Title: Devil In Disguise
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Kiss or Kill http://members.fortunecity.com/kissorkill Anyone
else, just ask
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Angelus
Feedback would make me smile.
Much requested sequel to Teen Angel. :)


It was only after Willow was laying on the couch, her head resting on Angel's
chest, that his words penetrated her lust driven mind. She frowned, thinking
about what he had said. She struggled to understand what had happened to him,
no answers forthcoming in her mind.

"What are you thinking about?" his husky voice sent shivers down her spine.

She looked up into his dark eyes, noticing the subtle differences.
"Earlier...you said to call you Angelus. Why?"

His hand drifted lazily over her shoulder. "That's my name."

"But...why not Angel?" she asked, needing to understand.

"I'm not Angel" he said softly, his hands ready to hold her down if she tried
to run from him.

She smiled, "What are you talking about?"

"The soul" he said, his eyes watching hers. He saw her eyes widen as she
began to understand what he was saying. "It's gone."

"No" she said, shaking her head slowly. "It can't be. How?"

"I have no idea" he replied honestly. "I was making love with you when I felt
it leave. My demon was able to take control again. I was normal again."

"Normal?" she said, "Normal is killing for fun and joy for you. Why do I not
like the sound of that?"

"Shhh" he said, smiling slightly. "I was past that excess even before the
curse. I kill for food or if someone pisses me off or hurts what is mine.
Don't worry about me stalking your little friends or anything. If they leave
me alone, I can tolerate their living."

"But the first time Xander pisses you off, he's dead" Willow said quietly.
She was confused. She still loved Angel...Angelus...whatever he called
himself. But could she love him now that he had lost his soul? Would he
change or would it be as he said?

"For you, I could even put up with him" Angelus said honestly. "For a bit."

"I just don't know" Willow said softly, looking at his chest. She looked up
and saw that his face was tense, his eyes dark. "I love you Angelus. Soul or
not. But, can you honestly tell me that your demon is going to allow Buffy
and the others to live?"

"I can honestly tell you that I don't plan to harm them unless they hurt you"
Angelus said, his fingers brushing her hair from her eyes.

Willow sighed, knowing that she could not give him up so soon after finding
him. "I guess that will have to do for now."

He smiled, kissing her forehead. "I love you Willow. You're mine."

"Lucky me" she said softly, smiling into his eyes as she leaned forward to
kiss him.
