
Author: Inell

Disclaimer: Joss owns them all

Pairing: Willow/Angelus

Rating: NC17

Summary: Willow and Angelus have a conversation during Orpheus

Warning: Reference to past rape. This is a darker fic with angst and smut.

To: Shanna For the Buffy ficathon. Hope this is sort of what you wanted! Angelus just isn't a happy kinda guy so I'm sorry if it's too dark.

Challenge 3: Set during the Orpheus episode. I would like to see a conversation/ confrontation between Willow and Angelus when she arrives to resoul him. *I wrote this during that episode and then it veered out of canon. I also tried to keep references to events that fit within canon*




Willow followed Wesley into the room where they were keeping Angelus. She glanced around quickly, making a mental note of everything in the room before looking at Wesley. It was little surprise that Angelus had stopped pacing and was looking at them. She could feel his eyes moving over her body, her skin crawling as he analyzed her, noted her weaknesses and strengths, then mentally undressed her all with one sweep of his dark brown eyes. Had she looked at him, she would have seen the smirk on his lips and the amusement at realizing the little witch was Wesley's big plan on how to get rid of him.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" Wesley asked quietly, searching Willow's eyes as he whispered, "He's not very pleasant, Willow. I wouldn't want him to upset you."

"It's okay, Wesley, but thank you," Willow smiled sweetly, finding it a bit odd to be around people that had some strange inclination to protect her from the big bad evil. Buffy and the others knew without a doubt that she could take care of herself, the memories of her descent into darkness the previous summer always lurking somewhere in the back of their eyes whenever they spoke to her. She had been told that everyone makes mistakes and that they loved her and were there for her. Oddly enough, their words were sincere. It hadn't been easy to get over the entire 'nearly destroying the world' thing and she would never get over murdering Warren, but she was doing well. She had a purpose again, helping fight the First and dealing with the Potentials, and that had given her something to focus her energies on so that she could move forward.

When she had received the phone call from LA, telling her about Angelus being back, she had been in the car before Fred could finish talking. Angelus was unpredictable and dangerous and could very well be the only thing that tempted her to once again embrace the darkest magics. Willow had wasted no time getting to LA to remove the threat of Angelus, knowing that the gang in Los Angeles needed Angel to deal with the problems they were facing and that she was needed back in Sunnydale.

Luckily, she had studied various spells that could be used should Angelus find his way back, so she knew exactly what needed to be done to prevent this from happening again. Unlike the previous soul restoration she had performed, this time it was going to be permanent. It was a dark spell, a bit dangerous, but it was worth the risk to give Angel some sort of peace and to bind Angelus so that he would never again take control. Willow watched Wesley leave, moving to lock the door behind him, knowing she could not have any interruptions. Turning around, the redhead ignored Angelus and moved to a small table. She began to remove the contents of her bag, mentally going through her list to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything.

"Well, well, well, alone at last," Angelus drawled lazily, his dark eyes watching the petite redhead that he'd not seen in five years. She hadn't changed much. Her hair fell down her back in vivid strands of red that obviously came from a bottle. He recalled the long locks that had been a glorious auburn when he had first returned, the shy girl allowing her hair to cover her face to hide from the world. Now, her hair was brushed away from her face, letting him see the lines of her forehead and cheeks, his fingers itching for a sketch-pad and charcoal. The girl was too thin and there were circles beneath her eyes, her skin pale, nearly a foot shorter than his tall frame. She was fragile and scared and he was going to enjoy breaking her. Again.

"Now that's just rude, Willow," he smirked as she ignored him, stalking towards the bars of this makeshift cell and lowering his voice, "After everything we shared, do you honestly think you can pretend I don't exist?"

Willow tightened her grip on the jar of cloves, memories assaulting her mind as he huskily spoke of events that she had done her best to forget. Green eyes closed as she centered herself, counting silently, not letting him get under her skin. It had been five years. Five years since he had returned and gone after Buffy. Five years since he had caught her walking home and taken her to her own room before raping her violently and cruelly. He had been her first, taking her virginity from her, making her bleed and hurt and attacking her with his words, that sexy voice telling her how worthless she was, how ugly she was, how no man would ever want her, what a good fuck she was, how all she'd ever be was his whore.

She had never told anyone about that night or the ones that had followed. She hadn't even discussed it with Angel when he had returned though she knew he remembered what Angelus had done during those long months. It was in his eyes whenever he looked at her, guilt and pity and desire. He was a demon, after all, and even with a soul he found it arousing, remembering her body and the sounds she made and what Angelus had forced her to do and had done to her. Willow avoided thinking about those months, knowing that she had done what was necessary to survive. There had been no doubt in her mind that first night that Angelus planned to kill her. He'd gone after her at the school and his plans had been ruined so he'd made different plans, more painful for her and more enjoyable for him.

