TITLE: The other side
    AUTHOR: Icerainangel
    EMAIL: icerainangel@hotmail.com
    DISCLAIMER: Willow, Angel, Xander, Cordelia, Oz... all belong to Joss. And to whatever company that has the money to buy them.
    SUMMARY: A different kind of Becoming pt. 2
    SPOILERS: First 2 seasons, especially the Becoming arc.
    RATING: PG-13 I think.
    DISTRIBUTION: From Dusk 'Til Dawn. If you have any other story of mine, you can have this. Others, please ask first.
    FEEDBACK: please! Please, please, please!!! See, I’m begging.
    NOTE: Told in different POV. All spells and quotes taken from 'the Watcher Guide' and from watching Becoming a thousand times.

    This fic was inspired by the songs: 'Virgin state of mind' by K's Choice and 'No leaf clover' by Metallica

    Willow's POV

    I was told once that the truth hurts. I didn't believe it then. I mean, the
    truth is supposed to be the one thing that will set us free. The only way to
    receive our redemption. How wrong I was. The only thing the truth can bring
    is pain. I wish that I would only have known lies, then maybe this would not
    hurt so much. I know now that we will have to kill an innocent soul. The
    innocent soul of a friend, and there is nothing I can do to stop it.
    It feels strange being like this. just floating around and... ok, so floating is
    not the word I was looking for, anyway, it feels strange. I remember when I
    first 'woke up'. There beside me was Xander, talking about all the times we
    had gone through. Telling me to fight, to come back to him. Little did he
    know that I actually heard what he said. Oh, and when I watched Buffy and
    Spike make a truce. God that was funny! They couldn't even do that without
    trading insults.
    Hm, this is strange. First time I'm not feeling any longing to wake up and help
    them. Very strange indeed. I guess prolonged unconsciousness does that to
    you. Oh well, that doesn't matter.
    The point, yes, I'm getting there. Buffy is about to leave to slay Angelus. I
    guess should wake up and tell her that there is still time to bring back Angel.
    But she should be smart enough to figure that out herself.
    Wait a minute! Since when did I become so horrible? note: head trauma
    causes mood swings. Got to remember to tell that to the doctors.
    Time to pull myself together and wake up so we can save the world. Again.
    How was I supposed to call that guy again? Oh, now I remember.

    "Kellium, protector of choices I call. My mind is made, time for me to tell. So
    come to me as I Thee call."

    There he is. Still looks funny. Can you imagine how someone who isn't human
    but is trying to look like one looks? Don't answer that 'cause you can't.

    "You called child." he said, stating the obvious. I guess being in dream land all
    the time has messed with his mind.

    "Yup. I've made my decision."

    "And it is?"

    "I want to go home." At his quizzical look I continue "Home to my friends. I
    want to wake up."

    "So mote it be." Is all he says and then I see a blinding light followed by

    Willow's POV
    My head hurts. That's the only thing I can feel right now. When I open my
    eyes I notice that it's night. No lights are on. But then, what's that in the
    corner? Oh my God... That's a... that's a vampire. And not just any vampire,
    but I think it's Angelus. What does he want? Geez, I must still be
    experiencing head trauma since it's obvious that he's here to kill me. But
    wait, there's something I should be remembering.
    I just know it. Oh yeah, now I remember. Kellium told me about this. I'm
    seeing the past. God, I wish I'd make it to current time already. But wait!
    This gives me the perfect time to think out a plan. I need someone to help
    Who could I ask? Aha! Got it. Um, someone is talking to me, I think it's
    Xander. Geez, my head hurts even  more, I can't tell what he's saying. Who
    was I supposed to ask to help me?

    "Oz..." It comes out as a whisper.

    "I'm here."
    I can hear Xander talking to him. " She's just starting to wake up."

    Oz takes my hand and leans closer. The pain is so big, I keep my eyes

    "Hey, baby." I hear him say to me.


    "I'm gonna go get a doctor." Xander says and leaves us alone.


    I'm talking with Buffy on the phone when Oz brings me a bowl of Jell-O. I
    smile at him and continue talking.
    "I'm okay, Buffy, really. I mean, I don't feel good, but... I'm awake, and I
    know my name and who's President and how many fingers, so they don't
    think my brain got mushed at all."

    "Thank God. So sorry I can't be there."

    "I know. I'm sorry I didn't get to cure Angel."

    "Don't be. It just wasn't meant to be. I know I'm never gonna get him back
    the way he was. It just makes it easier."

    Something is nagging at my memory with this statement. "I guess. Any luck
    finding Giles?"

    "Yep. I got a lucky break."


