
Author: Inell

Disclaimer: Joss owns them all

Rating: NC17

Pairing: Willow/Angelus

Summary: Angelus returns to Sunndale for Willow

Feedback: is inspiring and motivating

A/N: For Kat…Happy birthday, darling! Hope you enjoy it!




Willow Rosenberg looked around the room that had once been hers with eyes that had seen far too much for one so young. The slender redhead moved her finger across the top of the dresser, not surprised to find a coating of dust across the tip. She hadn't been in her family home since before Tara had died, stopping by to check on things before going back to Buffy's. A lot had happened in that time. She'd lost Tara, killed a man, been to England, and was now attempting to redeem herself for that moment of stupidity the previous summer. She had come to her old home because she needed a break. She needed to escape the constant suspicious looks until her magic was needed, the loud chattering of all the Potentials, the stifling atmosphere that felt as if she were going to suffocate.

So she had come home, though that word was not appropriate for the house where she had grown up. It had never been a home, merely a place to reside until she was old enough to make a home of her own. She was pulled from her musings by a sound on her balcony. Turning her head slightly, her eyes narrowed as she quickly waved her hand and said the words to open the door so she wouldn't have to go investigate. What she saw standing there caused her breath to catch and her pulse to race.

"Hello, darling," was the lazy drawl that greeted her astonished disbelief. "Did ya miss me?"

"Angelus," Willow whispered as she stared at the handsome vampire, knowing instantly that this was not Angel, the friendly souled vampire. Oh no, this was the evil and dangerous and sexy unsouled vampire that she had honestly never expected to see again.

"Did you miss me, pretty pet?" he asked as his dark brown eyes caught hers, his lips curving into a smug smile as he saw the answer in her green eyes. He scolded her, "You do realize that I am going to have to punish you for resouling me, though I must thank you for preventing me from destroying the world. What can I say? I was caught up in the moment. You understand that don't you, Willow?"

"Yes," she said softly, her eyes watching him carefully, trying to anticipate his next move.

"What is it you're wanting to ask me?" he arched a brow, "I can see the curiosity in those pretty green eyes."

"How?" she replied immediately before he had a chance to change his mind about allowing her to ask him a question.

"Those imbeciles in Los Angeles released me," Angelus snorted, "They actually seemed to believe that they could control me. I would have killed them all, but I believe it is far more torturous forcing them to live with their own stupidity."

"Why are you here?" she nervously nibbled on her bottom lip, watching his eyes following the movement, darkening until they were nearly black before he looked at her again.

"You know why," he told her as he walked closer, his hand tangling in her hair as he forced her head back. Staring into her eyes, he smiled, "I came for what's mine."

"Oh God," Willow whispered as her body reacted, pressing against him as his left hand moved along her back. She listened as he ripped her skirt, his long fingers brushing over the mark on lower abdomen, right above her auburn curls, that marked her as his.

"I've missed you, Willow," he muttered before his lips crashed down on hers, his fingers moving into her panties and finding her soaking all ready. There was no pretense of foreplay or taking things slowly for either of them. It had been too long, far too long. The vampire thrust fingers into her wet pussy as he ravished her mouth, feeling as if he was finally home.

Their relationship had started shortly after he'd lost the soul five years before, his obsession with hurting the Slayer causing him to seek out the shy little redhead that she called best friend. Only, once he had Willow, who was fighting him and refusing to meekly allow him to rape her and kill her, he realized that there were far more interesting ways to play with the intelligent girl. The rape had become a seduction, and, try as she might to fight it, she was aroused and just as attracted as he was. That had begun their affair, him splitting his time between making Buffy's life miserable and fucking her best friend. He could have used Willow to get to the slayer, but he was a selfish bastard and had no interest in sharing the details of his mating with the redhead.

He had eventually been forced to reside in a cage after she gave the soul back to that wanker Angel, who longed for her in a way she never realized due to having the memories of her complete acceptance and devotion and love. Angelus did not love, honestly didn't really care about anything except himself and his needs, but the closest thing to emotions that he did feel were for this gorgeous creature before him. When he had been released this time, his first thought was to get to Willow, to take her away and turn her and create a new life with his true mate. As soon as he had managed to escape those morons in LA, he had been in a car headed for Sunnydale.

He knew she had had lovers since him, knew that he would eventually punish her for daring love someone other than him as well as for recursing him with that blasted soul for the last five years, but that could wait until they were far away and he could devote hours to simply enjoying her pain and desire. His pretty little witch liked it rough, enjoying a spot of pain and torment with her pleasure, and that was just another reason she was perfect for him. Oh, he wasn't always rough nor did she always like it that way, but he was a demon and tended to like playing and pain and begging so her acceptance of her baser desires made it an ideal situation for them both.