He was a sadistic bastard that liked to hurt, liked to break, liked the chase. Willow had not cried out or sobbed as he had brutally raped her, she had remained silent and screamed on the inside, knowing enough about Angelus to know how to survive. She had done research on him since learning about the soul, had read the Watcher Diaries and various references to the dark-haired vampire that had spent a century causing pain and misery and death wherever he went. Her impromptu plan had worked. Angelus had been intrigued by her silence, annoyed that she had not begged him, determined to break her. That had begun his game, stalking her and raping her and even attempting to seduce her as a way to get her under his influence so that he could destroy her.

Willow had proven to be stronger than she'd ever realized, taking everything he did to her and just letting her mind wander while he used her body and ignoring what he said, never giving him the satisfaction of participating. And while he had been preoccupied with going after Buffy and playing his twisted games with her, she had searched every book for a way to destroy him. Finding the disk with the soul restoration had been a Godsend, giving her exactly what she needed to get rid of Angelus and stop his games. When he was gone, she had finally let go, curling up in her bed and crying and screaming over everything that had happened.

Her body still bore scars of those months, an A on her upper thigh that he'd cut into her flesh to mark her as his, faint whip marks on her back that had never fully healed, bite marks on her breasts and collar bone. She had never allowed Oz to see her naked and had never been comfortable with him touching her, their very few times making love occurring in darkness and not taking very long. She couldn't stand having him inside her, always hearing Angelus' voice in her ear as he'd fucked her hard and roughly. It was little surprise that her relationship with Oz had ended, though she wished now that she had been the one to end it from the first, knowing it hadn't been fair to either of them when she hadn't been ready for physical and emotional connections.

Tara had known the truth. Willow had confessed it all one night before they had ever made love, silent tears on her cheeks as she told the pretty blonde witch about the nightmares and those horrible days during her Junior year at high school. Tara had been so gentle, soft kisses and tender caresses. She had kissed every scar, whispering words of love and telling Willow how beautiful she was, her words gradually replacing Angelus' lashing insults. And now Tara was gone. The redhead knew that there was little chance that she would ever find anyone that she loved as much as Tara, that she would find anyone that really understood what had happened and could accept her.

Kennedy was suffocating her with advances and leers and driving her to the point of seriously telling her to go fuck herself instead of attempting to be polite about declining her advances. There was no connection between them at all. Kennedy was a cute kid, spoiled and riding high on the power of being a slayer, and would never be able to understand what Willow had been through, to share the burden of nightmares and insecurity. There was another, though, that seemed to understand, seemed to realize what Willow had become so adept at hiding.

Brilliant blue eyes that had been looking at her more and more often with an acceptance and curiosity in their depths. It wasn't the time to do anything about it, though, so Willow simply looked at Spike before looking away. Perhaps they could talk once the First was defeated, when things calmed down, when they were in a position to help one another heal. Tonight was going to be the final step on her path for closure. She had made that decision on the drive down to Los Angelus, knowing that it was time to deal with what had happened and put it to rest.

"I will not be ignored, little girl," Angelus said sharply, his eyes gleaming dangerously as he glared at her back.

"Do be quiet," Willow scolded softly, pleased that her voice was strong and not at all scared or hesitant.

"Still the same polite awkward little mouse," Angelus replied, frowning when she continued on as if he had not spoken. "Did you miss me, girl? I've missed you. The feeling of that tight pussy clenching around my cock, the feeling of those full lips wrapped around my erection, the scent of fear and arousal and the guilt in your eyes as you eagerly spread your legs and begged me to fuck you with those gorgeous green eyes. I make Him remember when he's asleep, you know? The taste of your blood and your innocence lingers on my tongue even now. The memory of your face twisted in pain with silent tears on your cheeks is enough to make me hard. I'm going to see you that way again, Red. I'm going to get out of this cage and I'm going to find you and you're going to be mine again. You're my whore, I've marked you, and you'll never be anything else."

"Do you enjoy hearing yourself talk?" Willow asked politely, her eyes flashing black as she heard his words and felt anger spreading over her. He obviously had no idea that she was no longer the timid girl she had once been. Instead of being afraid of him, she found him somewhat amusing. Talking and threatening like some blustery jerk, his danger still there but she was now more dangerous than he ever could be, having enough power to remove him from this plane with a few words and a crook of her finger. That knowledge gave her confidence, something she was going to need to face him, to face the demon from her past so that she could move on.

"I can smell your fear," he snarled as he moved against the bars, shaking them and wishing he could get past them so he could remind that little bitch where she belonged. He smirked as he recalled some vague memory from Him, "So I heard that you couldn't find any man to please you as much as I did so you had to find yourself some little whore of your own. Does she kneel at your feet and lick that sweet pussy? You know she can never give you what I gave you. When I get out of here, I'm going to fuck you right in front of her and then I'm going to break her as you watch. Fuck her tight cunt and throat raw until she rues the day she ever met you. I told you that you were mine and that I don't like to share."

"You will never speak about her again," Willow said tightly, her words threatening as her eyes slowly became black, "you don't deserve to even think about her."

"Hit a nerve, did I?" Angelus taunted gleefully, pleased that he had finally found something to get to the little witch. His smile faded as she turned around, her eyes narrowed and her lips curved into an evil smile. For the first time in over two centuries, Angelus felt afraid. Scared of this little redheaded witch that he had tortured for months and had far more power than he'd ever assumed.