    "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." She sounds like she doesn't believe it
    herself. "I need to talk to Xander about something."
    "ok. Xander, Buffy wants to talk to you." They start talking and I listen in
    every once in a while. Ok, so the whole time.

    "On Crawford Street. Sure. That makes sense. What's the drill?"

    "You'll need backup." I wonder what they're talking about, mmm... this Jell-o
    is... Jell-Owy.

    "Do you, um... do you think Giles is still alive?"  Whatever happened to Giles?


    After Xander told us Buffy's intention, I made up my mind and did announce
    that I was going to try the curse again. It wasn't easy but after some
    arguing, and a few fashion comments from Cordelia, I had won. I sent Cordy
    and Oz to get my things and Xander to advise Buffy

    Buffy's POV

    This is it. I'm finally going to do it. I'm going to kill Angel... I mean Angelus,
    today. Please God, give me the strength to do this. Giles! That's it, I have to
    focus on getting Giles out.
    Suddenly something comes running out of the bushes. I drop to a defensive
    stance and notice that it's Xander.

    After some talking I let him go with me, cuz I'll need help to get Giles out. But
    that’s all he’s going to do, at least he understands that. I’m  already
    concentrating on the upcoming fight so I almost miss it when Xander stops to
    say something to me.

    "Willow. Uh, she told me to tell you..."

    "Tell me what?" C'mon Xander, we're in a hurry.

    Willow's POV

    "Are we ready?"

    "Stinky herbs are a go." Cordelia says.

    "Did I mention I didn't take Latin?" Oz is worried. But who wouldn't be.

    "Y-you don't have to understand it. You just have to say it. I hope." I try to
    sound reassuring.

    "Right." I get the feeling that he doesn't completely believe me.


    I cast the stones and send I a silent prayer to whoever might be listening. I
    give Oz his cue.

    "Quod perditum est, in venietur." Latin can be tricky sometimes.

    Here goes nothing. "Not dead... nor not of the living. Spirits of the
    interregnum, I call."
    "Gods, bind him. Cast his heart from the... evil... realm." I'm starting to feel
    dizzy. Something isn't right. "Return.  I call on..."

    "Willow?" Now Oz is definitely worried.

    The last thing I hear before everything goes dark, is Cordelia "Are you okay?"

    Willow's POV

    'I shall confront and expel all evil... out of marrow and bone - out of house
    and home - never to come here again.'

    'I will drink... the blood will wash in me, over me, and I will be cleansed. I will
    be worthy to free Acathla. Bear witness as i ascend. As I become.'

    'Nici mort nici all flicentei
    Te invoc, spirit altrecerii
    Reda trupului ce separa omul de animal
    Cu ajutorul acestui magic glob de cristal.'

    I'm in what looks like a forest. I can hear people chanting around me. God, I
    wish they would stop.

    'Quod preditum est, in venietur. (What was lost, shall be found)'

    That last chant came from right behind me, I turn to see who, but there is no
    one there.
    What's that? It sounds like... Someone is crying. There, behind those trees.
    It looks like... Oh my God, it is! It's Angel! He's... he's sobbing? I wonder
    why? There's only one way to find out. As I get closer to the figure lying on a
    heap on the floor I call out to him.

    "Angel? Is that you?" I ask.
    The sobbing lessens, I think he's heard me. I'm almost beside him now.

    "W-willow? Is it.. Is it really you?" He sounds scared. And like he doesn't
    believe it's really me.

    "Yes Angel. It's me." I reach out to touch him.

    "No! Don't touch..." The rest of his sentence is cut of as a blinding pain hits
    me. I fall to the ground beside him as images roll through my mind. A small
    boy playing in a field... The same boy, but older, getting caught kissing... A
    young man playing with what seems to be a younger sister... The same man
    in a bar with friends... Darla... The man, Angelus, killing his family...
    I scream, the pain to much for me to bear. And then something is calling to
    me. It sounds scared.
    "Willow? What's wrong? Please wake up little one. Please." I think it's Angel,
    the one I know, not this monster I can see, that is calling to me. I need to
    wake up. I have to fight these images, or I might drown in them. Slowly I
    open my eyes, and find a very worried and teary eyed Angel holding me. I
    stiffen immediately, memories of Angelus flooding my brain. Angel notices and
    lets go of my.

    "I'm sorry. I really shouldn't have..." he starts to apologise, new tears falling.

    "No... It's ok. I'm just a little shaky." I smile at him and note with happiness
    that he returns my smile with a small one of his own, the tears now gone.

    "What happened just now? And, I don't want to be rude, but what are you
    doing here?" he asks tentatively I start laughing and he gives me a strange
    look. I immediately try to quiet down, and it works to some degree.