She was stronger than she had been, tasting of magic and death and remorse. He had heard what she had done, heard that she, too, came close to destroying the world, and he was pleased that his mate had such power, finding it dangerous and exciting and wondering if she was how she had felt all those years ago when they first got involved and she considered him an evil monster. She was older, her eyes having lost some of their innocent optimism, her hair falling down her back in a beautiful shade of red that complimented her pale flesh and green eyes, her frame too thin and giving an indication that she had not been eating properly. Still, she was the most enchanting creature he'd ever seen, especially when she started kissing him back.

Willow's hands moved over Angelus' shirt, fumbling with the buttons until it was unbuttoned and his bare chest was displayed. She scraped her fingernails across his chest, listening to him growl softly as his fingers pushed deeper into her soaking pussy. She was moving against his hand, her fingers twisting his hard nipples, kissing him back as she realized how much she had missed him and how happy she was to have him back. Their relationship had been a secret, no one knowing what she had done with him during those months he had been around except Angel.

The souled vampire had approached her during Senior year wanting to talk about it, but she had refused, explaining that it was something personal and private between her and Angelus. Yes, she knew there was a difference. Angel and Angelus were the same man, in some ways, but they were not identical. She did not want the controlled and guilt ridden Angel, she longed for the wicked and dangerous Angelus, the man that had claimed her and made her his before stupidly trying to end the world and forcing her to put the soul back. He had marked her, mentally and physically and emotionally, her relationships with Oz and Tara paling in comparison to the consuming lust and intense love she felt for Angelus, though she had cared for both her lovers in their own way. They just hadn't been able to do what Angelus did, hadn't been able to make her feel what he could.

Angelus felt her warm hand slide into his pants, her fingers gliding over his erect shaft, growling as she began to stroke him, his thumb brushing over her clit in rhythm with her strokes. She pulled her mouth from his, gasping for breath as her body tightened then exploded, her juices soaking his hand as she came with a soft cry. Once she had collected herself, she looked into his eyes and smiled that sexy smile before winking and moving to her knees. Before he'd had time to think, his pants were unzipped and her warm mouth was enveloping his cock. Fingers tangled in her hair as he began to move his hips, fucking her eager mouth, her tongue moving over his erection as she took into her throat.

Her hands moved over his ass, kneading and caressing the firm flesh as she moved her head against his thick cock, struggling to accept him all. It had been so long since she'd had a cock in her mouth, not performing this act for Oz because she somehow knew that Angelus would be upset about her sharing something that intimate with someone else. She had fucked Oz, had kissed him briefly, but she had never shared deep longing kisses or really explored the physical side of their relationship too much, which was probably why he had cheated on her. With Tara it was sweet and gentle, kisses and caresses, the blonde witch not as threatening to Angelus as Oz would have been.

Angelus pulled her mouth off his cock, reaching for her and tossing her on the bed. He removed his pants and shrugged his shirt off before moving over her body. Her clothes were gone within minutes, leaving her naked and bared to his hungry eyes. Without hesitation, he moved between her legs, sinking deep inside her wet cunt, her left leg on his shoulder as he penetrated her deeply. Her right leg moved around his leg and she arched up to meet his thrusts, her breathing ragged as he began to fuck her hard, his hands squeezing her perky breasts as he leaned forward and caught her lips in a passionate kiss. Her left leg moved from his shoulder when the position became too uncomfortable, moving behind his back and resting on his ass as she ground against his thrusting cock.

Willow could feel the tension building again, moving her lips from Angelus' and kissing his face and his neck, sucking the sensitive flesh into her mouth as she felt her orgasm approaching. She bit into his neck as she came, hearing his growl before his fangs pierced her neck, his seed spilling into her as her muscles milked him dry. He collapsed on top of her, his tongue lapping at the wound on her neck, his right hand possessively holding her breast as he looked into her eyes and smirked, whispering, "Mine."

"Yours," Willow agreed, knowing that he was back to stay this time, which meant she would be leaving Sunnydale. She felt no twinge of loss at the idea of leaving, not like she had five years ago when he mentioned taking her and his children and moving to Europe. She would discuss the possibility of remaining long enough to help her old friends defeat the First, knowing that action would give her the redemption she sought before she embarked on a new life with her lover, resolved to the fact that she would probably be turned as soon as Angelus got them settled, not mind the idea of being with her mate forever. She snuggled against him, smiling lovingly as she said, "Welcome home, Angelus."

*the end*
