Title: Not Forgotten
Author: Inell
Email: Inell13@webtv.net
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Usual Suspects
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Angel
Feedback: Would make me feel better.
Sequel to Night To Remember
Ok. How was it? I gave you all the sappy ending everyone wanted. :)


Angel studied her for several minutes before answering, "I never not
wanted you."

Spike snickered, "What the hell was that, Peaches? Thought you were the
eloquent one. The poetic heartthrob. Ha. What a bunch of baloney. You
never not wanted her? Puh-leez."

Angel heard Willow giggle and glared at Spike, "Leave. This doesn't
concern you."

"It's my place, mate. My girl. It concerns me." Spike said grinning

Angel counted to ten, wanting nothing more than to dust his stubborn
childe. "Fine. Shut up then."

"You can't tell me what to do anymore, Dad." Spike said, his words

Willow cleared her throat diverting their attention before they killed
each other. "Uh, I really don't want to have to vacuum one of you off of
the floor tonight."

Spike softened, smiling at her. "I'll be quiet, luv."

"Ha. That's a laugh" Angel said under his breath. He received a glare
from Willow. "Sorry. I meant to say that I never wanted you to leave. I
love you so much...I couldn't accept what you had to offer."

"Spike's right. You suck at this don't you?" Willow observed. She smiled
slightly at his pained expression.

"I'm trying damn it" Angel said, running a hand through his dark hair.
"I love you Willow. Losing you was the worst thing that has ever
happened to me...beside siring that wanker beside you that is."

"Boys...no fighting" Willow said, her hand on Spike's arm. "If it was so
awful, why did it take you this long to come for me?"

Angel shuffled on his feet, feeling very much like a scolded child. "I
didn't think you wanted me."

Spike snorted, "That would show good taste on her part."

"That is a terrible excuse!" she said.

"What? You left. No one made you get in the car" Angel said, adding
softly, "You never even rang."

"You were waiting for me to crawl back to you" Willow said simply. "It
ain't gonna happen mister. I love your stubborn non-eloquent ass, but I
will not beg."

"I think I may be sick" Spike observed dryly.

"Shut up" Willow and Angel both yelled at him. They faced each other,
each angry in their own way.

"No one said anything about begging. I would like to have known that you
didn't think it was a mistake..." Angel said, his eyes burning into

"Me? You're the one that refused to set foot in Sunnydale again. I
thought you were thinking about Buffy."

"He'd be an idiot to choose that bimbo over you, pet." Spike offered
helpfully. Remembering they were talking about Angel, he frowned, "Oh
wait. He is an idiot."

"Spike" Angel threated softly, his eyes flashing yellow.

"What? I'm trying to help" Spike insisted.

"You love me" Angel said, turning his attention back to Willow.

"And you love me." She said, slightly amazed.

They stood close, simply looking into each other's eyes for several
moments. Spike finally let out a groan, "Bloody hell. Why don't you just
kiss the girl for pete's sake!"

Angel smiled, "That's the first smart thing he's said...well, in

Willow smiled as she leaned up, her lips touching his. She was finally
back home, in his arms. The kiss was deepened as Spike made gagging

The blonde vampire smiled, chuckling knowingly as he went into his room
giving them privacy. Maybe Peaches wasn't as senile as he acted. He
hadn't let Willow go a second time. Maybe there was something to learn
from the old man after all. He thought about it a moment. Nah.

**********THE END**************
