Title: Devil In Disguise
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Kiss or Kill <http://members.fortunecity.com/kissorkill> Anyone
else, just ask
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Angelus
Feedback is necessary today. I must have it to write more.....
Sequel to Teen Angel


"Daddy!" the enthusiastic call made Willow look up in surprise. She saw a
beautiful dark haired woman run and hug Angelus. This must be Drusilla. The
woman looked at her, a welcoming smile on her face. "You must be my new
Mummy. Oh, I'm so happy to finally meet you."

Willow heard Angelus cover his laughter as Dru indeed refer to her as Mummy.
"Um....I'm Willow."

"Drusilla" the woman said, smiling even wider. "Pleased to meet you. You
brought my Daddy back. I love you."

"Th..th..that's nice" Willow stumbled, not really knowing what to say. She
looked to her right as she heard an amused laugh. She saw a handsome man
standing there, his blue eyes sparking with mischief. She found herself
smiling at him instantly. She heard Angelus growl slightly, looking at her
lover in surprise.

"Spike." Angelus warned, knowing he would have to make sure his childe knew
Willow was not for sharing.

"Dad" Spike said, winking at his sire. "Sis told me you'd be home for
Christmas. Guess I should know not to doubt her anymore."

"You knew, Princess?" Angelus asked, seeing his daughter nod.

"Yes. The stars told me that the angel would help. She did help, too, didn't
she Daddy?"

"Angel?" Willow said softly, her eyes widening. "Katie? She knew about this?"

"She knew you two belonged together" Drusilla said simply, taking Willow's
warm hand. She could see the kindness and intelligence in her mother's eyes
and smiled. Yes, they would be keeping her. "Come along, Mum. You can meet
Miss Edith. She's been dying to meet you."

Angelus watched Willow being pulled away by Drusilla and smiled softly. She
was so beautiful. He could already tell she was going to be wonderful with
Dru. He heard a chuckle and frowned, facing Spike. "What?"

"You" he said, laughing at his sire. "You look like a besotted beau. Almost
human in fact."

"Spike, just shut up" Angelus said, moving to follow Willow.

"Oooh...them's fighting words, sire" Spike said, his tone still amused.

"Don't make me remind you who the sire is" Angelus threatened, a slight smile
crossing his face as he fought with his favorite childe. He had missed these

"Promises promises" Spike teased, moving to follow where the girls had gone.
"Nice to have you home, Dad" he called over his shoulder as he headed towards
Dru's room.

"Nice to be home" Angelus said softly, a smile on his face as he followed.
