. It was better than any episode of Red Dwarf he'd ever seen. "Now
   you're welcome to stay if you'd like to play," Willow told Buffy gently.
   "But otherwise my sub and I would like to be left alone. Please."

   "O" The Slayer's mouth formed a perfect donut as she backed from the room
   and Spike would'ave given anything to use her face as a fuck hole right that
   second. But Willow would have objected so he settled for laughing his arse
   off as Buffy stammered an apology and ran from the room. Xander followed,
   sullen with confusion and resentment.

   "God, I'm sorry," Willow whispered once the Slayer was gone. "I gave a
   weak excuse and cut history to come see you this morning. She must have
   followed me." Down in the face, the little witch sat down on the fireplace.
   Her shoulders slumped in defeat and for the first time she reminded Spike
   of Old Willow.

   "Don't sweat it," Spike told her and strode over to take Willow into his
   arms before she started blubbering. "Coulda been worse. She might'ave come
   in while my tool was rammed down your throat and I was in the vinegar

   Sure enough, a muffled, soggy giggle sounded against his throat. "You
   ass." Willow hit his chest with her fist before she dissolved into harder
   laughter. She was releasing tension and Spike held her until the hysteria
   ran its course.

   "I wish they'd just leave me alone," she murmured, face still buried in his
   throat. Spike swallowed. He liked the feel of her warm lips on his flesh
   and her small form fit right in his arms.

   "They been harassing you about us?" he asked guardedly. She nodded. "That
   why you've been stayin' away the last couple days?"

   Her head bobbed again and Spike felt his chest tighten. "That's bullshit,"
   he told her. He grabbed her chin and tilted her face up. She peered at him
   with watery eyes. "From now on if anyone's giving you shit, I want you tell
   me. Clear?"

   She blinked. "Clear." A slow smile crept onto her rose lips and she
   flushed. Sweet. Soft. Spike couldn't stop. His kissed her.

   It began and ended in the tender brush of their lips and it was unlike
   anything they'd shared before. It wasn't lust or dominance, merely sharing.
   They connected and Spike drew away feeling completely confused. *What the
   fuck was that?!*

   Willow didn't seem to notice. Happy again, she kicked off her shoes and
   stretched out on the fireplace, facing him. She extended her foot, wiggling
   toes creeping up on the same crotch she had nailed with her heel not so long
   ago. Spike watched her writhing digits approach the bulge in his pants with
   dread and desperation. If this was yet another cock tease that would end
   without satisfaction, he'd stake himself now to spare his dick the agony.

   His Red had a real foot fetish and Spike spent more than his fair share of
   time with Willow's big toe teasing his straining cock through a hole in his
   jeans or humping the bottom of her foot. It would have been absolutely
   humiliating if he weren't so pathetically horny.

   The soft ball of her foot touched his straining cock. Once lightly, and
   bounced, hovering, bounced again. Spike moaned. He thrust forward and up
   with his hips, beseeching his Mistress for more.

   "Hmm...I'm not sure you deserve this," she teased with that sadistic smirk.
   "But I'm in a generous mood tonight, slave." Her foot touched down on his
   cock. The petite length wasn't even long enough to cover his entire member
   from stern to aft but Spike didn't care. He whimpered and rubbed himself
   against her foot, dry humping himself on the steady pressure and the rough
   denim of his jeans. Spike never wore underwear.

   The redhead gave a bewitching little laugh and obliged, indulging his
   masturbation. Her foot was firm and unyielding and the attention he
   received from her was all he had gotten in days aside from last night's blow

   When their dom/sub play had begun, the chit had forbidden Spike to toss off
   and he had obeyed the command for some reason beyond his ability to fathom.
   He told himself that it was part of the game but he feared the truth more
   than almost anything else. Inebriated, Spike's guard slipped and the truth
   entered into his consciousness.

   This game they played - master and servant, owner and slave, dom and sub...
   Somehow, someway, it wasn't entirely a game. In just three days, the chit
   calling herself Willow had mastered the Big Bad. She had strolled into his
   life and taken over like she owned him.

   She *knew* him to a fault - his strengths, weaknesses, foibles and fears.
   She reached right into his being and put his demon on a leash, assuming a
   natural place of dominance that Spike couldn't begin to explain but it
   scared the unloving crap out of him.

   "I only take this shit from you cause I choose to," he panted, pumping
   steadily against her foot. Almost there...

   She laughed and withdrew. Spike howled in frustration as the orgasm faded.
   NO NO NO! ARSE! "You take this shit from me because I *own* you, bitch,"
   she taunted.

   "Not bloody likely." Spike snorted and sat up with a wicked gleam in his
   eye, gathering the little minx into his arms. It was time for him to take
   revenge, and payback was a sweet sweet bitch. And so was Willow...
