Title: Corrupting Innocence
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Kiss or Kill <http://members.fortunecity.com/kissorkill> Anyone
that has permission, take. Otherwise, just ask
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Faith/Angelus


Willow cried out as she felt Angelus' hand on her breast. She looked at
Faith, watching the former slayer run her hands over her leg as her dark eyes
watched Willow's face. Willow felt strong fingers on her face as Angelus
moved her to face him. His mouth claimed hers, his tongue sweeping into her
mouth and taking possession of her senses. She whimpered, moving against him.
She felt Faith's hands on hers, binding them tightly to the headboard. She
felt a moment panic, knowing there was no escape now. The binding was too
tight, no looseness at all. She felt Angelus' hands on her breasts, kneading
them roughly as Faith's fingernails trailed down her arm. She was burning up,
her senses on overload.

Faith smiled down at her sire and the redhead that had been her obsession for
months. They looked beautiful together, red and black, both pale and
gorgeous. She ran her fingers over Willow's pert breast, twisting the nipple
before moving lower. Such pretty little nipples, rosey and hard. She licked
her lips, moving down Willow's flat stomach and briefly touching the girl's
wetness before continuing down her legs. Faith finally moved between the
human's legs, pushing them wide to each side before leaning over and enhaling
the sweet scent of Willow's arousal. She felt a rush of desire race over her,
causing her to look at her sire, hoping he would not deny her this. She moved
her hand to his back, hearing him growl as he looked back at her, his eyes
flashing yellow from being disturbed.

"What?" he hissed.

"May I?" she asked, wondering if her eyes were begging as much as her voice
was at that moment.

His smile softened slightly, hearing the need in her voice. She had asked
permission, something that rather surprised him. "Yes, you may," he replied
before attacking Willow's mouth again. She tasted so intoxicating, so warm,
so willing. What little hesitation she had felt had been forgotten as soon as
their lips had touched. Her body had relaxed against his, arching up for
more. He heard her gasp against his tongue, knowing that Faith was tasting
her. He felt a moment of jealousy, knowing his childe was tasting their
redhead before him, but he knew that he was going to make her his, so he
didn't mind sharing.

Willow's fingers curled against her palm, digging into the skin so deeply she
knew she must be drawing blood. Angelus was teasing her, his tongue sweeping
along her lips and face before claiming her mouth again. She felt Faith's
tongue on her cunt, the slayer licking softly along her lips before blowing
cool air on her clit. She wasn't sure how Faith was getting the air, but her
body didn't care. She was going insane, just wanting something to ease this
ache that was overtaking her entire body. She had never felt like this
before, not even during the middle of the night when her own hands had
caressed her body as images of something very similiar to this had filled her

Angelus smelled the blood, his cock throbbing as he ran his tongue along her
arm, tasting the small drops her fingernails had drawn. He felt her body arch
against his, her breasts pushing against his hard chest as he lazily lapped
at her bloody palm. He moved from his position, knowing he had to have her
mouth wrapped around his cock. He wanted to feel her warmth surrounding him.
He moved his finger along her lips, watching her dazed eyes clear as she saw
his cock. She gulped, her lips parting slightly as he stroked his length, his
dark eyes on her face. He glanced down her body, seeing Faith's head buried
between her thighs, his childe's arousal thick in the air along with
Willow's. It was the sweetest smell, their unique scents mingling to form a
perfume that he wanted to smell for eternity. He heard a whimper and looked
down into those green depths, smiling as he saw her straining against the
bindings as her body writhed on the bed. Sweat dripped from her face and body
as he watched a random drop slide down her rib cage and pool in her belly
button. Leaning over, he ran his tongue over it, his hand still stroking his
erection. He heard her beg softly, glancing up from his position on her
stomach to see her eyeing his cock. Smiling, he moved back towards her face,
getting into a comfortable position that allowed her mouth to reach him
without putting too much strain on her arms.

Willow felt the tip of his cock brush against her lips, a cool liquid coating
them as he moved it along her bottom lip. She ran her tongue over her lips,
opening her mouth to take him inside. She had no idea what to do, but assumed
she was doing all right when she heard him groan softly. She opened wider,
allowing him to sink more of his length into her warmth. She ran her tongue
over him, caressing him as she began to thrust against Faith's face. She felt
a finger enter her as fangs scraped against her clit. She pulled back from
Angel's thrusting cock and cried out, her body reeling as an orgasm rocked
her body. She lay on the pillow panting and gasping for breath as Faith
continued to lick her and push more fingers into her. She glanced at Angelus,
seeing him watching her and Faith as his hand continued to stroke his cock,
now wet with saliva and pre-cum.

"Enough," Angelus said quietly, his tone giving Faith no room to object.
Faith moved from between Willow's thighs, her face coated with juices and a
large smile.

"She tastes fantastic," Faith said, smiling as she continued to rub her own
cunt. "I could taste her for hours."

"Let me taste," Angelus said, his hand snaking around his childe's head and
kissing her deeply. His hand reached down, pushing her hand out of the way as
he began to thrust three fingers into her cunt, his thumb dancing across her
clit as he kissed her deeply. Feeling her begin to contract against his hand,
he pulled back, sinking his teeth into her neck as she cried out in release.
Pulling up, he grinned, her blood on his lips. "You're right. She tastes
wonderful. I wonder how she will feel."

"Why don't you find out?" she offered, moving to Willow's side and forcing
the girl's legs open. She glanced at Willow, smiling as she looked at the
redhead that had appeared so untouchable and aloof. Fire burned inside the
girl, so hot she could almost feel it. Good thing she liked playing with
fire. She always like the possibility of getting burned. Made it all the more
fun. "Fuck her, Angelus. Make her scream. For me?"

Angelus smiled as he looked at the redhead, seeing the desire and lust in her
eyes as she pulled against her bonds. Laughing huskily, he moved between her
legs, pushing her legs up as he leaned over, whispering against her mouth, "I
think I can arrange that," before he kissed her deeply, Faith's hands on his
ass and back.