    "I'm sorry. It's just that you sounded so... I don't know... funny."

    "Funny That's good, I've been called worse things... "

    Then I notice that something is different with him. He's... Oh dear.
    "Angel your breathing!" I grab he's hand without caring about the images,
    which luckily stay away. "And... your warm! And you have a pulse!"

    Now it's his turn to laugh. Full out laughter. Oh my... He looks gorgeous when
    he laughs. Bad Willow! He's your friend and your best friends boyfriend. I let
    go of his hand.
    When he calms  down after a while, I look at him expectedly and he clears his

    "Yes Willow. I'm human here. Well, not exactly human, more of human soul
    reflecting humanity."
    I nod my head. Of course, it makes perfect sense. And then it hits me. I'm
    talking to Angels soul. His soul! The thing that makes him, well him! He
    notices my look and starts laughing again. I stare at his mouth and suddenly
    wonder what it would feel like to kiss him. Bad, bad Willow! No more thoughts
    like that! He's looking at me, I must be as red as a tomato. How
    embarrassing. He clears his throat again. The seriousness of the situation
    coming back to us.

    "Willow, why are you here? Not that I'm not enjoying the company." The
    sadness is back in his eyes. I stare at them for a moment before realising
    that I should answer.

    "I don't really know. I was doing the restoration spell when I felt something
    pull my away and 'poff', here I am."

    "The soul restoration spell?"

    "Yes, I was told in my coma that I could do it again."

    "You were in a coma? Little one, you shouldn't be doing this spell."
    I look at him with an astonished look. How could he mean that?
    "You must feel weak. That's big magik Willow, you shouldn't be doing it at all."
    I feel tears come to my eyes. Why is he saying this?

    "Well who do you think should do it? Miss Calendar is dead and..." at the hurt
    look I immediately regret saying that. He starts to pull away from me, trying
    to hide his tears. No, not now! I wont let this happen. I grab his arm and pull
    him down again. I crawl into his lap and put my arms around his neck, holding
    him as he tries to get away. Finally he stops, and begins to cry. I make those
    soothing sounds that always seem to help, letting him know I'm there. His
    arms go around my back and he holds on to me to what seems to be by life.
    After long moments of crying together, we finally brake apart. I start to dry
    away my tears with my hand but Angel beats me to it. Gently his thumbs
    sweep away my tears.
    "You're too beautiful to cry little one." I hear his soft words and feel like
    crying again. He's stuck here and has been for god knows how long and he's
    concerned about me crying?!? Wait, that's not what he said. I look up into
    his eyes and see something different there. before I have time to analyse it,
    he pulls back and is all buisness again.

    "I mean it Willow," not little one I notice. "you shouldn't be messing with this
    kind of magik. B-buffy..." touchy subject "Buffy should just stake me."

    "Are you serious?!? Why?"

    "'Why?' I'm a killer, that's why."

    "How many times do I have to say this, you're not the killer, the demon is."

    "There is no difference between demon and soul."

    "Oh yeah? Then where is the demon? Not here with the soul anyway."
    That got him quiet. Now he's just sitting there with a concentrated look on
    his face. He knows I'm right!

    "You have a point. He's not here is he?"

    "No he's not. But he -is- on earth. And that's why I need to go back and get
    -you- back." I notice that he's about to protest and push on "Yes, you're
    coming back. I... We need you." damn, I slipped, but he doesn't seem to
    have noticed. "And we both know that Buffy won't be able to stake Angelus."
    He nods. Yes! Progress! Finally! I feel the urge to do a happy dance.

    "You have a point. Again. But, how do you plan on getting out of here?"
    My face falls. I have no idea how to get out.

    "I...I don't know. I don't even know how I got here in the first place."
    I must have some sort of sad look, because I soon find myself in his arms
    again. And for the umpteenth time I start to cry. I have no idea how to get


    We have been trying to figure out a way to get me home for what seems like
    hours. No such luck. And this whole night theme that this forest seems to be
    keeping is really starting to bug me. I've been pacing for
    who-knows-how-long already. Suddenly someone grabs my hand and I jump
    in fright.
    "Sorry." Angel says but I can see that he doesn't mean it. The gleam in his
    eyes gives him away. But right now, I'm to frustrated to comment on that.

    "What are we going to do?" my voice sounds desperate even to me.

    "I don't know."

    Suddenly an idea forms. "Wait, I have an idea. When I first got here and saw
    you crying, well, when I touched you, you told me not to. Why?"

