Title: Que Sera, Sera
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Kiss or Kill <http://members.fortunecity.com/kissorkill> Anyone
else that has permission, take. Otherwise, just ask
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Angel
Feedback makes me smile
To anyone who likes this one


Willow entered the villa after Cordelia. Surprisingly, she and her old enemy
had found a common love of art. They had spent the remainder of the afternoon
touring an art museum and just talking about the paintings. Willow knew
Cordelia was putting off returning to Xander for some reason. She really
hoped this time away would help fix whatever was wrong between her two
friends. She shut the door, seeing the living room area that was empty.
"Wonder if Faith is in her room."

Cordelia laughed, "Yeah, and I have an Oscar. You know she's out painting the
town red."

Willow had to laugh, "You're right, I'm sure. An Oscar?"

Cordelia smiled as she rolled her eyes, "Yeah, can't you see it? Me an
actress. Whatever."

"Hmm....nope. Can't see it." Willow said, glancing up the stairs. "You think
Xander is still up there?"

"I bet he's only moved to get food and use the bathroom." Cordelia said,
smiling slightly. Her earlier anger had dissipated during the course of the
day. She couldn't blame him for staying in, seeing as they had not even been
in Italy a day.

"Sounds like Xan," Willow had to agree. She followed Delia up the stairs,
noticing the balcony door standing slightly open. She moved towards it as
Cordelia entered the room she was sharing with Xander. Willow heard him ask
her how the day had been. She smiled, moving onto the balcony. "Hey, you."

Angel looked up and smiled slightly. "Hello, Willow. Did you have fun today?"

Willow moved to sit in the chair beside him, enjoying the cooling evening.
"Loads. I saw museums and people and architecture and we had so much fun."

Angel had to smile at her enthusiasm. He found his eyes riveted on her face,
a habit he was growing accustomed to over the past few months. He could watch
Willow for hours and never grow bored. "Just you, Faith and Cordelia, right?"

"Yep. Xander played couch potato and Buffy stayed in with Jamie. Wesley was
doing watcherly things," Willow said, "And you would have gone poof."

"True," Angel said, his smile fading as he turned to look back across the
houses. Yet another reason he was resisting his growing feelings for the
redhead. Humans and vampires did not mix. He had proven that already with the
fiasco between him and Buffy. Of course, he had no worries of Angelus coming
back, but the basic problems would never go away. It was better to remain her
friend and hope she found someone to treat her the way she deserved to be
treated. "It does sound like you enjoyed yourself."

"I did. And this was only the first day," Willow looked at the dark sky,
watching the stars. "I have never met the Chases, but I love them!"

Angel laughed softly, "Did Faith and Cordelia enjoy themselves?"

"Yes, they did. We just spent the day walking around. Had some lunch, saw a
couple of museums. Oh, and we went to the fountain of Treve and made a wish.
This nice old guy gave us all a coin to use and it was kind of nice."

"What did you wish for?" Angel asked, curious.

"I can't tell you that, silly. It wouldn't come true," Willow said, smiling
at him.

Angel raised an eyebrow, "Fine. Be that way."

"Angel!" Willow started, laughing when she saw the amusement in his eyes.
"Oh, quit teasing me. I'll get Buffy."

"Oh no, not that," he said dryly. He and Willow had begun their friendship
about a month after his return from hell. It had been her unflappable faith
in him that had kept him from wallowing in self pity, as Faith called his
stoicism. It had become a running joke between them to threaten each other
with Buffy's wrath. His previous love knew of the joke and would sometimes
get into the act during a research or patrol. "Anything but siccing Buffy on

"You just remember that, vampy!" Willow said, laughing softly.

"I always remember everything you say," Angel said sincerely. "So, you made a
wish. Do you think it will come true?"

"I really hope so," Willow sighed softly, laying back against the chair and
tucking her feet underneath her. She could hear the sounds of people and cars
going by their balcony and smiled, just enjoying being with Angel in Rome.
For a few moments, she would let reality fade and live in her fantasy world
for just awhile longer. A world where Angel was hers and they were in love.
Content, she relaxed into a peaceful silence sitting beside him.
