Title: Not Forgotten
                Author: Inell
                Email: Inell13@w...
                Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
                Distribution: Usual Suspects
                Rating: R
                Pairing: Willow/Angel
                Feedback is my addiction. Give me my fix.
                Notes: A sequel to Night To Remember. I couldn't leave it like
                To Stasia, Kylia, Ann, and Elka.

                NOT FORGOTTEN (1/?)

                Angel started at the wall, lost in his thoughts. It had been almost four
                weeks since he had held Willow in his arms. He could still smell her.
                Her scent covered his sheets. He had refused to wash them until her
                scent completely faded away. He sighed, wondering what she was doing at
                that moment.

                He hadn't heard from her. Not a phone call. Not an email. Not even a
                postcard. She had forgotten him completely. He knew it was his fault. He
                had handled it all so badly. He had had four weeks to rethink every
                detail of that night. He knew she must hate him. She had given him her
                heart and he had refused to even go to Sunnydale to see her. He was a

                He heard a knocking on his door and frowned. Standing, he wondered where
                the hell Cordelia was. She was suppose to answer the door. He didn't
                want to talk to anyone. She had asked him about his mood, but he had
                declined answering her. He knew she was growing worried about him. The
                two of them had built a rather strong friendship over the last few
                months. He didn't want her to worry, but he couldn't talk about Willow.

                "What?" he asked, opening the door. His mouth dropped open as he looked
                at the girl facing him.

                "You bastard!" she said, hitting him across the face. She shoved him
                into the office, her eyes glinting with anger. "You stupid, stubborn,
                undead, unfeeling bastard. Get out of my way, I need some space."

                "That hurt" he said, holding his nose. He looked at her, shocked to feel
                nothing. Nothing but a nostalgic past love and loyalty. He watched her
                pacing as he played with his nose. It felt broken. He cursed softly,
                seeing the blood on his sweater. He saw her glaring at him and had to
                ask, "Why exactly are you here, Buffy?"