"You want to play, Angelus?" Willow arched a brow as she smiled, "Let's play."

The slim redhead moved to the door of the cell, her hand moving over the lock, her eyes never leaving his as she muttered a few words and the door swung open. He was backing away from her now, doing his best to act brave and unaffected but she could see it in his eyes. He was afraid. Fear was powerful, the witch knowing that he had gotten off on the fear that had been in her eyes when he'd raped her that first time and the times after. Even as she had vowed to never break, she hadn't been able to control the fear and he had thrived on it, loved her fear and her tears, often telling her how they pleased him. She wanted fear in his eyes, wanted him to feel like she had felt when he had taken away any chance she had at having a somewhat normal and happy life.

"What are you doing?" he demanded, his eyes calculating the space between him and the open cage door, giving her a brave glare even as he felt himself beginning to cower from the magic surrounding her.

"It's called closure," she said brightly, her eyes fading to their normal green as she reigned in control of her power. Willow moved closer, watching him back up until he reached the wall. She moved her hand across his cheek, letting her nails scratch him, her eyes on his as her hand drifted down to squeeze his obvious erection, "You like this, don't you, Angelus? Like being used like the whore you are, nothing but a hard cock and long tongue. My very own fuck toy, aroused and ready. You're pathetic. What would the other demons say if they saw you cowering like a scared little boy with your cock hard?"

"Get away from me," Angelus growled as he started to push her. With one flick of her wrist, he found himself hurled to the bed, landing on his stomach. He struggled to sit up, wanting to get away from her and her cold, knowing eyes and that sexy voice.

"Going somewhere?" she teased as she said a few words, watching with satisfaction as his clothes were ripped from his body and he was soon on his back with his arms and legs secured with the ripped cloth. She mused thoughtfully, "I always knew that spell would come in handy some time."

"Fuck you, bitch," he snarled as he fought the bonds securing him to the small bed. Dark eyes watched her strip, noticing the marks on her body, "You're still mine, little girl. You can play whatever games you want with your magic, but, without it, we both know I'd be fucking you so hard you couldn't breathe right now. I'm still stronger and you'll always be my whore, Willow."

"Without your demon, you'd be kneeling at my feet begging me to touch you," she said simply as she moved towards him. "You're a weak, lazy, worthless piece of shit, Angelus. You always were and you always will be nothing more than a drunk whore that likes to be controlled. You talk to much."

With her final words, she straddled his face, rubbing her pussy against him. She bit her lip when his tongue suddenly delved into her depths, his nose moving against her clit as he feasted on her, her juices slowly beginning to flow as she rode his tongue. The lithe redhead moved off his face, her eyes narrowed as she looked at him, seeing the arousal in his eyes coupled with the fear. She moved down his body, her hand gripping his erection before she plunged down. His cock stretched her as she began to move, his hips arching up and pounding into her, a smug smile on his lips as he seemed to believe he had regained control of the situation.

"You changed my future the first time you raped me," Willow said lowly, her eyes looking into his as she rode him hard, "you took away the possibilities of my future, killed the girl that I was with just one thrust of your cock. Tonight, it's my turn."

"You like my cock, whore," he hissed, "you're soaking wet and you always were. You wanted me to fuck you, loved having me inside you. You loved feeling my seed in your pussy or your throat or your ass. And you're fucking me now because you missed it, you need it, you want my come in you."

"You're pathetic," Willow told him, her muscles squeezing around him, needing him to come before she got too nauseous to continue this, her stomach feeling sick at having him inside her again. He arched up, groaning as he came, giving her what she was waiting for. The redhead moved her hand over his heart and smiled as their eyes met, his cock spasming inside her as he came. "Goodbye, Angelus," she whispered before she said the words of the spell, feeling energy coursing through her as she channeled his soul, pulling it back and putting it back into him.

"No!" Angelus screamed as his body arched up, pain consuming him as he felt the soul taking over. The demon was being secured so tightly, he realized this was permanent, that he would never again taste freedom or have influence over Him. She was removing any hope for escape, her green eyes watching him closely as she smiled softly. He growled as he slowly closed his eyes and gave in to the darkness.

Willow sighed as Angelus collapsed beneath her. She quickly moved off of him, her hands reaching for the sheet so she could remove his seed from her. Tears were on her cheeks as she looked at him, finally truly relaxing for the first time in five years. It had worked. She had felt his soul and seen the moment of recognition in his eyes as he realized that she had destroyed his chances of happiness just as he had to her. The redhead quickly got dressed, noticing the dark-haired vampire moving.

She walked towards the bed, watching his eyes open slightly, Angel looking at her, the soul evident in his dark eyes.

"I'm sorry," he whispered hoarsely, finally saying what he had wanted to say since returning the first time.

"Shh," Willow put her fingers against his lips and smiled softly, letting him know that it was the past. She had her closure, knew that Angelus would never return, and realized that she could now try to be happy again. She leaned forward and brushed her lips against his forehead, softly saying, "Sleep well, Angel. It's over now."

*the end *