    I can see that he's trying to remember. "I-I was re-living my past. I always
    did that before you came." He gets sad again and I pull him into a hug.

    "Well what if, what if I need to go through those memories to get back."
    he pulls away from me, but doesn't let go.

    "No. I will not let you go through that. There has to be another way."
    Oh boy, this is going to take some work. I put on my resolve face and brace
    myself for his refusal.

    "Angel listen to me. We've tried everything else. This is the only thing that
    makes sense. See, resolve face."
    A glint of laughter enters his eyes before it's replaced by determination.

    "No." Argh! Men!

    "I already saw some of it. Angel please." I plead with him. Is that...? Yes, I
    think it is. He's going to go for it.

    "Ok. But I don't like it." A smile makes it's way to my lips and I once again hug

    "Thank you Angel. I know this is the way."

    We go back to the clearing and sit down. Angel takes hold of my hand and
    looks me straight in the eye.
    "This isn't going to be pretty. There is still time to change you're mind." He is
    looking at me, hoping to change my mind. I tear my gaze away from his
    before I drown in them.

    "No. Let's do it. I'm ready." A look at him again and he nods, then closes his
    eyes. I follow his example and close mine. The exact second I'm bombarded
    with images. Images of cruelty beyond any nightmare.

    Angel's POV

    As the images of my past deeds flow in my mind, I open my eyes to look at
    Willow. Her eyes are tightly closed and tears are falling down her cheeks. She
    is holding my hand in an iron grip. Like it was her lifeline. I suppose that in
    some ways it is. I hear her whimper at a certain painful memory about
    Drusilla. Why did I let her do this? What was I thinking.
    After what seems like forever it ends. 200 years of unlife seen trough the
    eyes of a seventeen year old. I wonder how she feels about me now? Is she
    repulsed by me? Probably. I'll just have to wait and see, although she still
    hasn't let go of my hand which I take it is a good sign.
    I see her eyelids flutter and a moment later find myself looking at beautiful
    green eyes. The tears are still flowing.

    "Oh Angel..." she sounds sad. "I never knew. I'm so sorry." Then suddenly she
    has her arms around me, hugging me like there is no tomorrow. Tears of relief
    gather in my eyes. She doesn't hate me.
    After a while we pull apart and dry our tears.
    "I'm still here." she says in a small voice. "It didn't work."

    "I'm sorry little one. I'm sorry it didn't work. I'm sorry that you had to see
    that. And I'm so sorry for everything I've done to you."

    "It's ok Angel. I forgive you." She knew exactly what I needed. The most
    honoured gift of all, forgiveness. But wait, what's happening?

    "Willow... You're glowing." She looks at herself, then back at me and smiles.

    "It's working Angel! It's working!" She hugs me one last time and gives me a
    small, hesitant kiss on the cheek. "See you soon.", then she's gone. And I'm
    alone once again.

    Willow's POV

    "Te implor Doamne, nu ignora accasta rugaminte! Lasa orbita sa fie vasul
    care-i va transporta sufletul la el!
    Este scris, aceasta putere este dreptul poporuil meu de a conduce... A sa fie!
    A sa fie! Acum! Acum!" I look around me blankly. I'm back... And it worked!
    The spell worked, I know it!


    "Willow, are you sure you should be out of bed?" Giles asks as we meet him at

    "Look who's talking." I say and smile at him.

    "Yes." He returns my smile.

    "Any word?" Cordelia asks.

    "You guys haven't seen her either?" Xander sounds... sad.

    "No." I miss her.

    "But we know the world didn't end, 'cause... check it
    out." And I for one don't think this is Hell.

    "Well, we, uh... we went back to the mansion. I-it was empty, um... and
    Acathla was, was... dormant." But no Buffy. Or Angel.

    "I think the spell worked. I felt something go through me." trust me already.

    "Plus the Orb did that cool glow thing." a Cordelia comment that makes
    sense. I'm shocked.

    "Well, maybe it wasn't in time. Maybe she had to kill him before the cure
    could work." Xander is as positive as ever.

    "Well, then, she'd wanna be alone, I guess." Oz points out.

    "Or maybe Angel *was* saved, and they want to be alone together." He was.
    I just know it. I can feel it, the soul is back in control.

    "Perhaps." Giles doesn't sound convinced.

    "Well, she's gotta show up sooner or later. We still have school." Cordelia
    logic. Which actually makes sense. Again.

    "Yeah. She'll be here in a while." with Angel, my friend.  But how can I go
    back to pretending that I'm just a friend when I know that I feel so much
    more? I can pretend to the others but not myself, he's not just a
    friend....something inside of me rejoices with the memories of his kind soul

    The End.
